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Hi $ll!

First of $ll th$nk you for $pplying to be on the Music$l Direction te$m for
Virtu$l Summer C$b$ret this ye$r! This is gu$r$nteed to be $ re$lly
exciting project $nd Iʼm so gl$d youʼre $ll on bo$rd. Below Iʼve outlined
lots of things th$t you need to know before diving into the project. Before
we get going, I just w$nt to emph$sise th$t weʼre very much in unch$rted
w$ters with this project $nd weʼll be le$rning together $s we go $long $
f$ir bit, so ple$se be$r with me!

Song Alloc$tion

Here %re the songs th%t youʼve been %lloc%ted! Hopefully youʼve %ll got
something re%son%bly high up your preference list, weʼve tried to do this %s
f%irly %s possible t%king into %ccount your experience, involvement with the
society %nd ye%r. Next ye%rʼs Summer C%b will h%ve % lot more songs in so
donʼt be too upset if you h%venʼt got %s much %s youʼd like!
Orchestr$tor MD
Somewhere Reuben Reuben
Shine Like The Sun D%n D%n
We're All In This Cerys Cerys
Th$t's How You Know F%ye Jess
From Now On M%tteo M%tteo
When I Grow Up F%ye N%t%lie
I Wish I Could Go B$ck Nichol%s Nichol%s
Leg$lly F%ye F%ye
Chic$go D%n D%n
Super K$rt N/A (b%cking) J%mie
Edges Sofi% Sofi%

For the purposes of this project:

The role of ORCHESTRATOR involves cre%ting both the b%nd %nd voc%l
%rr%ngement for the perform%nce, %s well %s ensuring th%t the MD h%s %
b%cking tr%ck th%t fits your %rr%ngement (most likely pi%no only).

Ple%se record these b%cking tr%cks to % metronome - if this is going to be %

problem, for ex%mple if you h%ve % tempo ch%nge or % rit (which I would re%lly
encour%ge you to %void unless completely necess%ry %s it m%kes %ll our jobs
much h%rder!), ple%se let me know %nd I will help you cre%te % custom click
tr%ck to record your b%cking tr%ck to. If youʼre not % pi%nist %nd c%nʼt record %
b%cking tr%ck in this m%nner, %lso spe%k to me %nd we will work out %n
%ltern%tive pl%n!

The role of MUSICAL DIRECTOR involves filming yourself t%king % rehe%rs%l to

te%ch e%ch voc%l p%rt, %lloc%ting %ny solos if necess%ry %s well %s recording in
the voc%l p%rts to the b%cking tr%ck th%t the orchestr%tor will h%ve provided
you with.

You c$n find the pi$no/voc$l music for e$ch song in the sh$red Dropbox
folder here:$dj5ib/


The ensemble we $re orchestr$ting e$ch number for consists of the

following :

Reed 1 - Picc., Flute, Cl%rinet, Sop./Alto/Tenor/B%ri. s%xes

Reed 2 - Picc., Flute, Cl%rinet, Sop./Alto/Tenor/B%ri. s%xes
Reed 3 - Sop./Alto/Tenor s%xes
Reed 4 - Sop./Alto/Tenor s%xes

Trumpet 1
Trumpet 2
Trumpet 3

Keybo%rd 1 (Pi%no only)

Keybo%rd 2
Keybo%rd 3
(NB progr)mming is possible for Keys 2 )nd 3 but it is )dvised th)t you keep it
simple with only 1 or 2 sounds on e)ch keybo)rd per piece)

Guit%r (Electric/Acoustic/Nylon/Ukulele/B%njo(?))

Violin 1
Violin 2
(NB only one pl)yer to ) p)rt so you m)y w)nt to consider doubling on )
keybo)rd string p)tch or elsewhere in the orchestr)tion)

Notes on orchestr$ting $nd $rr$nging:

– Use the Sibelius templ%te provided in the dropbox folder (https://
dl=0) - if youʼre using Fin%le or something else to orchestr%te your number
th%tʼs ok%y but I re%lly recommend Sibelius!
– The reeds on the templ%te %re currently set to Flute (1&2) %nd Alto S%x
(3&4) so m%ke sure you ch%nge these using the instrument ch%nge option
if you w%nt % different combin%tion! Also remember reed pl%yers c%n
ch%nge instruments during the songs but give them enough time to do so!
– St%y within the comfort%ble r%nges of e%ch instrument (donʼt trust Sibelius
on this, if youʼre not sure then look it up)
– Keep writing for guit%r %s prim%rily chord%l
– Indic%te p%tch ch%nges on keybo%rd p%rts by using boxed text. If youʼre
using split voices, st%te where this occurs!
– Keep drum p%rts simple %s drummers never pl%y wh%t you write %nyw%y!
– Chords %re %lw%ys %ppreci%ted %bove the pi%no lines

A note $bout solos

– If you would like %ny solos in your song, ple%se let me know by Mond$y
20th April, det%iling how m%ny people you w%nt %nd wh%t voice p%rts.
– Members will be invited to %udition for solos by sending in % video to the
MTS em%il %ccount by this d%te. The MTS committee will then %lloc%te %ny
soloists to e%ch number to ensure f%irness. You c%nnot choose your own
soloists %s we w%nt to give everyone % f%ir ch%nce!

– If you h$ve $ny questions $bout your $rr$ngements or orchestr$tions

or indeed $nything else music$l, Nichol$s $nd F$ye h$ve kindly s$id
theyʼre h$ppy to help lend $ h$nd $nd look over things, $s theyʼre
Summer C$b$ret veter$ns $t this point!


– De$dlines for:
– Voc$l Arr$ngement (orchestr$tor)
– Rehe$rs$l b$cking tr$ck (orchestr$tor)
– Video recorded ‘lessonʼ for e$ch p$rt (MD)
– Audio recorded rehe$rs$l tr$cks for e$ch p$rt (MD)

Mond%y 27th April Shine Like The Sun

Thursd%y 30th April Somewhere
Mond%y 4th M%y From Now On
Thursd%y 7th M%y When I Grow Up
Mond%y 11th M%y Th%tʼs How You Know
Thursd%y 14th M%y Weʼre All In This Together
Video files, %udio files %nd sheet music should be uplo%ded to the sh%red
Dropbox folder by this d%te so I c%n rele%se them on F%cebook on the following
d%y. Orchestr%tors, ensure your voc%l %rr%ngement is the first thing you do %nd
is completed in plenty of time for the MD to sort their bits out!

Show numbers %nd le%vers number, Iʼm le%ving it to you to decide when you
get this content out to your group of people but ple%se c%n it be no l%ter th%n
14th M$y.


15th M$y is the de%dline for these to be finished %nd uplo%ded to the sh%red
folder, but ple%se donʼt w%it until % couple of d%ys before to do this if %t %ll
possible! Further instructions on ex%ctly how to submit these will be rele%sed
ne%rer the de%dline.

I will cre%te % click tr%ck for e%ch number th%t m%rries up with the b%cking
tr%ck th%t the orchestr%tors cre%ted for the c%st/MDs to record %nd pr%ctice
with (this is why you need to record the b%cking tr%cks to % metronome). As I
s%id before, orchestr%tors should %lert me if they h%ve %ny necess%ry rits/
tempo ch%nges in your %rr%ngement (rits, p%uses etceter% I would re%lly
encour%ge you to work %round %nd %void %s they m%ke everyoneʼs jobs much
h%rder, but I underst%nd th%t tempo ch%nges %nd some rits m%y be necess%ry)
%s I will help you cre%te % custom click tr%ck before you record the initi%l
b%cking tr%ck, %s if you h%venʼt done th%t by this point things get much more


The c%st will be invited to record themselves %nd send their recordings in
between 18th & 22nd M$y.

This will be sent to the b%nd on 15th M$y %nd they will be %ble to send their
recordings b%ck to us before 29th M$y.


Leel% %nd I will then work together to mix e%ch of the tr%ck %nd cre%te the
video for e%ch number!

Th$tʼs $ lot of inform$tion but I w$nted to get it mostly $ll out here in one
pl$ce so you c$n refer b$ck to it e$sily. For now, ple$se do get cr$cking on
your $rr$ngements (voc$l $rr$ngement first I suggest!) so we c$n get
re$dy to do this thing!

Any questions, shoot me $ mess$ge. Also $ reminder th$t F$ye $nd

Nichol$s h$ve s$id theyʼre h$ppy to help $nd support you wherever
necess$ry, so ple$se donʼt be sc$red to $sk them for help!
Love you $ll, $nd good luck!
D$n x

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