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1. Why are engineers considered an important segment of the society?

- As an engineering student, engineers are basically a foundation of the society in which they
are essential in every aspect for which a society needs in order to function and thrive.
Starting from the simplest towards the complex i.e., tools for agriculture – agricultural
systems (irrigation), simple houses – infrastructure (high-rise buildings and skyscrapers) and,
building of roads and manufacturing of transportation (land, sea, air and space travel).

2. What ere expected of engineers in general?

- Expectations for engineers are very high as they have a standard set by society as an
important segment serving for an important function, in general. They are tasked to be
great and to be the best at their job by using perfected skills and knowledge for an efficient
and effective output in which there is no room for error for lives are at stake, hence, their
effort and presence is of high value.

3. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?

- Engineering outputs are needed in every aspect of this current modern age, hence, an
engineer in every aspect of society from a general towards a specialization (Mechanical-
Aerospace). Such current concerns are the following: agriculture (production of food),
elimination of pollution may it be air, water, land and etc., solid waste disposal (recycling),
supplying the needs of the people (energy), supplying the increasing demand for mobility
(transportation), supplying the increasing demand for communication facilities
(telecommunications) and many more.

4. In what areas are engineers currently involved?

- A broad area is covered by the engineering principle such that engineers perform jobs which
are beneficial to the society such as research, design and development, testing,
manufacturing, construction, sales, consulting, government, teaching, and management.

5. How many organizations can be classified according to the engineering jobs performed?
- There are three types of organizations that can be classified according to the engineering
jobs performed from level one to level three. Level One – minimal engineering jobs (retailing
firms). Level Two – moderate degree of engineering jobs (transportation companies). Lastly,
Level Three – high degree of engineering jobs (construction firms).
6. Which organization level requires the highest management skills for engineer managers?
- Level Three is the organization which requires the highest management skills for engineer
managers such that they need an adequate amount of management skills in order to
function and thrive in this level a general management skill is needed.

7. What is engineering management?

- Engineering management refers to the activity combining technical knowledge with the
ability to organize and coordinate worker power, materials, machinery, and money.
Wherein, the primary objective is to lead his group or team into producing a certain output
consistent with the required specifications.

8. How may one define management?

- Management may be defined as the creative problem-solving process of planning,
organizing, leading, and, controlling, an organization’s resources to achieve its mission and

9. What qualifications must an engineer manager have?

- An engineer manager must have the following qualifications; (a) a bachelor’s degree in
engineering, in some cases, a master’s degree in engineering or business management, (b) a
few years of experience in a pure engineering job (c) training in supervision, (d) special
training in engineering management.

10. How may one become a successful engineer manager?

- A successful engineer manager must possess the following three general preconditions; (a)
ability – managerial ability refers to the capacity of an engineer manager to achieve
organizational objectives effectively and efficiently (b) motivation to manage – refers to the
following; a favorable attitude, desire to engage in games or sports, desire to engage in
occupational or work-related competition with peers, desire to assert oneself and take
charge, desire to exercise power and authority, desire to behave in a distinctive way, and a
sense of responsibility, and (c) opportunity – refers to obtaining a suitable managerial job
and finding a supportive climate once on the job.


The story of Mr. Mallari is one among many who dreams of expanding their business venture
and those of who have entrepreneurial spirit. Following the path of his friend where in establishment of
his own assembly plant for manufacturing of electronic parts is indeed viable, however, long the process
and one crucial aspect of it is the management of the whole firm. From here on engineering
management is a key role in which it is a need for this idea and this firm to arise. To plant itself to solid
ground attaining the primary objective to lead the group or team into producing a certain output
consistent with the required specifications, hence, engineering management. Mr. Mallari must choose
the most appropriate college courses for his children in order to become a successor of his firm and to
stabilize his business in order for lapses to be reduced as such for the business to grow and thrive.
Engineering is a primary course in which it is suitable in every aspect of the firm and a precursor to
managing of a whole team. Business Management is another course in which solely focuses on
managing the business for further growth and to meet required outputs.

For a more specific and focused management of the business I think the best option to choose
for his children is a course in electrical engineering in a well-known and reliable school wherein passing
rates and quality of teaching should be of utmost value. Pursuing a course of electrical engineering will
greatly help the establishment of the firm as it focuses on electronics in general and a firm grasp of the
knowledge and processes are needed in order for the business to thrive. Garnering the skills and
knowledge in electrical components where such firm is established upon on is crucial in order for
allocation in such parts and will provide grounds for effective and efficient planning of inventory and
manufacturing. A background of management should also be of concern as this is to aid for the smooth
operation of the venture leading towards its primary goal and development.

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