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Caste system

 In India, a special type of Social Stratification in the form of caste.

 The caste is an inseparable aspect of the Indian Society.
 It is peculiarly Indian in origin and development.
 Origin of the word – the “Caste” origin into Spanish word ‘casta’ which means “breed,
race, strain or a complex of hereditary qualities”.

Definition of Caste

 C.H. Cooley – “When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may call it a caste”.
 Willams – “Caste is a system in which an individual’s rank and its accompanying rights
and obligations is ascribed on the basis of birth into a particular group”.
 D.N. Mazumdar and T.N. Madan – “Caste is a closed group”.

Origin of Caste system

It is difficult to trace the origin of caste system – it originated in India – various theories to
explain the origin of caste system.

i. Racial theory
ii. Political theory
iii. Occupation theory
iv. Traditional theory
v. Guild theory
vi. Religious theory
vii. Evolutionary theory

i. Racial Theory:
 According to Dr. Mazumdar, the caste system took its birth after the arrival of Aryans in
 In order to maintain their separate existence the Indo-Aiyans used for certain groups and
orders of people the favourite word ‘varna’, ‘colour’.
 Thus they spoke of the ‘Dasa varna’, or more properly the Dasa people.
 Rig Vedic literature stresses very significantly the differences between the Arya and
Dasa, not only in their colour but also in their speech, religious practices, and physical
 The three classes, Brahma, Kshatra and Vis are frequently mentioned in the Rig Veda.
The name of the fourth class, the ‘Sudra’, occurs only once in the Rig Veda.
 The first two classes, i.e., Brahma and Kshatra represented broadly the two professions of
the poet-priest and the warrior-chief. Vis comprised all the common people.
 The Sudra class represented domestic servants approximating very nearly to the position
of slaves. On the relations subsisting between the four classes the Rig Veda has little to
say. However, the Brahmin is definitely said to be superior to the Kshatriya.

ii. Political Theory:

 According to this theory, caste system is a clever device invented by the Brahmins in
order to place themselves on the highest ladder of social hierarchy.
 Dr. Ghurye states, “Caste is a Brahminic child of Indo-Aryan culture cradled in the land
of the Ganges and thence transferred to other parts of India.”
 Among the four varnas, the old distinction of Arya and Sudra now appears as Dvija and
 The first three classes are called Dvija (twice born) because they have to go through the
initiation ceremony which is symbolic of rebirth. “The Sudra was called “ekajati” (once
 The three lower classes are ordered to live according to the teaching of the Brahmin, who
shall declare their duties, while the king also is exhorted to regulate his conduct
 The pre-eminence of the Brahmin had secured him many social privileges sanctioned by
the law givers.
 The statement that God created the Sudra to be the slave of all is repeated and he is given
the name of “padaja” (born from the feet).

iii. Occupational theory

 According to this theory, the origin of caste system can be found in the nature and quality
of social work performed by the various groups of people. 
 Those who carried out better and respectable profession were considered superior.
 Nesfield views – Functions and Function alone is responsible for the origin of caste
structure in India.
 Occupational differentiation and numerous subcaste such as lohar, sonar, chamar, nai,
mali etc.,

iv. Traditional Theory:

 The caste system is of divine (godly) origin.
 According to this theory castes were created by Brahma in order to make human beings
to harmoniously (part of body) perform various social functions necessary for the
maintenance of society.
v. Guild Theory:
 According to Denzil Ibbetson, castes are the modified forms of guilds.
 In his opinion, caste system is the product of interaction of three forces:
o tribes,
o guilds, and
o religion.
 The tribes adopted certain fixed professions and assumed the form of guilds. In ancient
India, the priests enjoyed greater prestige.
 They were a hereditary and endogamous group. The other guilds also adopted the same
practices and in course of time became castes.

vi. Religious Theory:

 Hocart and Senart are the two main advocates of religious theory.
 Hocart, its originated on account of religious principles and customs.
 Senart, has tried to explain the origin of caste system on the basis of prohibitions
regarding sacramental food.
 The followers of one particular deity considered themselves the descendants of the same
ancestor and offered a particular kind of food as offering to their deity. 

vii. Evolutionary theory

 According to this theory, the caste system did not come into existence all of a sudden or
at a particular date. 
 It is the result of a long process of social evolution. A number of factors played their part
in the development of the present caste system.
 Among these factors we may enumerate the following ones:
o Hereditary occupations;
o The desire of the Brahmins to keep themselves pure;
o The lack of rigid unitary control of the state
o The unwillingness of rulers to enforce a uniform standard of law and custom and
their readiness to recognize the varying customs of different groups as valid
o Beliefs in re-incarnation and the doctrine of Karma;
o Ideas of exclusive family, ancestor worship, and the sacramental meal;
o Clash of antagonistic cultures particularly of the patriarchal and the matriarchal
o Clash of races, colour prejudices and conquest;
o Deliberate economic and administrative policies followed by the various
conquerors particularly by the British;
o Geographical isolation of the Indian peninsula;
o Static nature of Hindu society;
o Foreign invasions;
o Rural social structure.

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