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Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Notes 2. Concentration Techniques

2nd Semester, A.Y 2019-2020 - separates parasites from fecal debris
- increase the chances of detecting parasitic
*Source/s are varied. organisms when these are small in numbers
[Flotation Technique and Sedimentation

1. Direct Fecal Smear (DFS) Flotation Technique

- most useful for the diagnosis of protozoal  Most frequently used: Zinc Sulfate
parasites which have motile trophozoite (ZnSO4) or Sheather’s sugar (454g
stages that are passed in the feces granulated sugar + 355mL tap
- should be performed on concentrated water + 6mL full-strength [37%]
specimens formaldehyde)
- specimens used should be a fresh feces  Uses solutions which have higher
- smear should be thin enough so that specific gravity than the
printed page can be read through it organisms to be floated so that
LOW POWER: scans for large helminth organisms rise to the top and the
eggs or larvae debris sinks to the bottom
HIGH POWER: detects and identifies
smaller parasites and ADVANTAGE: produces a cleaner
larger helminth eggs or material than the
larvae sedimentation technique
- parasites detected are reported out by DISADVANTAGE: the walls of eggs and
their scientific name and quantity cysts will often
observed collapse, thus
hindering identification
INDICATION: Motile protozoan ; some parasites don’t

trophozoites (feces must be body temp.) float

LIMITATION: Small smaple size Sedimentation Technique

 Uses solutions of lower specific
[Saline and Iodine Wet Mount gravity than the parasitic
Preparations] organisms, thus concentrating the
- evaluation of saline direct mounts: latter in the sediment
 provides opportunity to study the  Recommended for general
motility of any trophozoites diagnostic laboratories because
present. they are easier to perform and
- addition of iodine: less prone to technical errors
 stains the internal structures  CDC sedimentation technique:
necessary for identification of the Formalin-ethyl acetate technique
cysts of some amoeba and other - a diphasic sedimentation
protozoa technique that avoids the
 Trophozoites are rapidly killed and problems of flammability of ether,
are sometimes unidentifiable and which can be used with
upon addition of iodine. specimens preserved in formalin,
Video Reference: Video References:
3. Kato-Katz Technique  Fecal cultures are to be cultured and
- used for qualitative and not refrigerated, since some parasites
semi-quantitative diagnosis of intestinal (especially Necator americanus) are
helminthic infestations susceptible to cold and may fail to
- needs thick smear develop after refrigeration.
- typically diagnoses Ascaris lumbricoides,
Trichuris trichiura, hookworm, and Video Reference:
especially Schistosoma spp.
- WHO recommends this technique in areas
with moderate to high transmission rates of
soil transmitted helminths or intestinal 5. Scotch Tape Method
schistosomiasis - collection and examination of a sample
- people infected with STH or intestinal from the skin around the anus
schistosomes pass the eggs of the worms - used to identify pinworms and pinworm
through their feces eggs

1. Feces are pressed through a mesh  Female pinworm (Enterobius
screen to remove large particles vermicularis) migrates out of the anus
2. After filling the hole, the template is at night to deposit her eggs on the
removed and the remaining sample is perianal region.
covered with a piece of cellophane soaked  These eggs are easily recovered by
in glycerol. pressing a piece of scotch tape against
Note: Glycerol clears the fecal material the perianal region.
from around the eggs.  The tape is then placed on a
3. The eggs are then counted, and the microscope slide and submitted to the
number calculated per gram of feces. laboratory for examination.
 The specimen should be obtained first
Video Reference: thing in the morning before the patient bathes of defecates.

Video Reference:
4. Harada Mori Culture
- method of incubating fecal material on a
filter paper strip in a test tube containing
water 6. Blood Smear
- used to culture and recover nematode - used to look for specific parasites that are
larvae (Strongyloides stercoralis, found in the blood
hookworm) - very time consuming
- parasitic diseases such as filariasis,
PRINCIPLE: malaria, or babesiosis can be diagnosed
 Employs a filter paper to which fecal
material is added and a test tube to Note: Parasites in the peripheral blood may
which filter paper is inserted. be present in very small numbers. Careful
 Moisture is provided by adding water examination of the blood smear is required
to the tube. before reporting the smear out as “no
 Water continuously soaks the filter parasites seen.”
paper by capillary action.
 Incubation under suitable conditions
facors hatching of ova or the [Thin Blood Smear and Thick Blood Smear]
development of larvae.
Thin Blood Smear 8. Occult Blood Test
 Used for the specific identification - may indicate lesions in the intestinal tract
of malarial parasites, due to parasitic infections, cancerous
trypanosomes, and microfilariae tumors, bleeding ulcers, and other disease
 Made in the same way smears are processes
made for hematological study - stools with large amount of occult blood
are black and have a tarry consistency
ADVANTAGE: preserves the structure
of the parasites with a CHEMICAL REACTION:
minimum distortion 1. Hemoglobin + Developer
Hb + 2 H2O2 = 2 H2O + O2
Thick Blood Smear 2. Oxidation of Guaiac
 Preferred over thin film for O2 + Guaiac = Oxidized Guaiac
diagnosis of malaria because it [colorless] [blue]
reveals comparatively quicky
sparse or scanty infections such Note:
as those occuring in new or  Presence of blue color upon
chronic cases completion of the test indicates a
 Enables one to examine 10-50 positive response.
times as much blood as the thin  A positive and negative control must
films in the same length of time. be run concurrently with the patient
PRINCIPLE:  It is recommended that the patient be
 This test is done by placing a drop of placed on a high residue diet starting 2
blood on a microscope slide. days before and continuing through
 The slide is then stained and examined the test period.
under a microscope.
Video Reference:
Video References:

7. Circumoval Precipitin (COPT)

- used to detect serum antibodies to
Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma
haematobium, or both species by using
eggs of either species of schistosome.
- complicated and very time consuming
(~48 hrs)
- requires microscopy

 Eggs of either the two Schistosoma spp.
Were aderquate as antigens but in
general, the sera of S.
mansoni-infected individuals caused
more circumoval precipitates for form
around S. mansoni eggs (indicating
higher sensitivity) than did the sera of
S. haematobium-infected individuals.

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