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Getting Paid - Word Problems

1. Sonam earns Nu. 220 in a day. If a 2. Dechen was hired for Nu. 1,20,000
month has 23 work days, then what is per year. How much does she receive
Sonam's monthly pay? per month?

3. Tashi’s hourly salary is Nu.50. If she 4. Pelden was hired for Nu. 2,25,000 per
gets to work in the morning at 08:00 year. How much does he receive per
A.M has lunch from 12 to 1, and then week?
works until 3, then how much did
Tashi make that day?

5. Jigme’s hourly salary is Nu.100. If 6. Ugyen's hourly salary is Nu.50. If she

Jigme normally works 9 hours, but works more than 40 hours a week,
today works for only 4 hours, then then she gets overtime pay at 1 and
how much money will she make 1/2 times the regular hourly rate for
today? each hour worked over 40 hours. Last
week, she worked 45 hours. What
was the total pay last week?
7. Yangchen earned Nu.400 for 10 8. Sherab's hourly salary is Nu.65. If he
hours of work. How much was earned normally works a 40 hour week, then
per hour? how much is normally earned in a

9. Yeshi earns Nu. 230 in a day. If a 10. Tandin's hourly salary is Nu.55. He
normal work week is 3 days, then works 6 hours a day, then how much
what is Taylor's weekly pay? will be earned in a day?

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