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Sup en Comercio Internacional Date:16-04-20

Prof. Hersilia Rivero Inglés III Name: Rio Martina



A. Choose the correct answer.

1. My Company ….. office issues.

a. export b. exporting c. exports

2. She ….. full time

a. not work b. doesn’t work c. doesn’t works

3. ….. you ….. English well? No, I don’t.

a. Do / speak b. Do/ speak c. Are/ speaking

4. I am good at …… in team.

a. work b. working c. works

5. She ….. spending time in the office.

a. not mind b. minding c. doesn’t mind

6. We hate….. the office with the secretary.

a. share b. shares c. sharing

7. What ….. an international trade technician …..?

a. Does/ do b. Does/ does c. Do/ do

8. All the workers ….. the good.

a. loading b. are loading c. is loading

9. We ….. to be efficient at work.

a. not are traning b. are train c. aren’t training

10. What ….. you ….. on?

a. Do/ working b. Are/ working c. Is/ working

11. The company ….. goods all over the world this year.
Tec. Sup en Comercio Internacional Date:16-04-20
Prof. Hersilia Rivero Inglés III Name: Rio Martina

a. Is/ exporting b. Does/ exports c. Do/ exports

12. We always ….. goods all over the world.

a. are exporting b. don’t export c. export

13. Where ….. you yesterday? I ….. in an interview

a. were / was b. were/ were c. was/ was

14. They … the office, they ….. in the conference room.

a. weren’t /wasn’t b. weren’t/ was c. weren’t/ were

15. I….. on a business trip last month.

a. goed b. went c. did go

16. Mr Jenkins, the boss ….. you in the meeting yesterday.

a. didn’t went b. don’t go c. didn’t go

17. ….. the HH RR department ….. the interviews? Yes, they did

a. Did/ finish b. Do/ finish c. Did/ finished

18. ….. you ….. the plane on time? Yes, I …...

a. Did / get/ do b. Did/ got/ did c. Did/ get/ do

19. Our company ….. millions of computers all over the world.

a. has sold b. have sold c. has sell

20. ….. you ever ….. to Wall Street?

a. Have / been b. Did/ be c. Has/ been

21. Yes, I….. there three times.

a. ‘ve been b. ‘s been c. was

22. Yes, I ….. there three years ago.

a. ‘ve been b. ‘s been c. was

Tec. Sup en Comercio Internacional Date:16-04-20
Prof. Hersilia Rivero Inglés III Name: Rio Martina

23. I ….. call the lawyer next week.

a. going to b. am going to c. go to

24. ….. they going to ….. the budget next Monday?

a. Are/ reviewing b. Are / review c. Is / review

25. What time is the plane arriving? It….at 8pm.

a. is going to arrive b. is arriving c. arrive

26. Millions of passengers go past through the customer office …...

a. every year b. this year c. last year

27. All the companies are waiting for the state help after the pandemic …...

a. every year b. this year c. last year

28. Most of the workers received international trade capacitation …...

a. every year b. this year c. last year

29. I have ….. applied for a job in another country.

a. never b. for c. since

30. She is going to postpone the meeting …...

a. every week b. next week c. last week

Match the term to its correct definition in each section of this worksheet. Write the letter of the correct
definition next to the number of each term.

The terms in each section match only the definitions in each section.


1. Voluntary export restraint 3. Tariff

2. Ad valorem tariff 4. Specific tariff

Tec. Sup en Comercio Internacional Date:16-04-20
Prof. Hersilia Rivero Inglés III Name: Rio Martina

5. Comparative advantage countries.5

B. A tax levied when a good is imported. 6
6. Import quota C. A fixed charge for each unit of goods imported (e.g., $3 per barrel
of oil).4
D. A charge levied as a fraction of the value of the imported good
(e.g., 25% on imported trucks). 2
E. Limits the quantity of a good that can be imported, which raises
A. Countries that can the domestic price of the imported good. 1
produce a good more F. Limits on exports usually imposed by the exporting country at the
efficiently and cost- importing country’s request. This is more costly to the importing
effectively have an country than a tariff that limits imports by the same amount.3
advantage for that good
compared to other


7. National procurement G. Payment to a firm or individual that ships a good abroad. This
subsidy can either be fixed or advalorem. 12
H. Similar to an export subsidy except that it takes the form of a
8. Export subsidy subsidized loan to the buyer. 8

I. Purchases by the government, or strongly regulated firms,

directed toward domestically produced goods even when these
9. Currency appreciation
goods are more expensive than imports. 7

J. Restricting imports through normal health, safety, and custom

10. Currency depreciation procedures so as to place substantial obstacles in the way of trade.

11. Exchange rate K. The price of one currency in the terms of another.11

L. Happens when a lower amount of another currency is able to

exchange for one unit of a domestic currency. A drop of exchange
12. Export credit subsidy
rates of 0.8 pounds per dollar to 0.6 pounds per dollar is a drop in
the value of the dollar. 10

13. Red-tape barriers M. When a higher amount of another currency is able to exchange
for another unit of domestic currency. An increase in exchange
rates of 0.6 pound per dollar to 0.8 pounds per dollar is an increase
in the value of the dollar. 9

Tec. Sup en Comercio Internacional Date:16-04-20
Prof. Hersilia Rivero Inglés III Name: Rio Martina

14. World Trade Organization (WTO) N. An agreement established in 1947, and last ratified in
1994, between 23 countries on a set of rules for trade
15. General Agreement on Tariffs and between them. 14
O. An organization established in 1995 to promote fair trade
16. European Union (EU) among its members. It uses a system of trading rules to
resolve trading disputes. When a country has been found to
17. North American Free Trade be in violation, most often the offending country changes its
Agreement (NAFTA) trade policy to come into conformance. 15

P. An agreement established in 1993 between Canada, the

United States, and Mexico on a set of rules for trade between
them. 17

Q. An organization of 15 European countries that have

agreed to remove all tariffs with respect to each other and
form one export subsidy program known as the Common
Agricultural Policy 16

Bueno chicos espero que hayan podido resolver las actividades, cualquier duda me pueden consultar. Les voy a
pedir que me manden al mail las 2 guías resueltas así yo las corrijo y les devuelvo la corrección. La fecha de
entrega seria el viernes 17 de abril.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para comunicarles que todos los viernes voy a subir algún archivo con trabajos, los
cuales deberán ser devueltos para corregir al viernes siguiente. Este viernes 10 no adjuntare nada debido a la
semana santa.

Espero que tengan una bendecida Semana Santa y si Dios quiere pronto nos veremos. Muchas gracias.


Última petición cuando me manden las guías para corregir agreguen un párrafo contándome sobre ustedes, si
es en Inglés mejor, sino en español. Gracias.

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