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Review: Using a Comma Between Dependent and Independent Clauses

Refer to your reference book page We’re not Talking About Santa
Clause for help.
*Work on the computer, or copy out sentences on a piece of paper

* Underline the marker words

* Make the dependent clause in red
* Make the independent clause in green
* Decide whether or not the sentence needs a comma between the clauses

1) As I peered around the corner, I saw two racoons playing Mindcraft.

2) As the Justin Bieber concert began I shed tears of joy.

3) I enjoy salsa dancing as much as breakdancing.

4) Ms. Mannarino went to the candy store when there was a huge sale.

5) If Ms. Baker lets her pet hamster out at night he always bothers the owls.

6) Ms. Lane eats pickled flavoured popsicles when she gets home from work.

7) After Ms. Bird finished the marathon she was showered with flower pedals.

8) Ms. Copp’s superpowers get recharged at night if she goes to bed before 9:00.

9) Whenever Ms. Vanderham reads aloud she pretends she is the narrator in a

10) Before we stepped into the rocket ship I made sure every cat had a helmet on.

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