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Mozart Music Academy

504D Montreal Drive

Singapore 754504

2nd April 2020

Mr Chalifour
Mozart Music Academy
1289 Parkdale Drive
Victoria, BC,V9B 4G9
(250) 474-5311

Dear Mr Chalifour
I have been learning piano since the age of 10 at Mozart Music Academy. I must
say it’s been an amazing experience thus far, and I want to thank you for being the most
amazing piano teacher. I know you were harsh to me at times but that is how I need to learn
discipline. Times have passed so fast and now I can be a professional pianist. I could not even
be who I am without you. I remember I would have many fun moments during the bootcamps
also the time you surprise me when it is my birthday. All I want to say is thank you for your
patience throughout these years. It meant the world to me.

Yours Truly
+65 85006067

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