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Name : I Kadek Nanda Sanjaya

Number : 9

Class : X Mia 6

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

In every human life, there is always an unforgettable childhood experience at least. This journey
creates both good and bed stories. My unforgettable experience was two months ago when I went
to the zoo with my friends. we went there by public transportation. we went there on sunday
morning. we went there to refresh our minds for our busy schedule at school. my friend is very
scared of giraffes.

According to him, the giraffe has a neck that is too long. he can't understand if I say giraffe has a
lot of fans. so to prove that giraffes are cute and adorable animals, we bring sudi to the area. not
many giraffes. the first time yoga saw a giraffe shaking its body and suddenly we burst out
laughing at seeing yoga. we feed the giraffe. yoga sits far from us. he doesn't want to be close to
the giraffe. seeing yoga act like me, me and my friends have good ideas. we ask yoga to take one
leave and feed one giraffe. at first he didn't want to do that but after we persuaded him, he finally
wanted to do it. Yoga smiles when he approaches the giraffe and the giraffe doesn't eat yoga, it's
very funny. it was my unforgettable experience with my friends especially with yoga.

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