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Technical Services Assessment:

Tools and Techniques That Demonstrate Value

ALCTS 2018 Preconference

Retooling Your Story: Using Visualizations to

Demonstrate Impact

Tools and Options for Visualizations……………………………………….……… 1

Data Analysis Tools………………………………………………….……… 1
Infographic Tools…………………………………………………….……… 2
Data Analysis with Google Sheets Step-By-Step Instructions……………..……..... 3
Infographic Creation with Visme Step-By-Step Instructions……..……...………… 8

Andrea Payant |

Becky Skeen |
Liz Woolcott |
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Data Analysis with Google Sheets

 Sign in to Google Sheets:
 Save the sample dataset to your Google Drive
o Go to:
o File -> Make a copy
o Rename Dataset as MySample_TechService_Statistics
o Save anywhere in your Google Drive (that works for you)


Filters will sort your data to arrange it in order, group like variables, or make it easier to see patterns.
You can also select specific variables for filtering (only filter variable a, b, and d, but not c) or filter by
conditions (empty cells, cells only between a specific range, etc.)

Task 1 – Set filter

1. Highlight row 1 by clicking on the number “1” preceding the row
2. Select the filter icon at the top of the page (see icon shown above by the heading “Filters”).
New filter icons will appear in the right of each column
Task 2 - Sort
1. Select the filter icon in the “Formats” column (Column H).
2. Click on A-Z sort to sort the sheet in alphabetical order by format name
This sorts the whole sheet, grouping all of the entries related to the “Book”, “CD”, and
“Laptop” variables together
Task 3 – Create a filtered view
1. Select the filter icon in “Year Month” column (Column A)
2. Select “Filter by condition”
3. Click on “None” and select “Date is before”
4. Change “Today” to “2017-06”

This is a “filter view” which will now only show you rows with a date before June 2017.
Scroll down to see that half of the entries are now not displayed. Note that the row numbers
are retained, so missing entries are reflected by missing row numbers.

Set the “Filter by Condition” back to “None”

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Charts and Graphs
Charts and graphs visually represent the data that is selected in the sheet.
Task 1 – Create a chart
1. Select the column “Location” (Column I)
2. Click on the chart icon located at the top of the sheet (example of icon is shown above by the
heading “Charts and Graphs”)
3. Google Sheets automatically selects a chart type appropriate to the data. Additional options are
available in the “Chart Editor” displayed to the right
4. In the “Chart Editor” on the right, select the drop-down menu for “Chart Type”. Note that the top
recommendations for charts are shown first, followed by the rest of the charting options available.
Select any of the other charting options to see how it changes the visual display
a. The “Customize” tab in the “Chart Editor” will allow you to change the title, axis titles,
graph color, data labels and more. Play around with these options to see how it
transforms your chart
Task 2- Use filters and charts
1. Return the chart type to a “Column Chart” format
2. Select the filter icon for the “Location” column
3. Sort A-Z
4. Note that your chart has changed and is alphabetically displayed now.
Charts and graphs in Google Sheets are dynamic and will change when any data within its
selected cells are altered. To avoid changes to existing charts, one simple safeguard is to copy
the sheet’s data into a new sheet.

Pivot Tables
Pivot tables are one of the most powerful tools in spreadsheet data analysis. They can summarize and
compare data to save time and effort calculating by hand. Pivot tables have four components: Rows,
Columns, Values, and Filters.
Rows and Columns: Analyzes data for unique entries, similar to faceting. For instance, the 276 entries in
“Funding Code” are composed of only four different terms: Art Fund, Technology Fund, General Fund,
Purchase on Demand Fund. Rows and Columns will analyze the data and return those facets terms.
Value: Calculated data. This can be a “count” of all the entries for a specific entry (ex. Counts how
many times “Art Fund” is used) or it can be a sum, average, minimum, maximum, etc.
Filter: Allows you to refine or select specific rangess of data to calculate.

Task 1 – Create a Pivot Table

1. Click on any cell in the sheet. (Be sure not to have a column or multiple cells selected, as this
will indicate to the program that you want those specific cells analyzed)

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2. At the top of the sheet, go to “Data-> Pivot Table…”
3. On the Pivot Table Editor on the righthand side, select the “Add” option in Rows
4. Select Funding Code
5. Click on “Add” in the Columns in the Pivot Table Editor
6. Select “Cataloger”
7. Click on “Add” in the Values in the Pivot Table Editor
8. Select “Funding Code”
9. Add a filter by selecting “Add” in the Filters area in the Pivot Table Editor
10. Select “Year Accessioned”
11. Click on “Showing All Items”
12. Click on “Clear”
13. Scroll down the list and select “2017”, click ok

This table now shows which catalogers created records for each funding code for material
accessioned in 2017.

Conditional Formatting
Use the pivot table to visualize data with conditional formatting. This formatting adds specific colors,
bolding, and other formatting depending on the criteria in a cell. It is a robust way to visually
demonstrate relationships in data.
Task 1 – Use conditional formatting to visually highlight quantity ranges
1. Using the pivot table created in the last exercise, highlight just the calculated data in the table
excluding totals (B3 throughF6)
2. From the top menu, select “Format -> Conditional Formatting…”
3. In the “Conditional format rules” pop up box on the right, select the “Color scale” tab
4. Change the default range to show smaller numbers in lighter colors and higher numbers in
darker colors.
a. You can also change the Minimum, Mid, and Max point values – giving them actual
values and changing the colors for the ranges.
b. Add a midpoint value by changing “None” to “Number”. An automatic midpoint is
created. Change that value, if desired.

Charts and Pivot Tables

Use the pivot table to create charts of calculated data.

Task 1 – Create a chart of the pivot table data

1. Using the pivot table from the two previous tasks, select the column headers, row titles, and
data points, excluding totals. (Cells A2 through F6).
2. Select the “Chart” icon from the top tool bar
3. Change the Chart type to a “100% Stacked Bar Chart”
4. Edit the title of the chart to be “Cataloging by Funding Code” by going to “Customize” then
“Chart & axis titles”

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5. Add in the subtitle “2017 Accessioned Titles” by selecting “Chart subtitle from the dropdown
menu under “Chart & axis titles”
6. Change the data labels at the bottom
a. Click on “Horizontal axis”
b. Change the scale factor to 0.01
c. Change “Number format” to “Custom”
d. Add in “%” as the suffix
7. Change the color scheme by going to “Series”
a. Select any series from the drop down menu “All series”
b. Change the color option
Additional edits can be naming the vertical and horizontal axis, adding in data labels,
changing the legend, etc. Play around with options until you have the chart as desired.

Publishing and Saving

You can use Google Sheets as a dashboard, compiling all graphs and charts onto one sheet and
publishing that sheet. Or you can publish individual graphs and charts.

Task 1 – Publish and link one chart

1. On the previous chart created, select the options menu (three dots) in the upper right hand
corner of the chart. You may need to click on the chart for this icon to appear
2. Select “Move to own sheet” (note: this step isn’t necessary to publish the chart. It just an
example of one option available)
3. Click on “Publish Chart” from the top righthand menu
4. Under “Link” ensure that the correct chart is selected and that it is “interactive”
a. Note, by selecting image, the chart becomes a static image. Interactive links provide the
same image, but have the capacity to display data points and percentages as the user rolls
over the chart. The image does not provide this feature.
5. Under “Publish content & settings”, deselect “Entire Document” and select just this graph
a. Alternately, you can also publish the entire document – depending on the amount of raw
data you want to have available.
6. Click on “Publish” and “Okay”
7. Copy provided link to email, tweet, post elsewhere
Task 2 – Publish and embed on chart
1. Follow steps 1 through 3 above
2. Select “Embed” instead of “Link”
3. Ensure the correct chart is selected
4. Choose interactive or image (see the note under step 4 above for an explanation of these
5. Copy the code provided and insert into the html of a website for display
Task 3 – Save chart as an image
1. Click on “Save Image” from the top right hand tool bar
2. Image is downloaded as a PNG file

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Google Sheets has a built in mapping feature, allowing for creating latitude and longitude from address
and place name data. Google prefers to have all geographic data in one column, so all geographic
information for this exercise has been concatenated into one column called “ILL-Full Address”. Please
note that only city and state has been retained for this exercise.
Task 1 – Plot addresses on a map
1. Return to the main spreadsheet data
2. Highlight the “ILL-Full Address” column (Column M)
3. Select the “Chart” icon from the top tool bar
4. Change the “Chart Type” to the “Geo Chart”
5. Click on the “Customize” tab
6. Click on “Geo”
7. Change the Region from “World” to “United States”
8. Change the Min, Mid, Max, and No Value colors to any color scheme.
a. Shaded mono-chromatic color schemes work best for visualizations about quantity,
but other color schemes may be more appropriate, depending on the visualizations.

Add-Ons and Maps

More robust mapping options, as well as additional data clean up and normalization tools are available
through the “Add-Ons” feature in Google Sheets. This exercise will show the tools “Geocode by
Awesome Table.”

Task 1 – Selecting Add-ons

1. Select “Add-ons” from the top menu
2. Go to “Get Add-ons…”
3. Type in “Geocode by Awesome Table” in the search menu
4. Click on the “Free” icon on the right
5. Click on the “Allow” permissions

This process can be repeated for other add-ons as desired. You can search by types of tools as
well as names of tools.

Task 2 – Use Geocode By Awesome Table to plot data

1. Under the “Add-ons”, select “Geocode by Awesome Table-> Start geocoding”
2. In the right-hand menu, ensure that the ILL-Full Address column is selected
3. Click “Geocode!”
a. Note that two new columns are added for latitude and longitude in Columns N and O
4. When the Geocoding is finished, click on “Create Map”
a. Note that a new row is added – row 2 – which codes the types of data in each column
5. When finished, click “Open Map” to see your mapped data
Note that the map created can be filtered by one or multiple values in your data set. This chart is
shareable and will also allow others to filter and see different view of the data without accessing
the primary dataset itself.

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Infographic Creation with Visme

 Sign in to Visme:


There are various options for what type of graphic visualization
you would like to create using Visme.

Task 1 – Select an infographic template

1. Find and select this theme from the featured options

Explore the Basics

Use the sidebar to the left-hand side of the screen to add content

Task 1 – View the Basics tab

1. Click to view the drop-down options available for text
2. Click to view the drop-down options available for stats &
3. Click to view the drop-down options available for graphics
& text

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Task 2 – View the Graphics tab
1. Review the list of options under the tab for Icons & shapes
a. Use the search box and try to find something

2. Switch to the Photos tab

a. Use the search box and try to find something

Task 3 – View the Data tab

1. Review the freely available options for displaying data points
a. Charts
b. Tables
c. Maps
d. Radials
e. Piece a Pie
f. Arrays
g. Ribbons
h. Semi-circles

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Task 4 – View the Media tab options
1. Review the freely available options for incorporating media
into the infographic
a. Video – YouTube and Vimeo
b. Audio – select files from the Visme library or load
your own files
c. Embed – use iframe to include embedded content

Task 5 – Change the Theme Color

1. Click on the Theme Color tab
a. Select color(s) of your choice to change the color
scheme of the entire infographic

Task 6 – View the My Files tab options

1. This space is used to organize, store, and tag your files to
create your personal library of content for your project

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Editing Primer
There are various menus and buttons that appear when editing different types of items within a template.
The options enhance functionality and editing capabilities.

Task 1 – General editing

1. Get familiarized with some of the basic editing functions
a. Undo/Redo, Zoom

b. Canvas size, backgrounds

c. Effect (opacity), Animate, Arrange, Duplicate, Link, Delete

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Task 2 – Editing blocks
1. Take a look at the block editing menus
a. Two options are available
i. Side menu - Add pre-built (templates) or blank blocks, move a block up and
down, duplicate blocks, delete blocks, adjust the block size, change the block

ii. Bottom menu - Add pre-built (templates) or blank blocks, or use the drag down
bar to adjust the size of the block

Task 3 – Editing text

1. Click within text boxes and use the displayed menu to format text:

a. Font
b. Font size
c. Link
d. Bold, italic, underline
e. Alignment
f. List
g. Text background color
h. Font color
i. Additional settings
j. Insert - @ symbol, code snippet
2. Click to select a text box and re-position the text anywhere on the block or canvas

Task 4 – Editing icons and shapes

1. Click on an icon you would like to edit

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a. The displayed menu will change to accommodate for editing icons and shapes.
Specifically, the option to change the icon color, replace the icon, or flip the icon will

i. Changing icon color

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Replicate the Completed
Examine the completed infographic at the right. Using
the template chosen at the beginning of this instruction,
complete the following tasks to re-create this
infographic for a technical services annual report that
includes these elements:

 Most popular day of the week

 Material types
 Most used funds
 Cataloging accomplishments
 Interlibrary Loan usage

Task 1 – Change the title of the infographic

1. Edit the header text to read "Technical
Services Annual Report"
a. Click the text box you are editing and
replace the text as needed

Task 2 – Change the year

1. Delete the two text boxes for "2015" and
2. Remove the white line separating the two
years in the header
3. Insert a new text box reading "2017" in the
center of the newly formed section to the top,
right-hand side of the infographic

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Task 3 – Change the icons and headers to include material types
1. The default template is shown here:

2. Change the header text from Desktop to Books, Tablets to CDs, and Smartphones to Laptops
3. Using the graphics search, find and input new icons to reflect the format type
4. You should have something like this when you have completed these steps

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Task 4 – Delete the block
1. Delete this block from the default template

Task 5 – Add new blocks

1. Use the side or bottom block menu to add a new block
2. From the menu of categories, select Statistics/Figures

3. Find and select this block to add it to your project

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a. Edit this block to look something like this

4. Find and select this block to add it to your project

a. Edit this block to look something like this

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Task 6 – Add another new block and map
1. Use the side or bottom block menu to add a new blank block

2. Use the side menu to add content >> Select the "Data" tab >> Select "Map"

3. The map engine will appear

4. Select "United States" from the list of countries

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5. Click to "Edit This Map"

6. Add a new column of data to the map

7. Change the column title to "ILL Use"

8. Remove the "Area(km2)" column of data >> right click the column header and select "Remove
This Column"

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9. In the “ILL Use” column
a. Manually enter random numbers into some of the rows for various states to represent
numbers of ILL requests (otherwise taken from actual data)

10. Go to the "Map setting" tab

11. Click to turn on the "Area Value Map" to bring up more setting options for your map
a. The "Visualize Data Column" should have "ILL Use" selected
b. Change the colors of the map to show the data more clearly >> click on each color box
and select a new color
c. Click to turn on the "Show Legend" button
d. Update your map

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12. Add a text header for the map >> "Interlibrary Loan
13. Your new map should look something like this

Task 7 – Edit chart data

1. Click the pie chart to bring up the setting options

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2. The Chart Engine will open
3. Click the graph chart on the top of the side bar options to convert the current pie chart to a graph

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4. There are three options for editing chart data
a. Data tab >> Hand-key to edit data points

b. Import data from Google Sheets or Excel

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c. The chart settings tab can be used for more advanced options

5. Hand-key or import data for the most popular day of the week
a. Hand-key option
i. Remove existing default data from the spreadsheet
b. Enter this data

c. Import >> get link from Google Sheets or select Excel file from your computer

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6. Once you have keyed in the data or imported a file to populate the data >> Update the chart and
you should have something like this

7. The infographic is now complete with data points for the technical services annual report
(compare with completed infographic above)

Downloading and Sharing

You have the option to download your infographic as a jpeg or share it by publishing it to the
web or embedding it within websites.

Task 1 – Download Infographic

1. Click the "Download" button

2. Select the available/desired option

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Task 2 – Share Infographic
1. Click the "Share" button

2. Select the available/desired option

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