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- forms the main bulk/ flesh of the human body

- contractility
- 3 types: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
- structural
- functional
According to function:
A )voluntary
B )involuntary
According to structure:
A )striated
B )non – striated

3 types of muscle:
1. skeletal/ striated muscle
2. cardiac muscle
3. smooth muscle
1. ______________________
- muscles attach to the skeleton
- striated, voluntary
- long, broad tubular muscle fiber
- myofibril (smaller unit of muscle fiber)
contains myofilaments
- thick (myosin)
- thin (actin)
_____________ – extends throughout the dark band/ A band
_____________– extends throughout the light band/ I band
A & I band – resp. for the striations
_____________– functional unit structural of a skeletal muscle
_____________ – modified SER which surrounds the myofilament
- regulates muscle contraction by calcium
- are specialized complexes consisting of 1 transverse tubule and 2 terminal cisterna helps provide uniform
contraction throughout the muscle fiber
- A cross – section of the skeletal muscle can be considered an organ
Epimysium – fibrous connective tissue sheath that covers the skeletal muscle bundle
Perimysium – enclosed the muscle fascicle – smaller unit of muscle bundle
Endomysium – encloses the muscle fiber – composes the muscle fascicle

2. ________________________
- seen in myocardium
- striated, involuntary
- branching muscle fiber
- 1 –2 centrally located nucleus
- do not regenerate
- sarcoplasmic reticulum (diad)
___________________ – complex steplike junctions forming end attachment between adjacent cardiac muscles.
___________________ – are modified cardiac muscle cell located in the atrioventricular bundle of His of the
3. __________________________
- seen in the walls of hollow organs
- non – striated, involuntary
- fusiform muscle fiber
- 1 centrally located nucleus
- no sarcoplasmic reticulum
- highly irritable and conducts waves of excitation as nerve impulses

2 divisions
- anatomical/ structural
Anatomical Division:
1. _____________ – includes the brain and spinal cord which occupy the dorsal body cavity
2. _____________ – nerves outside the CNS and their associated ganglia

Functional division:
1. ______________________ – transmits nerve impulses to the CNS from sensory receptors
2. ______________________ – transmits impulses from the CNS to effector organs (muscles and glands)
somatic (voluntary nervous system)
autonomic (involuntary nervous system)

1. ______________________ – conduct nerve impulses
2. ______________________– support, nurture and protect the neurons

- functional unit structure of nervous tissue
- consist cell body and its processes
- is the region of a neuron containing the nucleus, & various cytoplasmic organelles and inclusions

Nerve cell processes:

– carry impulses towards the cell body. Short, branching and terminal end has a thorny appearance called the
- has nissl bodies
– carries impulses away from the nerve cell body
- arises from axon hillock
- long, slender and does not branched
- absence of nissl bodies
- terminal end- telodendria

Classification of Neuron according to number of processes:

1. ___________________ – has single process ex. spinal ganglia
2. ___________________– posses 1 axon; 1 dendrite; present is several sense organs
3. ___________________ – posses a single axon and more than one dendrite
- most common type, ex. neuron of vertebrates
4. ___________________ – posses a single process then branches out into an axon and a dendrite
-present in spinal & cranial ganglia

Neuroglia (glial cells) in the CNS

- function in various ways to support and protect the neurons
- includes the astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells
1. ___________________– star-shaped cells, largest
- provide structural support of the nervous tissue, barrier between capillaries and neurons
2. __________________- produces myelin for axons in the CNS
3. __________________– phagocytic neuroglial cells; spiderlike
4. __________________ – simple columnar ciliated cells lining the central canal of the spinal cord

Neuroglial cells in the PNS include:

_________________________- form myelin sheath
_________________________- protective cells
____________________- specialized membranous communication between an axon and another neuron or from a
neuron to another neuron
Types of Synaptic Contact:
Axodendritic synapse – between an axon and a dendrite
Axosomatic synapse – between an axon and a soma
Axoaxonic synapse – between axons
Dendro denritic synapse – between dendrites

____________________ – collection of nerve cell bodies located outside the CNS

2 Types:
a. Autonomic ganglia /motor ganglia – enlargement on the sides of the spiral vertebra
b. Cranio spinal ganglia – enlargement on the dorsal root of the spinal nerve

___________________________ – are individual axons enveloped by a myelin sheath or by Schwann cell in the PNS,
oligodendrocytes in the CNS
-coverings to provide long conduction pathway
__________________________ – produced by oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann cell in the PNS
-is not continuous along the length of the axon by is interrupted by gaps called nodes of
Schwann Sheath /Neurolemma – unmyelinated nerve fiber in the PNS

____________________________ – are cordlike bundles of nerve fibers surrounded by connective tissue sheaths
- visible to the naked eye
Epineurium – dense conn. tissue that forms the external cost of the nerves. (fascia)
Perineurium – conn. tissue sheath surrounding each bundle of nerve fibers (fascicle)
Endoneurium – surrounds individual nerve fibers


- are dendritic nerve endings located in the skin, fascia, muscle, joints & tendons
- respond to stimuli related to touch, pressure, temperature and pain
1. __________________________
- are encapsulated nerve ending which are for light touch
- found in the dermal papilla of the skin
2. __________________________
- for deep pressure
- found in skin and pancreas
3. ___________________________
- for heat
4. ___________________________
- for cold


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