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I saw a video from Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education at

Stanford, on the right methods of teaching mathematics.

First of all, your opinion of your own potential influences what you will
achieve. If you think “I can do this, my brain can learn anything”, many
more synapses will fire in your brain. A scientific study shows it with MRI

Unfortunately, in our society, there is a dangerous and mistaken myth that

a mathematical brain exists. You were born with one or not.

Second, mistakes are really good. If you make a mistake, more synapses fire
than if you give the correct solution, so your brain will grow more.

In math class, it would be important to change the questions. Instead of

small questions with only one answer it will be better to open the

She gives a fantastic example with squares.

In general, math teachers ask "How many squares will have in row n?"
Instead, she asks "Where do you think you see the extra squares?" The
answers are amazing:

- On the top, like raindrops

- At the bottom, like a bowling alley
- In the middle, like a volcano
- In the middle, like the separation of the Red Sea
- The outside growing as an outside triangle
- Looks like someone walking up and down stairs
- You can move the small squares to make a big square. This image
will help you understand why the answer in (n+1)2

It is important to see the problem and the solution. When we calculate, the
area of the brain that sees the fingers lights up. Be careful, this is not
the same area as when are using ours fingers. Finger perception is
important for digital development. It's not babyish.
When we calculate the visual cortex is activated.

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