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EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: improving condition First try the basic jump - this is where both feet are slightly apart and jump at the same time over the rope. You should master this technique first before moving onto more advanced techniques. ‘Alternate technique is the foot jump (speed step). This style consists of using alternate feet to jump off the ground, This technique ‘canbe used to effectively double the ‘number of skips per minute as compared to the basicjump technique. Goal: improving condition Feet parallel at hip-width apart. Bend your legs with your arms on your back (egg-position) Starting position: Feet parallel, hip distance ‘part. Drop down through your knees keeping your hands on your back looking towards the ground, This position is called the ‘egg position: Jump with your right leg to the right-sidewards keeping your leftleg off the ‘ground, Follow this by jumping with your left leg left-sidewards whilst keeping your right leg off the ground, Points of attention: Sit deep during the bounce-movement A slow movement will practise coordination and balance, 2 fast movernent will practice endurance. EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module oak: Improving condition Starting position: Feet together with your ‘arms next to your body Jump with your legs spread wide apart at the same time bringing your arms horizontally sidewards before jumping pack to the original position Points of attention: Take care that you land ‘on your feet lightly by bending your knees so that you absorb the jump. Change feet ‘and do not only land on your toes. Goal: measure your condition, For this exercise you step up and down on a platform at a height of about 16 inches (40 ‘em) for men oF 13 inches (33 em) for Do this at arate of 30 steps per minute for 5 minutes or until exhaustion, Exhaustion is the point at which you ‘cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15, seconds. You immediately sits down on completion of the test, and then count your heartbeats are for 1t0 1.5,2t02.5,and 3t03.5 minutes, Note down the values for comparison when you do this test again. EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: mobilising your shoulder. First put your arm on your chest. Grab your forearm with the opposite arm; Pull your atm until you feel your shoulder being stretched, Push the arm you are stretching the ‘opposite way in order to contract the muscle if you feel that your chest is stretching instead of your shoulder. Goal: Mobilising your lower back Starting position: On all fours. Hips and knees, and shoulders and wrists should be cone line. Tit your pelvis backwards, pushing your ‘back upwards, keeping your back hollow. Hold this position for 5 seconds and follow by tilting your pelvis forwards, keeping a hollow back; keep this position for 5 seconds Points of attention: Take care to keep your arms stretched. Ifyou fee! any pain, ‘continue to your pain barrier EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Peewee) Pees a. Goal: Streteching the muscles on the back cof the upper leg (hamstrings) Starting position: Sit on the mat. Bend one leg and place the sole of your foot against the other leg. Let your knee fall sidewards Bend forwards, keeping your backas straight as possible. Reach with with one armin the same direction and hold this position for 10 seconds before returning to the starting position. You will fel pulling in the back of your stretched leg. Points of attention: Ifthere is too much tension in your calf muscle, you may bend the straightened leg a litle. ‘Alternative: Lean forwards with a straight back, keeping both legs straight. Y Goal: Stretching the side of the torso Starting position: Stand with feet apart at hhip-width. Raise one arm. ‘Make yourself long and stretch your arm in the air over your head sideways and bend your torso sideways. Hold this position bbefore moving to the other side. Points of attention: Take care that your weight is spread over both feet. Make yourself long before you bend sideways. Alternative: When you can't raise your arm, you cankeep your arm against your body and let your hand slide up and down. EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Stretching the muscles on the front of the upper leg (quadriceps). Starting position: Support yourself against something. Use one hand (right) as your support. The position leg (left) should be slightly bent, then take your right ankle in yourright hand. Pull your right eg backwards until you feel the stretch in your thigh. Keep your torso straight and your position leg bent. Points of attention: Make sure that you do not make your back hollow - you will then tip your pelvis backwards. Goal: Stretching the muscles on the back of the upper leg (hamstring). Stand in front ofan elevated surface with pelvis and shoulders square to that surface {@g.a couch, chair, stool, windows, railing). Ensure thatthe foot ofthe non-stretching legis pointed straight ahead. Place one leg on the surface, knee straight, (remember that foot of non-stretching leg should be pointed straight ahead), hips and shoulders square to surface. Point the toes of the stretching leg straight pin the left/right plane. You don'thave to pull your toes back toward you during the ‘hamstring stretch by contracting your shin ‘muscles, though doing so during the hamstring stretch will stretch your calf simultaneously, Lean forward from the hips until a gentle hamstring stretch is felt on the underside of the thigh Once a gentle hamstring stretch i felt on the underside of the thigh, hold this position for 30 seconds. EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Stretching the muscles on the inner upper leg (adductors) Starting position: Stand with your legs spread and your feet straight in front. Bend your right leg and bend your torso. sidewards towards the direction of the straightened leg, fee! the stretch in the Inside of the straightened leg. Change to the other side. Keep the leg of straightened leg on the ground. Bend the knee over the toes. Goal: Stretching the surface calf muscles Starting position: Place one foot in front of the otherin one line. Place your hands against a wall or on your front leg. Bend your front leg keeping your leg ‘behind stretched, The heel of theleg behind must stay on the ground. The more your sink through your front leg, the more you pull your calf. Keep this position for 10 seconds before changing legs. Points of attention: When you use the wal, you may only use the wall as balance and ‘may not push against the wall, Otherwise you will push weight on the calf muscle rather than stretching it Alternative: Put your front foot against the. wall, keep your leg stretched and move your whole body towards the wall. You wil feel pulling in your calf EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Stetching the muscles of your torso. First Lay down on your back with your knees bent upward. Stretch your arms out to your sides, leveling them with your shoulders. Turn your palms upward. Lower both of your knees to the left and turn your head to the right in the opposite direction. Hold this position for fifteen. seconds. Start this exercise over and follow the same steps as you did before, except this time lower your knees to the right and turn your head to the left EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Strengthening the calf muscles. Starting position: Stand with the ball of your foot ona raised surface (for example the first tred ofthe stairs), where your heel is, unsupported. Keeping your body stretched and upright, push yourself upwards so that you are standing on your toes. When you can't reach any higher, lower yourself down until you can't go any further, After you have done this exercise a few times you will fel the tension in your calf muscles. Points of attention: Do not lean forwards, that makes the exercise too easy, Make sure you keep your knees stretched, Alternative: calf raises with resistance: the ‘same exercise but this time keep one arm straight down whilst holding a dumbbell or a weighted object. Goal: Strengthening right stomach muscles Starting position: Lay on back with feet on the ground, knees bent at 90 degrees and with arms crossed over your chest. Lifthead and shoulders from the ground; hold this position fora few seconds and fee! the tension in your stomach muscles. Then Jet your head and shoulders drop down ‘again, but do not allow them to touch the ‘ground, The lower back is kept on the floor throughout the whole exercise. Points of attention: Feel tension in your stomach muscles and not in your back. If you suffer from back complaints do not raise your head and shoulders too high- Just enough to feel the tension in your stomach is enough. Lift legs bent at 90 degrees. In case of neck or shoulder ‘complaints, you might put a towel in your ‘neck and hold it with your hands, or use an abtrainer, ‘Alternative: Dynamic crunch in which the final position is not held but the exercise is carried out ina continuous back and forth mation, EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Strengthening the diagonal stomach muscles Starting position: Laying on your back with legs bent and feet on the mat (legs bent at anangle of 90 degrees) Lift your head from the mat and reach with your right hand towards your left knee. Your right shoulder will ift from the mat whilst your left shoulder should stay on the mat. You may hold your left hand behind your head for support. Hold the position for 5 seconds before laying back with both shoulders on the mat and change sides. You wil feel the tension in your side of the front cof your stomach, Points of attention: Do not just rotate but rise up towards the diagonally opposite knee. Do not pull on your head. Alternative: Dynamic diagonal crunch: move up and down ten to fifteen times on ‘one side before changing to the other side. Keep the tension on the stomach muscles ‘as you move back towards the mat, so keep your head from the mat in the downwards movement. Goal: Strengthening the buttocks and back muscles Starting position: Lay on your back with legs bent (at a 90 degree angle) and with your feet on the mat. ‘Squeeze your buttocks together and lft them from the mat until your body is one line from your thighs to your stomach, Hold this position for § seconds and return to the starting position with your back and buttocks on the ground. You will feel the tension in your buttocks and the back of your thighs. Points of attention: Don't raise your ‘buttocks too high that could cause problems in your back. ‘Alternative: Instead of holding the position, keep moving up and down, up for a second... down for a second. and so on, EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Stengthening the diagonal and right. stomach muscles Starting position: Laying on your back with legs bent and feet on the mat. Keep your hands behind your head with elbows open. Lift your head and shoulders from the mat Lift your feet from the mat and pull your kneesinwards. Makea cycling movement with your legs straighten each leg one by one before pulling back inwards). You will feel the tension in your stomach just under your ribeage. Points of attention: The higher you cycle with your legs, the easier its. The more your legs are straightened above the mat, the more difficult the exercise will become. Do not pull your head but do keep your head and shoulders off the mat. ‘Alternative: Turn inwards with your upper body. With your right elbow towards your leftknee and your left elbow towards your right knee. You are now concentrating on your diagonal stomach muscles. Goal: Strengthening the back muscles Starting position: Laying on your stomach, with left lower arm under your forehead and your right arm straight next to your head. ‘Atthe same time, lift your right arm and your left leg (diagonally opposite)a litle from the ground, before letting them sink ‘back down again. Do not let your arm and Jeg quite touch the ground but lif them again. This way you will train your back ‘muscles, which you will feel during the Points of attention: Take care that you do not lft your arm or leg too high. tis the repetition of the exercise that is important, ‘not how high you can lift your arm or leg EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goal: Strengthening front thigh muscles Starting position: Sitting position with your back against a wall, thighs horizontal, lower leg vertical. Hands on your legs. The exercise begins as soon as you assume the sitting position! After a while you will feel your thighs begin to tire. Points of attention: Take care that you do not ink too low (knees bent more than 90 degrees) ‘Alternative: Hands over one another and head against a wall (harder) Goal: Strengthening the thigh muscles and improving your condition Starting position: Feet parallel, shoulder distance apart, Arms hanging down beside your body. Start by bending your knees whilst at the same time placing your weight on your heels. Whilst bending further through your knees, keep your back straight but move your upper body slighty forwards. Bend your knees further until they are bent 90, degrees. Push and stretch your body, support that movement by moving your arms forward, Your feet will eave the ‘ground. When touching the ground, return to the kneeling position in one movement, Points of attention: Make sure that you ‘bend carefully when landing. In orderto prevent injuries the whole movement should be smooth and relaxed, EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module Goak: Strengthening the upper leg muscles Starting position: Stand up straight. From this position, put one leg (fat) in front, drop through both knees and with the front leg push back toa standing position; do not let the knee of the front leg cross the heel; ppush the knee of the back leg downwards. After repeating several times you will feel your upper leg muscles becoming tired. Points of attention: Make sure that you do not lose balance and begin to ‘sway’ with your torso, Your legs must do the work! ‘Alternative: Short steps and do not drop down too far through your knees, or take longer steps and drop lower. Or, one lunge step and after you have dropped through your knees, hold the position fora while, Goak strengthening the upper arm muscles Begin sitting on a step or chair with hands next to thighs. Balance on your arms, ‘moving your rear end in front of the step with legs straight (harder) or bent (easier) Bend the elbows and lower body a few inches, keeping the shoulders away from your ears and the elbows parallel to one ‘another, going no lower than 90 degrees. Push back up to starting position. Ifyou have any wrist or shoulder problems, skip this exercise Remeber to Inhale up, exhale down, EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS Seagull Physical Exercise module oak: strengthening the upper arm muscles ‘Assume a prone position on the floor, preferably a soft/carpeted surface. Keep your feet together. Make two fists and place them under yourself on the floor, approximately shoulder width apart. Curl your toes upward (towards your head) so that the balls of your feet touch the ground. Raise yourself using your arms. At this point, your weight should be supported by your hands and the balls of your feet. Make a straight line from your head to your heels. Lower your torso to the ground until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Keep your elbows close to your body for more resistance. Keep your head facing forward. Try to have the tip of your nose pointed directly ahead, Drawa breath as you lower yourself. Raise yourself by attempting to push the {ground away from you. Breathe out as you push. Continue the push until your arms are ‘almost ina straight position (but not locked).

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