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exam topic
1. Me and my family
1. A. My family
Talk about your relatives.
How often and what occasion do you meet?
What advantages and disadvantages are there if more generations living together?

1. B. Family holidays and traditions holidays

Which is your most favourite holiday and why?
What is an average Sunday like in your family?

2. My home and narrow environment

2.A. Residence
Why do you like living at your residence?
What would you change in your apartmant, if you could?
How do you share household chores and why?

2.B. Living Environment

Talk about the city, surrounding, the street where you live.
Introduce the most beautiful and most interesting parts of your residence and the sights.

3. The world of work, daily routine

3.A. Choosing a job
Talk about your chosen profession and job.
Describe your chosen workplace (tasks, colleagues, workplace atmosphere, etc.)

3.B. Your daily routine at school and at work

Are you an early bird or a night owl?
What time do you start and finish school / work?
Would you like to change? (job swap)
What would be ideal?
How do you spend your weekends?
Do you work or study at the weekend?
What is your opinion about studying / working at weekend?

4. The world of learning

4. A. My schools
Did you like going to school? Why (not)?
Talk about your favourite teachers and subjects.

4. B. Going on to higher education, career choice

How did you choose your career?
Who / what influenced your decision?
Is it better to study in Hungary or abroad and why?

5. Communication
5.A. Communication devices
What communication devices do you use and how often?
What effect do electronic devices have on human relations?

5.B. Learning foreign languages
What can motivate you to learning foreign language?
How good is the language teaching in school?
Is it enough or do you need to have some extra private lesson?

6. Contact with other people: private life and social life

6. A. Friends and acquaintances
Which are the most important characters in a new friend? Why?
What kind of people don't you like to make friends with? Why?

6. B. Keeping in touch in the past and nowadays

How do you keep in touch with your relatives acquaintances?
How has the communication opportunities changed in the last two decades?

7. Entertainment, culture
7.A. Freetime, hobbies
Where do you like relaxing at home or rather going out somewhere? Why?
What are some useful and not useful ways to spend your free time?

7. B. TV, cinema, theatre, music

Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the cinema? Why?
What advantages have the one and what the other?
Why (don't) people go to the cinema / theatre / concert?

8. Health, health promotion, sport

8. A. Healthy lifestyle
Do the Hungarian lead a healthy life? Why (not)?
What is your opinion about smoking and drinking alcohol?
How can people quit it?

8. B. Doing sport
What kind of summer sports and winter sports are popular in our country? Why?
Do you consider the everyday PE lesson good in the school?
Is it important to grade it?

9. Shopping and services

9. A. Shopping habits
What kind of shops do you have in your residence?
What is your favourite shop? Why?
Do you go to the market? Why (not)?
What do you like to buy? Why (not)?

9. B. Advertisment (commercial) and services

Do you like advertisments (on the street, on TV, on Internet, etc.)? or Does it bother you?
What services do you use? (post office, bank, hairdresser, beauty salon, mechanic, etc.)?

10. Meal

10. A. Eating habits
Where and what do you eat on weekdays and at the weekend?
Which is your favourite confectionery, cafe, restaurant? Why?

10. B. Eating at home, hospitality

Describe an avarage meal of your family.
Is it important for the family to eat together occasionally? Why (not)?
Tell me about an occasion when you hosted someone at your home or at a garden party.

11. Urban transport

11. A. Traveling to school or to work
How satisfied are you with the public transport at your residence? Why (not)?
What is worth more to drive or take a taxi or use public transport?
How expensive do you consider public transport?

11. B. Transport
Which is your favorite means of transport? Why?
What advice would you give to a foreigner about public transport, who is in Hungary at first time.

12. Travel
12. A. Ways of travel
What kind of long distance means of transport do you know?
Which one do you like to travel the most? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual travel and group travel?

12. B. Travel experiences

How often and where do you travel?
Where and how do you book accommodation?
What kind of trip do you prefer: vacation on the beach, mountain hiking or sightseeing? Why?

13. Our wider environment, the world of nature

13. A. Our environment and our weather
What have you recently read / hear about extreme weather phenomena?
What personal experiences do you have?
What do you think is the most dangerous for the environment?
What do you do to protect your environment at your home and in other places?

13. B. Natural environment: garden, excursion

Do you like gardening? Do you like take care of plants? Why (not)?
Do you like hiking alone or in company? Why?

14. Free time, hobbies and fashion and clothing (dressing)

14. A. Free time, hobbies
Do you prefer active or passive recreation (relaxation)? Why?
How has changed your attitude to hobbies and collection during your life?

14. B. Fashion, clothing (dressing)

What is your clothing style?
What kind of clothes do you like? What kind of clothes do not you like? Why?
What are your experiences with online shopping and second hand shops?

15. Hungary and an English speaking country
15. A. Hungary
What would you show to your foreign friend in Budapest or in Hungary? Why?
What are Hungary and the Hungarian famous for?

15. B. An English speaking country (The USA or the United Kingdom)

Compare an English speaking country (your chosen country) and Hungary (climate, culture, customs).
Would you like to live in that country? Why (not)?

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