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Nama : Made Virya Kusuma Dewi

NIM : 1813011025
Kelas : 4C


The speaker in the event TED X Stanford name is Jo Boaler, her mentioned
another persons are Carol Dweck, Janson Moser, and his collegues. In this video talk
about ‘How can be good at math, and other surprising fact about facts about
Jo Boaler talk about the single myth that very strong and very dangerous is
there’s such a thing as a math brain every people not believe if we born with that
brain or not. With math people, student, teacher, parent believe. it. When brain make
a mistake in maths that our brain grows an synapsis fire in the brain, in the fact with
MRI scan when people made a mistake sinapses fired and when they got work correct
less synapses fired, so making mistake id very good.
Voltage maps of people brain there are two types is Fixed mindset is when we
didn’t believe that they could learn anything and Growth mindset is when we believe
had unlimitied potensial and could learn anything and than can made mistake. Brain
will grew more and believe the brain can grow.
The animation show question about differently, from the animations speaker
want to think of the different question without any numbers, without any algebra. The
animation also show several visual method from the perspective for the question there
are several method, rain drop method, bowling alley method, volcano method, read
sea method, and starway to heaven method. Think enterly visually when we explain
to student with visually they have these rich discussions and they also reach deeper
understandings about a really important part of mathematic. When Job Boaler show
wayne’s world method for the question here is something funny happened because it
sound funny when happened in real life. The visually there’s likely ‘starway to
heaven’ when the box is added up the stairs and than after reaching the top, box
increases down the stairs like ‘access to heaven is denied’.
To make math interesting is thought student the creative, visual, working
together, and beautiful math method rich discussions and they also reach deeper
understandings about a really important part of mathematic. Fingers, seeing fingers se
really important in the brain that will predict the calculation score. The neoruscientist
conlusion finger should be used in school an homes for teaching number that can will
help student learning.

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