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Are there any illnesses or diseases of their own or that appear in adolescence?

Yes, eating disorders, obesity, substance use, asthma, menstrual disorders, unplanned

How often should a teenager be checked?

-It is recommended that you do it at least once a year: in the moments of spurt or rapid growth,
between 11 and 14 years it may be necessary to do it every six months.

At what age does it begin and at what age does adolescence end?

-It starts at 10 years old and ends at 20 years old. Its concept has been extended to 25 years and
those over 18 are called "emerging adults".

How should a doctor who cares for a teenager be chosen so that a good bond is created?

It is preferable to choose doctors with training in this specific field. However, the pediatrician who
accompanied the whole childhood can continue at this stage of the person if he so wishes.

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