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Mozart Music Academy

1289 Parkdale Drive
Victoria, BC,V9B 4G9
(250) 474-5311

Mr chalifour,
Im thankful as a student to take the piano lessons at the Mozart music academy
during the weekends . I like being a student because it makes me feel young and
energetic. As a student I can use this opportunity to try new things that I haven’t
done so . As a student, im willing to study and get good results for my future job
before I regret not studying . I can use this time to play and make more friends
before I go to university because ill not have enough time to even do so . I really
like being a student as I love to study and spent time with kind people there . im
also inspired by my teacher to become a teacher too! My teacher makes me feel
happy as a student in her class which makes me want to become someone like
her . She can always make jokes but still make the class very productive ! i want
to be a teacher like her, because of her I want to be a teacher that makes
students enjoy lessons and enjoy studying!

Yours sincerely,

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