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Activity No.

Erika Yoconda Clavijo Galviz (753500)

Anthony Jose Machado Romero (676939)


Jairo Alberto Cárdenas

Corporación universitaria Minuto de Dios

Specialization Gerencia de Riesgos Laborales, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Management Principles

NRC: 705



How do the stakeholders of Netflix differ from their competitors?

It differs in that Netflix stakeholders focus on the innovation of creative companies

and not on industrial companies that focus on errors and quality.

What do you think about the absence of policies such as vacations, travel, or expense

reimbursement? What are the downsides of not having such policies? What is Netflix

gaining as a result of not having them?

That allows the employee to focus on his creativity, breaking with the typical hiring

standards, schedules, among others; It also allows good quality of staff, since with the

benefits it offers, professional experts in different sectors are hired, which generates a good

functioning in the company.

One of the disadvantages may be the adaptation of staff to the new system (if there

are no policies).

Netflix wins with these non-policies that employees focus on improving their results

without pressure, improving the efficiency of each of the professionals.

Why does Netflix avoid using financial incentives other than stocks? Would instituting

bonuses and other incentives help better accomplish their mission? Why or why not?

By being employees and shareholders, Netflix ensures the best future for your


The use of bonuses and incentives helps fulfill the mission, as it encourages them to

give better results.

What do you think about companies eliminating performance appraisals?

What values does this practice seem to indicate are important to Netflix?

Without performance evaluations it is not possible to know the shortcomings of

employees and the efficiency and effectiveness of the company may be compromised.

Values that seem important are honesty, responsibility, respect and fairness.

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