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Definition, causes, determination, calculation

Created by Beata A. Perlaki

Definition of preheating
 Preheating involves heating the base metal, either in its entirety or just the
region surrounding the joint, to a specific desired temperature, called the
preheat temperature, prior to welding. Heating may be continued during the
welding process, but frequently the heat from welding is sufficient to
maintain the desired temperature without a continuation of the external heat
source. The inter-pass temperature, defined as the base metal temperature
between the first and last welding passes, cannot fall below the preheat
temperature. Inter-pass temperature will not be discussed here.
 Preheating can produce many beneficial effects; however, without a working
knowledge of the fundamentals involved, one risks wasting money, or even
worse, degrading the integrity of the welder.
 Preheat is used when a base material, due to its chemical composition,
thickness or level or restraint, is susceptible to cold cracking.
Created by Beata A. Perlaki
Why we need preheat ?
 Residual stress decreasing
 In the range of the 200 °C temperature the slower cooling rate provides an
opportunity for any hydrogen that may be present to diffuse out harmlessly
without causing cracking
 To avoid the cracks. The lowers cooling rate in the weld metal and base
metal, producing a more ductile metallurgical structure with greater resistant
to cracking
 Critical cooling decrease in the range of 850-500 ° C (reducing the chance
of the Martensite formation)
 To help ensure specific mechanical properties, such as notch toughness.
 Reduces the shrinkage stresses in the weld and base metal, which is
especially important in highly restrained joints
Determinations of Ce (Carbon Equivalent)
IIW method: 0,05% < C %< 0,25% ( can we use it )

CET method: 0,05% < C% < 0,32% ( can we use it )

Created by Beata A. Perlaki

Ce according to preheating temperature
 Ce < 0,25% ( no need preheat)
 0,25% < Ce < 0,45 % T = 100- 200 °C

 0,45% < Ce T = 200- 350 °C


Additional requirements

 The material thickness is above 20mm, but the the Ce is not above 0,25%
Tph= 150 °C

Remark: We have to preheat the part with additional 50 °C ( than the

counted value according to Ce) at the steel casting and / or thickness is
above 50mm Created by Beata A. Perlaki
Calculation of the preheating temperature
according to Ms temperature
Ms : Martensite start temperature The Ms temperature is of vital importance for engineering steels.
Hence great efforts have been made in predicting the Ms temperature of these steels. Obviously,
chemical composition of steel is the main factor affecting its Ms although the austenitising state,
external stresses and stored deformation energy may sometimes play and important role as well.
Martensite start temperatures are usually relatively easy to calculate at low, medium alloy content.
(TTT diagram)
Time Temperature
Transformation Diagram

Created by Beata A. Perlaki

Ms according to preheating temperature

Ms (°C) = 539 – 423(C%) -30,4(Mn%)- 17,7(Ni%)- 12,1(Cr%) -7,5(Mo%)

Ms (°C) = 520-(360-40C%)-33(Mn%)-11(Si%)- 22(Cr%)-11(Mo%)-

-17(Ni%) -11(W%) + 6(Co%)+ 17(Al%)

Ms (K) =764,2–302,6(C%) -30,6(Mn%)- 6,6(Ni%)-8,9(Cr%) +2,4(Mo%)-

-11,3(Cu%)+8,58(Co%)+ 7,4(W%) – 14,5(Si%)

Created by Beata A. Perlaki

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