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Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Nilai Tukar 60 11360.00 15202.50 13263.9333 867.14927

Suku Bunga 60 4.25 7.75 6.1187 1.36018

Inflasi 60 2.79 8.36 4.6678 1.69115

Pertumbuhan GDP 60 -2.07 4.21 1.2800 2.40400

IHSG 60 4223.91 6605.63 5351.2525 582.41487

Valid N (listwise) 60
Collinearity Statistics

Model Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant)

Nilai Tukar .705 1.418

Suku Bunga .441 2.267

Inflasi .405 2.469

Pertumbuhan GDP .996 1.004

a. Dependent Variable: IHSG


Model t Sig.
1 (Constant) 7.130 .000

Nilai Tukar .220 .826

Suku Bunga -6.202 .000

Inflasi -.065 .949

Pertumbuhan GDP -.426 .672

a. Dependent Variable: IHSG

Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .790 .624 .597 369.75959 .223
a. Predictors: (Constant), Pertumbuhan GDP, Suku Bunga, Nilai Tukar, Inflasi
b. Dependent Variable: IHSG
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 7204.345 1010.394 7.130 .000

Nilai Tukar .015 .066 .022 .220 .826

Suku Bunga -330.461 53.283 -.772 -6.202 .000

Inflasi -2.896 44.727 -.008 -.065 .949

Pertumbuhan GDP -8.544 20.062 -.035 -.426 .672

a. Dependent Variable: IHSG

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 12493499.420 4 3123374.855 22.845 .000b
Residual 7519718.682 55 136722.158
Total 20013218.102 59
a. Dependent Variable: IHSG
b. Predictors: (Constant), Pertumbuhan GDP, Suku Bunga, Nilai Tukar, Inflasi

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