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Affiliation of AAs - Criteria

2. Affiliation with other SSCs 3
3. Assessor Quality 3
4. Assessment Evidence3
5. Quality Assurance 3
5.1. Assessor approvals 3
5.2. Audits 3
6. SLA for result upload 4
1. Understanding of assessment platform

Assessment Platform of AA is discussed and a demonstration of the system is given to the sector by
the AA. The platform should have basic requirement such as

i. Randomization of questions

ii. Ability to display translated content on the UI

iii. Reporting features such as scores, PASS/FAIL status etc

1 Affiliation with other SSCs

AA should have affiliation with at least 3 other SSCs with good feedback from them.

2 Assessor Quality
Assessor empanelled by AA should have a minimum of 3 to 5 experience in the relevant QP and from
the industry. Assessors should be trained on conducting the assessment with thorough understanding
of QP, NOSs and PCs.

3 Assessment Evidence
Assessors should mandatorily capture evidence of

i. Conducing theory assessment

ii. Conducting practical assessment

iii. Record sample videos of assessment

iv. Capture 100% audio, video recording of assessment

v. Capture picture of all candidates with the assessors

vi. Sign required annexures with signature and seal of the TP

4 Quality Assurance
Following measures are taken to assure that delivery of assessments is high quality

4.1 Assessor approvals

1. Assessors must undergo TOA conducted by SCMS and clear the assessment to be assessors.
2. Assessors to have a minimum of 3 to 5 years in the relevant QP (Experience may vary
depending upon job roles)
3. Assessors are interviewed by experts empanelled by the sector. Only those assessors who pass
the interview are approved on SDMS
4. Periodic discussions are conducted with the assessors to understand if they are updated with
current knowledge of industry
4.2 Audits
Regular audits are conducted on the centres to ensure fair and ethical practices are followed by the AA

1. Audits are conducted by SSC team during assessments to check

a. If assessor is carrying valid ID card and approved
b. Attendance sheets are checked
c. If theory and practical assessments are conducted completely and in a fair manner
d. If there is no untoward understanding between TP and assessor
e. Candidates are spoken with separately to check the above point
2. AAs are asked to produce Annexures with relevant proof post assessment
3. Score sheets have to be produced by AA to SSC for approval before uploading on SDMS

5 SLA for result upload

AA has to upload results within 5 days of conducting assessments. This plays an important role in
future allocation of assessments to AA.

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