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Date - March 28, 2020

Dear Students,

As all of us have been going through the ongoing situation of CoronaVirus Pandemic and the
associated fear due to the situation is very taxing for our minds in terms of Placements and
I have noticed that you, the third-year students, are afraid about the cancellation of your
internships. So I want to let you know that we are yet to receive any such word regarding the
cancellation. Most of the companies like Amazon, Deutsche Bank, Microsoft, John Deere, JP
Morgan Chase are planning to either reduce the internship period or postpone the internship. As
all of you are in your homes and the college will remain closed till the 14th of April (as of now).
Goldman Sachs also told us that they might reduce the internship period to 4 weeks from 8
weeks and there might be chances like they allow students can do internship work from their
homes only. Thus, I suggest you kindly do some productive work like joining some online
courses, participating in hackathons, apply for work from home internships, etc; which will help
you in keeping ahead of your preparation for whatever opportunities present themselves in front
of you once the college reopens. Also do not be afraid to the AICTE announcement about the
cancellation of the internship, anything related to cancellation will be given by us only.

Final year students who are already placed. Please don’t listen to any rumors like your
placement offer may be canceled or your joining date will be postponed, we have not received a
single communication from any company regarding this. As all of you are in your home, I
suggest you should utilize these days by writing some research papers in some good journals or
join some online courses which will help you when you join your respective companies.

Final year students who are currently on their ongoing 6 months internship, I want to tell you
that, you students are the luckiest ones of all as you are gaining knowledge and getting paid for
your efforts.
I know some of you are afraid as you are away from home but stay focused on your work and
keep calm. I assure you, this situation will soon end and everything will be back to normal.

Final year students who are currently unplaced. Please do not be afraid that you might not get a
chance to get an offer from any company. Training and Placement Cell is trying its best to help
you obtain an offer. We have already requested many companies to complete their whole
procedure via an online medium. Following our request many companies like Adobe, Newzera,
Lava Internationals, Wipro, Reliance, John Deere, Valued Epistemics, OptionTown, OneBanc
Technologies, etc. are ready to do their whole procedure online and many more companies are
lined up for their recruitment procedures. So don't be disheartened or discouraged, stay focused
and keep preparing for the campus. Also, apply to the off-campus procedure as most of the
companies decided to complete their offline recruitment procedure by the end of June.
Training and Placement cell is in touch with some organizations that provide online courses
related to campus placement preparation, personality development or industrial preparation.
Some organizations like FACE, myUNI academy and Newton School are planning to provide
training to students for paid as well as for free. Training and Placement cells will also circulate
these courses so that you can utilize these days in the best manner.

At last, I would like to request you all to not panic and not to send emails to any HRs regarding
the delay or cancellation of the internship or placement offer. We are constantly in touch with
them, If you receive any information regarding delay or cancellation please contact us first so
that we can communicate with the organization via an official medium.
We cannot predict the situation right now but can prepare for our future so stay calm, motivated
and focused over your work and practice social distancing.

Dr. Aruna Saxena

Prof. and Head T.P.C.

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