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Cube Tesselation Tiles

5 inches

0.66 inch

5 inches

1 inch

0.66 inch

4a. I’ve made the pattern by using cubes repeatedly in the tiles, it is like tesselation. Tesselation or
tesselate is to form a pattern of shapes that fit together perfectly, without any gaps. Tesselation is
usually used in making tiles design in order for the pattern to fit together without any overlaps.

4b. The above figure state all of the measurement of the patterns.
4c. It is possible to make art by using the same pattern repeats, the reason for this is repetition is
one of the elements of art, and having the same pattern repeatedly is visually appealing making it
art. Another reason is that art is any product done by people for aesthetic purposes.

4d. The Pattern I use is repetition of cubes that made or created tesselation.

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