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Analysis Of Coronavirus

Research Proposal · March 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18356.60809


0 3,389

2 authors:

Vansh Jatana Prachi Rai

SRM Institute of Science and Technology ABES Engineering College


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Analysis On Coronavirus

Table of content

1 Current scenario

2 Age distribution of deceased

3 Gender distribution of deceased

4 Infection reason

5 State of patients

6 Affected places in world map

7 Patients distribution in city

8 Time for confirmation

9 Graphical representation of people test and confirmed


10 Prevention
Current Scenario

The accumulated confirmation count in South korea is increasing exponentially after

22nd of feb. Till the date 15th of feb 2020 it was negligible. There are many reason
for infection but most cases have similar reasons that they have visited to wuhan.
South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level" as confirmed case
numbers keep rising.South Korea has seen the largest number of confirmed cases
after China. More than 4,800 people have confirmed the infection of coronavirus.
As the data set says the western part of the country is more affected. Daegu and
Gyeongsangbukdo region of South Korea are highly infected by the coronavirus.
● Age distribution of deceased

Here, the graph shows the age distribution of the deceased by gender. We can
clearly see older people are more likely to be infected, especially older people with
underlying lung disease and having problems in their respiration. The age group of
60 to 70 yr are more infected than the rest of the population. As Dr. Steven
Gambert, professor of medicine and director of geriatrics at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine says “ Older people have higher risk of underlying
health conditions, older people are already under physical stress, and their immune
systems, even if not significantly compromised, simply do not have the same “ability
to fight viruses and bacteria”.

● Gender distribution of deceased

The graph shows the age distribution of deceased gender where men are more likely
to die from coronavirus than women. ​New research has found that men, particularly
middle-aged and older men, are having a harder time fighting off the virus than
women. Chinese researchers found that while the infection rate among men and
women is the same, the death rate among men is 2.8% compared with 1.7% for
As there are a few reasons men are more likely to die from the new coronavirus.
Women have a heightened immune response. During ​Middle East respiratory
syndrome coronavirus​ 32% of men died of the infection compared with 25.8% of
Infection reason

There are many effective reasons for the coronavirus infection. There is no specific
antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19. People with COVID-19 should
receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For severe cases, treatment
should include care to support vital organ functions.People who think they may have
been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately.
According to the dataset the major reason for the infection is being in contact with
patients. There are so many different reasons for the cause of infection which are
visits to countries and regions like daegu, wuhan, thailand, china, vietnam, italy.
State of patients
Current situation in South Korea is very critical. As the data set says out of 60
isolated people there are 15 who are released and 2-3 are deceased.

South Korea confirmed 4,800+ confirmed cases after the first case of coronavirus in
the country on January 20. At the moment, 31 patients were discharged from
hospitals after making a full recovery from the virus and 22 deaths are reported. In
total, over 105 thousand people have been tested until now.
Affected places in world map

On the world map it can clearly be seen that the western side of the country is more
affected. The number of cases from Daegu and Gyeongbuk accounts for almost 88
percent of the total infections. This is closely linked to a religious group called
Shincheonji Church of Jesus​ based in Daegu, where a collective infection has
occurred and is spreading throughout the country.​ ​About 60 percent of all infections
in South Korea were related to Shincheonji. There have also been several deaths
from a hospital linked to this religious group. The government of South Korea
announced that it will test all over 200 thousand members of the group for the
coronavirus. Over 70 countries are restricting entry from South korea. South Korea
has the most cases after China.

South Korea reported the first case on 19th of feb. ​The cases increased multifold on
21 February, the majority of them being reported in the city of Daegu. The increase
was due to community spread, traced to a church in Shincheonji, alarming the
Korean health authorities. Singapore too is facing a similar surge in community
spread of the novel coronavirus. Seoul city mayor Park Won-soon demanded to
prosecute some of the key leaders of the Shincheonji Church for hiding the identities
of the suspects during contact tracing investigation.The alert level was further raised
to Orange (Level 3) on 28 January. Furthermore, 29 national designated hospitals
were announced to isolate the confirmed and suspected cases​.
Patients distribution in city

As the data set says Gyeonggi-do has a maximum number of cases(35+). And Seoul
has the second largest number of cases. Similarly states like Incheon, Gangwon-do,
Daegu, Gwangju, Jeollabuk-do, jeollanam-do are having large numbers of cases.
The threat is so high that The crisis in Daegu and North Gyeongsang province
reached its peak and the whole country has entered a war against the infectious
disease,” Moon said, referring to the areas where the outbreak has been the worst.
Time for confirmation to release or death

As the suspects of coronavirus are kept under observation. After the observation it
has been found that the people who are released or who have great chances of
recovery had sustained 10-20 days in hospitals. On the other hand the people who
are deceased were found dead in 0-4 days.The deadly Coronavirus which has
spread to more than 70 countries, is wreaking havoc globally, killing over 3,000
people and infecting almost 90,000 people since first detected in China in December
last year. While Australia and the US reported their first deaths yesterday, Iran
reported the death of 66, Italy 34 and South Korea 22.
Graphical representation of people test and
confirmed cases

As the condition is very critical in South Korea nowadays. The graph shown here
represents the number of test cases over the number of confirmed cases date wise.
We can clearly see here upto date 28th of jan 2020 condition was under control but
after 28th of jan to 6th of feb there is a slight increase in graph. After 6th the graph
has been increased linearly for the test cases but remains zero for deceased. After
screening around 20,000 people it was found that around 200+ people were infected
. Current scenario is after around 10,000 screenings there are 4800+ people who are
infected by coronavirus.


To avoid the critical situation people are suggested to do following things

● Avoid contact with people who are sick.
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
● Stay home when you are sick.
● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular
● Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after going to the
bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand
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