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Step 5 - Assess technology innovation value

Presented by:
Carlos Mario Zapata
Camilo Orozco
Yonatan Arévalo
Jhon Zuluaga

Group: 49

Julio Cesar Gonzales

Valuation and Negotiation of Technology

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

May 2019

In the development of medians and large companies in Colombia the

flow of information is increasing and with agility it requires human talent
with skills and commitment to develop decision-making, professionals
who negotiate technology to reach agreements, closing contracts and
other related activities so it is needed have tools that allow them to reach
their objectives to carry out a negotiation.

Be able to develop a negotiation of technological assets based on

products, processes and systems innovation, respecting copyright and
intellectual property rights.
Problem description

One of the factors that is a challenge for the 4.0 industries is to promote in each of
the companies determining factors that lead them to be more competitive in the
market, one of these factors is digital transformation, but the causes are the lack of
culture (74.1%), ignorance (61.6%) and budget (56.3%), 77.5% of entrepreneurs
believe that a digital transformation must be initiated by new business models.
66.7% percent, due to customer expectations and 58.6%, due to new technologies.
Research Justification Chart

Research Justification
Group number 212032_49
Today there are many items that have had to start a
transformation to adapt to the digital age. Higher education
institutions are not the exception.
It is normal that initially there is reluctance to new technologies,
mainly because some of them are constantly changing. In Chile,
for example, according to Pulso newspaper, in 2017, 30% of
companies already had an online presence. But in the future, it is
expected that most institutions take this path.
The digital transformation does not only involve digitizing the
documents of a university, for example. The change can be
much deeper, such as integrating planning software.
Academicallyte In this sense, the network of Aliat universities is a success case,
which achieved through u-planning, a u-planner platform, unify
the process of assigning groups of students, automate manual
processes and establish better procedures.
The well-implemented digital transformation contributes to
strengthen the production and growth of the institution. With the
support of technological tools designed to manage various
aspects of the business, the following benefits are generated:

Cost savings
Reduction in administrative times.
Control of information.
Improvements in the relationship with students and providers.
Optimization of the relationship between areas.
However, the leadership of companies with systems and
practices already installed need to be convinced that it is a
necessary change.
[ CITATION htt \l 9226 ]

The non-existence of road maps; or estimate that the company

has already taken the steps it had to take in the digital field,
simply by having a website and enabled digital and social
channels. Although 70% of the companies consulted will make
an investment in digital transformation, the majority (60%) will
invest less than 300 million pesos in the areas of the
Economically organization analyzed: technology, people, organization and
processes, marketing and sales, and knowledge of client.
Between 12 and 16% will invest between 300 and 2,000 million
per area; and between 7 and 10% between 2,000 and 3,000
million pesos. Only 1.5% will invest more than 18,000 million.
The benefits that Digital Transformation brings to business
activity, in all areas of the business (competitive advantage,
positioning, value for the customer, business value, future,
expansion). The senior managers who have participated in the
study agree on the importance of the strategic approach to the
process, led by the company's top executive. The problem
detected by the study is that most companies still do not take
advantage of the tools offered by the digital environment to know
and retain the client. Many resources are being invested in
recruitment, but the results indicate that aspects such as
knowledge and loyalty, keys in the digital field, are still poorly

Although there are few digital transformation projects already

closed within the scope of the Colombian organization, future
projects are widespread among half of the companies, which
either have already launched new initiatives or are contemplating
them.It is expected that by 2025 there will be around 100 "smart
cities" in the world. More and more governments are aware of
Socially the need for information technologies to face different
challenges. This technology involves the use of data collection,
analysis of information and support in decisions and activities.
Obviously, the challenges depend on the situation of each city in
terms of infrastructure, transportation, housing, basic services,
population density, etc. Similarly, it is important to remember that
technology, by itself, is not an intelligent city, because it exists to
improve the relationship with citizens and provide better
services. It is not a fad or a trend, we are under a change of very
important cultural system where the traditional, common or
habitual is not so well known. Even a word so heard this last
decade as "INNOVATION" has a lot of responsibility to mention,
as every day and second to second there are new technological
advances that are changing the lifestyles and systems that we
know or are used to today.[CITATION DUR17 \l 9226 ]

[ CITATION Col17 \l 9226 ]

[CITATION DUR17 \l 9226 ]

Data analysis graphs

1- Based on the above, from 1 to 5, how important do you consider
digital transformation for your company? (Understanding digital
transformation as the application of digital capabilities to
processes, products and assets):

Digital transformation is essential for all companies: small, medium and

large. It is essential to carry it out to remain relevant and competitive as
the world becomes increasingly digital.

2-Technology-based solutions help companies improve their

competitiveness, reduce costs and improve the quality of their
services. In which of the following areas of your company do you
think you need to implement technology-based solutions?

Over time, technology has reduced the barriers to doing business,

increasing revenues, improving processes and implementing new tools
within companies. However, today, the implementation of the same is no
longer a luxury, or an investment but a fundamental need that allows
large and small companies to be at the forefront of the new times, with
competitive processes both in the national market and international. In
the concept of experts, it is important that companies know what are the
most common mistakes made by employers in the use of the Internet or
in the acquisition of services.

3- Briefly describe the need for your company in the area identified
in the previous question:

In medium-sized companies surveyed, they need to implement

technological solutions such as marketing and sales, payment gateway,
and sales increase. These solutions benefit companies, make them more
agile and ready to face the challenges that present themselves in terms
of speed and convenience. For these reasons, it is important to adopt
technological solutions if the business requires it and surely this is
because the need to improve and streamline processes exists. The more
capacity for adaptation companies have, the better growth opportunities
they will have.

 4- Do you have any budget to acquire technology-based solutions

for the improvement of your company?

In each of the companies it is found that they have a budget to

implement technology-based solutions, know how to make use of these
technologies, in several cases they help to increase the productivity and
the continuous improvement of the companies, with the arrival of the
technology to the companies, they find a very important factor to achieve
improvements: they reduce the advantage of the competition or achieve
competitive advantages. While it is true that technology is accessible to
all types of companies, it should be emphasized that it must be kept as
up-to-date as possible to achieve a competitive advantage over others.
5- Which of the following areas you are interested in training?

 Analyzing each answer finds that the areas most interested in exploring
are Electronic Commerce, productivity and operations. recognizing the
need to have a presence on the network that goes beyond the corporate
page, and the importance of electronic commerce as a business tool is
growing at times. In terms of productivity and operations, companies
want to continue working constantly on improving productivity since it has
become an important objective for practically all organizations.

Problem solution proposals YouTube links

Carlos Mario Zapata

Jhon Zuluaga

¿How important is for industrial engineers to understand valuation and

negotiation of technology in order to lead companies to achieve its strategic

Camilo Orozco

Industrial engineers currently have as a fundamental challenge to adapt to the

industry 4.0, which requires nine key technologies: autonomous robots, augmented
reality, the cloud, big data and analysis, cybersecurity, the industrial internet of
things, horizontal and vertical integration of systems, simulation and manufacturing
by addition. All of them have already been launched in one way or another. The
concept of industry 4.0 brings them together, we can determine the importance of
understanding the assessment and negotiation of technology in order to put into
practice all the concepts that comprise it, to develop in them new skills that allow
them to master the technologies of the future applied to different industrial
processes for the growth of each of the companies and customer satisfaction.

Carlos Mario Zapata Salazar

Companies constantly strive to maintain and increase their sales, their

customer base and their market share. Manufacturing companies in
particular, have been involved in stiff competition. To stay in the market,
companies have been forced to reinvent their manufacturing processes
constantly and to review in detail the way they operate. This involves
taking time to analyze the manufacturing processes, decide on the best
use of available available resources and ensure quality throughout the

This is where information technology (IT) has entered to boost industrial

engineering, becoming the best ally of the latter. Currently there are
many examples of the merger of both elements in almost all companies
for example: the resource planning systems in companies that help for
the integration of information in the firms, the allocation of available
resources, and the decision making, quality control systems. quality.

Yonatan Gercey Arevalo

The industrial engineering, allows to apply mathematical methods in all

the administrative aspects of the company, they work in looking for
activities within the company, as well as obtaining the highest
productivity and the best quality. For example:

• Implement tools (such as automation, flexible production and robotics.)

• Innovate ideas

• Industrial engineering aims to create better and more advanced

technologies- Design, plan, organize, implement and control any
productive system, to increase its productivity and efficiency, with the
optimal use of resources and the development of the human resources of
the organization and making decisions in favor of the improvement of

Being able to generate effective processes that make a balance between

satisfying the needs of the clients, those of the clients and those of the
companies, because they must consider that the human factor is
fundamental for success. Putting their knowledge at the service of the
community, represented mainly in small and medium industries lacking
sufficient resources for their development, recognizing in them their
important role as generators of employment, business culture and as
trainers of technicians and professionals.
Jhon Zuluaga

The importance of industrial engineers lies largely in the understanding,

valuation and negotiation in technology lies mainly in information
technologies since previously customers came to the companies in
search of their products or services, now and with the developments so
advanced in mobile equipment and specialized software for each
business, the challenges of marketing have changed so that the
company that wants to survive are looking for human talent to strengthen
their information technology departments is where they are evidenced
why the medium company they are being relegated in comparison with
the big ones, for this reason it is the importance of what we have seen in
this semester in this course for the enriching knowledge that opens our
eyes and know the requirements of the market and the challenges we
face. we will find in our productive stage and not stay behind and treat
the maximum to take our company forward.

 Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2004). Measuring the Strategic

Readiness of Intangible Assets. (cover story). Harvard
Business Review, 82(2), 52–63. Retrieved

 Malhotra, D. (2015). Control the Negotiation Before It Begins.

(cover story). Harvard Business Review, 93(12), 66–72.
Retrieved from

 Kuada, J. E. (2012). Research Methodology : A Project Guide

for University Students (pp 40-41). Frederiksberg C
[Denmark]: Samfundslitteratur Press. Retrieved

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