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Winnie Baez

Summer of 2009

The summer that marked Paula’s life forever.
A junior in College. She had many dreams to accomplish in life. Her
view of life was unique. Paula was raised in a family with morals and class.
She lived by rules every day. Her parents never let her go out with friends or
family members. Paula also worked in a Veterinary as a receptionist. She
loved that job. She was into many things. One day Paula was in her bedroom
typing a report for college. Topic: Abortion. A very tough topic considering
she didn’t believe in that. As soon as she finished her report she decided to see
what was going on in the world. Yes, social media. What better than that when
it comes to having some fun and meet new people. When she opened her
browser she found tons of messages of guys interested in meeting her. She had
gone through all those messages but didn’t seem interested. She nodded.
“Why is it that I can’t find a true friend that will actually speak to me other
than try and marry me?” she thought. She scrolled down and found an
interesting name. Marlow? The guy had written a message that stated “Hello
cutie, how are you?” Very surprised she decided to write back to the guy. “I’m
fine thank you and you?” Paula kept looking at the photo and saw he was dark
skinned, leather jacket, and a Chinese tattoo on his neck. “Well he seems
interesting” she thought. Never would Paula think that the man in that photo
would one day be called her husband. As Marlow and Paula got the chance to
meet each other, feelings grew strong. He would tell her how one day she
would be his wife, and how she will have his children one day. They spent
hours on the phone talking about everything. As soon as Paula’s mother found
out she was very bothered. Anything Paula would ask was an immediate
“NO.” Paula told her mother she was going to keep working and studying.
“Nothing is going to interfere with my studies mom” she answered. She
should’ve listened. Paula would call Marlow on the low and tell him that she
couldn’t have any visitors or phone calls because her parents were already
against their friendship. It was very tough for Paula being Twenty-Two year’s
old living in her parent’s house. That night Paula crawled out from her
window onto the flat roof. She called Marlow and told him how she felt about
the whole situation. He would speak to her softly and calmed her down.
“Where do you work Marlow?” she asked. “I work in a place called Bin
Scraps” It’s a metal recycling place. “Wow” she answered. “When can we see
each other and finally meet?” he asked. “Marlow you know my situation but I
will try my best to go see you.” she said. The next day Paula told her mother
she had to go get some bus tokens from her friend in order to get to school.
“Fine, but quickly” she stated. As Paula left her house she decided to walk and
find the place where Marlow worked at. She asked many people for directions
and nothing sounded familiar. For Paula’s luck her mother drove by her and
saw her. The only thing Paula saw was the car coming back towards her.
“What are you doing here?” her mother asked. “Well, I finally got my bus
tokens and I decided to take a shortcut.” Her mother stared at her for at least a
whole minute without saying anything. “Get in” she said. Paula got in the car
and said nothing. “How come other girls get a fun life?” she thought. As soon
as Paula got home she went upstairs to her room and called Marlow. “Sorry I
didn’t make it Marlow, my mother caught me on my way there.” “I’m deeply
sorry” she said. “It’s ok” he said.
That night Paula’s mother was going out. Paula stayed home with her
brother. Sitting in the balcony she saw this guy pulling up on a bicycle.
“Paula?” he asked. “Marlow?” she answered. His eyes glittered as he finally
saw who was behind that phone call. That night Paula had on a sweatshirt and
a backwards hat. She felt embarrassed, thinking he would say something bad
about the way she was dressed. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “You are a beautiful
young lady!” Paula’s brother was surprised to see what was going on. “Paula,
do you know this guy?” he asked. “Yes, I do” she said. Marlow asked if he
could sit down with them. He sat down next to Paula and asked her what she
thought of him. “You are a handsome guy” she said. “Thank you,” he
answered. When Paula’s brother looked closely he asked him what school he
went to. “Francis High School,” he answered. “Wait a minute, are you
Daniel’s cousin?” he asked. “Yes.” He answered cautiously. Paula was also
surprised to know that her brother had known Marlow from the past. “You
guys know each other?” she asked. “Yes” answered Marlow. “Pretty cool,” she
said. Right then and there Paula’s brother went back in the house to leave them
some space. “So, now that you met me, want to be my girlfriend?” he asked.
“Well isn’t it a little too soon?” she answered. Paula thought it over and said
“Yes.” Not even a minute after she saw her mother pull up in the driveway.
“You have to go!” she said. “Why?” he asked. Paula’s mother go out of the car
with a mean face. “Paula, who is this, and why is he in my house when I am
not here?” she asked patiently. Mom, he… “He is here for me mom!”
screamed Paula’s brother. “Oh, well okay” she said. Paula’s face brightened as
her brother had her back on that one. “Thank You” she told her brother. “No
problem” he said. Marlow felt so weird that he decided to leave but not
without a good night kiss. He leaned over and kissed her quickly before
anyone came back out the house.

July 3rd, 2009
That day Marlow and Paula stayed on the phone all day. He asked if she
would accompany him and his family to the beach for the July 4th celebration.
“I need to ask my mother” she answered sadly. “Let me ask her now” she said.
Paula went downstairs to her mother’s room and knocked on the door.
“Mom?” she asked. “What is it Paula?” her mother answered. “May I come
in?” she asked. “Yes Paula come in” her mother replied. “Mom, remember
Frank’s friend that came here the other night?” she asked. “Yes, what about
him?” she answered. “Well he asked if I can accompany him and his family
over for the 4th of July celebration tomorrow” she said. “Paula, you know
very well I don’t like you hanging out without your brother” she said. “Mom
please, I swear I will be home early or whatever time you give me” she
answered. “Fine, but you have to be back by 7pm” she said. “Thank you
mom!” Paula screamed happily. She ran to her room to call Marlow. “Hello?”
he answered. “Hey Marlow!” she exclaimed happily. “What happened?” he
asked. “Guess what!” she screamed. “My mom gave me permission to go with
you and your family tomorrow!” she said excitedly. “Really?” he asked
“Wow” that’s great!!!
Paula and Marlow kept talking on the phone for the rest of the night
until morning. “Well let me go and get everything ready so I can go pick you
up later ok?” he said. “Sure!” she exclaimed. They prepared everything for the
nice day at the beach awaiting them. That morning when Marlow arrived at
Paula’s house, he had on a white sleeveless shirt and some shorts. He was
playing loud music and waited for Paula inside the car. As Paula came out of
the house she saw Marlow and smiled. Paula had on a nice brown tank top
with a bathing suit under her clothes. She wore flip flops and carried a big
purse with pretty much nothing. When they arrived at the beach, he decided to
take her to look around. Paula was very happy to finally feel what love was.
Marlow had picked up one of the flowers from the side benches, a beautiful
orange flower. He asked Paula if he can put that flower in her hair. “Of
course!” she said. They walked through the beach holding hands and talking
about what they wanted in life, his exact words were “Paula, I Love you.” As
soon as they got to the side of the beach they tried making love but didn’t
work seeming that they were in a public place. Paula’s face said it all. She was
scared being with a guy she just met. Her feelings made her feel something
very different. They started walking back where the other family members
where at. They ate a lot of potato salad, shrimp salad, rice, pasta, and much
more! Paula was very happy and she just didn’t want that day to end at all.
Marlow didn’t want it to end either. They looked at each other’s back and
realized they were sunburned! Paula started poking Marlow and that’s where
they had started to slap each other’s back to make it hurt even more. When it
was time to go back to the house, Marlow asked Paula if they could go eat
some pizza with the family. “Marlow you know I can’t” she answered sadly.
“Can you at least try my love?” he said. Paula’s face drowned in tears as she
declined the offer.

Back home Paula’s mother asked how it went and if she behaved like the
young, respectful young lady she is. “Yes mother” she replied. Paula went
back to her room and threw herself on the bed, hiding her face in the pillow.
She had fallen in love. Looking in the mirror she realized she had something
that made her look strong. What was it? She could never find what it was.

August 2009
Paula’s family was going through many things at the time. Her father left
the house forever. Her family was breaking apart. What’s going on? Nobody
knew. Nobody wanted to bring the family back together either. Everything was
hate! Her mother decided to take a small vacation and leave them in the house.
The foreclosed house. “Mom, when will you be back?” she asked. “I don’t
know Paula, maybe a month” she answered. By that time Marlow asked Paula
to go stay with him at his stepmother’s house. “No Marlow, I can’t” she
answered. “Well maybe one day you can come and visit” he said. “Yes,
maybe” she responded. Time was passing by and Paula’s mother didn’t make
calls to check on them or anything. By the time her mother appeared at the
door she came back with a boyfriend. “Who is this?” asked Paula’s brother.
“This is Greg.” “He will be staying with us for a few days.” She said. The
three of them looked at each other and had no other choice but to accept it. A
week passed and Paula hears her mother say she will be moving back to the
place she had vacated. “Mom, are you serious?” “Why?” she asked. “Paula I
need to find happiness and this is where I am going to find it.” She responded.
As soon as Paula’s mother left the house problems started arising. The
house was already in foreclosure and they needed to leave the house as soon as
possible. But where would Paula go?
She took the time to call Marlow again and explained the situation she
was going through. “Well I already asked you to come live with me here” he
said. “Fine I will” she answered. Paula decided to pack up her things and
Summer St.
Starting a new life with Marlow made Paula happy, excited and willing
to do whatever it took to be peaceful. Paula met all of Marlow’s family. Great
People. Or so she thought.

September 2, 2009
Paula was working hard at the veterinary she was working in at the time
and also going to school at nighttime. She wanted to be an Oncologist one day.
Her future was clear as water. Nothing was going to stop her. She was always
studying and making the best of things and situations. Her life seemed perfect.
One night as Marlow leaned over to kiss Paula he asked her to marry
him. “Marry you?” she answered in surprise. “Yes, let’s get married” he said.
“Sure why not?” she answered happily. “But, when are we going to get
married?” she asked. “Well call the Justice of the Peace.” He said. The next
day Paula called to schedule a wedding date. The Justice of the Peace had
stated that on Wednesday of next week she would be free. “Sure” she
accepted. As soon as Paula scheduled the wedding she ran over to Marlow and
screamed the great news. Marlow’s face completely changed when she told
him the news. He was very surprised.

September 9, 2009
Wedding Day…
As Paula woke up from her sleep, she saw she had a message on her
phone. It read… “Paula, today is a big day for you and I wish you the best,
yours truly mom.” Paula was very surprised to see that her mother actually
accepted the relationship. Marlow had left really early to his father’s house.
Paula called Marlow and told him she needed to pick up her dress at the store.
The night before Marlow got drunk with his father and was in such a bad
mood. He didn’t seem happy about his wedding day. He drove Paula all the
way to Jamestown to get her dress. When they returned Paula went back to the
room they were renting and Marlow went back to his father’s house to get
dressed. The time was getting closer and the only thing Paula could do was
look out the window and cry. She was remembering how her father always
told her he wanted to walk down the aisle with her. The difference was, he
wasn’t around.

As Paula arrived at the City Hall she looked up at the stairs and saw
Marlow’s back. He was there. Waiting for her. The ceremony had only four to
five people that weren’t even family, just Paula’s brother. As soon as Marlow
and Paula answered “Yes” they moved on with their new life.

187 Oakdale Ave.
The first room they rented together was a small room, perfect for a
couple that was starting off. One day Paula had such a high fever that her
sugar went down. She passed out on the table. Marlow started screaming for
help thinking something bad had happened to her. The ambulance came and
took Paula to the hospital. She came out to have hypoglycemia. “Take care of
yourself Paula” said the Doctor. “Doctor trust me, I will make sure my wife
does whatever she has to do in order to get better” answered Marlow.
Back home Marlow had Paula rest the whole time. She couldn’t go to
work or school for some time. This made her really sad. She loved to work
and study, it was her life. Days were going by and Paula was starting to see
Marlow act differently. He would disappear for many hours and not say where
he was going. One day when Paula came back from work she caught Marlow
distributing drugs. “Marlow!” What are you doing? She asked. Marlow didn’t
say a word. He asked her why she came home was so early. “I live here” she
said. As soon as Paula went to take a shower, Marlow left. Paula was very
confused and worried for Marlow. She didn’t know what was going on.
The next day Marlow asked her if he can go over to his uncle’s house for
a while. “Sure, why not?” she answered. “But then again, I would like to go
with you” she said. Marlow’s face changed as soon as she said that. “Why?”
he asked. “Well I really want to go out and have a little fun” she said sadly.
“Fine” he answered.
When Paula and Marlow walked through the door they saw Marlow’s
uncle also distributing drugs. “What is she doing here Marlow?” he asked
angrily. “I’m sorry Uncle” but don’t worry she’s cool he said. Paula’s face
drowned in embarrassment and fear. “What am I going to do?” she thought.
She was very scared at what Marlow and his Uncle were doing. “Marlow, we
need to speak” she said. “At home” he answered rudely. Being around Marlow
and his uncle made Paula feel really weird. She was starting to have suspicions
of what Marlow was doing.
Back home she sat Marlow down and asked him what was going on. He
told her nothing was going on and that it was only in her mind. She kept on
asking until Marlow squeezed her arm very hard and told her to shut up.
“Marlow!” Stop!!! You’re hurting me!!! She screamed. He let her go and
decided to go back to his uncle’s house. He didn’t return until the next day.
When Paula came out of her job she noticed that her laptop was gone. Marlow
had traded it in to pay the rent. “Marlow, why did you do that?” she asked. He
didn’t respond. Her face dropped as she saw the way he was acting.
Things were getting tougher and it was getting really hard to pay the
rent. She was the only one working and Marlow wasn’t looking for a job
either. The beginning of the month was close. Paula was worried because she
didn’t have the money to pay the rent. She told Marlow how worried she was
about the rent money and he seemed like he didn’t care. A week passed and
the landlord was already asking for the rent money. “I’m sorry Mr. Bunt, but I
don’t have all the rent money.” She said sadly. “Well Paula I’m very sorry to
tell you, but you have to leave.” Said Mr. Blunt. “I understand” she replied.
Paula was very scared to tell Marlow that they had to leave. She tried looking
for the right words in order to speak to him. “Marlow, we need to speak” she
said “What happened Paula?” he answered “Marlow, I couldn’t pay the rent
this month and Mr. Blunt said we have to leave” she said sadly. “What?!”
What do you mean we have to leave? He screamed. “I’m Sorry Marlow but
that’s what’s going on” she said. Paula went back to the room and started
packing her things. Marlow followed. “What are we going to do?” he asked.
“Well my mom is back in the foreclosed house, but maybe she’ll let us stay for
some days until we get back on our feet” she said. “Are you crazy?!” he
screamed. “Well what do you suppose we do Marlow?” she said bluntly.
“Fine!” he answered. Paula called her mom and explained the situation.
“Marlow! my mom said its fine if we stay a few days” she said. Marlow and
Paula packed all their belongings and moved on to Paula’s house. Over at the
house Paula’s mom was very happy to receive them. She would always make
sure they would be as comfortable as possible. In the meantime Paula was still
going to work and school. She would wake up very early to walk 50 minutes
towards her job. While working she would ask her co-workers if they knew of
any apartments or rooms for rent. Nothing was coming up and Paula was
getting frustrated. That Sunday she bought the newspaper and found a room
fitting their budget. She called and the room was theirs. After a week of
staying at her mother’s house, they moved to the room Paula found. It was a
big room in a huge house owned by some old man from the country. When
they entered the house they saw filth everywhere! “Wow!” she exclaimed.
“Nobody has cleaned here in ages!” said Marlow. They spoke to the man and
asked if they could help clean the house. That following weekend Paula’s
mother and sister went over to help with the cleaning of the house. There was
rat feces everywhere, towels thrown all around, kitchen table was full of
garbage and the dishes were up to the top of the sink. After they finished they
decided to sit around the table and make plans for thanksgiving dinner.
“Thanksgiving is close, what are we going to cook?” asked Paula. “Well what
if we all make something and share?” stated Marlow. “That’s a great idea!”
screamed Paula. “I am going to ask my father to come over and have dinner
with us that day” said Marlow. “Oh, your father is around Marlow?” asked
Paula’s mother. “Yes, he overworks himself too much though” he said. As
soon as Paula’s family left Marlow decided to call his father and also tell him
that the room across the hall was also for rent. Paula didn’t think it was such a
great idea to have Marlow’s father close because she wanted to have a good
life with Marlow, not having family over at all times. “Do you think is a good
idea to have your father move in the house Marlow?” she asked. “Why are you
acting that way Paula?” he said. “Well I just wanted us to have our own
private space” she said. “We will, now stop nagging!” he said roughly.

Thanksgiving Day 2009
The day was here, oven with the ham, stove top had the rice and the
fridge had the potato salad. Everything was looking appetizing. As soon as
everyone arrived, they were seated. The table was set nicely. Food was placed
and everyone pigged out. What a nice celebration! When the gathering was
coming to an end, Paula’s mother went out to have some drinks with Marlow’s
father. Paula and Marlow stayed home, relaxing watching movies. About an
hour passed, and Paula’s sister called. “Paula!” she screamed. “What happened
Sophie?” she asked. “Mom says she doesn’t feel good!” “I’m scared Paula,
she’s babbling and saying that Marlow’s father put something in her drink!”
she screamed. “What?!” screamed Paula in anger. The call was interrupted and
the signal was lost. Paula tried calling back but nothing went through. The
next day Paula called early and her mother picked up. “Mom?” she said. “Yes,
Paula?” she answered. “What happened to you last night?” asked Paula. “The
only thing I remember was drinking wine with Marlow’s father and suddenly I
felt like I was going to pass out” she explained. “Mom please be careful!”
exclaimed Paula. When Paula was done talking to her mother, she decided to
ask Marlow if his father would do such a thing. “Are you crazy?!” he
screamed. “Marlow I’m sorry it was just a question” responded Paula. “I’m
leaving” he said. “Where?” asked Paula. “OUT!” he screamed. “Well you’re
not taking my car Marlow” she said. “Give me the keys Paula!” he said
calmly. “No Marlow, I know what you’re planning to do and I’m not going to
accept that!” she said. Marlow’s face turned red, his eyes were bulgy, and
raised his fist at her. “Give me the keys!!!” he screamed louder. As soon as
Paula saw his face she gave him the keys. Marlow took the keys and grabbed
her by the arm roughly. “Don’t you ever do that to me” he said. When Marlow
left, Paula threw herself on the bed and cried. She cried with so much pain in
her heart because the only thing she wanted was to be happy.

Next Morning…
Paula got ready for work as usual. She didn’t expect Marlow to get up so
she walked to her job. Halfway there she heard screaming and someone
calling her name. She looked back and saw Marlow calling her. “What are you
doing here?” she asked. “Why did you take the car keys again?” he said.
“Marlow I really don’t want you to get in trouble!” she said softly. Marlow
looked at her and grabbed her purse. “Stop!” please!!! She screamed. “I don’t
care what you say Paula I’m me and I will always be me!!!” he screamed
proudly. A man in the balcony across the road told Marlow off. He said that
was no way to treat a lady. The only thing Marlow did was threaten Paula and
left. Paula arrived at her job and decided to work her normal day. When she
went back home she saw Marlow laying down, sleeping. She didn’t want to
wake him so she went to the kitchen area to cook. Half hour later Marlow
came down and saw she had bruises on her arm. “Paula, I’m sorry, can you
ever forgive me?” he asked. “Yes Marlow, but please never do that again” she
said. “Trust me my love I won’t” he said nicely.

A Cruel Morning…
That Saturday morning changed Paula’s perspective of life. Her mother
called her pretty early and started screaming at Paula. She called her the worst
names a mother can call their child. “Mom?!” what are you talking about? She
asked worried. “Paula!” Why did you steal from me? She asked roughly.
“What?!!!” Mom what are you talking about??? She asked. “I had $900 in my
card and I only have $60! You two were the only ones around that time!!!
“Mom please! Nobody stole anything from you! she said. Paula’s mother hung
up the phone and forgot all about her daughter. Paula tried to call her again
and speak to her but she never picked up the phone.

Next day…
Paula went to work that morning and her manager called her in the
office. “Paula, I’m sorry but we need to let you go.” She said. “What?!
Why?!” she asked. “We hardly have hours to give you” she answered. Paula
got off the chair and walked away crying. “Lord, please help me!” she asked
looking up at the sky. When she arrived home she saw Marlow wasn’t there.
She called his phone and no answer. By 7pm she saw her brother come up the
stairs. “Hey!” what are you doing here? She said. “Paula, mom is downstairs
and she’s not happy.” He responded. “Why is she here?” she asked. “You
know what you did Paula! Why are you acting that way?” he asked. “Listen,
please tell mom I didn’t do anything!” she said. “Well then if it wasn’t you,
then we need to ask Marlow” he said. “He’s not here!” she answered. Her
brother and mother left and didn’t come back. At the house, the old man came
up to Paula and asked her for the rent money. “Mr. Georgie, the only amount I
have on me is $200, please accept that” she asked. “I’m sorry young’un but we
had a deal” he said. “Ok then please just give us some time to get our things
out” she said. “Fine with me just hurry it up” he said.
When Paula finished talking to the landlord she went upstairs to the
room to wait for Marlow. Marlow didn’t return home until 11pm. “Marlow, we
need to talk” she said. “What is it now Paula?” he answered. “We have to
leave” she said. “What do you mean we have to leave?” he asked “Marlow I
don’t have all the rent money this month and the old man is not going to
accept not even half” she said. “Where are we going then?” he asked. “I don’t
know Marlow.” She answered. “Well if anything were going to have to live in
our car” he said. “It’s fine with me” she said. “You do know its cold outside
right?” he asked. “Yes Marlow, we have no other way” she said.
That next day Paula and Marlow came back from the coffee shop they
saw the balcony of the house filled with their belongings. The landlord threw
out all their belongings! “Oh my God!” Paula screamed. “Don’t worry Paula,
we’ll have to put everything in the car” he said. Under the snowy skies
Marlow and Paula put all their belongings in the back of their small van.
“Marlow where are going to park our van?” she asked. “I’ll find a place” he
said. They drove around trying to find a good spot where they can park and
sleep. They found a rest area and decided to park the car and stay there for the
night. The next morning Marlow obligated Paula to go ask her mother if she
can go stay at that house with them. When she did Paula’s mother only
accepted her and not Marlow. “Mom, I cannot abandon my husband” said
Paula. “Then go with him, but remember you are always welcome here Paula”
her mother answered.” As Paula walked back to Marlow he asked; “What
happened?” Paula’s face was red as an apple and started crying. “I can’t
abandon you Marlow, you need me” she said sadly. As they drove down the
hill the car turned off. Marlow tried turning it on and nothing happened. In
front of where they were parked lived Paula’s High School Sweetheart John.
Paula had already forgotten about John for so long. John’s wife came out the
house thinking that Paula was there to find him. The woman started punching
the car windows and started screaming. Paula told her she didn’t want any
problems. When Marlow finally turned on the car, the lady threw herself on
top of the hood. “Get off!!!” screamed Marlow. The lady didn’t listen and fell
off. The car kept turning off. The lady came running towards the car and threw
herself on top again. This time Marlow swerved side by side until the lady fell
off, and by mistake he ran her leg over. Paula was crying and screaming in the
car. “Lord please help me!” she screamed. Marlow started arguing with Paula
and called her many names. “Marlow Stop it!” she screamed. Marlow kept
driving until they arrived at the rest area. The day was snowy and cold. They
parked at the rest area and Marlow needed to use the bathroom. He asked
Paula to accompany him to the nearest restaurant. Paula accepted, she also
needed to use the bathroom. Paula entered the bathroom and ran to a stall. She
washed her face and tried giving herself a cleanup with toilet paper. She felt so
dirty and wanted to shower badly. When she reunited with Marlow she told
him she was very hungry. Luckily she had two dollars to spare and bought a
pack of cookies for Marlow and herself. “Marlow, what are we going to do?”
she asked. “Paula, tomorrow we’ll find my father to see if he can help us” he
said. That night was so cold that Marlow put plenty clothes on top of Paula to
keep her warm. He decided to sleep in front of the van to keep a lookout.

December 24, 2009
That morning Paula asked Marlow to go find his father. They drove over
to the house where his father was staying and knocked on the door. “Hey Dad”
said Marlow. "What are you doing here Marlow?" he asked. "Dad, I need your
help, please" he begged. "Well, what can I do for you son?" he responded.
Marlow explained the situation with such pain and anger in his heart. "Son,
I'm sorry but you need to learn how to solve your own problems" he said. As
soon as Marlow heard his father his face dropped. "Dad please!!!" he
screamed. Marlow's dad looked down and closed the door. Paula noticed
Marlow's face. "Marlow, what happened?" she asked. "My father couldn't help
us" he said. Both Paula and Marlow walked back to the car and decided to
park for the night. It was such a cold night, they were freezing. As Paula
looked towards the front of the car all she saw was snow covering the
windshield. Marlow would keep turning the heat on and off. Of course they
knew they couldn't t keep it on for carbon monoxide. The next morning
Marlow decided to ask his father if they could at least shower there. Paula felt
so ashamed but really needed a shower. They went inside for a hot meal and
shower. When they finished they remained inside the house for some time. By
nighttime one of Marlow's friends called him to ask him if he could give him a
ride to work. Marlow accepted. Paula stayed at the house while Marlow went
out. Like an hour in a half later Marlow called Paula and told her they were
stuck in the middle of the freeway. Paula started arguing with Marlow over the
phone. "Marlow, you know the car is pretty much our house!" she said. Paula
dropped the phone and walked all the way to where Marlow was stranded.
They called one of their friends to help them push the car. Marlow and his
friend started pushing car with car until..... (POLICE SIRENS) "Marlow
please get in the car" screamed Paula. Marlow decided to walk towards the
police officer. "SIR! GET IN THE CAR NOW!" shouted the officer. Marlow
ran to the car and sat down. The officer approached the vehicle and asked
"License and Registration Please." Marlow's face reddened as he looked up at
the officer. "Officer, may I speak to you please?" he asked nervously. The
officer accepted and told Marlow to get out of the car. "Officer this car is
important to my wife and I, it's our home" he explained. "Well that is none of
my business but you will have to ask the towing truck to let you keep it" he
said. Marlow and Paula waited for the towing truck to arrive. When the truck
arrived Paula decided to speak to the driver. "Sir, Please, this car is our home,
please don't take it from us” she said crying. The man looked at Paula and
asked her for thirty dollars. Paula had only twenty. She asked if he can take
those twenty cause it was the only thing she had. He accepted. The tow truck
left their car right in front of Marlow's dad's house. As soon as the man left
Marlow and Paula decided to take a walk. As they were walking they saw
Marlow's Uncle Peter. Marlow ran to his uncle and explained the whole
situation. Uncle Peter told Marlow he could stay at his house for some time
with Paula. Happily Marlow ran towards Paula to tell her the great news.
Paula was so happy to know she was finally going to be warm somewhere.
When they arrived at Uncle Peter's house they saw a tall dark skinned man
standing in the kitchen. "May I ask who in the hell are you?" he said roughly.
"My uncle sent us over here to stay for a couple of days" answered Marlow.
"Well your uncle needed to ask me for permission first" he said. As Marlow
was going to answer, his uncle interrupted him. "Listen Big, these guys really
need our help and they need a place to stay, now I know you, and I know
you’re a great person" he said. "Fine, just keep the place clean" he answered.
Two weeks had passed and Paula was feeling uncomfortable. She thought
about her future and honestly she wasn't seeing much anymore. Marlow
noticed Paula's behavior was not the same. He asked her to think about
moving with him to Puerto Rico. Paula was very confused. "Marlow, with
what money are we going to move to Puerto Rico?" she asked. "Paula keep
holding on to your unemployment checks" he said drastically. Paula looked
puzzled. "When are we going to move?" she asked. "As soon as we can come
up with the money, I'll call my mother and ask her if we can stay at her house
for some time" he said. As minutes, hours and days were passing they were
trying to come up with the money. One day Marlow decided to use his father's
card to get himself a plane ticket. "Marlow, that's not right" said Paula. "He
owes me" he answered. Marlow had booked his plane ticket for the week after
New Year’s. “Well, we’re going to have to stay here for another week” he said.
“Marlow, what about my ticket?” she asked. “Paula I already told you we will
book yours when your unemployment check comes” he answered. “Ok
Marlow” she responded.

New Year’s Eve
December 31st, 2009
Waking up Paula decided to check her card to check if her
unemployment was deposited. when she checked she realized her account had
money. “Finally!” she screamed. “What happened?” asked Marlow. “My
unemployment money came in!” she said happily. “That’s great!” he
screamed. “So when can I book my flight Marlow?” she asked. “Paula we will
book yours at the airport” he said. Paula looked at Marlow all confused but
then realizing whom she was speaking to. “Ok Marlow” she answered. That
night they wrote each other letters for the New Year. Marlow loved the letter
Paula had written him. He leaned over to kiss and hug her and also give her
his letter. Paula opened the letter and it read:
Dear Paula,
My love, I know we are struggling,
But I want you to know that I am always going to be
Here for you. I need you to stick by my side.
I love you and I would have never thought
You would stay with me through all this.
I want this year to leave already in order to start a new one with you.
Thank you for everything you have given me,
Your love, your care.
I would never find another woman like you.
I wish you a very nice year, and when this New Year starts
I would like to marry you again.
The past is the past and I don’t want to bring it up.
My name is Marlow Deland, and I found the love of my life.
Paula you are the most wonderful wife a man could ever have.
New Year, New Me.
I love you
As Paula finished reading the letter, tears ran down her cheeks. She looked at
Marlow and expressed how much she loved him with a kiss.

A Week Later…
Paula and Marlow were trying to get everything ready for their big move
to the island. “Marlow, how are we going to get to the airport?” asked Paula.
“I will speak to my other uncle and see if he can take us” he answered. “Ok
well we also need to walk back to our car and pack our things Marlow” stated
Paula. “We’ll have to walk there and it’s snowing really bad outside” he
responded. “Yes I know, maybe we can wait until tomorrow then” she said.
“Fine, we will walk really early to pack our things, our flight is at night” he
answered. Paula was very nervous that night, she couldn’t sleep. The next
morning they left at 5am in the morning to pack their things from the junked
car. Paula started crying as she saw her things being stuffed in a small bag.
Marlow had spoken to his uncle about taking them to the airport. They were
leaving by 3pm in the afternoon. As soon as they finished they walked back to
the house to take a quick shower and walk back to where they were going to
be picked up.
The time came, Marlow’s uncle arrived as they scheduled. Marlow
packed all the bags in the trunk and sat in the front seat. Paula was sitting in
the back just thinking at how her life from now on was going to be. The ride
was long, Marlow asked his uncle for a bathroom break. They stopped at a gas
station to fill up for more gas and use the bathroom. When everyone returned
to the car they carried on to the airport.
When they arrived at the airport they ran to the counter to buy Paula’s
ticket. The lady on the counter took down Marlow’s name and found his flight
reservation. “We would like to book another flight please” asked Paula. “Sure,
the same flight as your husband?” asked the lady. “Yes please” responded
Paula. “Ok, there is a booking fee of $15.00, now if you book online there is
no charge” said the lady. Paula walked towards Marlow and told him what had
happened. “What do you want me to do?” he asked. “I’m not sure Marlow but
we need to find those twenty dollars.” She said. “Let me ask that man right
there, maybe he’s willing to help us out” he said. Marlow walked over to the
man and explained his situation. The man told Marlow to give him a minute.
He walked away. Ten minutes later the man walked back over to Marlow and
gave him the twenty dollars. Marlow was very happy handing the twenty
dollars to Paula. Paula ran over to the counter and finally booked her flight.
They passed the security point and went off to wait for their flight. Suddenly
they hear the plane they were supposed to take was damaged. They waited in
the airport for 8 hours straight. Good thing was they were going to receive full
refund for their trip. Paula and Marlow were exhausted, never would they have
thought a flight would be so stressful.

Puerto Rico
Arriving Puerto Rico they had to wait at the airport for at least half an
hour. Marlow’s best friend was the one that had to pick them up at the airport.
“Elson!” screamed Marlow. “Long time no see” yelled Elson. “Let’s get outta
here” said Paula. When they arrived at Marlow’s Mother’s store they sat down
to eat. They were both very hungry since they hadn’t had a good plate of food
for a long time. As soon as they finished they went off to Marlow’s parent’s
house. The two of them had lived there for a whole month. At the end of the
month they had found a house right in front of Marlow’s parent’s house.
Marlow had started a smooth job selling food at the store where his mother
worked in. Paula stayed home while Marlow finally worked. Days and weeks
were passing by and Paula started noticing Marlow very different and distant
again. Everyday Marlow would wake up at four in the morning to go to work.
Paula always prepared the food for Marlow to take and sell. “Hey, why don’t
you come with me this time and relax at the store while I work” he said.
“Sure!” she screamed happily. Paula put on her best clothes and accompanied
Marlow off to the store. At the store Marlow prepared everything to start
selling the food Paula prepared. The plan was that with the money that was
being raised they were going to find their own house. That night everything
went great the sales, the food, the people, everything. Marlow was starting to
feel awkward. He called Paula over and asked her to bring him some water.
“Are you ok?” she asked. “Paula, I feel like I’m dying” he said. “Stop playing
around Marlow, don’t do that” she said. Marlow was serious. His face was
turning whiter by the second. Paula started screaming for an ambulance and
wondered what happened to Marlow. When they arrived at the hospital the
nurses spoke to Marlow’s parents. Paula walked over to them and asked them
questions. “Is Marlow going to be ok?” she asked. “Paula, Marlow overdosed
on pills” said his mother. “Pills? What pills?” asked Paula. “We are not sure
but he was taking pills with his buddies at the store” she responded. Paula ran
over to Marlow’s room. “Marlow?” she asked Marlow was fully asleep but
moved every time she called him. Paula called his name again. As soon as
Marlow opened his eyes he grabbed Paula’s thumb and bent it backwards
screaming at her for waking him up. His face was flushed, lips were pale and
an angry expression in his eyes. She was in that position for at least half hour.
Paula cried her eyes out, nobody was listening to her. The doctors would walk
by and not one of them would ask her if she was fine. When Paula tried
pushing away Marlow punched her in the stomach not realizing the pain he
was causing. The only thing on Paula's mind was "he was under the

Next Day...
As Marlow was discharged from the hospital Paula wanted an
explanation but decided to wait some time. They went back home and asked
their friend if they could borrow some movies.
Days were passing and Marlow was getting bored of watching movies over
and over again. He decided to get his own entertainment. Marlow walked out
the door quietly. Paula was in the kitchen fixing dinner. He came back half
hour later, he brought a channel box, and some cables. "What is that?" asked
Paula. "It's a channel box Paula" he responded. "How did you buy it?" she
asked. "I didn't" he answered. Paula's face dropped. "What do you mean
Marlow?" she asked worriedly. "It's mg business" he said. Paula walked over
to her room and relaxed. She laid on her bed thinking where Marlow would
get a channel box with no money. He had already lost the kabob stand, but
where? She thought. As days were passing they were getting short of food.
Marlow would walk over to his mother's plantation to grab some vegetables
they were growing. He would bring green bananas and grapefruits to make
juice. The only thing they had in order to cook with was wood and fire
outside. Marlow started making the fire while Paula sliced some vegetables.
He came back in the house and asked for some bread. When Paula saw the
bread bag she saw it had a bite mark. "I'm sorry Marlow but I think there's a
mouse around” she said. "Paula this is crazy!!!" he screamed. Marlow's face
turned red with anger. Paula went on to try and speak to him but he pushed
her, Paula couldn’t believe it. He grabbed her by the hair and pushed her face
with the wall. Paula started crying and begged him to stop. "I told you to leave
me alone!" he screamed. Paula was in shock. What just happened? She
thought. That night Paula didn't want to speak to Marlow at all. She laid down
in the living room and fell asleep. The next morning Paula wasn't feeling so
good. She had thrown up that morning and felt sick to her stomach. She
wondered what was wrong with her. Marlow walked over to the bathroom and
asked her if she was fine. "No Marlow, I really don't feel good" she said. He
kept on looking at her and said; "Did you get your period?" Paula's eyes
opened widely. "No" she responded. Marlow walked away. When Paula came
out of the bathroom she saw Marlow looking out the window. "Marlow, I
didn't get my period last month either" she said anxiously. Marlow looked up
at her and said; do you think you’re pregnant? Paula started crying. "I don't
know" she said. "Well, let's go to the pharmacy" he said. They took a walk to
the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test, or so she thought. As soon as they got
to the pharmacy Marlow asked Paula to stand behind him. "Marlow, what are
you doing? She asked. "Just stand there Paula!" he answered rudely. Paula was
very nervous. She didn't know what to do. Marlow looked at how nervous
Paula was and decided to walk away. Paula prayed for Marlow not to get
caught. They left the pharmacy and walked right back home. At home Paula
ran to the bathroom and decided to take the pregnancy test. She felt so scared
and anxiously put the test down. Two minutes later she looked at the test and
saw the result. Positive. Paula was pregnant. She opened the bathroom door
looked at Marlow right in the eyes. “Well? Are you?” he asked. “Yes!” she
screamed. Marlow’s eyes widened. He picked up Paula from the ground and
spun her around in joy. He ran off to the street to tell everyone of his family
members he was going to be a father. His mother didn’t seem too interested
but he just kept on screaming his happiness to the world. Paula ran to her room
and started to cry. She was very scared, not knowing what was going to

A week later.
Paula and Marlow decided they needed a bedroom set now that Paula
needed a comfortable bed. Marlow’s grandfather drove them to go pick one
out. “Stay here Paula” stated Marlow as he was getting out the car. Paula was
sitting in the back seat when Marlow’s grandfather started talking to Paula.
“Paula, you’re not in your regular clothes today” he said. “What do you
mean?” she asked. He looked at her through the rear view mirror. “Paula, I’m
going to tell you something but you can’t tell anyone ok?” he said maliciously.
“May I please get out the car?” she asked. “Paula I always look at the way you
dress and let me tell you, that rack looks very nice” he said. Paula didn’t know
what to do at the moment but just get out the car and find Marlow. She ran
over to the store and stood behind Marlow. “What the hell Paula, I told you to
stay in the car!” he screamed. “Marlow, please let me stay with you here” she
said sadly. “No, I don’t want my grandfather to know how much we received
in taxes” he answered. “Marlow please, your grandfather just told me how
nice of a rack I have” she said angrily. “What!?” he exclaimed. Marlow
finished up what he was doing and went back to the car. The grandfather
brought them back to the house. At the house Paula had no choice but to start
crying and feeling dirty. Marlow ran over to his grandmother’s house and told
her what had happened. They all ran out to the street and argued. Marlow
brought out a large knife and threatened to hurt anyone that didn’t believe him.
Paula ran inside and threw herself on the bed. Everyone was calling her a liar
and stopped speaking to her.
Two days later the bedroom set had arrived. Paula and Marlow were
very happy to receive a brand new bed, chest, and two small dressers. “Wow!”
screamed Paula. “Yes it’s nice” answered Marlow. Paula and Marlow decided
to fix their room and have a little fun. In a moment out of nowhere Marlow
started arguing with Paula about his tooth. “We really need to see a dentist
Paula” he said. “Yes your right Marlow but we would need health insurance
for that and we don’t have it” she said cautiously. “Why you always have to be
so negative Paula?” he said. “It’s not being negative Marlow it’s the truth and
I’m very sorry you’re bothered but it’s the way it is” she said. Marlow looked
at her very maliciously. He grabbed her by the arm and pushed her on the bed.
“Marlow! Stop! The Baby!!!” she screamed. “Why you always wait for me to
get mad and then try and make me feel bad?” he asked. “Marlow I’m sorry”
she said crying. Marlow walked away leaving Paula in the room alone.

4 Months Pregnant
Time was passing and Paula was already four months pregnant. Her
mother was supposed to come from Canada to come see her. When her mother
arrived Paula hugged her with lots of love. “Mom, thank you for coming” said
Paula. “You know I had to come see that belly of yours” she said. “I Love You
Mom” said Paula softly.
“Well, what are we waiting for let’s go out!” screamed Paula’s Mom.
They went off on a road trip and came back two weeks later. At the time
Paula’s younger sister Melody was also with them. “Paula, can I come and
stay with you during my summer vacation?” said Melody. “Yes you can
Melody!” said Paula excitedly. The time was up and Paula’s mother and sister
had to go back to Canada. Hugs and tears didn’t miss at that moment. They
promised they would see each other again very soon.
“Paula, I really wish I can go live where your family lives” exclaimed
Marlow. “Well I can try and ask if we can move over there” she answered.
Paula called her cousins and asked if she could go live in the little house by
the city they had for rent. Her cousins accepted. Marlow and Paula decided to
pack everything up that night and leave. They left the bedroom set to the
friends they had around the corner of the house. Paula was very sad to leave
her few things but she also wanted to be happy.

That night…
That night Marlow and Paula decided to go over to Yale city, they took
all that filled up their car. When they arrived at Yale city they couldn’t go
straight to the house since it was late. Instead they decided to go to the beach
nearby and wait until morning. Paula was very hungry and scared. Marlow
relaxed in the driver’s seat and didn’t say a word to Paula.

Next Morning…
Morning came by, Paula and Marlow went to her cousin’s house to pay
rent and get the house key. When they arrived at the house Paula saw nothing
inside. How were they going to sleep? Pillows? Why not? They unpacked
some of the things they brought from the other house and sat down in the only
chair they had to sit down. Little by little they were getting used to the small
house. The house was small, looked like a doll house. The refrigerator that
was already there was working but it was literally from the 1950’s. Paula’s real
father came to see her as soon as he knew she was close. He saw she didn’t
have a bed and brought her two small mattresses to sleep on. Paula and
Marlow would sleep across from each other in order to fit in the bed.
The next day Paula received a phone call from her mother telling her the day
of her sister’s flight. “Mom, you know I will take care of Melody” answered
Paula. “I know Paula” she answered. When Melody arrived, everything was
well until a point. Marlow had no respect for anybody. He would smack Paula
right in front of her sister. Melody screamed. “Marlow Stop! She’s Pregnant!”
she kept screaming. “Get out my house!!!” he screamed. Paula took a walk
with her sister and begged her to keep quiet about what was happening.
“Paula, why do you let him do that to you?” she asked. “Melody, please don’t
tell anybody” said Paula. “Ok, but only if you promise to stop him from hitting
you” she said. “OK” answered Paula. One week had passed and Melody
wasn’t very happy to be at her sister’s house. Melody went through her
belongings and couldn’t find he digital camera. She told Paula and also told
her she thought Marlow took it. “I don’t think he’s capable of taking that
Melody” she answered. “Paula, what am I supposed to tell mom?” asked
Melody. “I don’t know” she said. As soon as their mother found out what
happened she wanted Melody to go back to Canada. Melody was very sad to
leave, she was pretty much forced. That day Paula didn’t want to talk to
anybody, not even Marlow. Marlow would ask her what was wrong. “Nothing
Marlow, leave me alone please” she said. Marlow had no other thing to do but
just walk away mumbling bad words. Paula stayed in the room crying all
night. Days and weeks were passing and Paula only saw $64.00 on her
unemployment check. She didn’t know what else to do, she was thinking and
thinking but nothing came to mind. Marlow noticed what was really wrong
with Paula and asked her to think about moving to Florida. “Are you serious?”
she said. “Yes, we have no life here” he answered. “Well we do have that
refunded money from our flight here” she said. “Let’s book flights tomorrow
Paula” said Marlow. “Fine, but where are we going to live?” she said. “Paula
there’s many shelters we can go to in order to start off” he said. “We can try”
she answered cautiously. The next morning they walked over to the library and
booked the flights.

When they arrived in Florida they walked all around trying to find
different shelters. Some of the shelters had horrible sightings and others were
just plain nasty. They arrived at St. Gabriel’s Chapel and decided to ask for
information. “Good afternoon, we really need help” said Paula. “Lady I don’t
think you can stay here being pregnant” said the deskman “Please, it’s just for
some time until we can get back on our feet” she said. “Well go over to the
police officer over there and if you don’t have any warrants we can let you
stay here” he said. “Thank You” responded Paula. Marlow and Paula walked
over to the Police officer and gave their social numbers. “Excuse me, you said
your name was Marlow Rots?” said the officer. “Yes” answered Marlow. “I’m
sorry but you have a warrant in Canada” she said. “Please officer, I cannot
leave my wife here alone” he said. “I’m going to give you a break but
tomorrow you won’t be so lucky” she said
The two walked back to the shelter. When they signed in at the help desk
they were given ID badges and wool blankets. “Ok time to go to your dorms”
screamed the personnel. Paula had to separate from Marlow and go to the
women’s side while Marlow left to the men’s. She didn’t want to go inside the
dorms yet so she sat in the bench right outside the door and started crying
hysterically. An old lady stood right in front of Paula and gave her a psalm.
She told her to read it and forgive those whom have hurt her. Paula stopped the
crying and looked across towards Marlow.

Next day…
The next morning Marlow and Paula needed to leave the shelter because
of Marlow’s warrant. They tried finding another shelter but none would accept
a pregnant woman. They had no other choice but to go back to the airport and
stay there until they found a solution. Paula still had some refund money from
the last flight, Marlow didn’t. “Marlow I can’t just leave you here” she said.
“Well you have to Paula” he responded. Paula called her other brother and
asked if she could stay with him while she helped Marlow get back. “Paula
why did you leave? Why couldn’t you tell me you were in trouble?” he said.
“I’m sorry Mikey but I didn’t know what to do” she said. “Well you know you
are always welcome here” he answered. “Thank you Mikey” responded Paula.
Back at the library Paula told Marlow what was going to happen. “I leave in a
week” she said. “Good, I’m glad” answered. “Marlow, what are we going to
do?” asked Paula. “Listen, we will stay here and walk around to not make it
seem so obvious and then when you leave I will stay for the time that it takes
to buy my plane ticket” he said. “Sure Marlow” answered Paula.
That week was very tough for them, they had to sleep all over the airport
at night and during the day they would walk around. Paula asked for money in
order to eat and so did Marlow. They made it through the first week and it was
time for Paula to go back to Puerto Rico. When Paula left she left with so
many tears running down her face. She was distraught. Her heart felt like it
couldn’t go on any longer. Instead she had to fight for that baby she was

Puerto Rico 2010
As soon as Paula arrived her brother was already there. She ran towards
him and hugged him as hard as she could. Mikey felt the pain his sister was
going through. “I’m sorry Paula” he said.

Two weeks later…
Two weeks had passed and Marlow was able to get back to Puerto Rico.
They lived at Mikey’s house for exactly a month. Marlow had found a job
cutting grass and cleaning patios. They found a house a neighbor was renting
and started living it. The house was big, three rooms, and such a big backyard.
Rent was not that high and they were happy to go live it. The house didn’t
have light yet so they slept in a hammock and put candles around to see at
night. Little by little the house was getting fixed and painted. They were also
able to buy some nice things for the house. Everything was set!

October 09, 2010
Today was such a special day. Paula woke up feeling great! She started
cleaning the whole house, cooking a big buffet and listening to her favorite
music. By three o’ clock she wasn’t feeling so well, she felt pain in her
stomach. “Oh my God! The Baby!” she screamed. Paula was having
contractions. She walked all the way up the hill towards her neighbors to ask
for help. Her neighbors were ready to drive her to the hospital since there was
no ambulance available to help her. Marlow was informed and joined the
group. They arrived at the hospital and Paula was checked to see if the baby
was on its way. “You are 3 centimeters Paula” said the nurse. Paula was
getting ready to have the baby.

October 10, 2010
At 12:10am Julie was born…
Paula was the happiest woman on earth. When she saw that child for the
first time she fell in love. Julie was the most beautiful thing that ever happened
to her. Marlow joined Paula when she was transferred to a room. They brought
the baby in the room. “Marlow, can you please hand me Julie?” she asked.
“Can I hold her also Paula?!” he said in a tony voice. “Marlow please, I just
want to hold her a little bit and then you can hold her” she answered. Marlow
picked up Julie and handed her to Paula. “Thank You” she said. Marlow
walked back towards Paula and tried to hold Julie. “Marlow be careful!” she
screamed. Marlow looked at Paula hatefully and slapped her in the face really
hard. “Whenever I want to do something, just let me Paula” he said. Paula
couldn’t believe what just happened. He didn’t have no respect for Julie at all.
Three days had passed and they were ready to go back home. When they did,
Paula was very happy.
As soon as they arrived at the house the only thing Paula wanted to do
was cuddle with the baby all day and all night long. Marlow was hardly home
anymore, he decided he wanted to go out with one his friends. Paula was
already getting used to it. She would wake up every morning and take care of
the duties of the house and baby. She hardly had time for herself but she
managed to always take a five minute break. There came a time that Marlow
had stopped going out and started staying at the house the whole time. He
didn’t work or do anything anymore. It was time for Paula to look for a job.
She walked two hours over to the shopping plaza to find a job. She got hired at
My Salvation Clothing Store. She loved working there. The transportation was
hard but she always managed to get there on time. Working at the store she
met Desiree. Desiree was a great person, she showed Paula how to work there
and what to do. They became the best of friends. At home the story was
always very stressful. Marlow would keep sleeping and hardly paid any
attention to the baby. He would leave her in the neighbor’s house just so he
can go out with his friends. Paula had enough. She quit her job to take care of
Julie. She just couldn’t handle having her baby in someone else’s home.
However, things were getting tougher and rent was already to be paid. Marlow
seemed like he really didn’t care for anything, but Paula did. She woke up the
next morning to take on one of Marlow’s patio cleaning. She made $25.00 that
day, boy was she happy. The owner of the house also told Paula to tutor her
granddaughter for an extra $5.00. Paula accepted. When the day was over
Paula was able to buy diapers for Julie. She was very happy to go home and
see Julie. By her surprise Marlow was still laying down. She woke him up to
tell him she had bought diapers. He got up with such a mean face. “Paula, how
many times do I have to tell you not to wake me up!?” he screamed. “I’m
sorry Marlow but I really wanted you to know that Julie has more diapers” she
answered. “Fine, that’s good” he said. “Listen, I invited some of the neighbors
over here today” he said freshly. “Marlow, I’m really tired and I would’ve
appreciated you telling me there was people coming over” she said. “I don’t
have to tell you anything, this is also my house!” he said. “Well anyways I will
be laying down” she said. “You must be the dumbest woman I’ve ever met
Paula” exclaimed Marlow. “Marlow what now?” she asked. “Shut up!” he
screamed. “What is wrong now? Marlow, I’m tired” she said. “Shut the hell
up! You’re going to get me mad Paula” he screamed. “Marlow I don’t
understand why you’re getting mad!?” she said. “I will have these people over
and you can’t say crap” he said. “Marlow, I don’t care what you do anymore”
she said crying. Marlow leaned over and grabbed her by the face with such
force, not realizing how much he was hurting her. “Marlow Stop!” she
screamed. “No Paula, what you need to do is shut up when I’m talking to you”
he said. He pushed her against the mirror and slapped her across the face.
Suddenly they hear a knock on the door… “It’s your brother, dare to say
something” he said. Paula hurt and distraught opened the door… “Paula, are
you ok?” he asked. “Yes” she answered.

Three months later...
Time had passed and things were getting pretty hectic for Marlow and
Paula. They couldn’t pay the rent again. Paula was very nervous and felt like
she couldn’t speak to Marlow. Yet, it was too late, Marlow was already mad at
her for always pushing him to go out and get money. He would pull her hair
and throw her against the wall. Paula rushed to the room to try and get away
from him. She grabbed Julie and sat on the bed. Marlow ran in the room with
scissors and tried to hurt Paula while screaming at her and treating her like
dirt. “Give me the baby!” he screamed. “No Marlow! You’re crazy!” she
responded. “Don’t call me crazy you filthy whore” he screamed. “Marlow
please! Stop! She screamed anxiously. “Why do you have to always pull my
strings Paula? Why?! he screamed louder. “Marlow, please stop” she asked.
Marlow ran towards the bathroom and locked himself in. Paula didn’t dare to
move from the room. She knew she had to leave him alone already. Minutes
later they heard a knock. It was one of Paula’s neighbor’s. “Hi Paula, can I
come in?” she asked. “Sure Joan” said Paula. “Paula, are you okay?” she
asked. “Yes I’m fine, why?” she asked. “Your face is red and you seem
agitated” she answered. “Marlow hit me” she responded. “WHAT!!!???” she
screamed. Marlow came out of the bathroom to see what was going on.
“Marlow, May I ask you a question?” she said. “What?” he answered angrily.
“Where did you find this woman? In the Street? Or at her house?” she asked.
“Her house” he answered. “Then treat her like the woman that she is, not like
garbage” she responded peacefully. “What did she tell you?” he asked looking
at Paula. “Nothing! I just know” she said. Marlow looked at Paula as if he
wanted to kill her for speaking the truth. As soon as Joan left Marlow asked
Paula why she lied. Paula looked at him with such despair and walked away.
Days were passing and the landlord needed the money. Marlow had
found a house down the hill. They were going to move there since they had no
other way to keep paying rent there. At the new house the rent was at least $20
less. The decided to move and bring all their belongings to the new house.
Over at the new place Desiree would go visit. She would see Paula’s bruises
and didn’t dare to ask her friend about them. She knew that if she asked, Paula
would be in greater danger. Desiree would take Paula and Julie to some real
nice places to just hang out and help Paula breathe a little. Those were the only
times Paula felt free. Desiree would look at her friend and shake her head. She
felt sad of everything that was going on with her friend. “Paula, anything you
need just let me know, you know you can count on me” she said. “Thank You
Desiree” answered Paula.
More time was passing and Julie was getting bigger. Once again the
problems were arising with the rent and all the bills altogether. Marlow and
Paula were still struggling to get through life. Things were getting hard to
handle and money was becoming such a big problem. Paula’s dad came by to
check on her and literally gave her a 1987 Firebird. That car helped her get to
many places and not have to walk so much like she always did. They also met
some people that lived not so far from them that adored Paula. Sophie and
Mini would always go visit and make sure Julie was fine also. In front of
Paula’s house was an altar of the Virgin Mary. Paula would go there and pray
for her family and also herself. Marlow didn’t like that idea, he didn’t believe
in the Virgin Mary. When Paula’s brother took Julie over to his mother’s house
Marlow decided to go out and drink with his buddies. He came back and saw
Paula sitting in front of the altar. “Why aren’t you with everyone else like
normal people” he asked. “I just don’t want to Marlow” she said. “You’re
boring you know that?” he said. “Yes I know, I’m always the worst to you”
she said. “Oh please shut the hell up, it’s all up to you” he said. “Please leave
me alone” she said. Marlow just couldn’t leave her alone, he felt so ashamed
of the wife he chose. He raised his hand and smacked Paula right in the face.
“That’s for you to learn to never answer back” he said. At that very moment,
Sophie arrived in her yellow truck. “I know I didn’t just see what I think I
saw?” she said. Marlow walked away in anger. “Are you ok Paula?” she
asked. “I’m fine” she said. “You know you can tell me anything” she said.
“Thank You” answered Paula. “Why don’t you just come home with Mini and
me and you can be safe there. “It’s actually a great idea, Marlow is planning to
turn himself in to the police in Canada” she said. “Wow, well you know you
can count on us” she said. “I will” said Paula.

One Month Later…
A month had passed and Marlow had already left to Canada to turn
himself in. Paula had just found out she was two months pregnant. She had
gone with Sophie for some time until she also had the chance to leave to
Canada. To Paula’s surprise Marlow had sold her car and her horse for a small
amount of money in order to leave. Paula’s father was very disappointed the
car was sold. Many people were avoiding Paula for everything Marlow had
done. She would just lay down most of the time and watch movies with Mini.
Marlow would hardly call, just to keep avoiding Paula telling him to turn
himself in already. Paula felt down, depressed and uncared for. Sophie and
Mini were nice enough to always find a way to make her smile but things were
just getting worse. Time was getting closer for Paula to leave to Canada with
Julie but money was getting to be an issue. Two weeks later Paula received a
phone call from Marlow’s second uncle stating he turned himself in. Paula told
him she was going to travel in three days towards Canada. “Paula, you are
welcomed to stay here” he said. “I think I will accept that offer Rich” she

Three days later…
It was time for Paula to travel with Julie. Desiree was the one to bring
her over to the airport. “Paula, please take care of yourself and Julie” she said.
“Thank You Desiree, I will never forget you” she answered. When Paula
arrived at the airport it was time to board the plane.

At the airport Paula was supposed to meet her ride. The only thing she
saw from far was a sign with her name on it. “Hello, you must be Gretchen”
greeted Paula. “Yes, you must be Paula” she answered. “Nice to meet you”
they said. “Well let’s go!” screamed Giselle. Giselle was Gretchen’s daughter.
They all packed up and drove away. When they arrived at Marlow’s family’s
house Paula was feeling weird. She felt very uncomfortable, she didn’t see
what she was expecting. Everyone had such a mean face and hardly spoke to
each other. Paula had to accept this, it wasn’t her home. Every day at that
house Paula would feel like she couldn’t move or go anywhere. Marlow’s
grandmother would prohibit her from touching some foods and even hid them
so Paula wouldn’t eat them. One day Paula walked with Julie to the Miracle
Army and asked for food. They told her to sign in. As soon as Paula signed in
they gave her seven grocery bags filled with food. Paula was happy enough to
fill up her stroller with food for her and Julie. They walked back to the house
and stored the bags under the cabinets. Marlow’s grandmother would see that
she brought over bags and asked her what was in them. “I went to the Miracle
Army and brought some groceries Mrs. Salinger” she answered. “You brought
it for all of us, am I right?” she asked. Paula had no other choice but to agree.
“Yes” she responded. Good thing Paula hid some of Julie’s food. The next day
Paula received a letter from Marlow stating he was fine and how much he
missed them. The only thing on Paula’s mind was how much she was starting
not to care. The house Paula was staying in was too stressful. Funny how they
called themselves family but wished death upon each other. Paula wanted to
cry each and every day she was there. Marlow wasn’t supposed to come out
for another week. That week Paula decided to stay with one of her Mother’s
old time friend Tisa. Tisa would always take care of them when they were
small and who better than her. Tisa made sure that Paula had her own room
with Julie. She also bought her a crib for Julie and some clothes. Paula felt
very happy and comfortable in her pregnancy being surrounded with great

A Week Later…
Marlow finally came out of jail. The first thing he did was call Paula and
obligate her to come back to his grandmother’s house. Paula spoke to Tisa and
explained the situation. Tisa advised her not to go back but Paula had to, even
if she didn’t understand why. Paula walked back to where Marlow was and
opened the door. Marlow didn’t seem happy at all. He asked her why she left
and why she didn’t tell his family members. “I’m sorry Marlow, I didn’t want
to be a burden in this house” she said. “I think she lied about where she really
was Marlow” said Mrs. Salinger. “Mrs. Salinger, Tisa came here and spoke to
you about having me over her house” answered Paula anxiously. “I don’t
remember such thing” she responded. Marlow looked confused but yet
careless. They lived at that house for two months living hell. Everyone would
fight about using spoons and even deodorants. Paula couldn’t believe what she
was going through. Finally Paula received the money she was anxiously
waiting for. They rented a small apartment in a third floor two streets over.
Paula felt so good about her accomplishment. She picked out a bedroom set,
and had many things for that apartment. Marlow was trying to find a job, but
for the time being they had to live with Paula’s earnings.

March 2012
The time has come! Paula was having her second baby. The day was
cold and snowy, ice falling from the skies. Paula had no other choice but to
walk to the hospital 15 minutes away on foot. She put Julie on a stroller and
covered the stroller with a special cover. She started walking and started
feeling more contractions on every step. She arrived at the hospital and the
nurses came running to help her. The time was here, Susie was born.

Back home…
Back home Paula was getting busy with her two daughters, she would
walk to the doctor appointments and make the best out of everything. Months
were passing by and Marlow had finally found a job. He was starting to
become more distant and treat Paula like she wasn’t even there. They had
moved to the first floor of that same building. Marlow would start bringing
people over careless of what Paula would say. “Marlow who are they? Why
are they here?” she asked. “Don’t start” he said walking away. That night
Marlow also invited his father over to have some drinks. “Marlow we need to
speak” said Paula. “I don’t really care what you say” he said. Paula demanded
all those people to leave. Marlow grabbed her by the hair and pushed her
against the wall. Paula became weak but fought him back at every moment she
could. Marlow pulled off some of her hair and ripped the bible she was
carrying. Paula fell to the floor and started reaching for her phone. Marlow
grabbed her arm and hurt her with a carpenter’s spatula. She started screaming
and the only thing she saw by the door was his father.

One year later…
A year had passed of the same mistreatment and no change. The only
difference was Paula had bought a car in order for Marlow to get to work yet it
wasn’t the best car, she always helped to push it in order to start it. Paula was
feeling worse, living in fear every single day. Her Stepfather would come over
and tell her to go stay at his house with the girls for the weekend. She would
accept. When she came back to her surprise she saw Marlow wasn’t home. He
hadn’t come back at all for the rest of the night. At about 3am she heard
murmuring from the window. When she looked outside she saw Marlow inside
her car. He was on the phone. She tried to listen closer and the only thing she
heard was Marlow declaring his love to someone else. She walked towards the
car, opened the door and grabbed the phone. Marlow tried to fight it but Paula
found out the truth. He pushed her away and left for the rest of the early
morning. When Marlow came back Paula had left to her Stepfathers house.
She stayed there for three days. When Paula came back she saw Marlow
sitting down. She was feeling weak and strange. That night she went to the
hospital and found out she was pregnant. Paula cried for days. She didn’t want
to have that baby, she felt ashamed. Paula would scream to the skies and ask
for an answer. As Paula asked for that answer a beautiful rainbow popped up.
Paula spoke to Marlow about leaving to the island, but this time she wanted to
be alone with her children. He didn’t accept. He said he wanted to go and how
he would change. Paula had no other choice but to accept his offer.

The beautiful Island…
Back at the island they went back to live at Marlow’s mother’s house.
This time it was only for a week. Marlow and Paula had been doing well
selling kabobs over that week, so well they found a house to live in. Paula was
getting big. This pregnancy had her tired. She would still make the 200 kabobs
a week they needed to sell. Marlow would always promise Paula money for
her work and never did.

38 Weeks Gestation
Paula was already to the end of her pregnancy. She would have
everything ready to have the baby. One afternoon Marlow was in such a bad
mood. He would throw everything on the floor and act careless. Paula didn’t
know what to do. She tried to speak to him and asked him about a woman
calling his phone. He screamed at Paula, threw one of the baby’s toys on her
belly and pushed her so hard she slipped and fell to the ground. That night
Paula had Soraya.

About three months passed after Soraya was born. Paula decided to
leave Marlow and get help from her family. Paula’s family was happy to help
her now that she was strong enough to leave Marlow. Marlow had no choice
but to accept. She told him one day her silence would be broken. She picked
up all her bags and left. She went off to live with her real father in the
mountains. They stayed there for a month. Afterwards Paula found a very
small apartment by the city. The apartment was small but it was the right one.
She loved decorating that apartment. Paula would walk with the babies down
to the plaza and just sit down to relax. Her girls were very happy going out
and having some fun.
A year later Paula remarried and had another girl, Marie… Paula found a
man that loves her, respects her and most of all loves her children. He has
helped her through thick and thin. Paula’s life has more to come, one of those
mornings she found baby Soraya pale and not breathing right, she had
convulsed. Baby Soraya is in a vegetative state due to that convulsion. Paula
became a lot stronger and gave life the look of bitterness. She would ask
“Why?” but nothing answered. Paula is now her daughter’s mother, nurse,
doctor, and all of its kind. She is now fighting for her daughter’s rights and
battling through good and bad. Now Paula is not that young girl with dreams
anymore. Paula is now a warrior. A queen.
“When she was weak she got up plenty of times, and now she will keep
getting up with more strength”

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