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(Alexandra) Kokoli goes on to report that other women, often strangers to each
other, joined in and sent small craft works around the country. 1 These exchanges
culminated in a public forum and the touring exhibition, the Postal Art Event 1975-71.
This became known as Feministo and each curated exhibition questioned the
“domestic isolation and frustration …and a prevailing anger against the male
‘artocracy’.” 2 By using feminine craft skills, the women made art that challenged not
only domesticity but the white male artist genius.
The resulting works in Feminista are variously humorous and peculiar.
Quoting directly from Kokoli’s book: “Although Feminista initially consisted of a
personal exchange of small (and thus cheap to post) artworks which originally
served the purpose of keeping the line of communication open between friends.” 3

Figure 1. Su Richardson, Burnt Breakfast, 1975. Crochet.

Kokoli, The Feminist Uncanny, 107.
Kokoli, 109.
Kokoli, 106.

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