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Environmental Crisis!

It is no surprise that Los Santos is a very polluted city, and many scientists
have speculated that if we don't do something now then the city will be
uninhabitable by 2030! That is why we need to work together and stop
this pollution from getting any worse, seriously have you ever stopped
and looked at the streets of Los Santos, it's ridiculous, every corner has
trash on it or even sometimes a body which let's be honest not any of us
want to ever see! just take a look around and you'll witness it by yourself!

Here are picture taken by myself of all the littering around every single
city corner or alley!
I know it's very sad to look at these images but we need to stop this, and with earth
day right around the corner here are some things you can do to help the

1. Pick up trash if you find some on the side-walk or on the beach!

2. Try to drive less and walk more, this helps the air quality allowing you
to breathe fresher air!

3. Recycle as much as you can! This includes Bottles, cans, paper, glass
and especially plastic!

4. Encourage others to do the same! The more people who do this, the
faster we get more healthy!

5. Plant more plants near your house to help keep the air rich with

6. Instead of using plastic grocery bags try to get your hands on a

reusable one!

7. If you are a smoker please dispose of your cigarette butts in the

designated spots, cigarette butts are the number one most littered item!

8. When you take trips to the beach please remember to take everything
back you brought with you, this is the reason our beaches are polluted,
people forget their items!

Not only is this pollution affecting us but sadly it is affecting all of the
animal kingdom and even the flora across Los Santos! If you take a look at
the statistics you will see a great decrease of wild life population in the
city. Some of the affected wild life of Los Santos includes rabbits, hens,
birds, cats, coyotes, foxes, turtles, fish, seals, and even crabs! I'm not
saying directly that all littering is bad either, in fact in some cases littering
is good for the environment so long as you make sure it is biodegradable.
Currently scientists across the world are working to make everyday items
biodegradable such as water bottles, forks, knifes, grocery bags, food
wrappers and straws! Just make sure you verify before throwing it away
either it's biodegradable , recyclable or trash!

Please think about the animals and plants of los santos as they participate
in your own well-being , that it be for air , food or money if you're a
hunter, they didn't do anything to hurt you did they?

This Report Was Written by Keaton Suptic for the Weazel News Writing department!

-Weazel News- Keaton Suptic - 2020-04-18 -

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