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Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI.

3, 2011
Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Romania: new records, distribution and
habitat preferences



Oana Teodora BOTA**
Aurelia-Andreia ŞTEFU***
Adriana-Valentina CRAVĂ****

Abstract. Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) is a widely distributed Mediterranean species, whose
northern part of the range extends to the south of Central Europe. From Romania it’s known only from the
Southern part. We present the first records of this species from Transylvania and Dobrogea. The current
distribution and habitat preference of the species are given also.
Key words: new records, Aphaenogaster subterranea, habitats, distribution, ants

Rezumat. Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) are o distribuţie predominant mediteraneană, iar
limita nordică a specie se intinde până la sudul Europei Centrale. În România specia este cunoscută în
special din partea sudică. În prezenta lucrare, două noi semnalări sunt date pentru specie, primele din
Transilvania şi Dobrogea. De asemenea distrubuţia actuală şi cerinţe ale habitatelor sunt discutate.
Cuvinte cheie: semnalări noi, Aphaenogaster subterranea, habitate, distribuţie, furnici

Aphaenogaster Mayr, 1853 is a large genus of species is active at night (Czechowski et al. 2002).
ants within the subfamily Myrmicinae with species The species was recorded from several sites
distributed in/over all of the zoogeographic regions, from Romania, mostly from the southern part, but
except for the Ethiopian. From the Palaearctic it has not been reported from Transylvania,
Region, 108 species and 24 subspecies are known, although the ant fauna of this region is well studied
(Bolton et al. 2007; Kiran et al. 2008). (Markó, Csősz, 2002; Csősz, Markó, 2005; Markó
Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) is et al. 2006; Kiss, Fetykó, 2008; Tăuşan 2009;
a widely distributed Mediterranean species, whose Tăuşan, Markó 2009; Tăuşan, 2010).
northern part of the range extends to the south of This study offers the first record of
Central Europe. It is oligotopic species, associated Aphaenogaster subterranea from Transylvania and
with warm deciduous forests (Czechowski et al. Dobrogea. Additionally we discuss the species
2002; Seifert, 2007). habitat preference and the present distribution in
This species mainly inhabits moderately wet Romania.
and warm deciduous forests, nesting in the ground,
under stones, in rotten wood, rarely in litter. In Material and methods
Germany, where it is recorded only in the south, A. During a field trip in the summer 2011, a
subterranea is found only in warm river valleys, in population of Aphaenogaster subterranea was
particular on forest edges and in warm deciduous discovered in a Natura 2000 site in Dumbrăveni
forests, but also amongst shrubs in dry grasslands. (Transylvania, Romania) in a forest with Quercus
It forms fairly numerous colonies (from several pubescens (500 m a.s.l.) The species was captured
hundred to several thousand individuals). The both in pitfall traps and within bait observations
* Natural History Museum of Sibiu and Babeş-Bolyai (Fig. 1).
University of Cluj-Napoca, Investigating nine other forest sites in the same area, all of them having a northern exposition, two
** Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, additional specimens were collected from a clear-
*** Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu,
cut site. In addition to our collected material, A. subterranea was also found in the ant collections
****Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, from the Natural History Museum of Sibiu. Three workers were collected in Dobrogea (leg. Eckbert

Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI. 3, 2011
Ioan Tăuşan, Oana Teodora Bota, Aurelia-Andreia Ştefu, Adriana-Valentina Cravă

Schneider, 5.05.1971), from where no published Myrmica ruginodis Nylander 1846 (Fig. 4).
records of this species are known.
Discussion Despite that the ant fauna from Transylvania
The current known localities of the species are was rather well studied new species can be
Comana - Vlasca, Oraviţa, Corneşti, Cloşani, recorded. The species is expected to be widespread
Poaiana Stampei, Motrului Valley, Eşelniţa, mainly in Quercus pubescens forests. Although the
Oltenia (Knechtel, Paraschivescu, 1962; Cîrdei, species is known from thermophilic habitats, our
Bulimar 1965; Paraschiescu, 1967; Cîrdei et al. records show that it can occur in sites with colder
1969; Fromunda et al. 1967; Paraschivescu 1974, climate, but with high exposure to the sun (clear-
1975, 1976, 1978a, 1978b; Markó et al. 2006). So cuts, etc.).
far, all of the known records are from outside the The species range can be extended in the
Carpathian arch, except one record. The presence northern part of Romania due to its presence in
of A. subterranea in Poiana Stampei (Suceva Hungary (Csősz et al. 2011), and in Ukraine in the
County) is quite questionable due to the fact that Transcarpathian province (Alexander Radchenko
the climate is not favourable for the species. Most pers. comm.).
probably the species was misidentified with
Stenamma debille (Förster, 1850) (Bálint Markó Acknowledgements
pers. comm.). Based on our records the northern The authors are grateful for the comments of
point for A. subterranea, in Romania, is Alexander Radchenko, Bálint Markó, Kadri Kiran,
Dumbrăveni (Fig. 2). Gregor Bračko and Steffen Pielström, improving
A. subterranea mainly inhabits moderately wet the first version of the manuscript. Also special
and warm deciduous forests, nesting in the ground, thanks go to Annamária Szász-Len for providing
under stones, in rotten wood, rarely in litter. In our useful distribution data of the species.
research we collected the specimens from This work was possible with the financial
thermophilic Quercus pubescens forests. None the support of the Sectoral Operational Programme for
less based on our observations, the species can Human Resources Development 2007-2013, co-
occur also in sites with colder climate, but with financed by the European Social Fund, under the
high sun exposure (Fig. 3) and can be also highly project number POSDRU/107/1.5/S/76841 with
active in the day time showing aggressive the title „Modern Doctoral Studies:
behaviour towards common forest species such as Internationalization and Interdisciplinarity”.

Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI. 3, 2011
Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Romania: new records, distribution and
habitat preferences


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Cîrdei, Bulimar 1965 Cîrdei Filimon, Bulimar Felicia, Noi contribuţii asupra studiului formicidelor
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Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI. 3, 2011
Ioan Tăuşan, Oana Teodora Bota, Aurelia-Andreia Ştefu, Adriana-Valentina Cravă

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Fig. 1. Aphaenogaster subterranea on bait

Fig. 2. Known distribution of Aphaenogaster subterranaea in Romania (black circles – new records; blank
circles– published records)
Fig. 3. Clear-cut habitat on a northern exposition in Dumbrăveni
Fig. 4. Aphaenogaster subterranea dominance on Myrmica ruginodis (white circle – A. subterranea, black
circle – M. ruginodis)


Fig. 1. Aphaenogaster subterranea în cazul observaţiilor pe momeli

Fig. 2. Distribuţia cunoscută a speciei Aphaenogaster subterranaea în Romania (cercuri negre – semnalări
noi; cercuri albe – date publicate)
Fig. 3. Clear-cut habitat on a northern exposition in Dumbrăveni
Fig. 4. Aphaenogaster subterranea dominance on Myrmica ruginodis (cerc alb – A. subterranea, cerc negru
– M. ruginodis)

Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI. 3, 2011
Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Romania: new records, distribution and
habitat preferences

Fig. 1. Aphaenogaster subterranea on bait (photo: I. Tăuşan)

Poiana Stampei


Valea Motrului


Fig. 2. Known distribution of Aphaenogaster subterranaea in Romania (black circles – new records; blank
circles– published records)
Brukenthal. Acta Musei, VI. 3, 2011
Ioan Tăuşan, Oana Teodora Bota, Aurelia-Andreia Ştefu, Adriana-Valentina Cravă

Fig. 3. Clear-cut habitat on a northern exposition in Dumbrăveni (photo: I. Tăuşan)

Fig. 4. Aphaenogaster subterranea dominance on Myrmica ruginodis (photo: I. Tăuşan)


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