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Abbigael Martin



27 August 2019

Educational Philosophy

My philosophy of education is that all students can learn when given the opportunity.

Too many times I have seen smart, uniquely gifted students fall back in the shadows and quite

frankly be disregarded because they didn’t fit the image of a top-notch student. I want to be the

teacher that students look back and say, “She didn’t give up on me. She encouraged me. She

helped me succeed.”

I will provide all students with an environment which fosters their mental, emotional, and

social needs and development. I will allow students to be themselves within my classroom and

ensure they never feel afraid of failure; as a classroom community we will lift each other up. I

will assist my students in expressing themselves and accepting who they are, while embracing

the differences of others. I will keep an open mind and a positive attitude; one smiling face or

warm embrace can change the outlook of an entire day.

I will provide students with activities and lessons based upon a variety of learning

techniques as to ensure each student has an opportunity to learn in the unique way best suited for

them. It would be foolish to judge a fish on it’s ability to climb a tree, so why do so with

students? I will encourage my students to use their strengths to their advantage and always

acknowledge the positive. I will also encourage my students to work towards improving their
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weaknesses or striving for goals they have set. I will never allow my students to give up on

themselves. I will never allow them to fade into the background. They will always be aware of

my expectations of them and I will never stop striving for them to reach their full potential. I will

be the teacher who lifts and stands beside the students others had let down.

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