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What is thought?

What is criticism? In the 20th century

It is
Intellectual faculty
Action or art of Systematic critical
judging Intellectual approach, thinking study
analysis and rational
Action and effects interpretation Identify
of thinking
Critical thinking,
instrument European
The reality The
proposed anti- intellectuals
Set of own or phenomena, situations
capitalist humanist
collective ideas generate questions
societies They started
With the purpose of
The Carlos Marx
Achieving change for Federico Engels
Discursive ideas
the benefit of humanity Thinkers from Latin
America From philosophy

Like They promoted
Creative self-
awareness social
Scientific knowledge
Simón Bolívar, Antonio transformation
Nariño, José Carlos
Mariátegui, Cesar
Reflection with Philosophical
Sandino, Ernesto Che
which to proceed knowledge
Guevara, Fidel Castro y
Activity that Results alternatives

Revolutionary struggles
Generate a to build humanist
product societies

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