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Contracts 1

Title: Contracts


Contracts 2

A contract is legal binding, which is being done between two or more parties on the

basis of certain policies. A contract can be of many types: void, valid or an invalid

contract. All of these forms of contracts have different jurisdictions and they are being

used on different occasions. Along with that, all of them are being defined through

different legal procedures. So, a voidable contract is the one that cannot be enforced

based on the legality of the contract. There are certain circumstances that make the

contract voidable. When the one of the both parties misrepresent a certain point or

statement, then the contract becomes voidable.

On the other hand, a valid contract is the one that is legally enforceable. Along with

that, a valid contract must have some characteristics, which make it valid. Firstly an

agreement is the bases of a valid contract, which is coupled by an acceptance letter

from both the parties. The acceptance is the key element that testifies that both the

parties have agreed upon the terms and conditions of the contract. When all the legal

procedures of the contract are fulfilled, it becomes a valid contract[ CITATION Roc20

\l 1033 ]. However, an invalid contract is the one that does not fulfill the legal

procedures of a binding and also there are many other circumstances, which make it

invalid. For instance, if the contract is illegal and is against public policy, it becomes

invalid. Furthermore, if the contract does not fulfill the prerequisite of a contract:

acceptance, consideration and intention, then the contract becomes invalid as

well[ CITATION mel20 \l 1033 ].

Having analyzed all the contracts it is therefore very necessary that a legal capacity

must address the procedure of a contract so that it may remain valid.

Contracts 3


Upcounsel. (2020). Void Contract. Retrieved from Upcounsel:

Laywer, R. (n.d.). How to form a valid contract. Retrieved 2020, from Rocket



team, m. l. (n.d.). Invalid Contracts. Retrieved 2020, from melbourne legal team:

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