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Abu Naim and the power of not giving up

Abu Naim Al Haldim, a great Arabian player of what was then

known as shatranj, wrote about this chess problem in IX
century a.d., almost 1000 years ago!
White looks hopeless and totally lost – whatever black move is,
it seems, he will get checkmated. Just look at all wonderful
options for black – for example:
1…Rh8# or 1…Rg7# or 1…Rd8+ Kxh7 2.Rh8#!
However, white is not ready to give up! Despite all the danger,
he finds the way to sacrify not one, but two pieces and win the
game. So, he plays (can you guess?)
White to move 1.Nh5+!! Rxh5 2.Rxg6!! Kxg6 3.Re6#

Did you know?

At the time when this chess problem was made (more then 1000 years ago) chess was still played
as shatranj and rules were a bit different as well as name of the pieces. Horse (today’s knight),
king and chariot (rook) all moved as today however, there was no castling for king. Foot soldiers
(pawns), too, moved one square and ate diagonally as today. But two square move for pawns was
not yet invented and foot soldier was promoted only to counselor (queen) when it reaches the end
of the board. Counselor (queen), at that time, moved only 1 square diagonally, while elephant
(today’s bishop) could move only two squares diagonally and even jump over any piece on its way!
Why elephants could jump and move that way is a mystery even today. Also, game could be won
not only by checkmating opponent’s king but also with stalemate or by capturing all opponents

Shatranj pieces with original names

Legend of Dilara – how beautiful Dilara helped

Dilara was beautiful wife of ancient Duke who loved to play

shatranj so much that he preferred it to anything else. Once,
he played against very strong master of shatranj, in high
stakes as was custom at the time. However, master played
skillfully and Duke was losing game after game and, with
stakes rising after each game, he eventually lost all of his
fortune. He asked his opponent for the last game. “But, what
that stake will be?” asked his opponent “You’ve got nothing
left”. Duke thought for a while and said “I’ve got my beautiful
wife. She will be my stake.”. “For her, I will put at stake
everything I’ve earned so far.” said shatranj master.
White to move
And they played that last game. However, after some time,
Duke, who was playing white, found himself in extremely bad
checkmate from here? position – his king was ready to raise white flag and resign.
3. Rh8+!! Kh8 Can you find the
Duke was hopeless, facing losing it all, while his opponent was
bishops can jump in shatranj) Kg8
1. Rh8+! Kxh8 2. Bf5+ (remember, already smiling, anticipating victory. But then Dilara
whispered to Duke’s ear “My Lord! Sacrifice your two rooks
but don’t give away your faithful Dilara!”
And then Duke saw beautiful combination on the board! He
eventually sacrificed two rooks and won his wife and fortune
back. Can you find that combination?

Long streak of undefeated

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