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Writing 1
When you want to learn, you should prove all kind of different classes and options as you
can. That’s why I took a course in two different universities: PUCP and The National
University of Callao. The course was about, health, security and environment manage, to
analyze which one is better. I want to know how important is each university system, public
and private, in the develop of the students. The public and private universities it has a
significant importance in the future of our professionals.
First, I went to the PUCP university to take the course, and I was shock about how
beautiful campus has. It has a modern infrastructure, a campus that have touch screens to
know your location in the campus, a parking for cars, bikes and also, a bus stop inside the
university, I felt comfortable in it. Months later, I went to the Nacional University of Callao
and when I saw it for the first time it looks like an old hospital, I think government didn’t
invest in his infrastructure, the buildings are old, it has some broken windows, and it have
a small campus. I only wanted to enter in my class and didn’t wait in outside. As I saw,
infrastructure is an important first impression.
Then, when I entered to my class I decided to analyze the knowledge and quality of the
teachers. In PUCP, Dr. Roman, who hosted the class, was a remarkable person. He
worked in Oiltanking Company for 25 years in Safe and Health department. He had a good
corporal language and it made a lot of questions to the students. I felt like a friend
conversation, so fluently. In the University of Callao, Dr. Guevara was an incredible
person. With a post degree in Colombia University about Security Management and a PhD
in Public Health in Boston University. He is a library and with a lot of job experiences in
different companies. The quality and knowledge of the teachers was the same in both of
After that, when the class was over, I saw my voucher to compare the cost and the kind of
payment in each university. The cost in PUCP was expensive, but they gave you all the
necessary tools like books, a pen, a notebook, a specific room for us, and a personal
computer that you can use it in the class. Meanwhile in the University of Callao, I needed
to bring my laptop, my notebook, and the teacher gave us links to enter after the class.
Sometimes, I print a copy of all the book from the link that the teacher gave us in the class.
But the price was insignificant, I think it’s only the payment for the teacher and also, we
were more than 30 students in the same classroom. The cost is important because many
people don’t have much money to pay expensive prices.
To conclude, the public and private universities it has a significant importance in the future
of our professionals. They have a lot

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