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Original Article

Scottish Medical Journal

2015, Vol. 60(4) 149–151

Undergraduate medical education: ! The Author(s) 2015

Reprints and permissions:
looking back, looking forward DOI: 10.1177/0036933015606571

Jill Morrison

This commentary briefly looks at some history of Medical Education in Scotland with a focus on the last two decades
since the publication of ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’ by the General Medical Council in 1993. The current influences on
Scottish Medical Education are discussed, and some of the advantages provided by technology are described. The
piece concludes by emphasising the current strengths of Scottish Medical Education, which are learning from contact
with patients and good clinical role models, to help students make sense of their clinical experience.

Medical education, Scotland, tomorrow’s doctors

Hunter brothers and William Cullen were Scottish.3

Undergraduate Medical Education based in the ancient
Scottish Universities in the 18th and 19th centuries was
famous for innovations such as the early use of bedside
teaching and anatomy dissection, and was recognised
as providing excellent lecturers.
In recent years, the Scottish Medical Schools have
punched well above their weight in terms of scholarly
output and have continued a tradition of innovation.
For example, in Dundee, Ronald Harden developed the
Objective Structured Clinical Examination with Fergus
Gleeson, and this assessment is now widely used
around the world to examine clinical skills.4 ‘The
Scottish Doctor’, a project funded by all five of
the Scottish Medical Schools and carried out by the
Scottish Deans’ Medical Education Group, has been
disseminated and used widely, like the Scottish doctors
who spread out across the world in the diaspora.5
Medical Education in Scotland has a long and distin- In the late 19th century, medical education across
guished history and the Universities have played a key the world was recognised as suffering from curriculum
role. I could not begin to enumerate all of the achieve- overload. Knowledge had begun to expand exponen-
ments of the medical schools based in Scottish tially, and the response from medical schools was to
Universities but, for example: one of the earliest med-
ical schools in the English-speaking world was estab-
Dean for Learning and Teaching, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life
lished in the University of Aberdeen;1 the first medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, Professor of General Practice, Institute
school in the USA opened in Philadelphia in 1765 with of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, UK
a curriculum based on Edinburgh’s and 10 of its first 12 Corresponding author:
professors were alumni of Edinburgh University;2 and Jill Morrison, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK.
some of the greatest names in medicine such as the Email:

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150 Scottish Medical Journal 60(4)

pack more and more information into undergraduate Undergraduate Medical Education in Scotland
curricula. The General Medical Council (GMC) criti- cannot be divorced from the Scottish Health Service
cised the tendency to overload the curriculum as far context. The drivers for change in health care in the
back as 18636 and Thomas Huxley wrote 21st century are well-recognised: an ageing population
with consequent multimorbidity; rising public expect-
the burden we place on the medical student is far too ation of improved service; workforce pressures; and
heavy, and it takes some doing to keep from breaking new medical technologies, and medical education in
his intellectual back. A system of medical education Scotland will need to adapt to meet these challenges.10
that is actually calculated to obstruct the acquisition Change in medical education is inevitable, not only
of sound knowledge and to heavily favour the crammer because of the change in context of medical care, but
and grinder is a disgrace.7 also because, as Stewart Menin wrote when discussing
the American situation ‘medical education exists in a
By the late 20th century, the problem of curriculum state of tension between the tendency to fall back into
overload was acute and the GMC finally responded traditional teacher centred pedagogies and the urge to
definitively in 1993 by producing guidance in reach forward to newer, more interactive, authentic,
‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’.6 The curriculum would no integrative and transformative approaches to learning
longer be all embracing and ‘unconfined overload’ and teaching’.11
would be reduced. A core curriculum would be defined We are going through a phase of heavily regulated
to ensure that a graduating doctor would have the basic medical education, and medical educators in
required knowledge, skills and attitudes, to safely Scotland are looking forward to a GMC inspection in
begin the pre-registration house officer year. Special 2017 that will encompass both undergraduate medical
study modules would comprise about one-third of education and postgraduate training. The GMC is cur-
the course and these would provide the greatest rently considering a National Licensing examination in
educational opportunities. There would also be more the UK.12 Student selected components (the descend-
community-based education and more attention ants of special study modules) comprise a reduced
would be focused on skills such as communication amount of curriculum time (only 10% recommended
skills and clinical skills. In response to ‘Tomorrow’s compared with 33% in ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors 1’) and
Doctors’, the Scottish Medical Schools reformed their curricula may be in danger of becoming overloaded
curricula to a greater or lesser extent and were at the again. Even the preclinical/clinical divide is making a
forefront of innovation. This was a very exciting time to comeback. Sir David Weatherall has argued for a six
be involved in medical education in Scotland where new month introductory course, probably lecture based, in
ideas and new methods of learning and teaching were all UK medical schools on the medical sciences.13 It
being tried. Curricula became integrated, the preclin- remains to be seen, if recent changes introduced by
ical/clinical divide began to disappear and early patient the GMC in ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors 3’ will help us to
contact became the norm. Clinical skills were taught at produce the flexible and creative doctors that many
an early stage on simulators and in skills labs so that believe the future Health Service needs.
students had a better idea about what to do before prac- The focus of this edition of the Journal is on medical
ticing on real patients. Active learning methods such as education in a digital age, and I would like to finish
problem-based learning and case-based learning were with some observations about this. In some respects,
adopted in all Scottish Medical Schools to a greater or the medical schools are playing catch-up with our stu-
lesser degree and lectures became less heavily used. dents who arrive at university as ‘digital natives’.
What of the present day? Perhaps inevitably, the Current students do not remember a time without the
pendulum has swung away from innovation in under- internet or mobile phones. Clearly technology has
graduate curricula to more standardisation. The GMC changed how we work to a huge extent. I work in a
has produced two further versions of Tomorrow’s general practice that is almost completely paperless and
Doctors, each longer and more prescriptive than its I can write prescriptions, make referrals and communi-
predecessor. ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’ 1 had 68 para- cate with my hospital colleagues via my computer.
graphs and 30 pages; ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors 2’, pub- Technology enables students on placement in
lished in 2003, had 43 pages and 108 paragraphs and Dumfries to hear lectures in real time delivered by
‘Tomorrow’s Doctors 3’, published in 2009, had 108 experts in Glasgow or listen to podcasts by world lead-
pages and 172 paragraphs.8,9 The language used has ing experts anywhere at any time. Students on clinical
also changed from recommendations to regulations placements do not need to carry a copy of the British
that indicate clear responsibilities for the GMC, National Formulary in their pocket – a library of useful
Medical Schools, the NHS and so on. Criteria and resources, including the latest clinical guidelines, are a
standards are outlined and ‘must’ has replaced ‘should’. few taps away on their phone.

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Morrison 151

I would argue, however, that the fundamentally 4. Harden RM and Gleeson FA. Assessment of clinical
important things that medical students need to learn competence using and objective structured clinical exam-
cannot be learned from technology. These include: ination (OSCE). Med Educ 1979; 13: 41–54.
how to spot a seriously ill patient; how to communicate 5. The Scottish Deans’ Medical Education Group. The
Scottish doctor: learning outcomes for the medical under-
effectively; how to live up to the standards in Good
graduate in Scotland: a foundation for competent and reflect-
Medical Practice;14 when to ask for help; and so on. ive practitioners. 3rd ed. Dundee, UK: Association for
Students need many contacts with real patients to learn Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), www.scottish
these important lessons. They also need guidance from (2008, accessed 23 July 2015).
real doctors who can act as good role models, provide 6. General Medical Council. Tomorrow’s doctors. London,
relevant clinical experiences and help students to make UK: General Medical Council, 1993.
sense of these experiences. Providing opportunities to 7. Kopelman P. The future of UK medical education cur-
meet these needs is the current strength of undergradu- riculum – what type of medical graduate do we need?
ate medical education in Scotland and, while we Future Hosp J 2014; 1: 41–46.
embrace all of the advantages of new technologies, 8. General Medical Council. Tomorrow’s doctors. London,
long may this strength continue. UK: General Medical Council, 2003.
9. General Medical Council. Tomorrow’s doctors. London,
UK: General Medical Council, 2009.
Declaration of conflicting interests 10. Scottish Executive Health Department. National Planning
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with team. National Framework for Service Change in the NHS
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this in Scotland. Drivers for change in health care in Scotland.
article. Edinburgh: SEHD,
(2005, accessed 23 July 2015).
Funding 11. Menin S. Self-organisation, integration and curriculum in
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, the complex world of medical education. Med Educ 2010;
authorship, and/or publication of this article. 44: 20–30.
12. General Medical Council. National licensing exam.
References London, UK: General Medical Council, www.gmc-uk.
1. University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry. pdf (2014, accessed 23 July 2015). 13. Weatherall D. The state of the science: Flexner retro-
medicine (accessed 23 July 2015). spective. Med Educ 2011; 45: 44–50.
2. Penn University Archives and Record Center. www.arch 14. General Medical Council. Good medical practice. (acces- London, UK: General Medical Council, www.gmc-uk.
sed 23 July 2015). org/guidance/good-medical-practice.asp (2013 accessed
3. Dingwall HM. A history of Scottish medicine: themes and 23 July 2015).
influences. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003.

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