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How to Hook Girls In, Pt.

3: Building
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By Alek Rolstad
So far, we’ve tackled effective pre-opener tactics. Now it’s time to build intrigue to set the hook and reel her

Welcome back. So, last week we discussed opening, and in particular, pre-opening.

But what do you do once you open? You transition into material that hooks girls in. The
things you have to focus on during the initial phase of the interaction are:
1. Building Intrigue
2. Other Tips
3. Recap
 Conveying attractive traits
 Mentally stimulating the girl

The first one is something you should always do throughout and after the interaction. The
second aspect is the key here. There are many ways to hook a girl in a stimulating way. For

 Teasing
 Cocky/funny lines
 Games

I use teasing sometimes, although I’m not an expert. I tend to fall into the trap of
miscalibrating them and coming off as rude, ruining my sets.
Occasionally, some witty comments come out of my mouth, but it usually happens when I
feel on fire – or in state, rather – which we label as high micro (social) momentum.
I will not discuss funny lines or teasing here because I will never write about anything that
I am not a full-blown expert in. When it comes to “games”, they usually follow different
structures. Using games is kind of out of trend these days.
Many guys prefer being more natural, and even for us technical guys, we like to make
things “naturalized” rather than stick to canned games. Using canned games is so 2005
anyway! That said, they do work. They usually hook girls in and can stimulate them
enough to buy some time.
Sadly, each game follows a different structure. I could write a post where I compile a
bunch of games, but I think these will have been posted elsewhere on the web a century
ago. Some examples that come to mind are The Cube, Strawberry Field, and question
games. One I personally really like is called "Fuck, Marry, or Kill.”
The idea here is that you invite the girl (or group of girls) to play a little game. If they are
resisting, you let them know that it is just a fun, innocent game.
Once they accept, you ask them to point out three people. One they would like to marry,
one they would like to bang, and one they would kill. Usually, the subject they pick to kill
is usually a nice guy or a girl. Interesting, right?
No matter what they answer, you can discuss their choices. If you don’t, her friends will
surely comment on it – and there you go, lots of fun!
In the early phase of the interaction, as mentioned many times earlier, you don’t have
much time to convey your attractive traits. Why do women want to pay attention to
you anyway? The first things you should always have in mind during the earlier phase of
the interaction are to “buy time” and “keep things going” so you can convey your attractive
traits. The model is rather simple:
Stimulate –> Convey –> Stimulate –> Convey
Of course, these can happen simultaneously, but the idea is that you do both. Obviously, if
the girl is really compliant earlier on, you may convey attractive traits and set the right
frames earlier. If she isn’t, you must stimulate emotionally and make her more curious, to
buy time. Calibration is key at all phases of the interaction – the golden rule!

One of my favorite ways to stimulate women emotionally and make them curious is
by building intrigue. I have discussed this a bit in the past but never dedicated a full post
to it. The idea is to deliver bait, then hold back the release for as long as possible. For
Alek: “Do you know what I think you are?”
Her: “No?”
    (Intrigue built)
Alek: “A girl who loves expressing her artistic touch in the way she dresses.”
    (This is, of course, presuming she is dressed in a cool and unique way )
You need to bait with something she is curious about. The idea is that she would
love to hear your follow-up. That is the key here. For example, the following is not
Alek: “Do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow?”
Her: “No.”
She simply doesn’t care. It has to be something she finds interesting. Obviously, you cannot
know for sure what she’ll find interesting, especially during the early phase of the
interaction where you don’t know her. But as a rule of thumb, here are some intriguing

 Assumptions about her (“Do you know who you remind me of?”)

 Social topics (“Do you know the difference between men and women when it
comes to X?”)
 Drama-related subjects (“Did you hear what that crazy girl said to that
These usually work. The first one works well on most girls. The second works especially
well on the smarter ones. The last one works on young/dumb girls – again, “young”
correlates with “lower intelligence”, but that doesn’t mean all young girls are dumb.
Now, between the bait and the release, you may amplify the intrigue to achieve the
maximum effect – this is done by either:

1. Baiting more, or
2. Denying a release – usually with an excuse
Let me give you an example. Let’s start with follow-up bait:
Alek: “So, I talked with my friend Sara the other day. Now, Sara is an amazing
girl with crazy experiences....”
    (Implied social proof)
Alek: “She has met some of the craziest people on the planet. Lately, she met
this guy who had just broken up with his girlfriend. The way the break-up
happened was sick!”
    (That’s the bait!)
Her: “Really?”
Alek: “Yeah, like, do you know what his girlfriend did to him?”
    (More bait)
Her: “No!?”
Alek: “Oh my god, it’s so crazy!”
    (Even more bait!)
Her: “Tell me then!”
Alek: “Okay, so she ended up having sex with his brother!”
Her: “Oh my god, that is so bad!”
Alek: “Yeah, but the most messed up part was her excuse!”
Her: “What was it?”
Alek: “She told her boyfriend she did it because she busted him texting a girl…
but there was a catch…”
Her: “What was the catch?”
Alek: “It turned out he was only texting his aunt!”
Her: “Oh no!”
Alek: “Some people are so over-dramatic!”
Now, you can clearly see the bait coming in. Notice how I build up a cool setting to make
her curious about the story. Women love these subjects, so make sure you introduce them
in a similarly captivating and dramatic way.
A distant cousin of the O-face, the D-face (or drama face) is highly sought after among the fairer sex... and
can lead to her craving all the D you can provide.

You don’t always have to, though; you can go with a good old “you remind me of
someone” instead. However, a good build-up can amplify the intrigue created by the bait.
The way this works is that you make her curious. This makes her mentally invest in
your words. She wants to know the rest. This is how open loops work, like a cliffhanger on
a TV show.
Some shows like Game of Thrones make the fan base heavily invest in the show. Some fans
spend a lot of time theorizing about the upcoming episodes. They are invested. It is the
same process we use here.
Let’s briefly move on to discussing the “denying release” part. I have also discussed this
before but never really dedicated much time to it. The idea here is that you bait and
deny her a proper release.
This allows you to not only keep the open loop open but also challenge her and make her
invest back, because once you deny her the release, she will try to work her way in to get
it. She will invest even more in the interaction. This is exactly what we want.
How can you deny it to her? For example, you can use the trick we discussed a few posts
earlier, where you warn her about explicit content and frame the content as too
explicit for her. The idea here is to force her to accept the explicit content and deny the fact
that it is too explicit for her.
This is a good way to introduce a sexual subject, but in many cases, it can backfire if you
force a sexual subject too early. That said, sometimes you can – and should – do it,
depending on her level of compliance, the social setting, and overall vibe.
A variation of this is when you say that what you’re about to tell her is a bit too crazy or
wild for her. A similar mechanism applies here. For example:
Alek: “Talking about weird men… Jessica told me this crazy thing that happened
to her lately.”
    (Implied social proof)
Her: “What happened?”
Alek: “Oh… never mind! I think it’s a bit too crazy for this hour, the night is still
far too young!”
Her: “Come on, tell me!”
Alek: “I really think it’s inappropriate!”
Her: “No, it’s okay!”
Alek: “Okay, okay. So, Jessica went home with a guy, he was pretty cool.
Turned out he had this weird thing going on where he got really turned on by
eating off of girls. All cool, but when the guy wanted to spill chocolate sauce all
over her ass, so he could lick it off, he said, ‘Wow, this shit is so hot.’ Jessica
hears the word ‘shit’ and – considering there is brown fluid all over her ass at
this point – got a bit uncomfortable and stopped it. But what happened next was
    (There’s the bait)
Her: “Ah, really?”
Alek: “Now it gets really explicit…”
Her: “Come on!”
Alek: “Okay, so Jessica told the guy why she was a bit uncomfortable. The guy’s
response was the sickest!”
Her: “What was it?”
Alek: “It was actually on purpose to make him associate it with shit! Some guys
are so weird – like, what the fuck?!”
It doesn’t matter if the girl actually likes the story. What matters is that you build intrigue.
If she happens to laugh or like the story, that is obviously a huge bonus. Let me
demonstrate a simpler version that I know Dan and Gunwitch favor a lot.
Alek: “Do you know who you remind me of?”
    (The bait)
Her: “Who?”
Alek: “Never mind, I can’t tell you!”
Her: “Ah, come on!”
Alek: “Nah, you’ll get mad.”
Her: “I won’t!”
Alek: “Promise?”
Her: “Yeah.”
Alek: “Good. You remind me of my ex-girlfriend!”
    (Credit to Gunwitch for that doozy)
The idea is that you deny her the release and give her an explanation as to why:

 Too explicit
 Too wild
 Too controversial
 She’ll get mad

And so on. Avoid political and controversial subjects, especially in the early phases of the
interaction. Another caveat is that sometimes when you deny her the release, she will act
like she doesn’t care.
Alek: “I have to tell you something!”
Her: “What?”
Alek: “Wait… never mind.”
Her: “Okay.”
This is just a test. Change the subject for a bit and act like nothing happened. In 80% of
cases, she will bring it back up. You won her silly little game. A little frame test
passed right there – bonus points for you.

There are two other small tips you can add to your arsenal to make this a bit more
Conversational pauses. Make long pauses between the bait and the potential release.
You can use this trick throughout the interaction, and it works really well in the early
phases, too.
Be over-dramatic. Yes, I said it. Be over-dramatic and you are more likely to catch her
attention. I have a friend who is really good at this, and he always catches my attention.
Basic human psychology right there. This is best explained with some examples:
Alek: “I need to tell you something crazy that happened the other night!”
    (Super hardcore bait)
Her: “What?”
Again, you deny her the release by telling her it is too crazy. Or create another bait like,
“And you have no idea who was involved – most screwed up people ever.”
The stories are funny, but it’s the bait that captivates her.

And there you go!

In the early phase of the interaction, you must buy time in which to deliver the goods. One
way of doing this is by using intrigue. The idea is that you stimulate her and her friends
mentally and emotionally, and make them invest mental energy in the interaction.
This can get you hooked in and buy you time to demonstrate and convey other
attractive traits. The more hooked in you are, the more you should convey attractive
traits. The less hooked in you are, the more you need to focus on stimulating her.
That said, you still have to stimulate her mentally throughout the interaction. Otherwise
she’ll grow bored and go play with another dick. However, it is especially in the early phase
that this is key.
The way you build intrigue is by:

 Building up bait and placing an open loop

 Releasing and closing the open loop

If you build an interesting and captivating context, the bait will be more powerful, and more
intrigue will be created. You can also amplify the intrigue by stalling the release by either:

1. Creating new sub-baits, or

2. Denying a release

Try it out and report back.

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed this post. We discussed the basics of building
intrigue. Next week, we will put this in context. I will give you some examples of what kind
of material you can use these techniques with in the early phase of an interaction.
Questions and comments welcome.
Best regards,

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