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Asif Ansari
B. Arch IVth Year
AR- 402
Department of Architecture,
AMU Aligarh


Art Nouveau is an international style of art, architecture and applied art,

especially the decorative arts. In English it is also known as the Modern Style (not to
be confused with Modernism and Modern architecture). The style was most popular
between 1890 and 1910.[1] It was a reaction against the academic art, eclecticism
and historicism of 19th century architecture and decoration. It was often inspired by
natural forms such as the sinuous curves of plants and flowers. Other
characteristics of Art Nouveau were a sense of dynamism and movement, often
given by asymmetry or whiplash lines, and the use of modern materials, particularly
iron, glass, ceramics and later concrete, to create unusual forms and larger open
One major objective of Art Nouveau was to break down the traditional
distinction between fine arts (especially painting and sculpture) and applied arts. It
was most widely used in interior design, graphic arts, furniture, glass art, textiles,
ceramics, jewellery and metal work. The style responded to leading 19-century
theoreticians, such as French architect Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814–
1879) and British art critic John Ruskin (1819–1900). In Britain, it was influenced by
William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement.
The first Art Nouveau houses and interior decoration appeared in Brussels in
the 1890s, in the architecture and interior design of houses designed by Paul
Hankar, Henry van de Velde, and especially Victor Horta, whose Hôtel Tassel was
completed in 1893. It moved quickly to Paris, where it was adapted by Hector
Guimard, who saw Horta's work in Brussels and applied the style for the entrances of
the new Paris Métro. It reached its peak at the 1900 Paris International Exposition,
which introduced the Art Nouveau work of artists such as Louis Tiffany.
By 1914, and with the beginning of the First World War, Art Nouveau was
largely exhausted. In the 1920s, it was replaced as the dominant architectural and
decorative art style by Art Deco and then Modernism. The Art Nouveau style began
to receive more positive attention from critics in the late 1960s, with a major
exhibition of the work of Hector Guimard at the Museum of Modern Art in 1970.

What flourished in the 18th and early 19th centuries with remarkable
modernisation and radicalisation has resurfaced to create a style statement
soaked in the resplendent colours of history. Art Nouveau movement that
pioneered in Europe went on to take different forms as it travelled far and wide to
take its decorative and graphic palate to the discerning. It trickled into Indian
shores too, with a great stimulus to be explored further.

To re-explore the time, fashion designer Varun Bahl recently decided to

launch a full-bodied collection inspired by Art Nouveau and its various
interpretation. The time is just right as June is being celebrated as Art Nouveau
month. Antoní Gaudi and Ödön Lechner, the doyens of the movement passed on,
on June 10, 2013 and since then it has been a day of remembrance for them. Bahl
has decided on bringing the glorious period alive once again.
The word design went through a re-design when the movement donned its
modernist colours. Previously followed patterns were falling apart with the
emergence of Art Nouveau sensibilities. “It was all about living an artistic life and
its patrons lived it to the fullest. As a couturier, I too embrace the arts in their
flourish. With the movement’s dedication to beauty in all forms of expression, it
appealed to my aesthetic sense strongly. From sinuous curved lines to finger
ferns, from roses, lotuses, and irises, to jewel-like butterfly wings inspired by
stained-glass windows and peacock feathers, we have reinterpreted some of Art
Nuveau’s most enduring motifs in techniques,” says Bahl. These are set on fabrics
such as silk, tulle, and georgette.
For him, every thought he picks is inspired by distinct areas within the
movement including poster, interior and jewellery design. His silhouettes are
influenced  by empire lines, flowing trousers, throw-on jackets and panelled tunics.
“Instead of using these inspirations directly or looking to their defining
characteristics, we attempt to capture their essence and apply it to our brand of
aesthetic with hand-embroideries and digital printmaking technologies,” says the
It’s wearable art that’s reminiscent of a time that landmarked a shift in
thinking. It paved way for new thoughts to emerge free of orthodox controls. It
continues to be re-visited to be re-invented again and again.

This dining table is the centre piece of a set of dining furniture designed for and
constructed by The Great Eastern Home (a furniture and lifestyle store in Mumbai,
India). It is the result of a re-imagination of the Art Nouveau style in an Indian
context. Art nouveau is an art movement or style which took place between 1890
and 1914 in Europe. It was a romantic movement which celebrated the hand work of
craftsmen as well as the beauty and structure of the natural world and the wonder of
its flora and fauna. But its spread was limited to Europe and its end was brought
about by the advent of mechanised production methods.

This project was an attempt to imagine what the result might be had Art Nouveau
survived to present day and had it been practised in India, using Indian symbols,
plants, mythology, icons etc. as inspiration.

Throughout the lengths and breadths of the vast and culturally diverse nation that
is India, the Banyan tree is a constant in all mythology and all cultures. It has also
been chosen as the national tree of The Republic of India. Hence this icon of Indian-
ness was chosen as the inspiration for this set of furniture and particularly this table.
The table's structure and form have been obtained by the stylisation and
simplification of the image of a banyan tree.

Concept and design development

The Nouveau Tree. This project was an attempt to imagine what the result
might be had Art Nouveau survived to present day and had it been practised in India,
using Indian symbols, plants, mythology, icons etc. as inspiration.
This central joint that holds the three panels together, hence making the tree like
branching out appearance possible.
Each panel is made from 5 planks of 2 inch thick Teak wood, joint together. All
dimensions are in inches.

When it comes to fashion industry, Art Nouveau stands as on the top

and especially recognized as the top women clothing brand in India. The
brand has now become the symbol of designer, quality, chic and cool that
is anticipated by most of the women. This is possible with fashionable
dresses that are in trend and are worn worldwide by famous personalities
and fashion icons. There is sudden increase in demand of the products
that are worn by famous celebrities and this is overwhelming especially in
the case of young women. This is one of the major factors behind the
popularity of top women clothing brand in India.

Several categories are there such as western wear, maternity wear,

Indian fusion wear, vintage collection etc. In each and every category,
one can find simple designs and this serves as one of the major reason
why Art Nouveau stands as the top women clothing brand in India. The
reason is simple, most of the women look for elegant and simple designs
and this is what they are able to get at this platform. While looking simple,
an essential classiness is also exuded by these designs by which female
eye gets attracted instantly.

In the aspects of creativity goes much of care and details are also
paid with full attention in production process. This factor also serves as
the major reason why Art Nouveau is regarded as the top fashion brand in
India. How quickly the store stocks are sold serves as the indication for
popularity of this brand’s products. Customers even make attempts to visit
the offline stores of the brand since they are ready to pay for the travel
cost to grab the desired fashion before it goes out of stock. When the best
and most exclusive collection from the top fashion brand in India adorns
women, the world receives signal of their high taste and great sense of
fashion. This is not at all an exaggeration since admirers do notice your
collection of best quality stocks.


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