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Green facades attract and lose less heat.

The plants also cause evaporation, which

helps keep the town or city�s climate cooler. Vertical vegetation is currently of
interest. For centuries certain climbing plants such as wisteria and virginia
creeper have been used to adorn building facades. In Germany the greening of walls
is called Architektentrost, as many failed designs have been hidden from sight
using vertical vegetation. Recently in the larger cities this vegetation is used
for many more purposes, such as capturing fine
particulate matter and contributing to the cooling of a city. The advantage is that
it takes up little space in an already intensively used urban area, while providing
many vertical metres of green. One should not forget that a climbing plant which
can cover a five story building in the span of a few years requires sufficient
space for its roots to remain healthy. The plant does not need much space on the
ground, but some space is required underground.
Three types of vegetation can be discerned:
Self-climbing plants, which climb using tendrils, twining stems or suckers;
Climbing plants that need a construction placed in front of the wall along which
they can grow and climb;
Hanging plants which grow from pots on the roof or balcony (these plants require
more care: fertiliser, water and protection against frost);
Green facade gardens, whereby plants grow upwards from pots fastened to the facade
or from a substrate attached to it. These are generally costly and fragile
solutions due to the intensive care and maintenance required, including regular
watering and fertilising. The question arises as to how sustainable these solutions
can be. They should only be applied in cases where plants cannot be put directly in
the earth at the base of a facade.
M�u xanh l� c�y facades thu h�t v� m?t �t nhi?t. C�c nh� m�y cung g�y ra bay hoi,
gi�p gi? cho th? tr?n ho?c m�t kh� h?u c?a th�nh ph?. Th?m th?c v?t theo chi?u d?c
hi?n t?i dang quan t�m. �?i v?i nhi?u th? k? leo l�n m?t s? nh� m�y nhu wisteria v�
Virginia creeper d� du?c s? d?ng d? adorn x�y d?ng facades. Trong �?c, c�c xanh c?a
b?c tu?ng du?c g?i l� architektentrost, nhu nhi?u thi?t k? th?t b?i d� du?c ?n t?
t?m nh�n b?ng c�ch s? d?ng th?m th?c v?t th?ng d?ng. G?n d�y t?i c�c th�nh ph? l?n
hon th?m th?c v?t n�y du?c s? d?ng cho nhi?u m?c d�ch hon, ch?ng h?n nhu thu gi? t?
h?t v?t ch?t v� g�p ph?n l�m m�t c?a m?t th�nh ph?. L?i th? l� n� chi?m �t kh�ng
gian trong m?t khu v?c d� th? d� du?c s? d?ng r?t s�u, trong khi cung c?p nhi?u d?c
m�t m�u xanh l� c�y. M?t kh�ng n�n qu�n r?ng m?t c�y leo m� c� th? bao g?m m?t x�y
d?ng nam c�u chuy?n trong kho?ng m?t v�i nam d�i h?i d? kh�ng gian cho r? c?a n� v?
n kh?e m?nh. Nh� m�y kh�ng c?n nhi?u kh�ng gian tr�n m?t d?t, nhung m?t s? kh�ng
gian du?c y�u c?u ng?m.
Ba lo?i th?c v?t c� th? du?c th?y r�:
T? leo c�y, m� leo l�n b?ng c�ch s? d?ng tendrils, Twining th�n c�y ho?c suckers;
Leo c�y tr?ng m� c?n m?t x�y d?ng du?c d?t ? ph�a tru?c c?a b?c tu?ng c�ng m� h? c�
th? ph�t tri?n v� leo l�n;
Treo c�y tr?ng m� ph�t tri?n t? ch?u tr�n m�i nh� ho?c ban c�ng (c�c nh� m�y n�y c?
n ph?i cham s�c nhi?u hon: ph�n b�n, nu?c v� b?o v? ch?ng suong);
Vu?n m?t ti?n xanh, theo d� c�c nh� m�y ph�t tri?n tr? l�n t? n?i fastened d?n m?t
ti?n ho?c t? m?t b? m?t g?n li?n v?i n�. ��y l� nh?ng th�ng thu?ng t?n k�m v� d? v?
c�c gi?i ph�p do s? cham s�c v� b?o du?ng chuy�n s�u c?n thi?t, bao g?m c? nu?c
thu?ng xuy�n v� fertilising. C�c c�u h?i ph�t sinh nhu th? n�o b?n v?ng c�c gi?i
ph�p n�y c� th? du?c. H? ch? n�n du?c �p d?ng trong tru?ng h?p c�c nh� m�y kh�ng
th? du?c d?t tr?c ti?p tr�n tr�i d?t t?i co s? c?a m?t m?t ti?n.

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