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Diyan Nofita

Assignment Corrections

Integumentary system interference

Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human beings, it is the largest organ of the entire body system that
covers our body. Our skin has a function to protect our body from infection and extreme temperatures,
maintain fluid balance, and synthesize vitamin D for our personal needs.
Skin has three main layers. They are Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis that have their respective tasks
and need each other. The Epidermis layer is the outermost layer of the skin. This layer does not contain
blood vessels, and is formed from Merkel cells, keratinocytes, with melanocytes and Langerhans cells.
Under the Epidermis layer, there is Dermis layer. This layer contains hair follicles, sweat glands,
sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. This layer is connected to the
Epidermis layer with the basement membrane. Structurally, this layer is divided into two regions, which
is the region next to the epidermis called the Papillary region, and the thick inner region that is known as
the Reticular region. Furthermore, there is Hypodermis layer which located below the Dermis layer. This
layer is known as Subcutaneous tissue. Hypodermis serves to attach the skin to the underlying bone and
muscle and supply them with blood vessels and nerves. The combination of these three main layers has an
average thickness of 1 mm.

Skin allergy in Abdul

I have a niece named Abdul. She experienced redness on her skin. She also experienced redness around
the diaper area. She was later checked by a dermatologist it turned out that she had an allergic reaction.
The allergy experienced by Abdul was caused by the use of diapers that were too large for her, causing
redness on the skin of the abdomen.
The doctor advised Abdul's parents that the diapers used by Abdul should be changed every 3-5 hours
because a baby's skin is still vulnerable to fungus and bacteria.
After observing this for advice approximately one week the abdomen skin returned to normal. There is no
more redness on the skin caused by the diapers.

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