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Elements of a Story

Characters Why are characters Complete the activity on the

important? last slide of the “Characters”
 portion in this column.

List a few examples of
dynamic characters and static

Setting What is setting? For this exercise, imagine a
Watch the video found in “the potential setting you can use
importance of setting” tab. for your short story. Draw the
Using this video, explain why setting you have in your head,
setting is important. Be use to then write a short paragraph
put any lyrics used in that details the picture you
quotations. drew. You will not be graded
on how good your drawing is,
but more on your description.
Plot Answer the questions asked In your own opinion, why is
in the chart thinking about plot important?
your own personal short

Conflict/Resolution What is conflict and why is it Are there any daily conflicts
necessary? you experience? Think of
 yourself as the protagonist in
 your own story. Write about a
 conflict you’ve recently faced
Describe external vs. internal and how you resolved that
conflict. conflict.
Try to identify 5 forms of
conflict you’ve seen in
movies, TV shows, books, or
Themes What are themes and why are Choose 3 books/shows/movies
they important? you have seen/read and
What are some popular explain the themes of each of
themes found in pop culture the respective works.
Elements of a Story

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