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6/13/2019 Teachings in Metaphysical Astrology: The Bridge of Skies: Applying Jyotish approaches to Western Astrology

November 2000

Bridge of Skies
My Article from The Mountain Astrologer
Applying Jyotish approaches to Western Astrology
by Hank Friedman

[Note: I decided to share the full text of my Mountain Astrologer article on

using Vedic techniques and understandings in your Western astrology
practice. This article was a "labor of love" for many years. I hope you
enjoy it.]

Have you ever wanted to know additional ways of interpreting empty

houses? Or what the original meanings of retrogrades and the Moon's
nodes are? How about completely different -- and incredibly useful --
meanings of the twelve houses? Read on...

Five years ago, my astrological life permanently changed. After having

practiced Western astrology professionally (and joyfully) for over twenty
years, I attended at the UAC'95 conference in Monterey, California, and
decided, on a whim, to attend a lecture by Diana K. Rosenberg on fixed

At the lecture, Ms. Rosenberg offhandedly mentioned that a particular

person was of course a blend of Taurus and Gemini because their Sun sign
was in Tropical Gemini and in Sidereal Taurus. Her very nonchalance in
making this statement enabled it to bypass my "anti-Sidereal" filters and
affect me deeply. (At the same conference, Rob Hand delivered his
groundbreaking lecture on Sect, and announced the inauguration of
Project Hindsight.)

The next thing I knew, I was on a plane to West Virginia for a Project
Hindsight conference on ancient Greek astrology. And what did I find
there, but additional lectures by some excellent Vedic astrologers.

As I sat in these Vedic lectures, I found myself enchanted and enriched by

the incredible Hindu legends of the planets, and suddenly realized that
Vedic astrology is the oldest continuous tradition of astrology in the Indo- 1/15
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European world and that if I wanted to study an ancient astrology, this

was the place to begin. It never suffered from religious persecution or loss
of texts as other astrologies did, but instead steadily developed over
thousands of years. And so I began to learn Jyotish, as Vedic astrology is
also known (Jyotish means the science of light).

Since Project Hindsight was already encouraging us to use ancient Greek

techniques in our astrological work, I was quickly struck by just how
many Vedic insights and methods were completely applicable to my
Western practice. (I have professionally used Western astrology -- and still
do -- with great success to elucidate a person’s psychodynamics, natal and
unfolding life lessons, temperament, compatibility, and soul purpose.)

Blended Signs.

The first thing I noticed was that Ms. Rosenberg was right. People are a
blend of their Tropical and Sidereal placements. For example, people with
their Suns in late Scorpio (after roughly 24 degrees for twentieth century
births), whose Suns stay in Scorpio in both zodiacs, are archetypal
Scorpios, with fixed, stocky bodies, incredible stamina, intense reactions,
and powerful wills. Their blended counterparts (those with Suns before
about 23 degrees of Tropical Scorpio, who have their Sidereal Suns in
Libra), are gentler, longer limbed, and more verbal, indecisive, and

I have coined the term "keystone" for a planet (or the ascendant) in a
person's chart that stays in the same sign in both zodiacs. Such keystones
transmit the meaning of the sign they're in purely, without modification,
and fully embody the element, mode, and other characteristics of the sign.
People with a lot of keystone planets can be very congruent and consistent,
for better or worse. People with no keystone planets, on the other hand,
can be more changeable and adaptable.

This was the beginning of a great odyssey to bring Vedic ideas to my, and
other's, Western practice. What follows herein are many of the insights
and methods I've learned that are directly transferable to Western

Note: Since this article applies Vedic principles to Western charts, all
charts in this article use the Tropical Zodiac, and the Western Equal
House system. I use the Equal House system because it works best with
these methods and is the closest Western house system to Vedic Whole
Sign houses. Tropical Whole Sign houses, as it turns out, doesn't work as
well with these principles.

Astrology by Sight. 2/15
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The ancient Vedic classics encourage us to look at the sky, to literally see
each chart as it appeared in the sky. What insights our minds and souls
can receive when we participate in and embrace the actual image of a
person's astrological moment of birth.

For example, the dawn light is just beginning to brighten the sky, as
Jupiter appears shining, rising into the sky, heralding the new day, while
Saturn shines brightly directly overhead. It is the moment of birth of Paul

One of the fundamental principles of Vedic astrology is that observable

phenomena carry much more weight than purely symbolic ones. For
instance, you can see an eclipse or the phases of the Moon, but you can't
observe a planet actually ruling a house or sign – that is symbolic.

When Vedic astrologers looked at planets retrograding, they saw that the
planets were at their brightest. (Because retrograde planets are opposite to
the Sun.) Therefore, the Vedic interpretation of retrograde planets is that
they are at the peak of their strength. In fact, the classical Vedic text called
the Phaladeepika states that, "Even if a planet be in his sign of debilitation
[fall in Western astrology], he is vested with full strength if he is
retrograde...." PD 4:4. Joan Crawford is an excellent example of the
strength of a retrograde planet. Her Mars -- although in Libra (in
detriment by modern principles) -- is retrograde, and her ruthlessness,
drive, and willpower were legendary.

Similarly, there is no planet weaker -- observationally -- than one that is

invisible. When planets get close to the Sun, they disappear from view and
are considered combust. Planets within six degrees of the Sun are
considered seriously combust. The outer manifestations -- i.e. visible
effects -- of what a combust planet symbolizes, especially the people and
themes of the houses it rules, are negatively impacted by the combustion.
(Note: the inner themes of the combust planet -- such as artistic sensitivity
for a combust Venus -- often continue to be strong.) Jimi Hendrix's
Mercury -- the ruler of his 7th and 10th houses -- was two degrees from his
Sun, and his career was thwarted by his business manager, and he never
had a successful partnership.

The Full Moon, similarly, is considered to be very strong, while the New
Moon (and the eclipsed Sun and Moon – see the next section) are
considered very weak. An exaggerated example of this is the mother of
Cary Grant - symbolized by his New Moon in the 4th house with Saturn –
who was institutionalized when Cary was just a boy. I have consistently
found that a “dark moon” (Vedically defined as within 72 degrees of the
Sun) represents a notable lack of nurturing in a person’s childhood. 3/15
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The Moon's Nodes

We can also understand the Moon's Nodes by their visible effects. The
Nodes "cause" eclipses -- astronomically, eclipses only occur when the
Nodes conjunct Sun and Moon -- and make the Sun or Moon appear
invisible. The Nodes literally appear to gobble up the Sun or Moon. They
carry, therefore, the themes of eclipsing and obscuring, and of illusion
(after all, the Sun and Moon are not really "eaten up").

My astrology clients have confirmed these concepts. Those with, for

example, the Nodes conjunct planets in the fourth house have felt unseen
by and overshadowed by their parents. The Nodes deeply affect the
expression of any planet they conjunct or house they occupy, often either
severely weakening the planet or house themes, or creating illusions,
distortions, or impulsive behavior.

Vedic astrology also associates the North Node (Rahu) with materialism,
ambition, obsession, insatiable drives, and dissatisfaction, and the South
Node (Ketu) with anxiety, withdrawal, relinquishment, and doubts. Rahu
can give self-inflation and rebelliousness, while Ketu can give self-
deprecation and timidity. People, for example, with Ketu in the first house
(or conjunct an important planet) can be too self-effacing, while with
Rahu there, over-confident and over-estimate their abilities. Woody
Allen's North Node in the house of children, for example, is one of the
indicators of the depth of his compulsion towards his wife's adopted

On the high side, Rahu can give one the drive to succeed and achieve, and
Ketu a thirst for spirituality and enlightenment. Rahu teaches lessons
about attainment, and Ketu about surrender. Karl Marx, born on a New
Moon eclipse -- the North Node conjunct both the Sun and the Moon in
the third house -- is an excellent example of a person with the drive to
think incisively and speak out no matter what obstacles he encountered.
His natal eclipse represents his exiles, poverty, hunger, suffering,
rebellions, alienation, and relative obscurity during his life, as well as an
unparalleled commitment to succeed at championing his new ideology.

For the Western astrologer who wants to know more, the literature of
Vedic astrology (for example, Light on Life by Hart de Fouw and Robert
Svoboda) gives deep and detailed attributes of the nodes, everything from
their direction, distance, shape, height, metals and gems, professions,
psychology, gender, temperament, and the people, illnesses, and sexual
patterns that they represent. Vedic astrologers developed this detailed
understanding of the nodes because they have always treated the nodes as
planets in Vedic astrology, as significant as Venus or Mars. 4/15
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The Eastern View of Planetary Influence

The Phaladeepika by Mantreswar also states that the "Planets are

constantly favorable to one who is always calm, possessed of self-control,
who has earned wealth through virtuous means, and who is always ethical
and moral." PD 26:50 In other words, when a person lives in accordance
with the natural world, their lives will progress sweetly, and their cycles
will be benign.

I have often found, as have many others, that planetary transits manifest
particularly intensely in our lives when we are mis-aligned with ourselves
and others to begin with. On the other hand, when we're living a life of
balance, even if larger life events do unfold, it becomes much easier to take
them in stride.

Vedic astrology reminds us, then, that we have some "say" in how
astrological influences express themselves, not just how we respond to
them. It even offers methods of ameliorating challenging cycles, by using
specific prayers, generous acts, gem stones and other "upayas" (planetary
remedies), again prompting us to realize our actions and orientation can
make things run more smoothly.

The Ancient Rulerships

We Western astrologers have used modern rulerships so often that we

sometimes forget the deep value of traditional rulerships. Astrology has
been practiced for millenia -- for most of its history – in both the East and
the West using Saturn's rulership of Aquarius, Jupiter's of Pisces, and
Mars' of Scorpio.

Aquarius holds many of Saturn's attributes, including control issues,

conservatism, disaffection, reserve, structures, firm boundaries, and
separateness. Pisces carries Jupiter's generosity, tendency toward
indulgence, openness and comradery, spirituality, and charity. And
Scorpio is clearly Martian, with its passion, independence, intensity,
strength, sharpness, industry, and capacity for pugnacity.

We can use traditional rulerships to better understand what houses are

affected by the condition of each planet. For example, a debilitated Mars
in Cancer (Western astrologers call this position Mars in its sign of fall)
will destabilize the themes signified by the houses with Aries and Scorpio
on their cusps. Patsy Cline's hopes and dreams (11th house Aries) were
interrupted several times, by moves, children, and most traumatically by a
disfiguring automobile accident (Mars in Cancer ruling the Scorpio 6th
house: accidents). 5/15
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Additionally, traditional rulerships can strengthen the indications of a

planetary signature (chart emphasis). Shannen Doherty is infamous for
her real life feistiness, and her exalted Mars combined with both Moon in
Scorpio and Sun in Aries gives her a classic Mars signature.

Remembering traditional associations will keep us more conscious of all of

the facets of each of the signs and the planets.

Revisiting The Houses.

Today, we view each house as indicating a congruent set of themes.

Ancient astrologers, on the other hand, saw houses as collections of
significations, many with no relationship to each other.

The Vedic meanings for each house can extend our understanding and
utility of house placements immeasurably. Consider, for example, using
the 12th house to signify pleasures of the bed, including sex and sleeping.
I've found that many people with 12th house emphasis have strong sex
drives, and, if occupied by challenging planets, sexual dysfunctions and/or
disrupted sleep patterns. These are patterns I would never have even
looked for without the Vedic promptings.

The 11th house is understood by Jyotishis (practitioners of Vedic

astrology) as signifying money and other things that come to you easily.
Perhaps that's the source of the modern interpretation of Saturn in the
11th house as carrying the belief that nothing comes easily.

Explore the house significations in Table A. Notice the interactions

between houses, e.g. acute vs. chronic illnesses, debts, and other problems
(houses 6 and 8); and how money comes in through the 11th, is spent in the
12th , and gets accumulated in the 2nd. My 2nd house is much weaker
than my 11th. As a result, money comes to me relatively easily, but doesn't

The Vedic categories of houses -- e.g. The Dustanas (6, 8, and 12 -- the
houses of suffering), and Upachayas (3, 6, 10, and 11 -- the houses of
improvement) -- are also transferable to Western work. If many planets
are in houses 3,6,10, & 11, for instance, then the person's life gradually

If many planets are in houses 6, 8, and 12, on the other hand, then life is
more challenging, but its trials teach the person to redirect their attention
away from materiality and ego and towards spirituality. Vedically, these
houses – representing most of life's difficulties – are the keys to
transforming our lives and our consciousness. Planets in them, and their 6/15
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rulers, teach us to face ourselves, our complacencies, our addictions, and

our blind spots. They help us recognize where we are over-attached to
(and over-value) the impermanent and mundane. And they get us to see
the deeper purposes of life's travails, and eventually to embrace change,
and to align with the Eternal and the essential aspects of our own

If planets occupy the angles (houses 1, 4, 7, and 10) then they gain
strength, and the person is likely to have more power and
accomplishments, while if they occupy the trinal fire houses (1, 5, 9), which
represent opportunities, the person may have more success and good

------------------------------------ Table A: House meanings

Note: I have deliberately omitted many of meanings of the houses that are
shared by both Vedic and Western astrology, such as the 7th house
indicating marriage and the 5th house indicating children. (Note that there
is some variation about where to place various themes among Jyotishis.)

First House: You. Your vital force and longevity. Your personality, body,
health, complexion, and appearance. Your ability to cope with life’s
challenges. How your life works out. Fame and likeability. Pragmatic,
innate intelligence. The most important house by far (including its ruler,
see below).

Second House: Your mouth, eating and drinking. Speaking truth or lies,
sweet or harsh voice tones. Singing and eloquence. Your accumulated
wealth or lack thereof, jewels, and other movable assets you accumulate.
Your family life (and family members). The eyes and sight. Traditional
knowledge (like scriptures).

Third House: Your prowess, courage, valor, personal skills, and efforts.
Your arms and all manual activity including writing, giving massages,
artistic expression. Younger siblings and your relationship with them.
Hearing. Signing contracts. Moving (being 12th from the 4th, it represents
loss of home).

Fourth House: Your car (or elephants!). Your peace of mind, comfort, and
happiness. Immovable property and the land (and cattle) that you own.
Private affairs. Ancestral property. Education. The heart. Water.

Fifth House: Your good karma from past lives. Your abstract mind,
discernment, and intelligence. Your ability to advise and counsel. Memory.
Foreknowledge. Mantra and spiritual practices. Stomach and intestines.
Fertility and pregnancy. 7/15
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Sixth House: Your ability (or lack thereof) to overcome both illness and
enemies. The strength of your enemies and illnesses. Servants. Onset of
illnesses. Acute illnesses, wounds, and losses. Anxiety and anguish. Theft.
Accidents. Family feuds.

Seventh House: Your influence and reputation in foreign lands. Your

sexual attractiveness, compatibility, and enjoyment. Adultery. Moral
conduct. Litigation. The quality of and number of your spouses.

Eighth House: Life span. Obstacles, strife, and delays in your life.
Wandering aimlessly. Chronic and genetic illnesses and large losses.
Disgrace and scandal. Black magic. Manipulation and intrigue. Sudden
catastrophic events.

Ninth House: Your father and his property. Your fortune. Preceptors.
Communication with spirits, visions, and intuition. Teaching. Respect for
elders. Purity of mind. Initiations. Charity and spiritual deeds. Spiritual

Tenth House: Honor, public esteem, and disgrace. Success and great
achievements. Good and bad deeds. Appointments and promotions. Rank
and position. The sky and sky professions (e.g. astronomer and

Eleventh House: Income, easy money, things that come to you without
much effort. Older siblings. Fulfillment of desires. Luxuries. Relief from
duress and illness. Honors and commendations.

Twelfth House: Moksha (enlightenment), afterlife, pleasures of the bed,

distant travel and residing in foreign lands, pilgrimages, charity and
donations, all losses, expenditures, addictions, and extravagances,


A notable Vedic perspective is that if a house has challenges (e.g. occupied

by or aspected by Saturn, the Nodes, or Mars or its ruler so affected or
otherwise weak), then either the person represented by the house or the
relationship with that person is impaired, not usually both. Similarly, if a
house has problematic influences, then usually just one or two of the
themes it represents are affected, not the others. For example, if the 9th
house is occupied by Saturn and Mars, there may be problems with the
father or gurus or higher education, but not all of these areas.

Malefic planets primarily impact the people represented by a house (or 8/15
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your relationship to them) and not the inanimate themes of the house. In
fact, malefics can actually enhance the themes of a house, for example an
afflicted 5th house may deny or cause problems with children, but also
increase the discernment and technical capabilities of the individual.

The Planets as Significators.

Jyotish also extends our understanding with its unique and accurate
meanings of the planets. We already use the Sun to signify and help us
understand the life themes of the father, and the Moon, the mother.
Jyotish has, however, extended the idea of significations in very
enlightening ways. Pleasure and desire, for example, comes under the
province of Venus, while children are signified by Jupiter!

Let’s examine what planets are significators for the themes of each of the
houses. (See Table B)


Table B: House Significations

Note: the first planet listed for each house is the main house significator.

First House: The Sun for vitality.

Second House: Jupiter for wealth. Mercury for speech.

Third House: Mars for younger siblings and for prowess and courage.

Fourth House: Moon for mother and the emotional mind. Mars for lands.
Venus for vehicles. Mercury for education.

Fifth House: Jupiter for children and wise counsel.

Sixth House: Saturn for illness. Mars for accidents and enemies.

Seventh House: Venus for marriage, wife. Jupiter for husband.

Eighth House: Saturn for longevity, delays, and obstacles.

Ninth House: Jupiter for guru, religion, fortune, higher learning. Sun for

Tenth House: Sun for power, fame. Mercury for commerce. Saturn for
efforts, actions. Jupiter for success. 9/15
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Eleventh House: Jupiter for gains, income, older siblings.

Twelfth House: Saturn for losses and expenditures. Venus for pleasures of
the bed. Ketu (the South Node) for enlightenment, Rahu (the North Node)
for foreign travel.


Using these significations is simple. For example, instead of just assessing

children from the fifth house and its lord, you can also examine the status
of the significator of children, Jupiter, in the chart. If the significator for a
house aspects, occupies, or rules that house, it becomes the primary
indicator of the house’s themes.

For example, by ordinary methods, Clint Eastwood's 2nd house isn't

terribly impressive with just Saturn in Capricorn therein. But Jupiter not
only rules the second house (because the house cusp is Sagittarius) and is
the significator for wealth, but it also aspects that house from the eighth
house (see the next section), and therefore becomes the primary indicator
of the level of wealth. Whenever a planet aspects the house it rules, that
house is thereby enhanced, and Mr. Eastwood certainly has earned a lot of

Significators add a new dimension to the analysis of life factors, often

clarifying situations otherwise unexplained in the chart.

The Vedic Aspects.

One principle that Vedic astrology teaches us is that planets aspect (and
influence) opposite houses, whether they are occupied or not. This is an
important principle also practiced in ancient Greek astrology. Look at the
house opposite where Saturn is placed, for example, and you'll
immediately see the value and effectiveness of this premise.

Cher, for example, has Saturn in the first house, and all of her
relationships have be fraught with difficulties. Sonny Bono was incredibly
controlling (Saturn) of Cher, clearly embodying the first house Saturn's
aspect on the seventh house.

Look at the importance you place on the themes of the house opposite the
Sun, how much pleasure you get from the house opposite Venus, and how
assertive you are in the house opposite Mars.

A second Vedic concept is that certain planets have "ownership" of

particular aspects. In Vedic astrology, every planet makes conjunctions
and oppositions. But Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have special aspects that 10/15
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no other planets have. The special Saturn aspects are the backwards
square and the forwards sextile; Mars' aspects are the forward square and
the backwards quincunx; and Jupiter's special aspects are both trines. (All
of these are whole house aspects, e.g. counting from and including the
house Mars is in, go backwards six houses for its backwards quincunx

Modern astrologers can translate this concept into their Western practices
by paying special attention to both the natal aspects and the transits that
fit into these categories. When Paul Newman’s Saturn (the ruler of his
chart and his Sun sign, and closely sextile to his Ascendant) received a
forward sextile from Saturn, his son died in a tragic drug overdose (and
no other outer planets were forming major aspects to his chart at the
time). In other words, Vedic astrologers discovered a deeper potency to
these aspects of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter that we can use in our work.

As I mentioned, you can apply these special aspects to empty houses, not
just to planets. Janis Joplin's fourth house Saturn aspects the first house
by its backwards square, and her childhood introversion (she was shy, an
A student, a loner, and avid reader) and her negative self-concept (because
of her disfiguring facial acne, and her self-hatred for being overweight)
shows the operation of this aspect by a strong (retrograde) Saturn on the
house of the self.

Vedic astrologers also see these aspects as connecting house themes. For
example, Saturn in the first house connects the career (10th) -- the
backwards square -- and efforts and skill (3rd) -- the forwards sextile --
with identity and body (1st house placement). Fred Astaire, who had
Saturn in the 1st house, certainly used his body, with effort and skill, in his

Jyotishis also look at aspect convergences, i.e. when two or more planets
aspect the same house (whether it is occupied by planets or not). A tragic
example of aspects both connecting house themes and converging on
houses is shown the chart of Grace Kelly, who had Saturn and Mars
aspecting both the 4th house of conveyances (she died in a car crash) and
the 8th house of death.

Vedic Methods of Chart Evaluation

Perhaps the most useful cross-pollination from Vedic to Western astrology

is in adopting Vedic methods of evaluating both charts as a whole and
specific houses. In Jyotish, the first house, its occupants, significator,
aspects, and ruler are the fundamental factors in determining the quality
and outcome of a person's life, including how well they are liked, how
healthy and long lived, and how much happiness they achieve. 11/15
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The basic method of analysis focuses first on the ruler of the Ascendant
(called the ruler of the chart in modern astrology, and lagnesh in Vedic
astrology, because the Ascendant is called lagna). The ruler of the
Ascendant is one of the most important planets in the chart. Its status
influences the entire life, and all transits and major cycles by it and to it
are of major importance. The main gemstone Jyotishis prescribe for
improving one's life is for this planet (if there are no contraindications
such as rulership of house 6, 8, or 12). All of us would benefit, therefore,
by giving much more weight to the ruler of the Ascendant than we
normally do, and seeing its vast influence on the life.

After assessing the Ascendant ruler, next we examine the status of the
occupants of the first house, and then its significator (the Sun). Finally,
look at the aspects to the first house (e.g. by planets in the seventh house,
or if you really want to follow Vedic methods, Jupiter in the 9th or 5th,
Saturn in the 11th or 4th, and Mars in the 10th or 6th all of which aspect
the 1st house).

To evaluate the tenor of any other house, do the same analysis. First look
at its ruler, then its occupants, next its significator, and finally the aspects
to the house. The first two factors usually comprise about 80% of the
influences on a house. This type of systematic analysis helps to determine
all of the influences on each area of life.

Another useful Vedic method unravels the ambiguity of conjunctions of

two or more planets. Simply assess which of the planets is strongest, and
its themes will dominate the conjunction. In Vedic astrology, a planet is
strong if it is in its own sign, its exaltation sign, retrograde, or with
directional strength (dig bala). Each of the planets has directional strength
in a different house: Jupiter and Mercury in the 1st house, Sun and Mars
in the 10th house, Moon and Venus in the 4th house, and Saturn in the 7th
house. Planets are weakest, on the other hand, if they are combust within 6
degrees (or the Moon is dark, i.e. within 72 degrees of the Sun), or in the
sign of their debilitation (the sign Western astrologers label fall).

Linkages in the chart.

Rulership of houses is strongly emphasized by Jyotishis. For a planet to

rule, for example, both a challenging house (6, 8, or 12) and an
empowering house (1, 4, 5, 7, 9, or 10) diminishes the fortunes of the latter
while strengthening the former.

But more importantly, dual rulerships combine both house's themes in the
person's life. For example, with Saturn ruling both the 9th and 10th ,
career is more likely to involve travel, teaching, or spirituality. Or with 12/15
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Venus ruling the 10th and the 3rd, one puts a great deal of effort (3rd
house) into their career.

This linking of houses is an invaluable tool, and allows the mind to gain
deep insights into a person's life.

Planetary Periods, the Vedic method of Vimshottari Dasa.

Finally, we come to the foremost predictive method in Vedic astrology:

Vimshottari Dasa. Vimshottari Dasa is a method of prediction that shows
the sequence of planetary periods that starts at birth. The sequence of
planets is the same for everyone, but the planetary period at birth is
determined by looking at the placement of the natal Moon. The planet that
rules the birth Moon's lunar mansion (Nakshatra) is the first planetary
period. (You can explore Vimshottari Dasa using the Western Astrology
software programs Solar Fire 5 and Kepler 4.6 (or later), or by using
Vedic software.)

For example, if you were born with the Moon in early Sagittarius
Tropically, your Moon would be in the Nakshatra of Anuradha, ruled by
Saturn. As a result, you would start out life in a Saturn period, followed
by a Mercury period, and so on.

Because the periods (dashas) are long – from 6 to 20 years in duration –

Vedic astrologers divide each period into planetary sub-periods (bhuktis),
so that at any time, you can be said to be under the primary influence of
one planet, and the secondary influence of another.

For example, Harrison Ford achieved great fame for his role in Star Wars
during his Mercury major cycle (maha dasa) and Jupiter subcycle
(bhukti). Western astrologers can see that he has an exalted Jupiter in
Cancer in the 10th house conjunct both Mercury and the Midheaven, and
that indeed when these factors were activated, his career would really take
off. Vimshottari Dasa tells us when a person will manifest the themes
shown in the birth chart.

For yourself and your clients, notice especially when the major and minor
cycles of Vimshottari Dasa involve planets that have a relationship to each
other (e.g. in aspect) in the birth chart. These are crucial times for the
resolution of and/or fruition of life long patterns.

There is another way for Western astrologers to employ Vimshottari Dasa.

Take note of what planet was ruling the period at birth. This reveals the
tone of the family and the very early life, whether one was born to joy and
happiness, or to struggle or sorrow. 13/15
6/13/2019 Teachings in Metaphysical Astrology: The Bridge of Skies: Applying Jyotish approaches to Western Astrology

It is no accident, for example, that Marilyn Monroe's childhood was so

incredibly difficult. In her early years, her challenges included being
raped (at age 11), and her mother being committed to a mental hospital.
She started out life in a Mars Dasa (with Mars in the arduous 8th house),
followed by the Dasa of the North Node (also considered challenging,
especially in the 12th house). It wasn't until her Jupiter Dasa began, in
1950, that her life became better; she started making films, and became


By opening our minds to the insights and methods of our Eastern allies,
we Western astrologers will enrich our understanding of astrology
immeasurably. Even our understanding of core concepts, like houses,
nodes, and planets, can be greatly extended by listening to Vedic teachings.

If you really wish to receive all of the benefits that Jyotish has to offer, I
suggest that you go beyond simply applying the ideas in this article to your
Western practice. By studying this wonderful Eastern branch of astrology,
you’ll expand your astrological awareness incredibly.

AND in Vedic Astrology

In Western astrology, we commonly look at both positive and negative

influences on a house or planet and try to weight and blend them into a
cohesive assessment. For example, if a planet is aspected by both Jupiter
and Saturn, we might see which aspect is stronger (i.e. smaller orb) and
then attribute that aspect, and the planet making it, as being the
predominate influence. In other words, if a person had Jupiter Trine Sun
with a 2 degree orb, and Saturn Square Sun, with a 7 degree orb, we
would conclude that the person is more often expansive, happy, and
generous (Jupiter traits) instead of overly serious, fearful, tense, or
inhibited (Saturn traits).

If, however, we were doing the same analysis in Vedic astrology, we would
use the AND principle. The AND principle states that: whenever several
planets influence a house or planet, ALL their effects will manifest. In
other words, if a planet is in the 8th house, there will be challenges in the
life pertaining to the themes of the planet and the houses it rules and
aspects. This will be true even if the planet is a benefic (e.g. Jupiter), is
aspected by benefics (e.g. Venus), and rules positive houses (e.g. the 1st
and the 10th). 14/15
6/13/2019 Teachings in Metaphysical Astrology: The Bridge of Skies: Applying Jyotish approaches to Western Astrology

All of the positive elements will manifest too, but not necessarily at the
same time as the negative ones nor in the same areas of life. In other
words, positive yogas, benefic influences, etc. do not cancel negative yogas
and malefic influences (nor the opposite). The art of Vedic astrology, then,
lies in both the timing of events, i.e. when and where both positive and
negative significations will occur, and how to ameliorate negative cycles.

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