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Tugas Terstruktur 7

Answer the questions based on your understanding. (Don’t forget to use S+P+O pattern)
1. Supposed you are a manager and you are starting a telecommuting program. Explain the
program in a memo to members of staffs. (120-150 words).
Talk about;
 What programs you will use
 How projects will be organized
 Ways you will communicate

Dari : manajer

Kepada : staff

Dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi kinerja. Saya selaku menejer hendak mengimplementasikan
telecommuting dalam kegiatan perusahaan kita. Program yang akan digunakan yakni skype.
Dengan menggunakan skype Kita dapat lebih mudah untuk mengatur sebuah project karena dapat
diakses dimana saja jika sedang berhalangan. Dengan menggunkan skype kita dapat berkomunikasi
dimana saja jika ada salah satu pihak yang sedang dinas luar dan ada rapat maka sangat cocok
menggunakan skype.

Demikian hal ini saya sampaikan, mohon untuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya.

Hormat saya,


From: manager

To: staff

In order to improve performance efficiency, I want to implement telecommuting in the activities of

our company. The program that will be used is Skype. By using Skype we can more easily manage
a project because it can be accessed anywhere if it is unavailable. By using Skype we can
communicate anywhere if there is one party who is outside service and there is a meeting it is very
suitable to use Skype.

So I submit this matter, please prepare everything.

Best regards,


Grammar Exercise

Make one sentence from two sentences. Use who or which.

1. James lives on an island. It 's tamous for its beautiful beaches.

James ........................................................................................
2. There 's a new chef in our canteen. He's very good at making desserts.
There 's a new chef ........................................................................................
3. The car crashed into mine, it was green.
The car ........................................................................................
4. Where is the newspaper? It was on the table.
Where ........................................................................................
5. A handbag was left on the bus yesterday. It belongs to my sister.
A handbag ........................................................................................
6. I Spoke to an assistant. She had long, dark hair.
I ........................................................................................
7. Peter writes books. They are translated into many languages.
Peter ........................................................................................
8. A lot of people went to last night’s concert . They enjoyed it.
A lot of people ........................................................................................
9. You were looking for a woman. Did you find her?
Did you find the ........................................................................................?
10. Kate went on holiday with some people. They lived in the same street.
Some people ........................................................................................

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