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Wi-Fi Ind

dustry Adopts
A 802.11a
8 ad for H
High Perrforman

RF & W
Wireless Compo
onents (RFWC

R Snap

8 produucts have bee en on the ma arket since 20 013, but until recently
v remained low, with products con nsisting mainlyy of wireless docking
stations for pre
emium laptop P PCs. Demand d for very fastt downloads, 44K UHD
v Cloud sttorage and oth her data-intenssive application
ns have chang ged this,
w 802.11ad now n coming in to its own at thhe high-performmance end of Wi-Fi in
m devices and infrastructture.

February 2016
Christtopher Taylor
Tel: 6617-614-0706
Email: cta

Executtive Sum
802.11ad, allso referred to
t as multi-gigabit Wi-Fi or o WiGig, has emerged as a high-performance comp plement
to 802.11acc Wave 2. Consumers will use 802.11a ad in smartph hones for sharing video content, and fro om there
applications will expand too include poinnt-of-sale kiosks for downlo oading multimeedia content, residential, en
enue Wi-Fi inffrastructure, virtual reality de
and public ve evices, and fro
ont haul and back haul for small cells.

Key attributtes of 802.11a

ad include:

 802.11ad adds an increedible 7 GHz of

o bandwidth at
a 60 GHz to to
oday’s Wi-Fi to
o provide a hu
uge lift in data rates
and local wireless capacity.

 At 60 GHz z, radio signals do not penetrate most objects, but cont rary to populaar belief, 802.11ad is not limited to
line of sight (LOS) appliications. In most cases, thee use of multip ple antennas a
allows 60 GHz to take multip ple paths
between NLOS
N points without
w interruption from objects in the line
e of sight.

 802.11ad enhances the e Wi-Fi user exxperience, and

d will help equ
uipment OEMss and Internet service provid
ders to
ate their offerin
differentia ngs with ultra-h
high-rate Wi-F
Fi for new appllications.

The first inffrastructure and

a smartpho ones using 802.11ad
8 will start to ship
p early this ye
ear, outstrippiing early
shipments ov ver the past th
hree years in docking
d station
ns for laptop P

The new Qu ualcomm-Inte el interoperab bility testing collaboration n means that almost all 80 02.11ad devicces that
ship in 20166 will work toogether. Intel and Qualcom mm lead in sha are and in marrket clout in 802.11ad chipss; Intel is
promoting 8002.11ad in tabblets and dock king stations, while
w Qualcommm is mainly p
promoting its cchips for smarttphones,
laptops, and Wi-Fi infrastructure. Otherr 60 GHz chip specialists wi ll have to scraamble to match h Intel and Qu
in 802.11ad, but they couldd potentially work
w with cellular chipset pro
oviders MediaTTek and Spreadtrum in the future.

In 2015, 802
2.11ac Wave 2 emerged as Wi-Fi to reach consumers in
a the newestt version of W n mobile deviices and
routers. This year, 802.11ad, an even higher performance standa
ard, offers an even better W
Wi-Fi user expperience.
upplements 80
802.11ad su 02.11ac Wave 2 by adding a 60 GHz rad io for breathta
akingly high da
ata rates overr modest

ges of 802.11ad

The 60 GHz z portion of 802.11ad co omplements 802.11ac

8 Wavve 2 with addditional bandwidth and in-room
coverage fo or data transffer with very high speed and
a extremelyy low latencyy. As shown in Exhibit 1, 8802.11ad
can transfer a full-length, two hour 4K Ultra HD mov
vie to or from
m a device in 2
2.3 minutes o
or less, far fasster than
possible with
h 802.11n or even
e 802.11acc today*.i

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Exhibit 1 Estimated File Transfe
er Times for Ty
ypical Contentt Using 802.11

Content Typ
pe Size 80
02.11ad Trans
Ti me (@ 4.7 Gbps)
4K UHD mov
vie 60
6 GB 2.3 min
HD movie 5 GB 12.1 sec
SD movie 1.5 GB 3.6 sec
4K movie trailer 1.2 GB 3.0 sec
Picture library 1 GB 2.4 sec
E-magazine 25
50 MB 0.6 sec
HD movie tra
ailer 10
00 MB 0.2 sec
A no additional
a com
mpression for transfer and, typical
o More
M aggressiv
ve compressio
on can reduce e the file
s shown above for faster transferss. Source: S Strategy

Client and infrastructure Wi-Fi devices s that supporrt 802.11ad w will all ship w
with the latestt 802.11ac ra
adios for
y, forming a tru
compatibility ue tri-band (or multiband) co
onfiguration ussing 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 60 0 GHz Wi-Fi.

Peak data ra ate. 802.11ad supports 4.7 Gbps within a walled-in areea or open spa ace at ranges up to 10 mete ers using
60 GHz. This is sufficientt for streaming
g 4K Ultra HD video using liittle or no com
mpression. Th he 60 GHz commponent
of 802.11ad does not penetrate most walls,
w but in un
nobstructed lin
ne of site appliications, it can
n transmit and
d receive
at 2 Gbps at ranges up to o 1 Gbps at ranges up to 130 meters. Future versio
o 40 meters, or ons of 802.11a
ad could
each peak data
potentially re a rates of an astounding
a 100 Gbps.

Low latency y. 802.11ad operating at 60 0 GHz can atttain latencies below 1 millissecond betwee en clients and
d access
points. Connecting to the Internet adds s the latency of
o the core neetwork, which ttoday is typica
ally on the ord
der of 50
milliseconds or more, but within
w the loca
al area network, nothing will beat 802.11a
ad for fast resp

Robust links. 802.11ad at a 60 GHz toda ay uses one spatial

s stream,, 64-QAM mod dulation and a single chann
nel. This
means the signal-to-noise
s e requirements s are modest, resulting in ro
obust, fault-to
olerant links. A
Although 60 GGHz can
be blocked easily
e by largee objects, Quaalcomm has demonstrated
d that 60 GHz radios can usse beam steering and
take advanta age of multipaath using refle
ections from walls
w and tablee tops to main ntain a strong signal even w
when the
line of sight path is blocke
ed. Future ve ersions of 802.11ad will proobably increasse the numberr of antenna e elements
from today’s 32 to as man ny as 128, and d adopt massive MIMO tech hniques for higgher peak datta rates, capacity, and
phenomenal NLOS perform mance.

Capacity. A single 60 GHz 802.11ad acccess point haas access to 7 GHz of contiiguous bandw
width, the equivvalent of
even Wi-Fi ac
more than se ccess points operating
o in the combined 2 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bbands. If using HEVC

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video comprression, a sing
gle 802.11ad access point can support tens of simultaneous 4K U
UHD streams within a

Battery efficciency. 802.1 11ad can transfer content with

w approxima ately the same power conssumption as 80 02.11ac,
but in one fiffth to one sixth
h the time. Th
his means thaat the total pow
wer consumed d for the transfer of a file is one fifth
to one sixth that of 802.11ac. In porta able devices such
s as smarrtphones and tablets, this ttranslates dire ectly into
longer batterry life betweenn recharging.

Demand for
f 802.11a

The popularrity of on-line video continnues to grow rapidly, with much of the e video now viewed over wireless
networks, an
nd increasing amount of it user-generate
u be and social networking sites. An
ed and upload ed to YouTub
increasing proportion
p off this content is 4K Ultra HD
H video, for w
which 802.11ad is especiaally well suite

 In 2015, more
m than 800 million smartp
phones shippeed with > 8 me
egapixel cameeras capable o of 30 fps or be
etter 4K
UHD video. The Consu umer Electroniics Association
n defines “4K Ultra HD” as vvideo with a m
minimum resolu ution of
3840×216 60 pixels.

 By 2020, more than 1.5

5 billion phones
s will ship with
h 4K UHD vide
eo support acccording to the Strategy Anallytics
Wireless Device
D Strateg
gies service.

 Ten perce ent of North Am

merican houseeholds will own a 4K UHD te
elevision by thhe end of 20188 according to a 2015
publication by the Strate
egy Analytics Connected Ho ome Devices sservice. In rettrospect viewe
ed from early 2
this is probably too low

 In late 2014, inhibitors to adop

ption included lack
l of 4K UH D content and
d the need to b
buy expensive
e 75-
inch to 85-inch and above scre
eens for optimum viewing in
n typical living rooms.

 By the end of 2015, prices for 55-inch 4K UH

HD TVs had d ropped to as llow as $500, a
and available m
d proliferated. We counted 24 4K UHD models
had m on Bestt Buy’s USA w
web site out off 44 TVs in tota
al, or 55
perrcent of the mo
odels offered. Clearly, 4K UHD
U had taken
n off.

 Tod
day consumerrs buy 4K UHD
D TVs to have the best posssible picture, a
and content is available from
owing number of on-demand
d sources inclu
uding Netflix a
and Amazon.

– With more
e 4K UHD TVs
s and quad HD
D and above p
phones, more consumers wa
ant to mirror th
phone display on the big
g TV screen.
– The new 4K
4 UHD HDR (high dynamic
c range) video
o standard and
d spectacular new HDR TVss from
Samsung, Sony, Panas
sonic and LG coming
c to marrket this year w
will further stiimulate dema
and, and
TV vendors have struck
k deals with co new releases in true 4K UHD HDR
ontent provide rs to provide n
format for availability on
n demand.

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Streaming 4K
4 UHD video o and gettingg the files on and off of deevices is a big challenge.. Even a com mpressed
two-hour 4K UHD movie can
c occupy 60 0 GB of disk space,
s which can take morre than a half hour to transffer using
802.11n. Wee think 4K UHD video will be
e a big driver of
o 802.11ad, b
but not the onlly one.

Based on diiscussions witth Wi-Fi equip pment supplie ers, 802.11ad (and its follow w-on standard d 802.11ay) wwill grow
from a few percent
p of routers and relate ed Wi-Fi infrastructure ship pments in 2016 to about 10 0 percent in 20
020 (see
Exhibit 2). Penetration
P in client devicess will exceed that of infrasttructure initiallly with seeding by Qualcom mm, Intel
and others in
n smartphones s, laptops, tablets and otherr client devicess, creating dem mand for infrastructure.

Exhibit 2 802.11ad
d Family as a Percent
P of Infrrastructure Sh

This growth may not seem m impressive at first, but it represents a shift from pa
ast niche applications for 8002.11ad,
cking stations, to wide acce
mainly in doc eptance as a very
v high-perfo
ormance complement to 80 02.11ac (and ffollow-on
versions suc
ch as ax), and acceptance as a mainstream Wi-Fi techn nology useful a
across a full ra
ange of applica


Today one canc find 802.11ad mainly ussed in wireles

ss docking sttations for lapptop PCs, for example as a an option
for Dell Latitude 5000 and
d 7000 model PC docking stations.
s HP a also uses 8022.11ad in its H
HP Advanced W Wireless
Docking Sta ation and as option for the
e HP Elite x22 1011 busine ess laptop PC C. If Intel puushes this appplication
successfully, volumes couuld reach many tens of miillions of unitss per year in a high propo ortion of dockable PC
devices. See Exhibit 3.

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Exhibit 3 Expected
d Evolution of 802.11ad App

sk Services,
Gaaming, PoS WAN & Cloud
Wireless Docking 4K Video Streamin
4 ng, Device--to-device Access
C Replacemen

Given that 802.11ad can support

s stream
ming tens of 4K UHD video streams, we e expect cable replacement in home
entertainmen nt video system
m to emerge as
a another ma n. In a typical home video ssystem, multip
ajor application ple HDMI
cables intercconnect set top
p boxes, DVRs, Blu-ray playyers, TVs, smaartphones, tabblets and PCs, making some ething of
a rats nest around
a and be
ehind the telev
vision. Consumers really wo ould like to eliiminate the clu
utter and com
of all the cab
bles, and 802.11ad could heelp immensely.

Many premium-tier smarrtphones and d tablets will ship

s with 802 .11ad starting en by Qualcomm and
g in 2016 drive
umers will really like 802.11ad for device--to-device scre
Intel. We think that consu een mirroring and content ttransfers
between mobile devices.

 The
e first phone announced
a witth 802.11ad, th
he Le Max Pro
o from LeTV, ccan pair with tthe Blade 65-in
nch TV
m LeTV. The TV uses Qualcomm’s APQ8094 applicat ions processo
or and a Qualccomm 802.11a
chipset. The pho
one, actually a phablet, uses
s Qualcomm’ss flagship Sna
apdragon 820 a
and an 802.11
chipset from Qua

 In May
M 2015, SiB BEAM (a Lattic ce Semiconductor subsidiarry) announced d that its “UltraGig” 60 GHz cchipset
hadd been designed into LeTV’s s Le Max phab ecessor to the Le Max Pro. UltraGig is a
blet, the prede
oprietary air intterface that do
oes not comply
y with 802.11aad, but the late
est chipsets frrom SiBEAM aadd
8022.11ad supporrt.

evice transfers
s such as disp play mirroring and virtual rea
ality (VR) do n
not require 8002.11ad accesss points
as intermediiaries, but we think that 8002.11ad in mo obile devices wwill stimulate wider adoptioon in infrastructure as
consumer tryy to extend fa
ast file transfe
ers and displayy mirroring to
o other devices on the hom me network. A As in the
case of 802.11ac Wave 2, the timing of Apple’s adopttion of 802.11a ad in iPhones will surely havve a big impacct on the

Another appplication expe

ected to emerrge in 2016 is the point--of-sale kiosk k for purchassing content such as
downloadablle movies andd e-books. Tod day one can purchase
p down nloadable conntent at the airrport, but transsfers can
take so long
g that you aree likely to mis
ss your flight or have to le eave the content behind. Kiosks equipp ped with
802.11ad can solve this prroblem by provviding the con
ntent in as little
e as a few secconds. Qualco omm demonsttrated an
802.11ad-eqquipped kiosk last year; the first
f commerciial kiosks with 802.11ad willl probably ship p in 2016.

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Exhibit 4 TP-Link 802.11ad
8 Multtiband Wi-Fi Router

Once OEMs, consumers and a equipmentt makers expeerience the be nefits of 802.1
11ad, we expe ect wider adop
ption in
Wi-Fi access
s points as a means
m ancing access to local storag
of enha ge as well as tthe Internet an
nd Cloud acceess:

 High-perfo
ormance resid hould these should
dential routerrs will ship with 802.11ad sttarting in earlyy 2016, and sh
provide a boost to Cloud access and storage at lea ast in regions w
with higher wirred broadband d speeds.

 TP-Link announc ced its Talon AD7200

A multi--band Wi-Fi ro S in January ’16,
outer with 802..11ad at ICES
claimed to be thee first commerrcially available
e 802.11ad roouter. The rou
uter supports 8
802.11n, ac W
Wave 2
andd ad, and can seamlessly ch hange among these should a wall block th he 60 GHz siggnal. Qualcom mm
suppplies the 802.11ac Wave 2 and 60 GHz ad a radio chipss. See Exhibitt 4.

 EC
C and Elecom also announc
ced 802.11ad routers
r due to ship in 2016.

 Inte
ernet service e providers (IS SPs) have a sttrong interest in new premiuum-tier service
es and how 80 02.11ad-
equuipped wired broadband
b moodems can sup pport these. S d include ultra--high-rate Internet
Services could
acccess, Cloud storage and 4K video. 802.11ad offers ISP Ps an opportunnity to provide
e new, revenue e-
gennerating, differrentiated offerings, which co
ould become q quite compellin
ng as 802.11a ad reaches con nsumers
in smartphones
s in 2016.

 802.11ad can provide benefits

b to ente erprises for downloading
d viideo and masss distribution o
of data in open
n office
environmeents. Use in enterprise
e infra
astructure could start in late 2016 or earlyy to mid-2017. 802.11ad willl also
appear in shopping mallls, stadiums anda airports, where
w open spa aces can allow
w unobstructe ed access overr tens of
nd in these en
meters, an nvironments 80 02.11ad can re elieve congesstion typical in the LTE, 2.4 GGHz and 5 GH Hz Wi-Fi
bands. Multi
M gigabit Eth
hernet (2.5 Gb bE and above)) will be requirred on the wireed side to makke full use of
802.11ad in many of theese applications.

 By 2017, 802.11ad
8 will appear in wire
eless virtual reality
r headssets and glass ses. The low latency of 802 2.11ad
and ability
y to support UHD video at 600 to 90 framess per second eeliminates the dizziness and d difficulty of
g motion experienced by use ers relying on higher-latencyy links in the p
past. Exciting applications ffor VR
include multi-player gammes, psychothherapy, drone control and ed ducation.

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 802.11ad can provide high-speed
h fro
ont haul and back
b haul to ssmall cells, and will probablyy find use in th
applications as 5G launnches in 2019 and 2020. On ne equipment supplier specculated that Go oogle may havve a
strong inte
erest in 802.11
1ad for backhaaul.

Exhibit 5 lists
s commercial 802.11ad systtems that have
e shipped so ffar and those e
expected to sh
hip in 2016 ass of
publication of
o this Insight.

Exhibit 5 Commerc
cial 802.11ad Devices

and Application
n Model Ship
p Commen
ell Wirreless Mini PCIe card DW1601 2013
3? Qualcommm QCA9005: WWilocity
Wil6120, Atheros AR9462.
ell Wireless doc
ck Wireless Dock D5
5000 2013
3 Original W
WiGig docking station
(2013); W
Wilocity (Qualco
ell Wireless dockiing Latitude 5000
0 2013
3 Optional W
WiGig. Wilocitty.
ell Wireless doc
ck Dell Wireless Dockk (452- Mayy Intel WiGig, VGA (1), Mini
2015 DisplayPo ort (1), HDMI (1), USB
2.0 (2), U
USB 3.0 (3), WA AN (1)
ell Wireless doc
ck WLD15
W 452-BB UX 2015
5 Intel chipsset.
CTKM5 for Latitu
250, E7450, E55450,
E and E52250
P Wireless doc
ck HP Advanced Wirreless 2015
5 Intel chipsset.
Docking Statio
P Laptop PC HP
H Elite x2 101
11 2015
5 Intel chipsset.
Le Phablet Le Max 2015
Le Phablet Le Max Pro 2016
6 Qualcomm
m SD820 and W
V Le Blade 2016
6 Qualcomm m Wi-Fi chipse
including APQ8094 proccessor
Lenovo Lap
ptop & wireless
s dock Th
hinkPad X1 Yo
oga, 2016
6 Intel.
hinkPad X1 Carrbon
P-Link Wi-Fi routerr Talon AC7200
0 2016
6 Qualcomm m APQ8064 appps
processor with QCA950
00 &
802.11acc chipset.
cer Laptop / networrking TravelMate
T P64
48 2016
6 Qualcomm
m equipped.
sus Gaming lapto
op ? 2016
6 Qualcomm
m equipped.
EC Wi-Fi routerr Aterm 11ad 2016
6 Qualcomm
m equipped.
ecom Wi-Fi routerr WRC-7133
BK 2016
6 Qualcomm
m equipped.
niteNet Point-to-point bac
ckhaul MetrroLinq PTP60-3
35 and 2016
6 Peraso X
X610 chipset with
PTP60-19 WiGig/802.11ad core.

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Chipset Availability
A y

Most chip su
uppliers use CMOS with a multiple
m emitter antenna arraay with up to 3
32 phase shiftted elements ffor beam
steering and gain. Accord
ding to Broadc
com, a chipsett with a 16-ele
ement antenna a array providees an Rx senssitivity of
around -73 dBm
d per ante
enna port, and
d 27 dBm of antenna
P with a 3 dBm m transmit ele
ement output. Future
versions of 802.11ad,
8 as mentioned abbove, might allow
a up to 1228 emitters opperating in sup
pport of masssive MU-

Of the listed companies, Qualcomm,

Q In
ntel, Peraso, Nitero, SiBEA
AM and proba
ably Broadco
om will have 8
chips on the market in 201

 Qualcomm uses 28 nm m CMOS techn nology for its VIVE

V QCA950 0 chipset, con nsisting of the QCA6320 basseband /
MAC and QCA6310 transceiver, the latest
l chipset with he acquisition of Wilocity. Q
w roots in th Qualcomm is sshipping
creasing volum
units in inc mes today, and will expand its sales along
g with the late
est Snapdragon processors ffor
smartphon nes and 4K Ulltra HD. Wiloc
city and Qualc comm shippedd the 802.11ad d / ac chipsetss used by Dell in the
original D55000 docking station.

 Intel offerred the Intel Wireless

W Gigabit Sink W131000 NGFF (M.2 ) card startingg in 2014. The e W13100 sup pports 60
GHz only and is used on the docking station side ofo a laptop to d
dock link. To ggo with the W1 13100, Intel offfers the
Tri-Band Wireless
W AC 17265 solution with Wirelesss Gigabit Ante nna primarily ffor tablets, 2 in 1 computerss and
laptop PCCs. Intel supplies the solutio
on in an M.2 Tyype 3030 connnectorized mo odule (aka NGFF card).

The comp pany recently (2015)

( announnced the Intel Wireless
W Giga
abit 11000 (60
0 GHz only) forr docks and th he Intel
Tri-Band Wireless-AC
W 18260 solutionn for laptops. These
T are app
parently shipping in the latesst docking sta
and laptop
p PCs that usee 802.11ad fro
om Intel.

 Broadcom m has done prresentations about

a the advaantages of 8022.11ad, and haas chipsets in development,,
however, the company had not yet an ebruary 2016 when this report went to pre
nnounced partts as of late Fe ess. We
oadcom to lau
expect Bro unch its first 80
02.11ad chips later this yearr. Broadcom w would seem wwell-positioned
d to
supply 802.11ad for entterprise appliccations to equipment enterprrise suppliers such as Ciscoo.

 SiBEAM (a ( Lattice Semmiconductor co

ompany), a pio oneer of 60 GHHz technologyy, started shipp
ping radio chip
psets for
its proprie
etary UltraGig / WirelessHD air interface mainly
m to HDTVV makers in 2010 for HDMI cable replace ement.
Outside of a few premiu um models and d prototypes, WirelessHD
W n
never took off.

015, SiBEAM announced the SB6501 802

In early 20 2.11ad-compliiant network p
processor and SB6510 transsceiver.
Later in 20
015, SiBEAM announced a design win in the LeTV Le M Max phablet p
promoted as providing “a seamless,
e experience from
f the phone
e to the TV,” but
b apparently LeTV shipped d very few pho
ones with SiBE
chips. SiBBEAM has said it would ship
p 802.11ad ch hips in adapterrs in 2016.

 Peraso offfers two 60 GHz

G chipsets, the
t X610 for outdoor / infrasstructure and tthe W110 for cconsumer elecctronics.
The X610
0 uses a WiGig g software stac
ck with networrk manageme nt on top, andd consists of th
he PRS4601

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d and PRS1126 RF transceivver. The W11
10 for consum er electronics consists of the PRS4001
d and PRS1125 transceiver.

Peraso haas the transceivers fabricateed in SiGe-BiC

CMOS for RF o output power u
up to 14 dBm,, and uses one e
antenna element
e instea
ad of the phase
ed array emitte
er approach fa
avored by CM OS providers.. As a result,
Peraso’s initial
i chipsets ort beam steering, however, the company has 16 emitte
s do not suppo er array transcceivers
in develop

IgniteNet uses the X610 eir MetroLinqTM

0 chipset in the T
PTP60-35 a and PTP60-19 9 point-to-point radios, now
shipping. Peraso showwed an 802.11a ad USB dongle at MWC 201 16, and said itt would ship ad
dapters interoperable
with Qualccomm- and Inttel-based 802.11ad productts later this ye ar.

 Nitero use
es 28 nm CMO OS from Sams sung to fabrica
ate the Nitero NT4600M, wh hich Nitero cla aims consume es only
500 mW, a bit lower tha
an competing solutions
s accoording to Nitero
o. Nitero has said it is targe
eting use in ph

 Samsung g announced in n 2014 that it had developedd a chipset forr 60 GHz Wi-F
Fi and would sship the first
productionn devices in n 2015. We ha ave not heard any
a news sincce then. Samssung phones u using the Sam msung
60 GHz ch hipset could appear in smarrtphones in 20016, but we thi nk using Quallcomm’s solution in phones will
provide fa
aster time to market
m for 802.11ad for Samsung this yearr.

 Tensorco omm has in deevelopment loww-power chips s for 802.11ad

d. The compa any announced d the TC2522--Y 60
GHz radioo with 2.5 Gbp
ps operation ov
ver four 60 GHHz channels in
n February, 20014, but has beeen relatively quiet
since then
n. The compa any has the chipset fabricate
ed in 40 nm CM
MOS by TSMC C, and can proovide the chip
pset in a
17 mm x 11
1 mm x 0.5 mmm module. Claimed
C peak power consum mption is only 250 mW at 2.5 Gbps. The
company is run by Patriick Sun, a wea
althy businesssman, and with
h his support iin the mix should not be couunted

 Panasoniic is reported to
t have chips in development for near-fie ld 60 GHz.

 Hitachi ha
as chips in dev

 Keyssa has a near-field

d version of 60
0 GHz that wo e for kiosks in
ould be suitable n developmentt.

 Blu Wireless demonstrrated an 802.1

11ad chipset in
n 2015, but the
e company ha
as said it intends to provide silicon
IP for 60 GHz
G radio ICs, not complete
e chipsets.

 Allegro DVT
D has developed silicon IP
P for the WiGig Wireless Dissplay Extensio
on (WDE), which supports w
audio and
d video stream
ming with lossle
ess quality and
d latencies be low 1 ms.

The success s of 802.11ad d with high chip

c volumes requires interroperability an
nd performance testing, w which will
happen with plug-fests and range debug g events to fin
ne tune system
m and radio chhip performannce. API deve elopment
and IP stackk support is also still neede
ed for applicattions beyond docking statioons. Here thee larger suppliers with
extensive sta
affing such as Qualcomm, In ntel and Broaddcom have an n advantage ovver the smalle
er suppliers.

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Qualcomm-Intel Collaboration

In February, 2016, Intel and

a Qualcomm m announced
d a partnersh
hip for interop
perability and
d performance
02.11ad chips
testing of 80 sets and deviices:

 The agreeement insures interoperabilitty among virtu

ually all infrast ructure and client devices in
ncluding routeers,
laptops, smartphones, docking
d stationns, multimediaa kiosks and o other 802.11ad d devices that will ship this yyear.

 The testin
ng will help to build
b a vigorou
us ecosystem by assuring a positive userr experience w
with 802.11ad a
and by
removing uncertainties for OEMs con nsidering adop
pting 802.11ad
d in new devicee designs.

 Intel and Qualcomm

Q willl probably sup
pply more than
n 95 percent o
of the chipsetss used in 802.111ad-equipped d
devices shhipping in 2016. This underrscores the immportance of th
he collaboratioon for the succcess of 802.11ad.

The two companies hav ve already esttablished inte

eroperability with good p performance. Qualcomm a and Intel
said they worked for months prior to the announce ement to com mplete perform mance and innteroperability tests of
Qualcomm and a Intel equ
uipped 802.111ad access points and clie ent devices in
n various usee-cases, startting with
discovery annd ranging thhrough high-ra
ate uploads and
a download ds in conventtional networkking and peerr-to-peer
situations. The
T tests included video stre
eaming at multti-gigabit per ssecond data ra

ations & Conclu
802.11ad ha as emerged as a multi-g gigabit comp plement to 80 02.11ac Wav ve 2. Consu umers will gett to use
802.11ad thiis year in leadding-edge sma artphones and TVs, and from m there appliccations will exxpand to includde point-
of-sale kiosk ks for downloading multime edia content, residential, e enterprise and
d public venue e Wi-Fi infrasstructure,
virtual reality
y devices, and front haul and
d back haul for small cells:

 The Intel-Q
Qualcomm coollaboration forr interoperabiliity testing rem
moves a potenttially serious im
mpediment to rapid
adoption of
o 802.11ad by
y OEMs, pavin ng the way forr new OEM de evices:

 Inte
eroperability between
b Qualccomm and Inte el 802.11ad ra
adios will serve
e the needs off the market veery well
s year and well into 2017 if not
n beyond. Today,
T most deevices that usse 802.11ad eiither ship with
Qualcomm or Inttel 60 GHz rad dios, and this will
w probably n not change thro ough the end of 2016, althoough we
exppect Peraso, SiBEAM,
S and probably
p Broadcom to ship production 60 GHz chipsetss this year.

 Qualcomm and Intel are the on nly two chipse

et suppliers to offer completee bundles of ccellular and Wii-Fi
solutions so far, and
a it appears s that smartphones will makke up a high prroportion of initial client devices
using 60 GHz tec chnology, crea
ating demand pull for 802.111ad in infrastru
ucture, multim
media kiosks, a and
her devices and applications
oth s.

 After a foc
cus on 802.11ac Wave 2 in 2014 and 2015, many equip pment OEMs have turned th heir attention tto
802.11ad for premium, high performaance Wi-Fi acc
cess points. T
TP-Link was th
he first to anno
ounce an 802.11ac/ad

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router. Many of the com ming 802.11ad d access pointts will probablyy take the form
m of ISP-installed modems iin
support off ultra-high-ratte Wi-Fi in tand
dem with premmium-tier Interrnet service plans.

The first pay y-off for 60 GHz

G developm ment efforts iss here, and noot just for Inttel and Qualcomm. As celllular and
Wi-Fi converrge and 5G ap pproaches, 80
02.11ad will sh asing proportiion of smartph
hip in an increa hones, and wee believe
that cellular chipset suppliers MediaTekk and Spreadtrrum will have to offer 802.11ad. They ca an do this by a
or partneringg with the lowe
er-share 60 GHHz specialists..

802.11ad is a step towarrd 5G, which will use mm-w wave frequenccies potentially as high as 100 GHz. OE
EMs and
radio chips suppliers
s will gain
g experienc 1ad, and use this for develo
ce from 802.11 oping new mm m-wave capab
bilities for

*For more about
a 802.11aac and 802.11 1ac Wave 2 with
O, which will sship with 802.1
11ad in most devices,
see the Strattegy Analytics
s report: 802.11ac Wave 2 with
O: The Next Ma ainstream Wi--Fi Standard.

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