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Misr University for Science and Technology

Information Technology College

Sheet One

Question One. What does Multimedia stand for?

- MULTI : many or more than one.
- MEDIA : medium of communication.

Question Two. Define Multimedia.

- It is the use or presentation of data in two or more forms. The combination of audio and video in the old
televisions was the first multimedia application.

Question Three. List the application of multimedia.

- Creative industries
- Commercial
- Entertainment
- Engineering
- Mathematical and scientific research
- Medicine
- Education

Question Four. What is meant by bandwidth?

- It is a range within a band of frequencies or wavelengths, it is also the amount of data that can be
transmitted in a fixed amount of time.

Question Five. Put True/False

- Most of PCs have low data bandwidth available from a local hard disk or CD-ROM (False)
- Most of PCs have a data bandwidth which is cheap and readily available (True)
- Multimedia is the combination of audio and video (false)
- The humble television was probably the first multimedia application (True)
- Disk drive prices for 1 Gbyte drive have dropped by a factor of 10 about 2 years (True)
- The larger the digital representation, the finer the analog resolution and therefore the smaller the
quantization error (True)
- The fast converters are more expensive (True )
- The sound quality depends on its bandwidth (True)
- the higher the audio bandwidth, the greater the audio fidelity (True)

Question Six. What does WAN stand for?

- Wide Area Network.

Question Seven. List the requirements of multimedia.

- Demand from the consumer
- Compression techniques
- Processing power to handle the compression and decompression
- Standards
- Back channels to provide an interactive loop
- Bandwidth
- Internal distribution
Misr University for Science and Technology
Information Technology College


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