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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Edward W. Campion, M.D., Editor

Acute Infectious Diarrhea

in Immunocompetent Adults
Herbert L. DuPont, M.D.

From the University of Texas School of n the United States, approximately 179 million cases of acute
Public Health and Medical School, Baylor ­diarrhea occur each year, amounting to 0.6 bouts per person per year. In one
St. Luke’s Medical Center, Baylor College
of Medicine, and the Kelsey Research study, the estimated prevalence of diarrhea among adults the month before
Foundation — all in Houston. Address questioning was 3 to 7%, with the rate dependent on age, and 8% among children
reprint requests to Dr. DuPont at P.O. 5 years of age or younger.1 A similar rate of acute diarrhea among adults was re-
Box 20186, Houston, TX 77025, or at ported recently in Germany.2 In the United States, 83% of deaths from acute diarrhea
occur in adults 65 years of age or older. Hospital-associated Clostridium difficile–­
N Engl J Med 2014;370:1532-40.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1301069 associated diarrhea is the most prevalent cause of fatal illness, followed by norovirus
Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. infection3; both are common in residents of nursing homes.4
Diarrhea is generally defined as the passage of three or more unformed stools
per day, often in addition to other enteric symptoms, or the passage of more than
250 g of unformed stool per day. On the basis of its duration, diarrhea can be clas-
sified as acute (<14 days), persistent (14 to 29 days), or chronic (≥30 days). Gastro­
enteritis, which is often due to viral infection involving the stomach and small
intestine, is associated with vomiting and diarrhea.
This review addresses the clinical approach to the diagnosis and management
of acute diarrhea in immunocompetent adults, summarizes contemporary clinical
controversies, and discusses research needed in the field.

C ause s a nd Gener a l Hos t Fac t or s

In the United States, noroviruses are the principal cause of gastroenteritis and they
are responsible for approximately 50% of outbreaks of diarrhea,5 26% of cases of
diarrhea in emergency departments,6 and 13% of office visits for diarrhea.7 Noro-
viruses are particularly common in closed populations such as cruise ships, nursing
homes, dormitories, and hospitals. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention8 indicate that infections with the following bacterial pathogens were
detected in descending order of rates per 100,000 people in the United States
in 2012: salmonella, 16.4 cases; campylobacter, 14.3 cases; Shiga toxin–producing
Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain, 1.1 cases; vibrio, 0.4 cases; and yersinia, 0.3 cases. In
2011, the rate of shigella infection in the United States was 2.3 cases per 100,000
people.9 The rates of reported infections are affected by outbreaks and investiga-
tions of outbreaks by public health authorities. Although they are not included in
routine surveys, other diarrheogenic E. coli, particularly enteroaggregative E. coli and
enterotoxigenic E. coli, are increasingly being recognized as causes of acute diar-
rhea.10 Decreasing rates of rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis have been observed
among adults, since rotavirus vaccine is being used in children.11 Protozoal para-
sites are primarily identified in patients with persistent diarrhea. Most cases of
diarrhea in adults who are not traveling lack an identifiable cause.
In the United States, the estimated 48 million cases of foodborne illness each
year (36% of all cases of diarrhea) constitute an important area for disease-control

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Acute Infectious Diarrhea

efforts.12 Produce is the most common source of pathogens according to the amount of infectious
diarrhea due to foodborne infection (in 46% of inoculum is described in Table S1 in the Supple-
defined cases), and contaminated leafy green veg- mentary Appendix, available with the full text of
etables are the most common single food item (in this article at
22% of cases). Noroviruses are the most com-
mon pathogens in diarrhea due to foodborne Cl inic a l E va luat ion
infection,13 and poultry is associated with the
highest proportion of deaths (19%), which are Most people with acute diarrhea manage their ill-
mainly the result of infection by salmonella or ness and do not present for medical evaluation. In
listeria. Reference laboratories need to be fully patients with severe diarrhea associated with coli-
developed to detect less commonly occurring tis or fever, recent or current exposure to hospitals
pathogens such as Vibrio cholerae O1 (identified in or nursing homes, or the previous use of antibiot-
U.S. workers in Haiti in 2010),14 E. coli O104:H4 ics and in patients with persistent diarrhea, clini-
(identified in Europe in 2011),15 and cyclospora cal and epidemiologic features may provide valu-
(which accounted for a large U.S. multistate out- able information in the evaluation (Fig. 1).
break due to contamination of mixed salad dur- Factors that are relevant to the cause of diar-
ing the summer of 2013).16 rhea include previous international travel; treat-
Host factors are important in the develop- ment with antibiotics, chemotherapy, or proton-
ment of infectious diarrhea. Higher rates of in- pump inhibitors; unsafe sexual practices; work at
fectious diarrhea occur among persons at ex- a day-care center; and the presence of a known
tremes of age, among persons with altered immunosuppressive disorder. When vomiting is
immunity because of disease or drugs, and the predominant finding, viral gastroenteritis or
among persons with physiological features of food poisoning with a preformed toxin is prob-
the gut that are altered by medications, includ- ably the cause. In an outbreak, the incubation
ing acid-reducing agents such as proton-pump period can be used to differentiate between viral
inhibitors and antibiotics that alter intestinal infection (>14 hours, often 24 to 48 hours) and
flora and gut homeostasis. food poisoning (2 to 7 hours). The presence of
severe abdominal pain in a patient older than
D ose a nd Infec t i v i t y 50 years of age or peritoneal signs or ileus on
examination should lead to a workup for more
Challenge experiments involving volunteers and serious intraabdominal disease.18 The character
epidemiologic studies show that infections with of the stool, including odor, floatation in the
shigella, Shiga toxin–producing E. coli, noroviruses, toilet, and color (other than bright red from
rotaviruses, giardia, and cryptosporidium are easily blood or black from melena) is not helpful in the
spread by low inoculums of agents that often evaluation of patients with acute diarrhea.
cause secondary spread of illness. Shigella and The patient’s hydration status should be eval-
noroviruses, the most communicable pathogens, uated by examining vital signs, mucous mem-
have a high potential for person-to-person spread,17 branes, and sensorium and looking for postural
which is related to the low amounts of inoculum hypotension. The examination may reveal evidence
required, the environmental stability of the organ- of a systemic process. Painful hemorrhoids from
isms, and the common occurrence in young chil- frequent defecation may be detected in patients
dren who are likely to spread infection. Limited with colitis, proctitis, or both. A rectal examina-
data from volunteer challenge studies suggest an tion should be performed to assess stool for gross
intermediate dose response for most salmonella and occult blood. Warning signs of complicated
and campylobacter strains. Secondary spread oc- illness or bacteremia include systemic toxicity,
casionally occurs with salmonella strains, and high temperature (≥38.5°C [101.3°F]), and pas-
the infection rate among infants is high, sug- sage of grossly bloody stools.
gesting transmission at lower amounts of inocu-
lum. The moderate-dose and high-dose patho- Di agnos tic Tes ts a nd Procedur es
gens cause illness most commonly after a person
consumes contaminated food in which replicat- Blood Studies
ing organisms have reached a disease-producing Levels of electrolytes and serum creatinine should
amount of inoculum. The infectivity of enteric be measured in cases of systemic toxicity or de­

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Colitis present (passage Temperature Exposure to hospital, Persistent diarrhea

of small-volume stool ≥38.5°C (101.3°F) nursing home, or (≥14 days)
containing visible blood, antibiotics
with or without
mucus, fecal urgency,
and tenesmus)

Obtain single stool Mild or moderate Severe diarrhea with Obtain single stool
specimen to Disabling illness Condition stable diarrhea; no any of the follow- specimen to culture
culture for shigella, or course and improving inflammatory ing: passage of for enteric bacterial
salmonella, lasting ≥48 hr response (e.g., ≥6 stools/day; pathogens and for
campylobacter, WBC ≤15,000/mm3 diarrhea lasting tests to detect
or Shiga toxin– or no fever), no >72 hr; inflam- parasitic path-
producing decreased urine matory response ogens; if patient is
No workup needed;
Escherichia coli; output or organ (WBC ≥15,000/mm3, immuno-
if no improvement,
if patient has fever, failure, patient is fever, or dysenteric compromised,
treat as diarrhea
obtain blood culture; not elderly or in stool); decreased look for selected
lasting ≥48 hr
if patient is immuno- ICU and does not urine output; organ pathogens in stool
compromised, look have coexisting failure; patient is
for enteric pathogens condition elderly or has
in stool coexisting condi-
tion; serum
albumin <2.5 g/dl;
patient is in ICU
Treat for specific Treat with only Treat for specific
pathogen identified, fluid and electrolyte pathogen identified,
if indicated therapy unless if indicated
condition worsens;
if condition
worsens, treat as
for patients with
≥6 stools/day

Obtain stool Consider colectomy

sample to test for if patient has high
Clostridium difficile temperature and
toxin and treat toxicity, fulminant
if possible course, or

Treatment for
CDAD varies
depending on
first vs. recurrent
bout and severity
of illness

Figure 1. Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Severe Diarrhea, According to Whether There Are Symptoms of Colitis, Fever,
­Exposure to Hospital, Nursing Home, or Antibiotics, and Persistent Diarrhea.
All patients with diarrhea should receive fluids and electrolytes and eat foods that are easy to digest such as bananas, toast, and broiled or
baked meats and vegetables. CDAD denotes Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea, ICU intensive care unit, and WBC white-cell count.

hydration, especially in elderly or infirm pa- Stool Examination

tients. A complete blood count may be indicated The determination of the precise cause of diar-
in patients with severe diarrhea accompanied rhea is costly, and in most cases of nonsevere
by fever or toxicity, in whom leukocytosis or a diarrhea it is not necessary. Assessment of a stool
shift to the left in neutrophils may indicate an sample to determine the cause of illness should
inflammatory bacterial pathogen having prog- be reserved for patients at high risk for diagnos-
nostic significance in C. difficile–associated diar- able diarrhea or cases in which identification of
rhea. Eosinophilia may be seen in parasitic in­ the pathogen would be important. Stool samples
fections with an extraintestinal migration phase should be obtained from patients with any of the
(e.g., strongyloidiasis). following conditions: acute diarrhea that is se-

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Acute Infectious Diarrhea

vere or associated with fever (≥38.5°C), diarrhea geted genes who are ill from another cause.
associated with a severe coexisting condition in a PCR for the diagnosis of C. difficile–associated
hospitalized patient who is receiving anti­biotics diarrhea has high sensitivity but lower positive
(with testing only for C. difficile toxins), persis- predictive value when the rate of C. difficile infec-
tent diarrhea (≥14 days’ duration), profuse chol- tion is 10% or less among stools screened, with
era-like watery diarrhea, dehydration, and dys- higher rates of asymptomatic infection in the
entery. In addition, samples should be obtained general population.22 Genome analysis,23 test-
from elderly or immunocompromised patients ing for messenger RNA as a measure of protein
with diarrhea and persons employed as food expression or quantitative PCR,24 more sensitive
handlers, those confined to a nursing home, and functional toxin assays,25 or — in the case of
those who work in a day-care center. Identifica- colitis — subsequent identification of fecal in-
tion of the pathogen is also important in an out- flammatory markers in PCR-positive cases of
break of diarrhea. diarrhea26 may improve the diagnostic value of
When bacterial, viral, or protozoal causes of nucleic acid–based diagnostic tests.
acute diarrhea are suspected, a single stool sample
obtained from the patient and studied by a li- Endoscopy and Abdominal Computed
censed laboratory is usually sufficient. The sample Tomography
should be processed in the laboratory as soon as Flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy has lim-
feasible, within 4 hours after passage if direct ited value in the routine evaluation of patients
microscopic examination will be used to detect with acute diarrhea.27 Flexible sigmoidoscopy is
parasitic organisms and within 12 hours after a useful diagnostic procedure in cases of persis-
passage if routine microbiologic methods will be tent diarrhea and in selected cases of acute diar-
used. In patients with acute diarrhea, perfor- rhea with clinical colitis in which the diagnosis
mance of additional cultures adds to the cost, is not clear, such as cases of suspected C. difficile–
with little improvement in pathogen detection.19 associated diarrhea with toxin-negative stool. Indi-
In patients with inflammatory bowel disease and cations for endoscopy include suspected C. difficile–
possible C. difficile–associated diarrhea, multiple associated diarrhea and dysenteric diarrhea with
samples may be needed for diagnosis,20 and in negative results of stool toxin and microbiologic
patients with persistent diarrhea due to a potential tests. Abnormalities observed during endoscopy
parasitic infection, three separate stool samples may differentiate infectious colitis due to shigella,
may be needed to detect the causative organism. salmonella, campylobacter, invasive E. coli, Shiga
All licensed laboratories are capable of detecting toxin–producing E. coli, C. difficile, or cytomegalo-
shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, Shiga toxin– virus from inflammatory bowel disease. Bowel
producing E. coli O157:H7 strains, giardia, crypto­ preparation before endoscopy should be selected
sporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, and rotavirus. For to minimize mucosal changes, and in patients
evaluation of bloody diarrhea, a test for the pres- with severe diarrhea, bowel preparation may be
ence of fecal Shiga toxin should also be performed omitted. Proctoscopic examination may be helpful
to identify O157:H7 and non-O157:H7 Shiga toxin– in diagnosing proctitis in patients who have had
producing E. coli strains. Reverse-transcriptase– unprotected anal intercourse. Esophago­gastro­
polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assays for the duodenoscopy may be useful in patients with per-
detection of norovirus are available in local public sistent diarrhea if standard stool and serologic
health laboratories in the case of outbreaks. studies are not diagnostic.28 This test may detect
giardia infection, early-onset celiac disease, histo­
PCR-Based Diagnostic Tests pathological changes in the absorptive lining of
Laboratories throughout the industrialized world the small bowel, and bacterial overgrowth in the
are now using PCR-based diagnostic tests, which small bowel.
are often combined in a single test to detect mul- Abdominal computed tomography (CT) may
tiple enteropathogens.21 PCR offers the advan- detect mucosal thickening or other changes of
tage of improved sensitivity, but it focuses on ischemic, hemorrhagic, or inflammatory colitis,
genes rather than on virulence factors. Also, PCR and it is the preferred diagnostic study when
methods may detect DNA in patients with tran- both intraabdominal disease and intestinal dis-
sient colonization by organisms containing tar- ease are included in the differential diagnosis.29

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Organism-Specific Enteric Infection in Adults.*

Enteric Illness Diagnostic Method Antimicrobial Therapy

Shigellosis Stool culture Ciprofloxacin, 750 mg once daily for 3 days, or
azithromycin, 500 mg once daily for 3 days
Nontyphoidal salmonellosis Stool culture No treatment in patients with nonsevere disease
who are otherwise healthy. In patients with
high-risk condition that confers predisposition
to bacteremia10 or with severe diarrhea, fever,
and systemic toxicity or positive blood culture:
levofloxacin, 500 mg orally (or other fluoro­
quinolone in corresponding dose) once daily
for 7 to 10 days or slow intravenous infusion of
ceftriaxone, 1 to 2 g once daily for 7 to 10 days
(14 days in patients with immunosuppression)
Enteric fever, bacteremic sal­mo­ Blood and stool cultures Fluoroquinolone or intravenous cephalosporin for
nellosis (including typhoid 7 days (≥14 days in patients with
fever) immunosuppression)
Chronic carriage of typhoidal Stool culture (persistently positive stool cultures or Ciprofloxacin, 750 mg twice daily for 4 to 6 wk,
salmonella single positive stool culture in a food handler, or norfloxacin, 400 mg twice daily for 4 to 6 wk;
with detectable serum Vi antigen antibodies in in cases of treatment failure, evaluate for chole­
an outbreak setting, is diagnostic) lithiasis and consider cholecystectomy
Intestinal campylobacteriosis Stool culture Azithromycin, 500 mg once daily for 3 days,
or eryth­romycin, 500 mg four times daily
for 5 days
Infection with Shiga toxin–producing Stool culture on Sorbitol–MacConkey agar with No antibiotics; supportive treatment only,
Escherichia coli diarrhea O157:H7 antiserum for sorbitol-negative including dialysis for renal failure
E. coli and test for Shiga toxin 1 and 2 in
stool, broth, or culture plate32
Noncholeraic vibrio diarrhea Stool culture with TCBS medium Ciprofloxacin, 750 mg once daily for 3 days, or
azithromycin, 500 mg once daily for 3 days
Vibrio cholerae infection (cholera) Stool culture with TCBS medium Doxycycline, 300 mg in a single dose
Clostridium difficile–associated
First or second bout Fecal test for toxin A and toxin B (enzyme Mild cases: metronidazole, 500 mg thrice daily for
immunoassay, PCR, toxigenic culture, 10 days; more severe cases: vancomycin,
or cell-culture cytotoxic assay) 125 mg four times daily for 10 days, or
fidaxomicin, 200 mg twice daily for 10 days;
fulminant cases: oral vancomycin, 500 mg
every 6 hr for 7 to 10 days
Recurrent (≥3 bouts) Repeat stool assay for toxin A and toxin B Tapered or pulsed doses of vancomycin for 3 to 5 wk
or fecal microbial transplantation, if available33
Travelers’ diarrhea and entero­ None Patients without fever or dysentery: rifaximin, 200 mg
toxigenic E. coli diarrhea thrice daily for 3 days, or ciprofloxacin, 500 mg
twice daily or 750 mg daily for 1 to 3 days; pa­
tients with fever or dysentery: azith­romycin,
1000 mg in a single oral dose

Norovirus Real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR assay of Fluid and electrolyte therapy; one study involving
stool or emesis specimen volunteers suggested that bismuth sub­sali­cy­late
may improve symptoms
Rotavirus Rapid antigen-detection test of stool specimen Fluid and electrolyte therapy
Enteric adenoviruses, strain 40 Enzyme immunoassay of stool specimen Fluid and electrolyte therapy
or 41
Giardiasis Enzyme immunoassay or light-microscopic Tinidazole, 2 g orally in a single dose, metronida­
examination of stool specimen zole, 250 mg thrice daily for 5 to 7 days, or
nitazoxanide, 500 mg twice daily for 3 days

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Acute Infectious Diarrhea

Table 1. (Continued.)

Enteric Illness Diagnostic Method Antimicrobial Therapy

Cryptosporidiosis Enzyme immunoassay of stool specimen Nitazoxanide, 500 mg twice daily for 3 to 14 days
Intestinal amebiasis Fecal antigen-detection enzyme immunoassay, Metronidazole, 750 mg thrice daily for 5 days, plus
stool culture plus isoenzyme assay, or PCR- either diloxanide furoate, 500 mg thrice daily for
based assay 10 days, or paromomycin, 25 to 35 mg/kg/day
divided in 3 daily doses for 7 days
Cyclosporiasis Stool acid-fast assay to detect oocysts, which TMP–SMX, 160 mg and 800 mg, respectively, twice
appear as large cryptosporidia daily for 7 days; longer treatment for patients
with immunosuppression
Cystoisospora belli infection Stool acid-fast assay to detect oocysts, which are TMP–SMX, 160 mg and 800 mg, respectively, four
larger than cyclospora oocysts times daily for 10 days
Enterocytozoon bieneusi or Encephal­ Light-microscopic examination of stool specimen Albendazole, 400 mg twice daily for 14 to 28 days,
itozoon intestinalis infection with Weber’s chromotrope-based stain or or fumagillin, 20 mg thrice daily for 14 days†
aniline blue stain to detect small spores
Strongyloidiasis Light-microscopic examination of stool specimen Ivermectin, 200 µg/kg/day orally for 2 days, or
to detect larvae albendazole, 400 mg twice daily for 7 days
Dientamoeba fragilis diarrhea Light-microscopic examination and conventional Paromomycin, 25 to 35 mg/kg/day orally in 3 daily
and real-time PCR assay of stool specimen doses for 7 days, or iodoquinol, 650 mg thrice
daily for 20 days
Blastocystis hominis diarrhea Light-microscopic examination of stool specimen Pathogenicity uncertain in most cases; in sus­
pected cases, a 10-day course of metro­nida­
zole, TMP–SMX, or paromomycin in normal
doses may be helpful
Cytomegalovirus colitis in Mucosal biopsy or serologic test Ganciclovir, 5 mg/kg intravenously every 12 hr for
immunocompromised 14 days, or valganciclovir, 900 mg twice daily
persons orally for 21 days; maintenance dose of either
agent may then be needed

* PCR denotes polymerase chain reaction, SMX sulfamethoxazole, TCBS thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose, and TMP trimethoprim.
† Fumagillin is not available in the United States.

CT is particularly valuable for the detection of lowest effective dose should be administered to
colonic mucosal thickening and pericolonic avoid constipation after diarrhea; often the initial
stranding, which may occur in cases of fulmi- 4-mg loading dose is sufficient. Antisecretory
nant C. difficile–associated diarrhea. drugs are in development but remain untested
in most forms of diarrhea. Crofelemer (Fulyzaq), a
M a nagemen t chloride-channel blocker, has been shown to re-
duce the number of stools in patients with travel-
For patients with moderate-to-severe diarrhea, ers’ diarrhea30 and is approved for use in patients
the first goal of treatment is to correct and main- with human immunodeficiency virus infection
tain electrolyte and fluid balance, which can be complicated by diarrhea.31 Probiotics have limited
lifesaving in the elderly, patients with coexisting value for the treatment and prevention of specific
conditions, and infants. forms of diarrhea, although they have some value
The antimotility drug loperamide (Imodium) in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
is helpful in decreasing the passage of diarrheal Empirical antibiotic therapy is recommended
stools in persons who are traveling or on a tight for sporadic cases of febrile dysentery, especially
schedule. However, this class of drugs usually those associated with toxicity that suggests the
will not shorten the total duration of the illness. possibility of systemic infection, as well as for
The maximum initial dose is 4 mg, followed by severe cases of travelers’ diarrhea or hospital-
2 mg after each unformed stool, with a total associated or antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Anti­
maximum dose of 8 mg per day for 48 hours. biotics are indicated in only a small percentage
Loperamide should not be used in patients with of patients with an established infectious cause
febrile or dysenteric diarrhea. If it is used, the of acute diarrhea (Table 1); in these patients, anti­

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

biotics can shorten the illness, decrease transmis- and calprotectin are more sensitive biomarkers
sion, and prevent complications, including death. and may correlate with the severity and extent of
In selecting specific therapy for most cases of colonic inflammation.
acute diarrhea, an etiologic diagnosis must be Currently, antibiotic therapy is not helpful in
established. Antimicrobial therapy can be life- cases of mild diarrhea caused by salmonella, and
saving in the case of bacteremic salmonellosis it lengthens shedding for 3 weeks or longer.43
and C. difficile infection in the elderly. Some antibiotics induce Shiga toxin–encoding
phage and may precipitate the hemolytic–uremic
a sso ci ated c ondi t ions syndrome. Therefore, in an outbreak of bloody
diarrhea, antibiotics are not currently recom-
Reactive arthritis can follow acute enteric infection mended for patients with minimal or no fever
by strains of salmonella, shigella, and yersinia be- who have Shiga toxin–producing E. coli infection.
cause of autoimmune responses targeting epitopes In general, single cases of acute febrile dysentery
common to both the infecting pathogen and the are likely to be due to treatable enteric bacterial
joint or periarticular tissues.34 pathogens such as shigella and campylobacter;
Functional bowel disorders, including post­ in these cases, antibiotics shorten the illness
infectious irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), occur and prevent complications.
in 5 to 10% of patients after enteric infection by Additional areas of uncertainty in the diagnosis
inflammatory bacterial pathogens and less com- and treatment of enteric infections are described
monly after infection by viruses and parasites.35 in Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix.
In IBS, the infecting organism leads to persis-
tent low-grade intestinal inflammation, air trap- R e se a rch Pr ior i t ie s
ping in the intestine, and altered intestinal mo-
tility in the constipation form of the disease. New molecular methods are needed to detect
Factors that increase the risk of this syndrome known enteric pathogens (bacterial, viral, and
with a bout of diarrhea include greater virulence parasitic) as well as new viral genera, including
of the pathogen,36 more severe illness, younger astrovirus, sapovirus, bocavirus, polyomavirus,
age, female sex, and preexisting psychological parechovirus, torovirus, and Aichi virus. Intesti-
disturbances.37 Postinfectious IBS may be asso- nal biomarkers should be sought for use in deter-
ciated with a better prognosis than idiopathic mining the cause of diarrhea. A comprehensive
forms of IBS, but it may last 8 years or more.38,39 diagnostic approach, with the use of 16S ribo-
Host genetic factors involving serotonin, epithe- somal RNA mass metagenomic sequencing for
lial function, and innate immunity play a role in novel sequences, DNA microarray technology
the development of postinfectious IBS.40 with various amplification strategies, and other
The Guillain–Barré syndrome occurs in the molecular methods, needs to be undertaken to
2 months after a bout of campylobacter infection look for new pathogens. Additional studies of
in approximately 1 to 2 cases per 10,000 pa- strains of diarrheogenic E. coli are needed to bet-
tients with campylobacteriosis,41 as a result of ter understand the biology of these pathogens,
cross-reactivity between the infecting organisms which are being detected more frequently. The
and neural ganglioside epitopes.42 Risk factors large outbreak of diarrhea in Europe in 2011,
include the virulence of infecting strains and which was due to a strain of E. coli O104:H4 in-
host genetic factors. volving a hybrid strain of enteroaggregative E. coli
that had acquired a Shiga toxin–producing E. coli
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y phage inducing Shiga toxin production, under-
scored the complexity of E. coli strains as causes
Because very sensitive diagnostic tests may not of human illness. More studies are needed to de-
differentiate between asymptomatic infection fine microbial and host factors in nontyphoidal
and pathogen-specific illness, testing for intesti- salmonella sepsis, which is currently seen in sub-
nal inflammatory biomarkers can be a useful ad- Saharan Africa. Sensitive methods are needed to
dition to diagnostic tests for some pathogens. screen for pathogens44 in food products destined
The presence of fecal leukocytes correlates with for human consumption; once developed, such
diffuse colitis but lacks sensitivity, since many screenings would be conducted routinely by the
forms of colitis occur focally. Fecal lactoferrin food industry.

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Acute Infectious Diarrhea

Host factors have not been adequately studied longer durations of therapy (20 to 30 days) for
to determine susceptibility to pathogen-specific primary C. difficile–associated diarrhea.
illness and complications after enteric infection. Mechanisms of acute diarrhea according to the
Host genes that influence organism attachment, infecting pathogen should be studied to look for
pathogen recognition, and intestinal inflamma- novel treatment targets. Antisecretory drugs such
tory response have been associated with en- as crofelemer and ecadotril are in the pipeline; the
hanced susceptibility to enteric infections.45 The forms of diarrhea for which these physiological
high risk of enteric infections among patients treatments would be appropriate are not known.
who have undergone solid-organ or hematopoi- Azithromycin and rifaximin, which do not appear
etic stem-cell transplantation calls for prospec- to induce Shiga toxin–encoding phage,46,47 should
tive study of cases in which treatment or preven- be tested for their value in treating the more severe
tion may influence the outcome. Patients with forms of Shiga toxin–producing E. coli infection.
enteric infection need to be monitored for the Studies of intestinal flora in human disease
development of complications of chronic disease. may provide important therapeutic options after
It is not known whether the more inflamma- identification of the key members of the gut
tory forms of enteric infection can be prevented microbiota that can be harnessed as powerful
in persons who are susceptible to enteric infec- probiotics delivered to the colon by means of
tion and postinfectious complications such as enteric-coated capsules or retention enema after
IBS or whether these conditions are destined removal of colonic contents through purging.
to develop in susceptible persons over time. If Studies of the mechanism underlying the effi-
such conditions are preventable, the avoidance cacy of fecal microbiota transplantation are
of high-risk foods and use of antimicrobial needed to refine strategies for improving the
chemoprophylaxis during international travel, intestinal microflora in patients with chronic or
as well as the development of new enteric vac- recurrent diarrhea due to C. difficile, inflamma-
cines, may be important approaches to disease tory bowel disease, and IBS.
prevention. Finally, vaccines are needed to provide protec-
More studies are needed to determine the tion against a number of enteric pathogens with
importance of long-term use of proton-pump outbreak potential, including C. difficile. Anti-
inhibitors, which are prescribed for myriad ab- body production to prevent disease recurrence is
dominal symptoms. This should lead to im- important in C. difficile–associated diarrhea, and
proved indications for the use of proton-pump monoclonal antibodies to the toxins of the or-
inhibitors and a perspective on the cause of ill- ganism have been shown to prevent recurrence
ness when patients present with enteric infection. of C. difficile–associated diarrhea. Vaccines are
Currently, therapy for C. difficile–associated also needed for noroviruses (genogroup I and
diarrhea is inadequate, with high rates of recur- genogroup II, especially genogroup GII, geno-
rent disease. There is strong clinical evidence, type 4), V. cholerae O1, enterotoxigenic E. coli,
based on the high rate of recurrent infection shigella, and campylobacter. Table S3 in the
after treatment, that 10-to-14-day courses of Supplementary Appendix describes additional
therapy are insufficient for the illness produced research priorities in the field.
with this spore-forming organism. Recurrent No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
disease has led to follow-up therapy or a second Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
course of treatment. Clinicians should consider full text of this article at

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