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FPO 94

Gerhard Scheit
Tr a n s l a t e d b y L a r s F i s c h e r

The term racket first turned up in the context THE RACKET AND THE PHILOSOPHY
of Critical Theory toward the end of the OF RIGHT
1930s and instantly attained considerable
conceptual significance. In his notes and Rather remarkably, Horkheimer’s notes pub-
drafts for Dialectic of Enlightenment, lished posthumously under the title ‘Rackets
Horkheimer identified the racket as the ‘ele- and the Spirit’ indicate that he initially
mentary form of domination’.1 The term understood the term not so much in socio-
originated in the language of American legal logical but predominantly in philosophical
scholars and criminologists. As Otto and psychological terms. One might infer
Kirchheimer noted, it commonly referred to from this that the very historical and socio-
‘monopolistic practices which are carried logical specificity inherent in the term, given
through by physical force, violence in trade its connection to contemporaneous phenom-
disputes, or similar objectionable means’.2 ena in US-American society, was lost in this
More recently, it was principally Wolfgang process of appreciation. Nor did the critique
Pohrt who drew attention to the relevant texts of political economy take center stage.
and the significance of the concept for Phenomena such as the commodity form and
Critical Theory. He also pointed to the term’s social relations in capitalism, the exchange
variegated connotations that evidently value and the process of valorization feature
prompted its use to designate specific politi- merely as one means among others with
cal and societal tendencies and the implosion which rackets exercise their domination.
of society as a whole. ‘Rackets’, Pohrt Rackets, Horkheimer noted, had
explained, ‘are not just bands of blackmailers
but also self-help groups and charitable ruled as the rackets of clerics, of the royal court, of
associations’.3 the propertied, of the race, of men, of adults, of

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families, of the police, of crime, and, moreover, primitive tribe – itself a racket. For those who are
within each of these sectors as individual rackets not already entitled by descent to become part of
against the rest of the respective sphere. the racket the requisite process resembles not the
Everywhere they have established the opposition admission of youngsters into the tribe but the ini-
between the inward and the outward. Man, if he tiation into the privileged racket of the magicians.
belonged to no racket, was in a radical sense on The individual’s personality has to be crushed
the outside, was lost as man. Yet even in the head absolutely and iron-clad guarantees for its future
of the atomized individual the rackets still ruled by dependability are required. The individual must
means of their concepts and modes of judgment, relinquish all power and burn all its bridges.6
through the thought patterns and concerns that
originated in their world.4
That Horkheimer assumed the rackets had
Yet on closer inspection it transpires that the been capable of change only in the era of lib-
domination of the rackets actually hinges on eralism already indicates that he views them as
the safeguarding of the existing division of a dialectical counterpoint to the law. And yet,
labor, bringing the mode of production and rather confusingly, Horkheimer also defines
the issue of sovereignty into focus after all. them as a form of social contract. ‘As the true
Rackets, Horkheimer explained, Leviathan,’ he wrote, ‘the racket demands the
unreserved social contract.’7 If we follow
preserve the conditions required to guarantee the Hobbes the crucial term in this formulation
division of labor within which they hold a privileged
position by resisting with force any change that has to be ‘unreserved’. While the individual
might endanger their monopoly. … The constellation benefits from the reserve powers of the sover-
of rackets based on a specific mode of production eign who monopolizes the use of force, the
can be called the ruling class insofar as they jointly racket is able to insist on an unreserved social
both protect and suppress the lowest strata of soci- contract even when the monopoly on the use
ety. Depending on the economic dynamics that
shape their material interest, the rackets can in fact of force is in the process of disintegrating or
be at odds with one another and may well, con- simply inexistent. From Hobbes’s point of
sciously or unconsciously, perpetuate their separa- view, then, with whom this metaphor for the
tion from one another, always provided that in doing state originated, what Horkheimer described
so they can strengthen their safeguarding function.5 was in fact anything but the true Leviathan and
had rather more to do with that other biblical
At this point a closer determination of the
monster, the Behemoth, which for Hobbes
mode of production itself does not seem cru-
stood for unfettered civil war.
cial for the development of the concept.
In the context of Critical Theory, then, the
Rather more important is its ability to help
term racket was adopted to designate what
explain the relationship between the individ-
Carl Schmitt (affirmatively) called ‘non-
ual and the collective. ‘The sclerosis of the
derivative’ power, a form of power, in other
racket towards those beneath it is identical
words, that exists ‘extra-legally’ even in
with the sclerosis of the individuals it com-
states that maintain the rule of law, and that
prises. It has been consciously promoted
ordinarily seems to merit little attention.8
throughout history. In the case of one’s own
Yet the appropriation of the term in Critical
children it is brought about by bringing them
Theory departed decisively from Schmitt’s
up and educating them.’ It was ‘only in those
approach in that it takes the vantage point
emphatically liberal periods, in which, for
of the individual. For the Critical Theorists,
economic reasons, part of the racket was
the principal focus was on the continued or
required to own authoritative characteristics’,
reconstructed personal dependency of the
Horkheimer clarified, that the bringing up
individual under conditions that had, in prin-
and education of children had
ciple, abolished that dependency: the rule of
taken on humane qualities. In its cruelty previous law and the social relations of capitalism.
practice still resembled the initiation rites of a Their adoption of the concept of the racket

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reiterated Marx’s well-established insist- As indicated, this sketch of the concept of the
ence, against the bourgeois economists, that, racket is particularly remarkable in that
‘under their “rule of law”, the law of the jun- Horkheimer did not deduce the defensive
gle lives on under a different guise’.9 forces of the law with the means of the cri-
The juxtaposition of rackets to the law also tique of political economy, even though this
opens up a new perspective on the law. Their would have been a particularly obvious path
ultimate purpose is the forcible implementa- to take, given the origin of the term racket.
tion of unity at the expense of the law. It is no Instead, Horkheimer took recourse to the
coincidence that in the legal sphere the term philosophical concepts of German – and
racket refers to illegal economic practices and especially Hegelian – idealism, which he
criminal methods that frequently run alongside sought to translate directly into political cat-
contractual agreements or replace them and egories.13 In so doing, he also exposed the
that must be combatted to maintain the rule of contradictory nature of idealism’s conception
law. When the concept of the racket is applied of the state, which all the talk of Hegel as the
to the issue of state sovereignty, the very princi- Prussian state philosopher had obscured.
ple of legality is called into question. Societies Horkheimer’s notion of a ‘true idea of democ-
‘that organize themselves along totalitarian racy’ that continued to exist even in the worst
lines’, Horkheimer explained, are embroiled in real-existing democracy corresponded to
‘a struggle against the law, against all forms of Hegel’s designation of the true state. Thus
mediation that have taken on a life of their own Horkheimer is still (or again) able to develop
and linguistic form. The fundamentally illicit a positive concept of politics but this concept,
nature of the racket lies in its opposition to the like Hegel’s concept of the state, is dependent
Spirit, even where it is not only legal but in fact on consciousness, on the Spirit, and precludes
behind the law’.10 It is worth noting, though, that any notion of the state as a mere machine.14
this defense of the forms of mediation created One might respond to this Hegel-inspired
by the law by no means implied a belief in the determination of the ‘Spirit’ from the vantage
reconciliation of the general and the particular point of the critique of political economy by
or the existence of a ‘true generality’, neither of pointing out that under the rule of law, the law
which – as even Franz Neumann emphasized – presupposes a specific self-reflexive relation-
the law can achieve.11 It amounted to no more ship of consciousness to itself. Consequently,
than a defense of conditions that might allow it also maintains a non-theological truth claim.
this reconciliation and generality to become By contrast, the self-valorizing value of capi-
real at some point in the future. Yet this hope tal, as it were, blocks out such reflection, or
could be entertained only if one assumed that rather, it permits self-reflection only through
the law had become integral to the Spirit. That the legal relationship. The law thus emerges
Horkheimer did so is evident from his conten- as a prerequisite for the conception of a cate-
tion that even in a democracy ruled by rackets gorical imperative (in lieu of god’s command)
the ‘true concept’ of ­ democracy – invented and the distinction between the state’s laws
to abolish this very form of rule – would and what Kant called the ‘moral law in me’.
never really disappear. The goal of politics,
Horkheimer wrote, namely,

to disrupt the boundary between the inward and THE SOCIOLOGY OF THE RACKET
the outward, once achieved, will transform the
world. The idea of true democracy leads a While the draft on ‘Rackets and the Spirit’
repressed subterranean existence among the
masses and within it, the premonition of a society was essentially an exercise in philosophy, in
free of rackets has never been extinguished his essay, ‘On the Sociology of Class
altogether.12 Relations’, Horkheimer attempted to offer a

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sociological and materialistic definition. also, rather oddly, the benevolent association.
Here he concluded that ‘the modern concept A gang qualified as a racket in the strict
serves to describe [the] past social relations’ political sense only if its power depended not
and closed by quoting Marx’s statement that only on the threat of violence but also on the
‘the anatomy of man is the key to the anat- sort of voluntary recognition and collective
omy of the monkey’.15 That Critical Theory identification within its realm or locale, just
approached the rackets as it would the human like the modern state must demand if it wants
physiognomy from which one can recon- to survive. Alongside the use of force in ways
struct that of the monkey indicates that its totally unfettered by any legal constraints,
central focus here was still on ‘man’, in other this presupposed carefully fine-tuned forms
words, on contemporary society. It alone was of charity that often had to precede the
really shaped by the rackets through and deployment of terroristic means. Through its
through. Only in the present had the totaliza- social and economic assistance the power of
tion of the principle of the racket occurred. the racket lodges itself between civil society
‘The racket-pattern which has been typical of and the family. It does so whenever the state
the behavior of the rulers toward the ruled is itself is unable to integrate divergent social
now representative of all human relations forces. It is a self-destructive synthesis that
even those within labor,’ Horkheimer wrote.16 conflates family and state and transforms all
Critical Theory thus began to break out of the relationships mediated by society into direct
identification with the working class and the relationships between individuals who,
labor movement that characterized tradi- because they are unfree, cannot but threaten
tional Marxism. The proletariat was now and suppress one another.
understood as an integral part of capitalist When the German sociologist Alfred
society. The working class and its organiza- Vierkandt sought to define solidarity, he
tions blended into a constellation in which already did so in accordance with the permea-
everyone fought for ‘as large a part as possi- tion of society by the precepts of the racket:
ble of the circulating surplus value’: ‘Solidarity is the ethos of a closely knit com-
munity,’ he wrote.19 Yet in Roman Law soli-
In the contemporary slang-use of racket as an darity did not denote a community, close-knit
equivalent for any profitable job there might be no or otherwise, let alone an ethos – both concepts
conscious thought of all these implications, but
that in a sense already reflect the perspective
objectively it expresses the idea that in present-day
society every activity, whatever it may be, has as its of the racket – but a specific legal relationship
content and goal no other interest than the acqui- stipulating that each individual is liable for
sition of as large a part as possible of the circulat- the whole, in solidum: for the entire amount.
ing surplus value.17 When the labor movement picked up the con-
cept it maintained something of the conscious-
Against the backdrop of Horkheimer’s com- ness that the common bond of solidarity is a
ments about the family under liberalism18 the mediated one. Rather than striving to create
solidarity that had once been characteristic of a community and demand a particular ethos,
the working class arguably emerged as the priority lay on quite practical measures of
exceptional in that it had been able to lend mutual protection in the face of the menaces
humane features to the racket, throwing into manifestly created by the capitalist relations
sharp relief the distinction between solidarity of production. Whether one knows some-
and charity. The Critical Theorists presuma- body or not is irrelevant to a form of solidar-
bly took recourse precisely to the term racket ity predicated on the knowledge that one owes
to designate forms of personal dependency solidarity to others because their contract of
and direct compulsion because the term’s employment places them in a position for-
connotations included not only the gang but mally identical to one’s own. Yet among the

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many forms of private charity the racket is evi- those forms belonging to bourgeois society.
dently the only one capable of filling the space In so doing it not only perpetuates pre-mod-
of solidarity in its entirety because it substi- ern relations – direct compulsion and per-
tutes an ethos or faith for the awareness of the sonal dependency – but modernizes them in
infinitely mediated character of society. The order to arm itself against society’s promise
class conflict over the surplus value is reduced of emancipation. What it offers to the forlorn
to immediate empathy and particulate aid. It is and atomized is the warmth of the ‘original
when the mass individuals identify with one closeness of blood [Blutsurenge]’.20 The
another by substituting the figure of a leader ambivalence of secularization under capital-
for their ego ideal – a process Freud described ist conditions thus becomes evident. For the
in Mass Psychology and the Analysis of the concept of the private concern can belie the
Ego – that the unity is created that supersedes fact that this concern, be it pastoral or chari-
class consciousness. table, can be understood by the rackets – who
In the past, charitable donors had expected owe their very existence to the destruction
their reward to come from God. The bour- of the individual’s privacy – as being inher-
geois benefactors who no longer believed ently theirs. Individual privacy, which needs
in him or in divine rewards, however, were to be defended even against the privacy of the
left with only the social prestige one acquires family, indeed, precisely against the latter, is
through one’s actions. Yet the collective ben- part and parcel of the ‘dignity’ of the indi-
efactor who relies on religious and national vidual in its capacity as what Marx called the
identity demands gratitude of its charges, ‘owner of commodities’. Under the political
demonstrated at the very least by the adop- pressure of the rackets the individual is still
tion of a specific ethos. In this context too, a ‘commodity owner’ yet loses even this last
the effects of secularization can only ever be dignity, which belongs to it in that role. Thus
grasped in terms of the situation of the indi- the private is declared to be the immediately
vidual. Whether charities affirm the bour- political and the rackets triumph over the law
geois society within which they operate in the and prevail because they are able to offer an
way in which they mete out their benevolence effective and popular ideological substitute
or not is a crucial distinguishing feature. In for the promise the welfare state fails to keep.
other words, are the relations among the As opposed to the welfare state, which
members, between the officials and the mem- embodies the anonymity of capitalist val-
bers, and between the benefactors and the orization, these rackets take care of the
beneficiaries organized in accordance with individuals personally. Within them, the
the principles of capitalist exchange, and is individual gives up (or is forced to give up)
the relative autonomy and protective ano- the anonymity it owns as a private individual
nymity of the individual still maintained even in bourgeois society. The individual finds
when it is a pauper, or not? What constitutes itself in a secondary family, in relations
good bourgeois charity is the willingness still that are not constituted by exchange but by
to view the individual as a potential owner of gift, a form of exchange, in other words,
goods even when it no longer possesses any, in which the objects and services are not
a willingness well matched to the embour- detached from the individual – as goods and
geoisement of the large denominations who labor are contractually. Rather, they accrue
were forced to open up, however reluctantly, and adhere to the individual again, like the
to the dynamics of modern society. earlier privileges and obligations under pre-
Yet organized charity can also generate, capitalist conditions. The beneficiary of such
at its core, the total rejection of civil forms charity feels used in the most personal way
of interaction. It can offer the individual pre- ­imaginable – with his or her soul, body and
cisely that from which it was emancipated by entire existence.

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Although the racket may bestow aid in that pervaded his vision.22 As Benjamin dem-
monetary form the way in which the indi- onstrated, the forces for which Jünger stood in
vidual then makes use of that aid is based not fact perpetuated the very ‘failure of the pow-
on abstract labor but on concrete corporeal- ers of state’ they bemoaned, indeed that very
ity, albeit a form of corporeality that has no failure was their concept of the political and
purpose other than to disappear at the right they embodied it. Benjamin thus anticipated
moment when it is sacrificed for the commu- some of the features that would subsequently
nity and the racket. characterize Kirchheimer’s and Neumann’s
analyses of National Socialism und provided
a first template for Horkheimer’s concept of
the racket:
Those hybrid military formations hovering between
comradely fellowships and regular representatives
The need for the concept of the racket arose of state power at the end of the war soon crystal-
when it became apparent that the social lized into independent, stateless hordes of merce-
and political developments in Europe and the naries. The captains of finance and lords of the
United States after the Great Depression – inflation began to question the efficacy of the
state as the guarantor of their property and appre-
the process that Horkheimer described as the
ciated the availability of such hordes. Easily pro-
weakening of the defensive forces of the law – cured through private agents or the Reichswehr
could not be explained by Pollock’s theory of they could be relied upon to come rolling along
state capitalism alone. It also offered an like rice or turnips whenever they were needed.
opportunity to develop a substantive distinc- Even the publication under review resembles an
ideologically worded recruitment prospectus for a
tion between ongoing developments in the
new type of mercenary or, perhaps more accu-
United States, on the one hand, and National rately, a new type of condottiere.23
Socialist Germany, on the other. Kirchheimer
and Neumann in particular pursued this Like Horkheimer and Neumann in their sub-
opportunity in their studies of National sequent accounts, Benjamin too chose a
Socialism. Both of them were, of course, broad historical perspective. While
legal theorists and former students of Carl Horkheimer took recourse to the term racket
Schmitt. and Neumann appropriated Hobbes for the
As early as 1930, Walter Benjamin had title of his Behemoth, Benjamin, in his por-
already offered an analysis of the transition trayal of developments in the Weimar
from the strong state to the state of gang Republic, referenced mercenaries and con-
rivalry taking place in the latter years of the dottieri.24 Benjamin’s discussion of Ernst
Weimar Republic. He did so in a review of Jünger’s ‘total mobilization’ was no less
an essay collection edited by Ernst Jünger, overtly polemical than the racket concept
War and Warrior. His review, quite appro- would subsequently be. As Kirchheimer
priately, bore the title, ‘Theories of German stated explicitly:
Fascism’. In the various contributions to the
collection, among them Jünger’s well known The term racket is a polemical one. It reflects on a
society in which social position has increasingly
musings about ‘total mobilization’, Benjamin come to depend on a relation of participation, on
recognized ‘an unrestrained application of the primordial effect of whether an individual suc-
the principles of l’art pour l’art to war’.21 At ceeded or failed to ‘arrive’. Racket connotes a
the same time, the state seemed to have been society in which individuals have lost the belief
reduced to a negligible entity. That Jünger that compensation for their individual efforts will
result from the mere functioning of impersonal
was aestheticizing a war that had, after all, market agencies. But it keeps in equal distance
transpired between states seemed insignifi- from, and does not incorporate, the idea of a soci-
cant, given the ‘mysticism of world death’ ety wherein the antagonism between men and

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inanimate elements of production has been compelled to take the ‘struggle against the
­dissolved in the image of a free association for the law, against all forms of mediation that have
common use of productive forces.25
taken on a life of their own’ to its ultimate
conclusion? Yet what exactly this would
Plucked from the ‘polemics’ of US-American
mean also remains unclear. A Racket gener-
legal practice, in the context of Critical
ally ‘shows no mercy to life outside of it, it
Theory the racket became an index falsi, an
knows only the law of self-preservation,’
‘index of the untruth of identity’,26 whose
Horkheimer argued.29 Yet while the new
meaning becomes fully evident only when
Empire of the Rackets indeed showed no
one takes Freud’s psychoanalysis and the
mercy to life outside of it, it did not ulti-
Marxian critique of political economy into
mately hinge on the law of self-preservation
account. Only on the basis of the most
either. It was the fascist dictatorship that ful-
emphatic recognition of this untruth of iden-
filled the promise of the racket in its entirety
tity in its specific historical guise can one
for the first time: identity without non-iden-
maintain the general idea of a whole within
tity, annihilation for the sake of annihilation.
which the individual is not subjected to vio-
‘Left with no way out, the question of
lence. The issue is raised by Adorno in the
whether it is directed against others or against
notes he took on Beethoven in 1940. There
the subject itself – a distinction it never con-
he formulated it as the question that faces all
sidered absolute in the first place,’ Adorno
music: ‘How can there be a whole without
explained, ‘becomes a matter of total indif-
subjecting the individual to violence?’27 The
ference to the compulsion to annihilate.’30
Marxian notion of a free association of indi-
viduals was thus renewed in Critical Theory.
On Horkheimer’s reading, the fascist dic-
tatorship amounted to an attempt to enlist THE ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL
the critique of the racket for the latter’s own SOCIALISM
purposes. It sought to compel a society disin-
tegrating into rackets – be they labor organi- Even in 1939, Horkheimer still assumed that
zations or monopolistic capital groups – to ‘Germany could disintegrate overnight into
unite as a Volksgemeinschaft, an ethnically chaos and infighting among gangsters’.31 The
homogeneous community. ‘massive exhortation’ of the Volksgemeinschaft,
It embodied a massive exhortation [that] comman-
in other words, was failing. Yet subsequently,
deers even the true critique of the racket for the the Critical Theorists began to realize that the
latter’s purposes [and that, under the pretext of an Volksgemeinschaft invariably amounted to
ostensible attack upon the weakened rackets in more than just that exhortation and did not
the sphere of finance capital has now embarked necessarily rule out chaos and the infighting of
upon an extension of the fascist dictatorship of the
industrial monopolies – presented as democracy –
gangsters within it. In this vein, Adorno com-
across the planet].28 mented on Pollock’s essay on ‘State Capitalism’
in a letter to Horkheimer of 1941 as follows:
In Horkheimer’s typescript, Friedrich Pollock
In terms of the content, the crucial problem is:
subsequently deleted the passage I have does the tendency towards a crisis-free command
placed in square brackets. Evidently there economy presented in the text really express the
was some doubt as to how fascist rackets objective tendency of reality or does the current
could be distinguished from other rackets. antagonistic state of affairs continue to preclude
Has the specific mode of motion within the the notional purity of this construct in future too?
I feel in no position genuinely to answer this ques-
rackets been transformed in the fascist rack- tion. My instinct is as follows: the truth of the
ets, i.e., in Hegelian words: has it been nega- concept lies in its pessimism, i.e., the view that the
tively sublated? Is this why the latter are chances of domination in its immediately political

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guise being perpetuated are greater than those of of the right to appeal to an outside body
getting out. Wrong is the optimism, even for which would be prepared to maintain the
others. What is being perpetuated is not so much
intra-group balance’.34 All the rackets,
a stable and in some way rational state of affairs
but rather, for the foreseeable future, a relentless the industrialists and landowners, party and army,
succession of catastrophes, chaos and terror but as well as the corresponding bureaucracies, jeal-
with that, conversely, also a renewed chance of ously see to it that nobody trespasses into the
escape.32 provinces carved out for each by common agree-
ment; the tendency is, therefore, towards depart-
However integral the role of rackets might be mentalization, towards disappearance of a unified
in the implementation of laws, under the rule system of law behind innumerable steadily increas-
of law their room for maneuver would ordi- ing special competences.35
narily be severely curtailed. Like other forms
The most successful racket in any given
of mediation, Horkheimer stressed, the law
instance was the one that most consistently
asserted its own essence and defensive force
eliminated any remaining forms of media-
against the rackets. Since they were predi-
tion. Critical reflection became impossible
cated on the need time and again to transcend
since domination and the means of domina-
the specific individual and its immediate
tion could no longer be juxtaposed. The
integration into the racket, thus facilitating
means of domination were deployed exclu-
detachment, the means of domination were
sively to serve the domination of the racket in
set up within these forms of mediation
question, which drew its authority from the
against domination as ‘the reflection that
leader and the ethnic community.
unmasks it’.
Unlike Kirchheimer, Neumann did not
Yet the permanent state of emergency
resort directly to the concept of the racket in
allowed the rackets to come directly to the
his analysis of National Socialism. Perhaps
fore: among the rank and file of the mob, in
the term struck him as being too closely tied
the mass organizations and, equally, among
to legal terminology. Yet when he referred to
the higher echelons and the ruling elites. All
‘gangs’ and ‘authoritarian corporations’ in
legality was so comprehensively appropri-
his discussion of power groups, the implica-
ated by them as a technical resource for their
tions of the concept are nevertheless palpable.
rivalry that they merged, creating the precise
Neumann denied the ‘primacy of politics’
opposite of market-based competition. Once
stipulated by the concept of ‘state capitalism’.
human beings treated one another as ethnic
He wanted to demonstrate that even in the cur-
comrades [Volksgenossen], it became impos-
rent crisis in Germany the state was in no posi-
sible to transcend the specific individual and
tion to substitute planning for domestic class
its immediate integration into the racket.
rule and the market mechanism. Yet in the
‘With the accession to power of National
event his analysis took him somewhere rather
Socialism’, Kirchheimer explained,
different than he had anticipated. Not only had
the common legal bond of a generally applicable the ‘primacy of politics’ not been enforced,
civil law disappeared more and more, and at the Neumann argued, it would be impossible to
same time the professional organizations lost their
enforce within the confines of the nation state.
voluntary character. The labor organization, eco-
nomic groups, the handicraft and peasant organi- This he sought to demonstrate with empiri-
zations became compulsory organizations. By the cal analyses of the German economy. He
same token the National Socialist system dis- fundamentally questioned the stability of the
pensed with an outside body to whose authority a National Socialist system and was convinced
group member could appeal when faced with an
that the existing economic contradictions had
inequitable group decision.33
to have some impact at a ‘higher’ level, even
The ‘ideology of the community’, in other if that impact was concealed by the bureau-
words, ‘deprived the weaker group member cratic apparatus and the propaganda of the

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Volksgemeinschaft. It was these economic not a state, what is it? I venture to suggest that we
contradictions that made war and ruthless are confronted with a form of society in which the
ruling groups control the rest of the population
expansion inevitable at the ‘higher level’.
directly, without the mediation of that rational
Neumann went beyond a traditional though coercive apparatus hitherto known as the
Marxist account and, in spite of himself, state. This new social form is not yet fully realized,
acknowledged an element of truth in the con- but the trend exists which defines the very essence
cept of state capitalism, namely, its focus on of the regime.38
the form of crisis management that consisted
in the elimination of the sphere of circulation Yet Neumann did not pursue any further the
as a form of social mediation. He appropri- issue of the unity of this process, in other
ated this notion and in so doing radicalized words, the question of what would replace
some of the assumptions underlying the the sovereign and what distinguished anar-
racket theory. Ultimately, he argued, it was chy and chaos in the non-state from anarchy
questionable whether a formally and func- and chaos per se. He refrained from discuss-
tionally united sovereign political authority ing the primacy of annihilation, annihilation,
actually still existed in Germany. National that is, for annihilation’s sake. Indeed, in
Socialism depended not simply on the abo- order to evade this primacy and maintain
lition of the rule of law but on the disinte- certain anachronistic notions of monopoly
gration of the latter’s prerequisite, universal capitalism and the class struggle, Neumann
sovereign power. Neumann argued that the fell short of the potential of Critical Theory
state was moving toward ‘utter shapeless- in his assessment of antisemitism within the
ness’. Consequently, it could no longer be German Volksgemeinschaft, which he con-
designated a state proper and should really sidered no more than a matter of propagan-
be described as a ‘gang, where the leaders distic phraseology.39 This blind spot was
are perpetually compelled to agree after disa- much more persistent in his case than it was
greements’.36 National Socialism actually with Adorno and Horkheimer who, in
no longer had a united apparatus of coercion Dialectic of Enlightenment, achieved the
at its disposal and was disintegrating into a decisive breakthrough in conceptualizing
number of political power centers. It was in antisemitism in the development and crisis of
this sense that Ernst Fraenkel had referred to capitalized society and placed its critique
the National Socialist state as a ‘dual state’.37 center-stage.
These power centers struck out all the more The fact that the first and most important
brutally since relations between them were study of the annihilation of European Jewry
not institutionalized and merely transpired on was written by one of Neumann’s students
the personal level. The personal agreement gives an indication of how far Neumann had
reached in ad hoc negotiations no longer nevertheless progressed with his analysis. As
constituted unity in the sense of a state, be Raul Hilberg acknowledged, he appropriated
it a democracy or a dictatorship. National Neumann’s concept of National Socialism as
Socialism, on Neumann’s reading, was a non- a ‘non-state’, in which the ‘ruling elites’ did
state characterized by anarchy and chaos. not operate ‘on the sort of unified rational
Neumann’s conclusion, then, was that basis we associate with a legislature or consti-
National Socialism, in contrast, for example, tution’.40 Yet Hilberg also pointed to a bias on
to Italian fascism, constituted a non-state, Neumann’s part that sprung from his Marxism.
effectively a totalitarian form of anarchy. He had been quite right to analyze the aryani-
zation and liquidation of Jewish property as
There is no need for a state standing above all
groups; the state may even be a hindrance to the
a means of promoting the tendencies toward
compromises and to domination over the ruled greater concentration in the German industrial
classes. … But if the National Socialist structure is economy, yet he had then been unable ‘to face

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1560 The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory

up fully to the fact that the Jewish people as Neumann’s and Hilberg’s insights. Yet the
such was being annihilated’.41 Hilberg went issue of the gangs and rackets that invariably
beyond this limitation and his perspective was spring from the dynamics of this new
inevitably inverted in the process. His analysis Behemoth has been broken down into the
was predicated on the assumption that all rel- positivist controversy between ‘intentional-
evant developments had to be examined from ists’ and ‘functionalists’. This is possible
the vantage point of the ‘German destruction only because the question of the unity of the
effort’.42 It was this effort that necessitated process and of the state, and thus, by implica-
the division of society into increasingly inde- tion, of the relationship between state and
pendent groups. As the process of annihilation capital, is no longer raised on either side of
gathered pace and became increasingly com- the debate. Against this tendency one should
plex its implementation became dependent on take recourse to those studies that were
an ever-increasing number of agencies, party predicated on a notion of the whole as the
offices, commercial enterprises and military untrue Adorno expressly acknowledged this
entities. The annihilation of the Jews, Hilberg in the short critical appreciation of Neumann
argued, ‘was a total process’. The machin- he wrote some years after his untimely death
ery it required ‘was structurally no different for a planned collection of Neumann’s texts.
from organized German society as a whole … Neumann’s concept of the Behemoth, Adorno
The machinery of destruction was the organ- wrote, stood ‘in marked contrast to superfi-
ized community in one of its special roles’.43 cial notions of a monolithic fascism’.
It is one of the most peculiar paradoxes in Neumann had demonstrated that
the development and reception of Critical
Theory that Hilberg evidently was only able to the National Socialist state, for all its conceit of
attain this insight by also appropriating from total unity, was in truth pluralistic. Political decision
making occurred through the haphazard rivalry of
Neumann the inability to place antisemitism powerful social cliques … [S]ociety disintegrates
center-stage as the determinant delusion in into a diffuse barbaric plurality, into the opposite
this total process, as the actual reason why the of the reconciled plurality that alone would be a
process and the organized community became state of affairs fit for human beings.44
Against this backdrop the notion of the Horkheimer in particular continued to think
disintegration of the monopoly on the use of this reconciled plurality in terms of a soci-
of force that Neumann ascribed to National ety liberated from the rackets.45 Yet the con-
Socialism and his concept of the ‘non-state’, cept recedes in the writings of Adorno,
in turn, require some modification. An organi- Horkheimer, and Kirchheimer after the
zation like the SS, for instance, gained a kind demise of National Socialism. Having still
of monopolistic status, precisely because played a certain role in The Authoritarian
it served the protection of the Führer, who Personality and The Psychological Technique
embodied it, on the one hand, while ultimately of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses,
being in command of virtually all the workings it subsequently featured only infrequently.
of the machinery of annihilation, on the other. How the rackets might be connected to the
culture industry and the administered world
was not discussed. Adorno, Horkheimer,
The Concept of the Racket and Marcuse, and Kirchheimer undertook no fur-
Djihadism: On the Topicality of ther attempts to utilize and elaborate on the
racket concept in the post-war context.
Critical Theory
The concept only regained its poignancy
Contemporary historians of the National in the reception of Critical Theory after
Socialist state have appropriated some of the end of the Cold War, and initially just

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in a German-speaking context and outside, Inevitably, everything looks different in the

or at best on the margins, of academic dis- current Middle East, the wellspring of djihad-
course. It has been advanced, as we saw, ism. This concerns not only the opportunities
by Wolfgang Pohrt and by a number of for the rackets to profit from the dissolution
authors who, like myself,46 publish with of the mechanisms of circulation and their
the Initiative Sozialistisches Forum and the relations with, and position within, the world
ça ira publishing house,47 and in journals market. Given the current economic signifi-
like Prodomo (Cologne) and sans phrase cance of oil and depending on their respec-
(Vienna). This return of the concept of tive points of departure, these rackets take
the racket is owed not least to the appear- on a broad range of forms that would have
ance of djihadism and the way in which been impossible against the backdrop of the
it relates to the monopoly on the use of highly developed and standardized industrial
force. In the context of Critical Theory this production in Germany in the 1930s. Perhaps
re-appropriation of the concept neverthe- the greatest change concerns the ideological
less amounts to the claim that it points to guise of the evoked world conspiracy. Since
universal social trends the world over – in unity is established through an annihilatory
the ‘Orient’ as much as the West, in the mania directed above all against one state –
countries of the former Soviet sphere of the Jewish state, which is imagined as the
influence as much as the European Union Jew among the states – the total process of
and the United States – for all that these which Hilberg spoke – in which the machin-
trends progress in different ways in the vari- ery of extermination became indistinguish-
ous countries depending on the persistence able from German society as a whole – also
of the rule of law. The assertion of the racket takes on a different form. The ‘machin-
against the rule of law can equally well take ery’ within which a variety of djihadists on
on a djihadist or right-wing populist guise, Israel’s borders – the Muslim Brotherhood in
the attenuation of the defensive forces of the Egypt, Al Qaeda, and Islamic State in Syria
law can transpire through the partial imple- and Iraq – ‘collaborate’ with the Iranian dual
mentation of Sharia law in the legal practice state (a form of collaboration that exists only
of Western states just as well as through the insofar as it is predicated on their joint nega-
call of right-wing populists for referenda to tive fixation with Israel and Zionism) is vir-
replace the mediation of public opinion in tually indistinguishable from an entity that
representative democracy.48 is religious rather than social in character.
Precisely what had been most abstract in Needless to say, this too is ultimately a social
the insights of Critical Theory in the 1930s issue, however, insofar as religion can only
and 1940s turns out to be extremely effica- ever be understood as a social phenomenon.
cious in the concrete analysis of contempo- Even so, its specificity lies in the fact that, in
rary developments. This concerns, on the one this context, individuals, whether as clerics or
hand, the notion that in a situation of crisis as believers, refuse a priori and on principle
society disintegrates into gangs and thus to accept the separation of politics and reli-
eliminates the spheres of circulation and due gion and the distinction between public and
process, turning the rackets into the princi- private that are stipulated by the sphere of
pal articulation of the political. On the other circulation and the rule of law.
hand, it emerges that any sense or form of On the other hand, the specific strand
unity within and in the face of this process of within Islam within which political func-
social disintegration can be attained only by tions are taken on directly by the clerics who
fantasizing about a Jewish world conspiracy, become religious leaders and lay claim to
in which mediation and circulation return in absolute authority, marks a particular stage
phantasmagorical form. in the process through which the principle of

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1562 The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory

the racket becomes total. Within its sphere, conflict between them, as it does, for instance,
this form of Islam is capable of bringing the between Islamic State and Al Qaeda in the
rivalry between the rackets, which elsewhere ‘civil wars’ in Syria and Iraq. This leader, in
assault each other in bloody gang warfare, turn, is simply the embodiment of the fact
under control and manages to lend the reli- that all the competing rackets can be inte-
gious community a sufficient measure of sta- grated and brought to refrain from resolving
bility and continuity. Consequently, politics their conflicts with violence. In connection
in the Shiite realm still build to some extent with a similar context, Thorsten Fuchshuber
on the old nation state and yet have long since has spoken of a ‘de facto monopoly on the
transcended it as a non-state with the Islamic use of force’.52 The flipside of this coin is
Republic of Iran as an organized center for the resolve to destroy Israel that has been
the onslaught on Israel.49 Israel has acquired constantly upheld since the inception of the
its status as bogeyman quite independently Islamic Republic. It is precisely this resolve
of its state constitution which does in fact that lends the Revolutionary Guards a privi-
reflect a particular form, shaped by the dias- leged position among the competing rack-
pora experience and religious tradition, of ets. They are not only closest to the spiritual
that which characterizes every western state: leader for whom they were created but also
a merging of universal legal structures and have a particularly significant role to play in
particularist racket structures, whose inter- connection with Iran’s nuclear program and
relationship is never entirely fixed but con- its weaponization.
stantly up for grabs in accordance with the
political development in any given country.
Characteristic of those countries in
which djihadism is dominant is the fact THE DEFENSIVE FORCES OF THE
that the defensive forces of the law have LAW AND THE LOGIC OF CAPITAL
no opportunity of developing in the first
place or are promptly eliminated again by When Horkheimer referred to the means of
the racket structures. In the same way as domination standing against domination as
the Revolutionary Guards and the ‘regular’ the reflection that unmasks it, his focus was
army coexist in the Islamic Republic of Iran, never just on the specific law or the judiciary,
for instance, because it is impossible to cre- even though the Hegelian language might sug-
ate a unitary structure by subjecting one of gest this, but also on the consciousness that
these armed rackets to the other, the Islamic creates or applies it. In this respect, then, there
Republic also lacks a universal legal sys- is a crucial distinction between the legal sub-
tem. Instead, the legal system is fragmented. ject and the commodified subject. The former
The Supreme Court and the civil and crimi- needs to know what it is doing. As for the
nal courts are undermined from the outset latter, if we follow Marx: ‘They do not know
by ‘special courts’. Independently of one it but they are doing it.’53 One might indeed
another the ‘revolutionary courts’ function say that the commodified subject, in contrast
alongside the military courts, the judiciary of to the legal subject, is not in fact a subject at
the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij,50 not all. Steeped in the tradition of classical phi-
to mention the ‘court of administrative jus- losophy, Marx never once used this term,
tice’, the ‘special clerical court’, the ‘press which has been so popular in the recent recep-
courts’ and so on.51 tion of Marx. He spoke of the ‘commodity
Yet in this case too, due to the exist- owner’ who has to exist simply because the
ence of a ‘religious leader’ who is the sole commodities cannot walk to the market them-
source of ultimate authority, the rivalry selves. When Marx referred to the subject in
between the rackets does not lead to armed his critique of political economy he did so in

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terms of the intentionally oxymoronic ‘auto- do so only via participation, however circui-
mated subjects’, a term that, in the shift from tous and mediated, in capital’s valorization
structuralism to post-structuralism, has come process. Analogously to Hobbes’s Leviathan,
to be understood as a pleonasm. Strictly one could speak of an imaginary ‘original
speaking, then, one cannot really speak of a contract’ in the realm of political economy. In
crisis in the context of institutionalized law it, all those who want to partake of society’s
but only of a state of exception. Yet the con- wealth, even if it is just in order to survive,
stant possibility of such a state of exception accept its form, albeit without knowing any
allows the crisis to draw into question, as a more about it than their legal consciousness
matter of principle, the rationality that allows imparts to them. They do not need to know
the legal subject to know what it is doing. that this form is predicated on the distinction
As we saw, in his draft of 1939/40, between exchange value and use value; on
Horkheimer still located the ‘Spirit’ in whom the fact that the concrete labor is valid only
the law had become a substantive factor in as abstract labor. They do not need to know,
the consciousness of the masses, where ‘the in other words, that society is held together
idea of true democracy’ supposedly led ‘a by the measure of the socially necessary labor
repressed subterranean existence’.54 It is pre- time required to produce any given commod-
sumably owed to the fragmentary character ity, which is ultimately the measure of all
of the text that he did not explicate that ‘the modern forms of mediation. The one thing
masses’ can only be conceived of as masses they do need to know about this fictitious
of individuals who could interact in the ‘original contract’ is that wealth can, in prin-
spirit of solidarity and need not identify with ciple, be appropriated only through contracts.
each other in the name of a leader and ben- This means, conversely, that the defensive
efactor. What Horkheimer described as forces of the law depend on adherence to this
‘Spirit’ cannot be understood separately from principle.
the consciousness of each individual. When Yet what if wealth can no longer be
it eventually became clear that the idea of appropriated through contracts? As Marx
democracy no longer led even ‘a repressed explained, capital is an ‘automatic subject’ –
subterranean existence’ in Germany he was and yet, at the same time it is not. It is an
compelled to view the post-National Socialist automatic subject in the absence of crisis,
state as a mere mechanism after all. The con- yet, as Marx also pointed out, it concur-
sciousness without which the Spirit cannot rently undermines its own prerequisites and
work for the idea of true democracy he then thus provokes the ‘non-automatic’ subject.
saw, quite legitimately, embodied only in the Why, if this generates a process of disinte-
US-American occupation power. gration and one can no longer attain wealth
This transferal of the Spirit to the American through contractual relations, should one
hegemon reflects the eminently historical acknowledge the contractual principle? To
dimension of the defensive forces of the law, do so would hardly be rational. The very
an issue that Horkheimer did not raise in his means that are indispensable for self-pres-
draft. It is precisely this historical dimension ervation under capitalist conditions come to
that first points unambiguously to the critique contradict the principle of self-preservation.
of political economy. Anyone who wants to These social relations ‘constantly reproduce
assert themselves under the rule of law can the potential unfolding of worse options
do so only if they subsume their demands and insofar as they totalize scarcity through
claims under certain legal principles or laws. the mere consummation of just relations of
Anyone who wants to partake of society’s exchange’.55 Capital’s own logic predisposes
wealth – which everybody is forced to do sim- it toward reducing the variable component of
ply for the purposes of self-preservation – will capital ‘toward zero’ and thus ‘permanently

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1564 The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory

demotes man as a species being to a pau- known as rackets. Grasping the opportunity for
per and bounty hunter’.56 What this cannot easy and, to all outward appearance, licit profit,
a gangster would organize a benevolent associa-
explain, however, is why human beings are
tion of which he was the sole member, announce
prepared not only to affirm this degradation a racket, and with threats of demolishing their
but to outdo it with pathic projections and premises compel the neighborhood shopkeepers
delusions of annihilation and victimhood. and businessmen to purchase blocks of tickets’
This simply cannot be explained, not even (John Kobler, Capone: The Life and World of Al
Capone (Putnam, 1971), 32).
with Dialectic of Enlightenment. Individuals
 4  Horkheimer, ‘Rackets’, 291.
can only combat these projections and delu-  5  Ibid., 288.
sions, whatever the prospect of success, and  6  Ibid., 288–9.
adhere, even ‘in the state of their unfreedom’,  7  Ibid., 289.
to the new categorical imperative formulated  8  Carl Schmitt, Politische Theologie (Duncker and
Humblot, 1996), 13.
by Adorno in Negative Dialectics: ‘to arrange
 9  Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Marx Engels Werke vol. 42
their thinking and conduct so that Auschwitz (Dietz), 23.
never repeat itself and nothing similar may 10  Horkheimer, ‘Rackets’, 290.
occur ever again’.57 11  ‘In a society that cannot, given the principle on
Since Marx it has been considered the which it is based, avoid force, true generality is an
impossibility. But the limited, formal and negative
principal purpose of the critique of political
generality of the law in the liberal order facilitates
economy to disavow the hope that the agents more than just capitalist predictability. Given
on the markets and in the state apparatuses that formal freedom cuts both ways, this limited
have it in their gift to subjugate the valoriza- generality also allows for a minimum of actual
tion of value to reason and contain the irra- freedom and offers the weak at least a chance
of attaining legal redress’ (Franz Neumann, ‘Der
tional with the rationality of the law. With
Funktionswandel des Gesetzes im Recht der
Auschwitz an additional task has arisen as a bürgerlichen Gesellschaft’, in Zeitschrift für Sozi-
practical imperative: that of considering this alforschung vol. 6 (1937), 542–96, here 594).
principal purpose a means of rejecting any  12  Horkheimer, ‘Rackets’, 291.
playing down of the impending menace – not  13  It would be too simple to criticize Horkheimer’s
apparent Hegelianism or portray his concept
least when such trivializations think they can
of the law as a precursor of Jürgen Habermas’s
invoke the law’s force of resistance. approach. Horkheimer stuck to the Hegelian
scheme only insofar as he also became a sup-
porter of the United States’ entry into the war.
Notes Engaging Hegel’s notion of the sublation of
the particular and individual as elements within
1  Max Horkheimer, ‘Die Rackets und der Geist’, the self-motion of the Absolute, Horkheimer’s
in Gesammelte Schriften vol. 12 (Fischer, 1985), emphasis lay on the dimension of preservation
287–91, here 287. within that process. He sought to defend the pre-
 2  Otto Kirchheimer, ‘In Quest of Sovereignty’, in requisites of a form of social unity that would not
Journal of Politics 6, 2 (1944), 139–76, here 159. violate the individual. He stressed the element of
 3  Wolfgang Pohrt, Brothers in Crime. Die Men- formal deferment inherent in that mode of Hege-
schen im Zeitalter ihrer Überflüssigkeit. Über lian reflection upon society that can be under-
die Herkunft von Gruppen, Cliquen, Banden, stood, with Marx, as the self-mediation of value.
Rackets, Gangs (Tiamat, 1997), 28. Before legal In it, Horkheimer saw not so much an opportu-
experts appropriated it, the term was used nity to realize this unity but a chance temporarily
among criminals and denoted noise or a hubbub to restrain power. Given the integral significance
or commotion. This usage ‘probably comes from of the war of annihilation against the Jews for
a device adopted by the old New York gangs. It National Socialism, it is in any case obvious that
was common practice for social and political clubs we are not dealing with any straightforward par-
of the era to sponsor benefit galas on their own allel here to Hegel’s attitude toward Napoleon.
behalf. These were noisy affairs, what with the 14  Consequently, the attempt to facilitate its affir-
brass band and the general boisterousness stimu- mation by conceptualizing the state as a machine
lated by heavy drinking, so that they came to be cannot genuinely draw on Hegel’s Philosophy of

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Right nor does it offer a critique (rather than a  32  Adorno to Horkheimer, 2 July 1941, in Hork-
mere inversion) of the Earliest Systematic Pro- heimer, Gesammelte Schriften vol. 17 (Fischer,
gramme of German Idealism, which denounced 1996), 95–9, here 96; Theodor Adorno, Max
the state as a machine. Against the backdrop of Horkheimer, Briefwechsel vol. 2: 1938–1944
the evolution of industrial production, it seems (Suhrkamp, 2004), 159–63, here 160–1.
remarkable that the term was used to refer 33  Otto Kirchheimer, ‘The Legal Order of National
to something other than the actual machines Socialism’, in Studies in Philosophy and Social
integral to this mode of production. Yet it also Science [Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung] 9 (1941),
regained the pejorative connotation it held in 456–75, here 457. Hereafter ‘Legal Order’.
Greek antiquity, associating machines with mach-  34  Ibid., 458.
inations, i.e., forms of deceit that can become a  35  Ibid., 469.
matter of ideology. If one does not bear this in  36  Franz Neumann, Behemoth (Oxford University
mind and understands the term machine liter- Press, 1944), 522.
ally, the designation of the state as a machine  37  Ernst Fraenkel, The Dual State (Oxford University
itself falls prey to such deceit. The more neutral Press, 1941).
Latin-based term apparatus is better suited since  38  Neumann, Behemoth, 469–70.
it does not connote any deceit.  39  See Gerhard Scheit, Der Wahn vom Weltsouverän
15  Max Horkheimer, ‘On the Sociology of Class Rela- (ça ira, 2009), 85–8; Philipp Lenhard, ‘Blinder
tions’, Typescript, Na 1 Nachlass Max Horkheimer, Fleck? Eine kurze Erwiderung auf Gerhard
639, box IX, file 16, Universitätsbibliothek Frank- Scheit’, in sans phrase no. 8 (2016), 226–9. That
furt. In one of the four typescripts the [the] in Neumann ignored antisemitism as the unifying
square brackets was crossed out. A German trans- factor in this process of disintegration to such an
lation of the text was published as ‘Zur Soziologie extent corresponds oddly to his legal positivism
der Klassenverhältnisse’ in Gesammelte Schriften when discussing the ‘rationality of international
vol. 12 (Fischer, 1985), 75–104, here 104. law’, which occasionally results in his no longer
 16  Horkheimer, ‘Sociology of Class Relations’, 101. recognizing what Hobbes and Hegel identified as
 17  Ibid., 102 the natural state of affairs, namely, that relations
 18  Max Horkheimer, ‘Autorität und Familie’, in Gesa- between states are in principle irrational.
mmelte Schriften vol. 3 (Fischer, 1988), 336–417,  40  Raul Hilberg and Alfons Söllner, ‘Das Schweigen
here 403–405. zum Sprechen bringen. Ein Gespräch über Franz
19  Alfred Vierkandt, Gesellschaftslehre (Enke, 1923), Neumann und die Entwicklung der Holocaust-
45. Forschung’, in Dan Diner (ed.), Zivilisationsbruch.
 20  Marx, Grundrisse, 95. Denken nach Auschwitz (Fischer, 1988), 175–
 21  Walter Benjamin, ‘Theorien des deutschen 200, here 176.
Faschismus’, in Gesammelte Schriften vol. 3  41  Ibid., 181.
(Suhrkamp, 1972), 238–50, here 240.  42  Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European
 22  Ibid., 249. Jews vol. 3 (Yale University Press, 2003), 1060.
 23  Ibid., 248.  43  Ibid., 1061.
 24  Benjamin had already engaged the issue of sover-  44  Theodor Adorno, ‘Franz Neumann zum Gedächt-
eignty in a specific historical context in which such nis’, in Adorno, Gesammelte Schriften vol. 20.2
forces had the upper hand in his famous though (Suhrkamp, 1997), 700–2, here 702.
rarely read book on The Origin of German Tragic  45  In the notes Friedrich Pollock took on his con-
Drama. His interpretation of baroque literature hinged versations with Horkheimer between 1957 and
on the early failure of state power in Germany. 1967, for instance, Horkheimer is recorded twice
 25  Kirchheimer, ‘In Quest of Sovereignty’, 161. as commenting on the issue, suggesting that he
 26  Theodor Adorno, ‘Negative Dialektik’, in Gesam- still thought of the racket concept as a theoreti-
melte Schriften vol. 6 (Suhrkamp, 1997), 7–412, cal approach that had yet to be fully developed.
here 17. See ‘Theorie des Rackets’ and ‘Herrschende Klasse,
 27  Theodor Adorno, Beethoven. Philosophie der die von Rackets beherrschte Klasse und die Rolle
Musik. Fragmente und Texte (Suhrkamp, 1993), 62. der Fachleute’, in Max Horkheimer, Gesammelte
28  Horkheimer, ‘Rackets’, 291. Schriften vol. 14 (Fischer, 1988), 334–335 and
29  Ibid., 290. 340. The concept also resurfaces in Adorno’s
30  Theodor Adorno, ‘Minima Moralia’, in Gesam- later correspondence, for instance, in his letter to
melte Schriften vol. 4 (Suhrkamp, 1997), 118. Siegfried Kracauer of 17 March 1965: ‘I can rarely
 31  Max Horkheimer, ‘Die Juden und Europa’, in watch a film without sensing for a few seconds:
Gesammelte Schriften vol. 4 (Fischer, 1988), this is what it should be, this is what would be
308–31, here 319. possible – and then instantly becoming enraged at

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1566 The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory

the way in which one is cheated by the rationale plurality of orders, each of which had to form its
of the racket’ (Theodor Adorno, and Siegfried Kra- own ‘corporate judiciary’ (Carl Schmitt, Über die
cauer, ‘Der Riß der Welt geht auch durch mich’. drei Arten des rechtswissenschaftlichen Denkens
Briefwechsel 1923–1966 [Suhrkamp, 2008], 695). (Duncker and Humblot, 2006), 53).
 46  Gerhard Scheit, Suicide Attack. Zur Kritik der poli-  52  Thorsten Fuchshuber, ‘Im permanenten Ausnah-
tischen Gewalt (ça ira, 2004). mezustand’, in Jungle World, 7 January 2016,
 47  Manfred Dahlmann, ‘Antwort auf Enderwitzens
Quo vadis Ça ira’, html (10 May 2017).
beitraege/dahlmann-antikritik.enderwitz.php (10 53  Karl Marx, Kapital, vol. I, Marx Engels Werke, vol.
May 2017). 23 (Dietz, 1962), 88.
48  Scheit, Suicide Attack, 411–26.  54  Horkheimer, ‘Rackets’, 291.
 49  See Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, ‘Die Schimäre  55  Niklaas Machunsky, ‘Rackets im Staat’, in
vom kleineren Übel. Gespräch mit Thomas von Prodomo no. 20 (2016), 78–88, here 79, http://
der Osten-Sacken über die Lage im Nahen Osten’,
in sans phrase no. 5 (2014), 196–204. artikel/n/rackets-im-staat.html (10 May 2017).
 50  David Menashri, Iran. A Decade of War and Revo-  56  Ibid. In this context it is worth noting that Robert
lution (Homes and Meier, 1990), 273. Kurz’s theory of capitalist society as an automatic
 51  Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, Die Islamische Republik subject falters because, not unlike that of Henryk
Iran. Die Herrschaft des politischen Islam als eine Grossman, it is predicated on a logic of inevitable
Spielart des Totalitarismus (LIT, 2003), 217–9. The collapse. Marx, by contrast, in the third volume of
extent to which Kirchheimer’s already quoted Capital merely described the emergence, under
remarks about the National Socialist legal system the conditions of capitalist commodity produc-
apply here should be obvious: ‘the common legal tion, of a tendency within the productive force
bond of a generally applicable civil law’ disappears of labor – the famous tendency of the rate of
and the ‘ideology of the community deprive[s] profit to fall – which from a certain point onward
the weaker group member of the right to appeal militates against it and constantly has to be over-
to an outside body which would be prepared to come through crises. To designate this tendency
maintain the intra-group balance’ (Kirchheimer, a ‘law’ one would have to disregard the fact that
‘Legal Order’, 457, 458). Carl Schmitt similarly this designation fails to encompass a genuine
wrote that a people stratified by corporations – unity between the ostensible law and that which
this is fascist jargon for the Volksgemeinschaft’s is subjected to it.
rackets – would always be characterized by a  57  Adorno, ‘Negative Dialektik’, 358.

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