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Lesson 4: Synopsis

In order to clarify your thoughts about the purpose of your thesis and how
you plan to reach your research goals, you should prepare a synopsis. A
synopsis is a short, systematic outline of your proposed thesis, made in
preparation for your first meeting with your supervisor. It serves to ensure
that your supervisor gets a clear picture of your proposed project and
allows him or her to spot whether there are gaps or things that you have
not taken into account.

Your synopsis will work as a kind of protocol for the further steps you
need to take to ensure that your thesis reaches the required academic
level – and that you finish on time.

Although there are no rigid rules for how a synopsis should look, it must

 Background:
Set the stage by addressing the scientific background: How will your
proposed research contribute to the existing body of knowledge? Use
your own words and be as specific as possible.
o Rationale  – should address the gaps/problems/issues
observed as part of the background section and thus present the
argument/justification for completing the study – as described in
the lesson of the same name.
o Problem   formulation  – the problem you aim to address in
your thesis,as described in the lesson of the same name.
o Overall and specific objectives – the actions to be taken in
order to address the problem, as described in the lesson of the
same name.

 Method outline:
What type of study is best suited to support the actions stated in the
specific objectives? What kind of data (qualitative, quantitative) will
your study require? What is your geographical study area and who is
your target group(s)? Are there ethical considerations you have to
make? Etc.

 Time plan:
In the beginning, a rough timeline showing a plan on how your work
will be divided over time. When is your deadline for e.g. literature
search, potential fieldwork (e.g. interviews and/or questionnaire
administration), data analysis, writing and layout? Once your problem
formulation and objectives are approved by your supervisor, all details
should be added to your time plan.

 References:
Create a short list of the major references on which your rationale is
based. Make sure that your in-text citations and reference list are
completed correctly, both in support of your subsequent work, but
also to demonstrate that you have a serious, scientific and methodical
approach to your work. See how to use references correctly in the
lesson of the same name in the module: Writing process.

At the beginning of your thesis period, your synopsis will be limited in

scope and detail, but as you work your way deeper into your topic and
you get a clearer picture of your objectives, methods and references, the
more complete and detailed your synopsis will become.

A rule of thumb is that the length of your synopsis can vary from two to
five pages, but the precise length and exact requirements of your
synopsis can vary from institute to institute and from supervisor to

Most study programmes will require that you present a final synopsis
before starting data collection. However, the first version of your
synopsis for discussion with your supervisor should not be an informal
draft. Carefully performed work creates respect and motivation and saves
a lot of you and your supervisor’s time.

A good approach from the very beginning is to establish a practice of how

to write headings, references, names of species, etc. And be consistent.
This will help you save time and importantly, lead to a better overall
assessment of your final work.

Do you now know how to write a synopsis. Test yourself in the following.
Test your knowledge

- Do you know how to write a synopsis?

Question 1
Why spend time on a synopsis?

It serves to ensure that my supervisor gets a clear picture of my

A proposed project and allows him or her to spot whether there are
gaps or things that I have not taken into account.

It serves to ensure that my fellow students get a clear picture of my

B proposed project and allows them to give me an appropriate
feedback before I meet my supervisor.

Question 2
Most study programmes will require that you present a final synopsis
before starting data collection but the first version of your synopsis for
discussion with your supervisor…     

A … should not be an informal draft.

B … is mostly considered to be loose thoughts

Question 3
What is a appropriate length for a synopsis?

A 1 page

B 2-5 pages
C 2-8 pages

D 4-10 pages

Question 4
How can you see if your methods are suitable?  

A They match the time line

B They match the objectives

C They match the problem formulation

D They match the rationale

Question 5
What is the purpose of the rationale?  

A To describe methods that can be used to solve the problem

B To describe the objectives and the problem

C To describe the gaps in the state of knowledge

D To explain why the problem is feasible to work with

Question 6
How many references should be cited in the synopsis?

A Maximum 3

B Minimum 3

C Minimum 10

D All the references you need for your thesis

Once you are finished, click the button below. Any items you have not
completed will be marked incorrect.

Test your knowledge

- Do you know how to write a synopsis?

You scored 2 out of 6. Your performance has been rated as Need more

Your answers are highlighted below.

Question 1

Why spend time on a synopsis?

It serves to ensure that my supervisor gets a clear picture of my

proposed project and allows him or her to spot whether there are
gaps or things that I have not taken into account.

It serves to ensure that my fellow students get a clear picture of

my proposed project and allows them to give me an
appropriate feedback before I meet my supervisor.
Question 1 Explanation: 

You're right, the synopsis serves to ensure that my supervisor gets a

clear picture of my proposed project and allows him or her to spot
whether there are gaps or things that I have not taken into account.

Question 2

Most study programmes will require that you present a final synopsis
before starting data collection but the first version of your synopsis for
discussion with your supervisor…     

… should not be an informal draft.

… is mostly considered to be loose thoughts

Question 2 Explanation: 

You’re right; A carefully performed work creates respect and motivation

and saves a lot of you and your supervisor’s time.

Question 3

What is a appropriate length for a synopsis?

1 page

2-5 pages

2-8 pages

4-10 pages
Question 3 Explanation: 

Yes, the appropriate length for a synopsis is from 2-5 pages.

Question 4

How can you see if your methods are suitable?  

They match the time line

They match the objectives

They match the problem formulation

They match the rationale

Question 4 Explanation: 

Yes, your methods should match the objectives.

Question 5

What is the purpose of the rationale?  

To describe methods that can be used to solve the problem

To describe the objectives and the problem

To describe the gaps in the state of knowledge

To explain why the problem is feasible to work with

Question 5 Explanation: 

You're right, What is the purpose of the rationale is to describe the gaps
in the state of knowledge.
Question 6

How many references should be cited in the synopsis?

Maximum 3

Minimum 3

Minimum 10

All the references you need for your thesis

Question 6 Explanation: 

Yes, you should cite minimum three references in the synopsis?


A.    JUDUL :



Dari tahun ke tahun perekonomian indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan
yang cukup pesat. Banyak bermunculan bank maupun non bank yang ikut andil
dalam tumbuh nya perekonomian di indonesia baik itu lembaga keuangan syariah
maupun konvensional. Saat ini tidak sedikit lembaga keuangan yang menerapkan
sistem syariah, yaitu sistem yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip dalam agama islam.
Dan masyarakat pun sudah mulai beralih ke lembaga yang menggunakan sistim
syariah karena ada satu kepastian dan sistem yang jelas pada sistem syariah.
Dalam sistem syariah yang di gunakan adalah sistem bagi hasil, jadi
menguntungkan dua belah pihak, ini jelas berbeda dengan sistem bunga yang bisa
membuat salah satu pihak, yaitu nasabah merasa terbebani dengan bunga yang
harus di bayarnya ada beberapa perbedaan yasng cukup jelas antara lembaga
syariah dan lembaga konvensional. Di antaranya adalah sistem pembayaran nya,
jika dalam lembaga konvensional bunga yang harus di bayarkan tidak selalu tetap ,
karena bisa berubah-ubah sesuai dengan inflasi yang terjadi. Akan tetapi pada
lembaga keuangan syariah jumlah yang di bayarkan tetap sama sesuai dengan
ketentuan atau kesepakatan awal. Jadi tidak terpengaruh oleh inflasi selain itu ada
lembaga yang bertugas dan mengawasi dalam perbankan syariah yaitu DPS
(Dewan Pengawas Syariah), yang tidak ada pada lembaga keuanga konvensional
Salah satu LKS (Lembaga Keuangan Syariah) yang ada di indonesia adalah
BMT AL-KIFFAH PEKANBARU, BMT Adalah kependekan kata dari Balai
Usaha Mandiri Terpadu atau Baitul Mal wat tamwil, yaitu lembaga keuangan
mikro (LKM) yang beroprasi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariah[1].
Adapun salah satu pembiayaan yang ada di BMT AL-KIFFAH yang ada di
pekanbaru adalah pembiayaan murabahah. Murabahah adalah istilah dalam fiqih
islam yang berarti suatu bentuk jual beli tertentu ketika penjual menyatakan biaya
perolehan barang, meliputi harga barang dan biaya-biaya lain yang di keluarkan
untuk memperoleh barang tersebut, dan tingkat keuntungan (margin) yang di
Murabahah merupakan produk pembiayaan yang banyak di gemari oleh
BMT karena karakteristiknya yang profitable, mudah dalam penerapan dan dengan
resiko yang ringan untuk diperhitungkan, di samping itu para nasabah juga sangat
menyukai sistim murabahah, dari data yang saya peroleh jumlah nasabah
pembiayaan murabahah yang masih aktif dari tahun 2013 sampai tahun 2015
sekarang berjumlah: 34 orang[3]
Dari uraian di atas maka penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dan
Berdasarkan masalah di atas maka penulis merumuskan masalah di dalam
penelitian ini sebagai berikut :
1.      Bagaimana mekanisme penerapan pembiayaan produk murabahah?
2.      Apa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nasabah memilih produk murabahah?

1.         Populasi penelitian
Populasi penelitian ini adalah sebagian nasabah yang ada dalam produk
pembiayaan murabahah dan pegawai BMT Al-Kiffah Pekanbaru.
2.         Sample penelitian
Sampel yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan mengambil populasi yang
ada dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling.
3.         Metode pengumpulan data
Teknik pengumpulan data di lakukan dengan metode:
a.       Wawancara
Yaitu melakukan tanya jawab dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan
langsung kepada responden dan di anggap mengerti.
b.      Observasi
Yaitu dengan turun langsung ke lapangan dengan melengkapi data-data yang
penulis perlukan dalam penelitian ini.
c.       Angket
Yaitu berupa sejumlah daftar pertanyaan sekitar penelitian ini kemudian di
sebarkan untuk di isi oleh para reponden untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian.
d.      Dokumenmtasi
Yaitu dalam penelitian ini penulis juga mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen dari
Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah mikro cabang pekanbaru untuk melengkapi data-
data yang penulis perlukan.
4.         Teknik analisa data
Pada penelitian ini data yang di peroleh adalah data kualitatif yaitu data yang
berhubungan dengan kategorisasi, karakteristik, atau sifat variabel. Sesuai dengan
jenis data yang di peroleh dari penelitaian tersebut maka teknik pengolahan data
pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik  statistik yakni pengolahan data denngan
menggunakan statistik, Analisis kualitatif pada penelitian ini di lakukan secara
deskriptif, yaitu dengan menumpulkan data dari keterangan untuk di cantumkan
kemudian di analisa, dapat di susun sebagaimana di peroleh dalam penelitian ini.

Andi Soemitra “Bank Dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah”  (Jakarta: Kencana 2010)
Edisi .1 Cet. Ke- 2, Hal- 451

Ascarya “Produk Bank Syariah” (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008),

Edisi-1, Cet. Ke- 2, Hal-81

Data Nasabah Pembiayaan Murabahah Bmt Al-Kiffah Pekanbaru

[1] Andi Soemitra “Bank Dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah”  (Jakarta: Kencana 2010) Edisi .1 Cet. Ke-
2, Hal- 451

[2] Ascarya “Produk Bank Syariah” (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), Edisi-1, Cet. Ke- 2, Hal-

[3]Data Nasabah Pembiayaan Murabahah Bmt Al-Kiffah Pekanbaru

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