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Natural Herbal Remedies:

Ancient, Herbal, and Natural Cures for Everyday

Martha Johnston

Copyright  2014
Martha Johnston
This book is copyright protected. This book is only for personal use, and you
cannot amend, sell, distribute, use, quote, or paraphrase any part of the content
below without written consent of the author, Martha Johnston.

The advice and treatments in this book are to be used at
your own discretion. I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to
be a doctor. The natural remedies and treatments in this
book are not to be taken as medical or nutritional advice,
and as always, you should consult with your doctor or
physician before taking the advice of this book,
especially if you have any health conditions or allergies.
By reading on and using the natural remedies below, you
agree that the author, Martha Johnston, is not liable for
any problems that may arise from the advice of this book.

Table of Contents

Herbal Remedies
Poison Ivy
Bee Stings
Yeast Infection
Sore Tooth
Stomach Ache
Sore Throat
Athlete’s Foot
Sore Muscles
Bad Breath
Cold Sores
Nail Fungus
High Blood Pressure

BONUS: Three Green Smoothie Recipes
Why should you try herbal remedies?
Many people wonder why they should bother with herbal
and natural remedies. After all, there are so many pills,
creams, and prescriptions out there that consuming a
plant or using something over the counter seems so out of
place. I’m here to tell you that those people are wrong,
and they are actually hurting themselves! Cultures all
over the world have been using herbal and natural
remedies for thousands upon thousands of years. From
roots, to plants, to herbs, and more, they have found the
secret and healing properties that these can give you. Not
only will these remedies cure or lessen your ailment, but
it will do so safely, which is what everybody wants.
When you read a prescription bottle, you will see a list of
new ailments you might receive if you take this
medication. Dizziness, rash, constipation, vomiting, and
even death are all possible, as well as countless other
problems, with most prescription drugs. Stop that cycle
today! Use the tools and plans in this book to shy
yourself and your family away from the bottle, and use
nature as your guide.

Who can benefit from herbal remedies?
Everyone! The 30 ailments inside this book cover a wide
variety of problems and age ranges. There are problems
specific to a younger crowd, an older crowd, and
everybody in between! This book will show every single
person the best ways to heal themselves through nature.

Why not just use what my doctor prescribed?
Modern medicine isn’t completely evil and horrible.
Modern medicine has given us many great medications
that have saved millions of lives. The problem, though,
is that it has gotten out of hand. There seems to be a pill
for everything, and all of those pills and chemicals are
having an adverse effect in your body. Our ancestors
didn’t take a chalky white pill, or a dozen of them if your
health is bad, but they found herbs and plants that helped
cure or soothe their symptoms. These remedies are not
only cheaper for you, but are also safer for you. Cure
yourself the way the ancients did.

Some prescription drugs are cheap, while others are
expensive. If you don’t have insurance, or don’t have
good insurance, getting your monthly pills can cost you
an arm and a leg. The great thing about these cures is
that they are the same low price for everybody, and most
of them are so inexpensive that you’d be crazy not to give
it a try to see if it helps! My father used to spend over
two hundred dollars a month just on pills prescribed from
his doctor. His body started to go downhill even more,
which is when I suggested he try a few of the cures in this
book to treat his high blood pressure and arthritis. He
was hesitant to take my advice over his doctor’s, but
figured it was worth a shot with the way he was feeling.
He ended up liking my suggestions more, and said they
made him feel much more better than those stupid little
pills ever did. While he hasn’t taken the plunge to trade
all of his pills for herbal remedies, he has a much higher
quality of life now.

Is this book filled with just plants and herbs?
No, this book isn’t filled with just plants and herbs. You
also don’t have to grow a garden or eat what looks like
grass to use these remedies. Most of them you can buy in
capsule form at any pharmacy, especially the big box
ones. Just go to the supplement aisle! All of the
remedies in this book are soothing and calm on your
body. Some, like baking soda, are strong and soothing
ingredients that you can buy cheaply and in bulk to get
the most out of them. I would never put anything in here
that would be harsh or hard on your body.

30 Common Ailments & Natural Remedies
Chapter One: Acne
What Is It?:
Acne is more than just pimples or zits. It can include whiteheads, blackheads,
and red inflamed patches. No matter what type of acne you’re suffering with, it
can lower your self-esteem and cause depression. It’s not just a condition that
people suffer from in their youth. Acne can actually follow you well into your
adulthood. Acne keeps you from looking your best, and it’s often very hard to
get rid of. Many doctors will try to sell you treatments that may work, but they
are not natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Baking Soda Mask- A baking soda mask can be very helpful when trying to get
rid of acne. It’s also very inexpensive! It takes care of most breakouts, eliminates
inflammation, and even takes off dead skin. Take one or two teaspoons of baking
soda and mix it with warm water. Then put the paste over your skin. It’s
important to only leave it on 10-15 minutes the first time because the tingling
can be powerful.
Tea Tree Oil- Tea tree oil can be found in your local grocery store or pharmacy.
This remedy is relatively inexpensive. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a half
a cup of water. Then take a cotton ball and dip it into the solution. Apply to the
affected areas. After one or two applications you should see improvement in
your acne.
Egg Whites- For another great facial mask solution to acne, egg whites are the
way to go. All you have to do for this facial mask is to separate the whites from
the yolk. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the egg whites so that you can apply it
on your face. The egg whites will tighten as they dry, but this is completely
natural. You can leave this facial mask on up to an hour.

Chapter Two: Blisters
What Is It?:
Blisters are a small bubble in the skin, usually caused by friction or burning, that
will then swell up with serum. Blisters are usually very painful, and they can
take an abnormally long time to heal. You’ll find many over the counter
medicines, but let’s concentrate on more natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Aloe Vera Gel- Aloe Vera is a great anti-inflammatory. Since blisters are mostly
a type of swelling, it only makes since that you’d try to get the swelling to go
down. This won’t make the blisters go away completely, but it should help
reduce them and make them easier to stand. In addition to relieving swelling, it
should also relieve the redness.
Green Tea- Another useful anti-inflammatory is green tea. A lot of people will
tell you to soak a blister to help it heal faster, and this is just a different version
of that. Soaking your blister in cold green tea will help get rid of it faster. It’ll
also help soothe the aching feeling you have from it by relieving redness and
Peppermint Oil- You can usually find this at your grocery store. Peppermint oil
put into water can really help blisters by soothing it. Mix 2-3 drops into one cup
of water and then dap it onto the blister with a cotton ball. For a large area, you
can use a washcloth.

Chapter Three: Poison Ivy
What Is It?:
Poison Ivy is actually a plant that causes dermatitis. This is red itchiness of the
skin where it can become inflamed. When you’re affected by poison ivy it can
really hurt, but scratching will only make it worse. You should not touch the
affected area because it easily spreads. Natural remedies usually work best to
help smooth and get rid of poison ivy.
Natural Remedies:
Cucumber- This won’t heal your poison ivy, but it’ll certainly calm the rash.
Just take a large cucumber, or more than one depending on how large the area is,
and then cut it into slices. Apply the slices onto the affected area. The cucumber
will then produce a cooling sensation that makes the itch go away and the
redness start to recede. If you don’t want to use slices, you can mash the
cucumber to make a paste that can be applied as well.
Apple Cider Vinegar- This remedy may sting a little, but it starts to kill the
poison off. This will help get rid of your rash much faster. Apple cider vinegar is
also considered to be antibacterial, so that it’ll clean the affected area. You’ll find
this in your local grocery store. Soak a paper bag all the way through with it and
then place it over the area. This will help draw out toxins!
Oatmeal- Take a bath in oatmeal to really make the itching go away. It’s hard to
keep your hands away from the affected area because the itching can get so
intense, but when you use an oatmeal bath and soak for at least an hour it gets a
little better. The itching should not come back immediately.

Chapter Four: Bee Stings
What Is It?:
Bee stings are when a bee lands and stings you. The stinger will usually get
stuck in the skin, but this isn’t what hurts so badly. What hurts is the melittin that
the pain receptors will start to pick up on immediately. For the first minute, if the
bee’s stinger is not removed the chemical will continue to be released. Also, the
stinger is actually barbed. When suffering from a bee sting you’ll see swelling
and redness, but it’ll usually ache for quite some time.
Natural Remedies:
Garlic- Many people swear that garlic will help your bee sting. Take a garlic
clove and crush it to make a paste to apply to the area. If you don’t want to make
a paste, you can always put the entire clove over it and squeeze so that the juice
comes out and coats the area. This has to be done after the stinger is out of the
wound. It’s said to help draw out the melittin that the bee released.
Honey- This is a very ironic natural remedy for a bee sting, but it really does
work. Honey sooths the bee sting and starts to help decrease the swelling. Honey
is actually an anti-septic. You have to take the honey and apply it directly to the
bee sting for it to work. Try to leave it on for 5-10 minutes before taking it off.
You may have to use this remedy more than once. Try to stay away from cheap
honey that holds too much sugar when using it to help.
Lavender Essential Oil- Lavender essential oil is said to draw out the melittin
when placed on the bee sting immediately. The stinger has to be out of the way.
Use just 2-3 drops so that you don’t waist it. The soothing properties will also
help with the soreness that the bee sting has caused.

Chapter Five: Yeast Infection
What Is It?:
Yeast infections will affect women in the vaginal area. This is actually a very
common but uncomfortable female condition. Yeast infections cause intense
itching, swelling, and irritation. An unusual discharge will start to appear when
you have a yeast infection. It’s important to realize that these are not sexually
transmitted infections, and that they do occur naturally.
Natural Remedies:
Yogurt- Don’t use yogurts with a lot of sugar. Actually, the recommended
yogurt to treat yeast infections is an original Greek yogurt that doesn’t have
sugar in it. This will help combat not only the swelling and irritation, but this
remedy will help get rid of your yeast infection quickly. Though, it needs more
than one applications. Just apply the yogurt directly to the area and leave it there
for some time before washing. How long you leave it depends on the person.
Some people even freeze the yogurt in tampon dispensers before using it.
Tea Tree Oil- This home remedy can sting if not used right. Tea tree oil will take
out the stinging as well as fight the infection. Use a non-applicator tampon and
coat it with a type of personal lubricant before adding a few drops of tea tree oil
to the mixture. Then insert the tampon and this should help. Make sure to change
it 3-4 times a day.
Garlic- Garlic will actually manage to kill off the yeast infection because of its
antifungal properties. Peel the skin off of a clove a garlic before trying to use it.
Use cheese cloth and put the fresh cloves inside, tie off the ends with dental floss
or string, and then insert it like a tampon. This should help with the yeast
infection. Remember to change it 3-4 times a day.

Chapter Six: Headache/Migraine
What Is It?: Headaches are a continuous pain in the head usually caused by too
much exposure to light, loud noise, or even just stress. A migraine is a
reoccurring headache that is a little tougher to get rid of. These types of
headaches can often be accompanied by blurred vision and nausea. No matter
what type of headache you suffer from, various home remedies can help sooth
the pain and make the headache go away faster.
Natural Remedies:
Fish Oil- Fish oil certainly isn’t the tastiest substance. So the best thing to do
would be to buy fish oil in the natural supplement section of your pharmacy.
Taking a fish oil capsule is said to help reduce headaches and the pain that they
cause. Taking fish oil on a more regular basis is supposed to be a headache
Peppermint Oil- To sooth a headache or migraine immediately, it is best to take
a few drops of peppermint oil and rub them on your temples. Lay back in a dark
and/or quiet room to really let this take effect. Not only is peppermint oil
calming, it is also soothing and will help relax you so that your headache goes
away faster.
Butterbur Tablets- This plant has to be processed so that it is not toxic, but it is
completely natural and harmless when in its supplement form. Find it in your
local pharmacy. When a migraine or headache first starts make sure to take a
tablet and give it thirty minutes to an hour to kick in. Once the tablet gets into
your system your headache should start lessening.

Chapter Seven: Sore Tooth
What Is It?:
Sore or sensitive teeth can be caused by a variety of things. Usually it is a cavity
or exposed nerve of some sort that is causing a sore tooth. These natural
remedies are meant to deal with the pain until you can see a dentist. They are not
meant to cure it, but the pain can become unbearable. These remedies can cure
overly sensitive teeth that can also cause a sore tooth, but you should always get
it looked at. To help the pain try these natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Clove Oil- You can get clove oil from your local grocery store. It is often found
in the extract section. Clove extract or oil can be put on a cotton ball and pressed
to the tooth that is causing the pain. This will help numb the area, especially if
there is an exposed nerve. This remedy is best when you soak the cotton ball
completely. It will dry rather fast, and you need to apply it often, but it will help
kill the pain better than over the counter medication.
Garlic- Don’t try to make the garlic into a paste. You have to like garlic for this
remedy or be in that much pain. It’s recommended that you take a piece of garlic
and remove the skin. You’ll get out a small clove. Get out a medium sized one,
base the size on the amount of pain you are going through, and then put it in
your mouth in the morning. Chew on it slowly. Keep doing this every morning
until you can go see a doctor. This should help keep it from getting worse while
still relieving the pain. If you need to, you can do this more than once a day.
Lime- If you can’t handle the taste of garlic, lime is also something that you can
chew to help with a sore tooth. Take a lime and cut it into wedges. Put the
wedges in the fridge for an added benefit. Chew on the lime next to the sore
tooth. This will alleviate pain, but you may have to do it more often than you
would with garlic, as it is much less potent. This is recommended 3-4 times a
day, but at least it won’t make your breath smell nearly as bad.

Chapter Eight: Stomach Ache
What Is It?:
A stomach ache is pain in your stomach, usually after eating. It can be anything
from overeating to a stomach infection. If pain persists after a home remedy has
been applied several times, you need to see a doctor. Stomach pains frequently
can be a sign of something much more serious. However, for most stomach pains
it is just a case of indigestion or nausea. These can be cleared using many natural
Natural Remedies:
Ginger- Ginger is best used in its powdered or pill form. You can find it in most
pharmacies or natural food stores. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory as well as an
aide in digestion. It will help calm your stomach almost immediately. Just wait
about 30 minutes, and try not to take more than one pill at a time. If you do not
want to take it in pill form, you can make a simple tea with fresh cut up ginger
and a strainer. Feel free to add honey, but try to stay away from refined sugar.
Fennel- Fennel seeds are not hard to get. When you are trying to use them to
help with an upset stomach you can eat a handful on their own or sprinkle them
in a lightly flavored yogurt. This will help with digestion and ease your upset
stomach. If you do not want to eat fennel seeds, you may also read on the back
of many herbal teas to see if it has a primary base of fennel. If so you can get
these teas to use in place of the seeds when you have an upset stomach. Make
sure to use honey and not sugar.
Chamomile- Chamomile can be made into a tea very easily. It may actually be
easier to buy chamomile tea than it would be to buy dried chamomile flowers.
This tea, when made with honey, will help your stomach as well as calming your
nerves. If you are having trouble sleeping because of stress or your stomach
ache, this is the best natural remedy.

Chapter Nine: Fever
What Is It?:
A fever is an abnormally high body temperature that can cause hallucinations if
left unchecked. A fever is much more dangerous than people believe. At its best
it will cause cold sweats, shivering, and headaches. It is important that you
reduce a fever as quickly as possible, and sometimes over the counter
medications do not work. Try some of these home remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Pineapple- Canned pineapple will not work very well when trying to reduce a
fever. You need to use a fresh bit of pineapple. There isn’t anything really special
you have to do with it. You just need to make sure that you keep the amount you
eat small so that you don’t throw it up. Pineapple is a natural anti-inflammatory
and will help reduce your fever.
Lettuce- When trying to reduce a fever, you shouldn’t actually eat lettuce. You
need to pour boiling water over a head of lettuce and cover it. You’re actually
going to drink the water. Though, this may actually be very bitter so try adding
honey to taste. This will help hydrate you, help you sleep, and reduce your fever.
Apples- If you don’t like the idea of drinking lettuce water, you can try drinking
apple water. You’ll need 2-3 apples and put them into boiling water. You’ll need
to let this steep for about 15 minutes before you decide to strain it. The apples
should be mushy, but you don’t want them in your drink. Add two teaspoons of
honey so you don’t overpower it and drink. This will help reduce your fever.

Chapter Ten: Arthritis
What Is It?: Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. This can be a very painful
ailment, and it doesn’t only affect older people. You’ll find that arthritis can
affect anyone at any age. It could stop you from doing the things you love, like
texting, typing, embroidery or anything that you have to do with your hands. Of
course, arthritis can affect any joint, not just the joints in the hand. Here are
some natural remedies that will help.
Natural Remedies:
Eucalyptus- You’ll find that eucalyptus is easy to get in most grocery stores. It’s
best to find it in an oil or extract so that it can be easily applied. However, in
natural food stores you may be able to find the leaves. Leaves can be crushed in
a mortar and pestle and made into a paste that can be applied to the area that is
bothering you. If you have the oil, you should be able to put it in a cotton ball
and apply it on the area regularly. Making it into a paste or salve that is applied
once or twice a day will help much better.
Turmeric- Turmeric is actually used to make curry. It’s best that you use this
powder into a paste by adding water. You can then bottle this paste and put it in
the fridge so that it keeps longer. Apply this paste anywhere from once to three
times daily to help relieve pain. Turmeric does not only treat the symptoms, but
it is known to actually slow the progression of debilitating arthritis.
Willow Bark- Willow bark has been used for many years to treat inflammation,
making it a common herb to use when treating arthritis. You need to be careful
when taking willow bark because if you take too much it can cause other
problems. You can find it in powdered form, tea form, or even in natural pill
forms. It is better to use a pill form and take it once a day to help with arthritis
and avoid the risk of taking too much.

Chapter Eleven: Coughing
What Is It?:
Coughing is a symptom of colds or flues. It’s important that you treat this
symptom so that your throat does not become sore or raw. However, if coughing
continues after the treatment of home remedies, you need to see a doctor because
it could be a symptom of something much worse. To help with the nuisance of
coughing and the pain it causes, try these natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Thyme- Thyme can be made into a tea that can sooth the throat and stop
coughing. Thyme tea can even help treat certain infections in the lungs such as
upper respiratory infections. It’s also been known to treat whooping cough and
bronchitis. If you cannot find thyme tea in the grocery store, you can make it by
taking two teaspoons of leaves and steeping them within a strainer in water for
about 5-15 minutes, depending on if you are making a pot or a cup. Add honey
to sweeten it.
Lemon- Lemon can be added to any tea to help a cough, and that is pretty
widely known. However, if you aren’t a tea person you can actually put salt and
pepper on a lemon for an added benefit and suck on it. This will help fight the
infection in your through causing the cough as well as sooth the symptoms.
Flaxseed- Flaxseed is another way to treat a cough naturally. You need to boil 2-
3 teaspoons of flaxseed in a cup of water to make a gooey substance. You
actually will need to drink this liquid so that it can coat your throat and stop the
cough. It won’t taste too good on its own, so it is suggested that you add a
teaspoon of honey and lemon for even more of an added benefit. This should
also help fight the infection when you add lemon.

Chapter Twelve: Dandruff
What Is It?:
Everyone has dandruff. It’s actually small flakes of dead skin within a person’s
hair or coating their scalp and flaking off. Everyone’s skin will do this, but
having dandruff really depends on the amount. If you have very little, there is no
reason to worry. However, if you feel you have a lot and it’s affecting your self-
esteem or just getting too itchy, you should try natural remedies to help it.
Natural Remedies:
Coconut Oil- This dandruff treatment actually smells nice, and since the smell
will actually be sticking to your hair like shampoo you may find it matters to
you. You don’t use this in place of shampoo. Once you get your coconut oil, you
need to rub 3-5 tablespoons of it into your scalp before you shower. Let it sit for
about thirty minutes. Then you can go about your normal shower routine.
Salt- Salt is very abrasive, so it can scrub dandruff completely away. If you
scrub with salt before washing your hair, it may actually help get all the dead
skin flakes out. So there won’t be any left to fall on your shirt when you brush
your hair later. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, but salt is tried and true.
Olive Oil- It doesn’t really matter what brand you use, but olive oil is known to
help many people with dandruff. It can be found in any grocery store, so it’s
really easy to get to. Olive oil helps keep the skin from drying up, therefore
lessening the amount of dandruff. This is an overnight treatment. Cover your
scalp in it, and then put a shower cap on overnight. Wash it out in the morning.
This remedy is also known to help make your hair shiny!

Chapter Thirteen: Hangover
What Is It?:
Hangovers occur after a bout of drinking, usually the morning after. They are a
multitude of symptoms that can make you severely uncomfortable and in pain.
Some of these symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea, and dehydration.
There are many individual ways to combat these symptoms, but hangovers are
something you don’t want to have to take a multitude of natural remedies for.
Try these easy natural remedies for hangovers.
Natural Remedies:
Bananas- Since bananas feature potassium, it makes them a great hangover
cure. Eat it for breakfast with a large glass of water to help with the dehydration.
After about thirty minutes to an hour it should start to help your hangover. You
can also have a little fun with this remedy by making a banana smoothie to mix
it up. Just beware that the blender’s noise may actually hurt your head while
suffering from a hangover.
Honey- Honey is a remedy for various symptoms and ailments, and a hangover
is one of them. A hangover is caused by alcohol, and the honey helps breakdown
the alcohol that is left in your system quickly. Honey also contains potassium
that will help with your hangover. Try taking it in tea, on a piece of toast, or just
in a few teaspoons. There are various ways to eat it, but it’ll certainly help with
your hangover.
Tomatoes- Tomatoes also surprisingly help with a hangover. You can eat these at
breakfast when you wake up. There is no bad way to eat them to help with a
hangover. Tomatoes, like honey, also help aide in the process of breaking down
the alcohol that is left in your system. They also make sure to add much needed
vitamins back into your system after the alcohol has robbed you of them. This
will make you feel better faster.

Chapter Fourteen: Heartburn
What Is It?:
Heartburn is where you get a burning behind your breastbone. This sensation can
be very painful and make it hard to do things like eat, drink, and talk. Though,
actually this pain is usually coming from your esophagus. The pain comes from
stomach acid coming up into your esophagus. To help with this painful feeling,
try these natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Almonds- Almonds have a very high oil content that can help with digestion.
This can stop the stomach acid from coming up into your esophagus. You can eat
them salted or plain, but eating almonds can cure and sooth your heartburn as
well as indigestion. It’ll take about a handful of these tasty treats to really do the
trick, and you need to wait about a half hour for it to take effect. This is one of
the tastier ways to treat heartburn naturally.
Basil- Basil leaves are easy to get. You can usually get them in the produce
section of your local grocery store or even at a farmers market. They stay good
in the fridge for a while and are great to keep on hand. Taking 2-3 basil leaves to
chew on can really help relieve heartburn. Dried basil sadly does not really seem
to work, so the leaves are meant to be taken fresh.
Potatoes- Potatoes are great for neutralizing the acid in your stomach, and this
can keep the stomach acids from reaching up into your esophagus and causing
the heartburn. It should take less than a half hour for this remedy to take effect.
You can chew on whole and raw potato slices. The potato is no good if you cook
it. However, it’s recommended that you juice the potato and mix it with water.
Then drink it to help with heartburn.

Chapter Fifteen: Hemorrhoids
What Is It?:
Hemorrhoids are something most people see a doctor for, but there are natural
remedies to take care of it as an alternative. Though, if symptoms persist you
should always go see your doctor. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower
portion of the rectum. They are considered very painful, and there are many
remedies to help soothe the pain if nothing else. Though, some remedies can
help treat them over time.
Natural Remedies:
Witch Hazel- It’s best to get the powder from a natural food store or pharmacy,
but you can also get the plant and make a paste yourself. Witch Hazel is actually
a bark, so it is very hard to crush and is suggested to get in powdered form.
Create a paste from the witch hazel powder by adding water, and then apply it to
the anal area so that you can find relief from the pain of hemorrhoids. This is
supposed to help the bleeding as well as the pain and swelling.
Butcher’s Broom- You’ll need to get this from a specialty store or your
pharmacy. You should be able to find it in a pill form. To treat hemorrhoids
you’ll need to take one a day to help lessen it over time. However, it can also be
made into tea form. You don’t have to worry about applying any paste. Steep
only one teaspoon in a cup of hot water when using it to make tea. This should
help the pain as well as the actual ailment.
Prunes- Prunes are good for digestion, and though it takes more than just one
dose it can actually cure hemorrhoids. By softening your stool, you don’t have to
strain as hard. This will help take care of the source of the bulging and painful
veins. This will help hemorrhoids as a more permanent solution.

Chapter Sixteen: Nausea
What Is It?:
Nausea is the feeling of an upset stomach that could induce vomiting. There are
many things that can cause nausea, such as motion, bacteria in food, illness,
inflammation of the stomach or intestines, and conditions such as pregnancy. No
matter what the cause, most nausea remedies can be helped by the same
remedies. Try these natural remedies when experiencing nausea.
Natural Remedies:
Peppermint Oil- It is usually best to use peppermint oil instead of peppermint
candies. However, sucking on a peppermint candy in a pinch can certainly help
nausea somewhat. Peppermint oil still works better. To use peppermint oil to
treat nausea you’ll need to dip a cotton ball into the oil, preferably mixed with
water first, so that you can suck on it or dab it on your gums. This will help cure
your nausea within fifteen minutes.
Ginger- Ginger is great to cure nausea. It can be made into a tea by steeping
fresh ginger into a cup of water, and perhaps even adding honey to make it taste
a little better. However, an easier way to take ginger to relieve nausea is by pill
form. This will usually take affect within thirty minutes. If you don’t want to do
either of those options, chewing on fresh and skinned ginger root can also help.
Rice Water- Rice water is where you boil rice in hot water. After it cools you
need to drink the water to help sooth your stomach. It’s not suggested that you
add any sweetener to this remedy, but luckily rice water does not have much
taste and is easy to stay down. This remedy should work within 10-15 minutes
after drinking.

Chapter Seventeen: Sore Throat
What Is It?:
Sore throats are a common ailment that can even make you lose your voice if too
severe. Usually a sore throat is caused by an infection of some sort that doctors
can’t treat. Sometimes, you’ll find a sore throat is coupled with severe swelling,
and if these remedies do not take care of it you should go see your doctor. Cold
and flus are the most common reasons for a sore throat.
Natural Remedies:
Honey- Honey coats the throat and sooths it. It’s also used to help kill the
bacteria that is causing the sore throat in a first place. You can eat honey
however you like. You can use it in tea because coupled with a warm liquid it
often works a little better. However, you can also eat just a few spoonfuls on
something or on its own.
Lemon- Lemon is a great way to kill the bacteria that is causing a sore throat.
You can chew on a lemon, but it’s recommended that you use lemon in tea so
that the hot liquid can also do some good. Lemon extract can be added to water
and drank over ice or hot to sooth a sore throat as well. No matter how you eat
lemon, it should show immediate and long term effects.
Salt- Salt will help kill the bacteria causing your sore throat. However, you can’t
just eat salt and expect it to work. Large consumptions of salt can actually make
you very ill. It’s best to not swallow the salt at all. You need to mix 1-2
teaspoons of salt into a cup of hot water. Make sure that the water is not
scorching because after mixing it into the water you are supposed to gargle with
it. This will show immediate results.

Chapter Eighteen: Athlete's Foot
What Is It?:
Athlete’s foot is actually a fungal infection inside the skin of your feet. This
fungus can come back even after treatment, and the length that it stays varies
greatly from person to person. Athlete’s foot is usually caused by sweating in
closed toed shoes. This is very common in athletes, which is where it got its
Natural Remedies:
Cornstarch- Cornstarch absorbs moisture and can often help athlete’s foot. The
way to apply it is to rub it on the affected area. Though nothing really needs to
be added to this remedy, adding garlic is considered a plus because it also helps
kill off the bacteria and dry out the area. You should apply this remedy 2-3 times
a day until the fungus has disappeared. If it reappears, you need to apply it again.
This can be a reoccurring condition.
Cinnamon- It’s recommended that you use cinnamon tea, but a teaspoon of pure
cinnamon to every cup of water also works. To use this to help athlete’s foot, you
need to dissolve it into the water, or let the tea bag steep. The cinnamon should
help cure the infection in the skin, killing off the fungus. It’s said that you should
soak up to thirty minutes and that you need to repeat this daily.
Vinegar- This natural remedy actually burns a little bit, but it’s very good for
curing athlete’s foot quickly. You need to add the vinegar to water to make a
soak. It should be a half and half mixture, so add one cup of vinegar to every one
cup of water. Soak for 15-30 minutes, and repeat daily if not twice a day. Make
sure that your feet are completely dry before putting socks or shoes on. This
solution will kill the infection quickly.

Chapter Nineteen: Sore Muscles
What Is It?:
When working out or exerting yourself, lactic acid is released into the muscles
and then causes them to get sore. No matter the reason, this lactic acid can stay
in the muscles for much longer than expected and cause your muscles to stay
sore and cause severe pain if not taken care of. Another reason for sore muscles
is because during a workout or extreme exertion your muscles can actually tear
and have to heal. They’ll heal stronger, but that doesn’t erase the pain.
Natural Remedies:
Blackstrap Molasses- If you’re a coffee fan, then this home remedy for muscle
soreness is for you. You put one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into your
coffee every morning and it’s said to help relieve sore muscles. The reason it
helps with muscle soreness is because of the high magnesium content that it
carries. The plus side, other than being a natural remedy, is it also works as your
coffee sweetener, so no extra sugar is needed. This is meant to be taken only
once daily.
Cayenne- Cayenne work to reduce muscle soreness when applied in a salve or
rub form. The capsaicin is the chemical that causes the burning sensation in
cayenne peppers also helps with sore muscles. This is best used in its powdered
form with water to dilute it and turn it into a paste. It is also helpful to use
something like olive oil so that it doesn’t burn too badly. Apply this once or
twice a day depending on the pain.
Milk- Everyone knows that milk is great for your bones, but what many people
do not know is that it is also good for your muscles, especially sore ones. For
milk to be effective in helping your sore muscles you need to have three 8 oz.
glasses of it a day. This will help chronic soreness and muscle cramping. Though
both men and women can benefit from this natural remedy, it is mostly
recommended for women because it seems to be more effective in females.

Chapter Twenty: Bad Breath
What Is It?:
Halitosis, also known as bad breath, actually has causes. It’s not always a lack of
personal hygiene that causes it, so you may have to seek help getting rid of it.
Some common causes of bad breath are infections in the mouth, respiratory track
infections, and other illnesses. No matter what the cause of your bad breath is,
just try brushing your teeth, but when that doesn’t work try some natural
remedies that may just fix your problem.
Natural Remedies:
Baking Soda- One of the main reasons for having bad breath is bad oral
hygiene. Sometimes a toothbrush just doesn’t cut it. If you really want to rule out
oral hygiene as the cause of your bad breath, try brushing with baking soda.
Make a paste of baking soda using water, and use it in place of toothpaste. This
will clean your teeth pretty well. However, it’s recommended that you only do
this once or twice a week to avoid ruining the enamel on your teeth.
Zinc- You can usually find all natural zinc at your local pharmacy. Take zinc in
pill form, and only once per day. Often, the cause of bad breath is a deficiency in
zinc. Zinc makes sure to kill most of the bacteria that is living in your mouth,
and without it you’ll find you’re suffering from an abundance that is causing
your bad breath.
Parsley- Dried parsley will not help, but fresh parsley leaves are known to help
cure bad breath. Parsley acts as a breath-saver because it contains chlorophyll. If
you don’t want to chew on the springs whole, you can toss them into a juicer
when making a drink or use them when making a tea. When making them into a
tea it is not recommended to use sweetener because it would be

Chapter Twenty-one: Stress
What Is It?:
Stress is the body’s reaction to tough situations of panic, trouble, upset, or a
reaction to the feeling of being threatened. Stress can hit anyone because it
doesn’t matter if the stress is real or imagined. The body will still kick in a
defense to try to solve the situation. Sadly, this defense mechanism makes it
worse unless you are in a life or death situation. No matter why you’re having
stress, these simple and natural home remedies can help.
Natural Remedies:
Green Tea- Amino acid in green tea helps to relieve stressful feelings. Monks
used it for centuries to help with meditation and relaxation so they could center
themselves. The amino acid, called L-theanine, helps lower an accelerated heart
rate as well as lowering high blood pressure. It’s recommended to drink green
tea 2-3 times a day and use honey as a natural sweetener when experiencing
Lavender- Lavender is known for its calming qualities. It has an intoxicating
aroma that pus the body at ease, though it’s perfectly safe. To use lavender try a
lavender tea with honey as a natural sweetener once or twice a day. If you don’t
want to drink tea, lavender essential oils put where you can inhale them, such as
on a pillow case before bed, can also be very helpful in relieving stress. There
are many lavender drink recipes to really spice up this natural remedy.
St. John’s Wort- It is best to take St. John’s Wort in a tablet form that you find
at your local supermarket. Make sure no to take more than the recommended
dose on the bottle, because the mg difference in the pill will decide how much
you can take daily. You should see results within days, and this should be a more
permanent solution to managing your stress.

Chapter Twenty-two: Insomnia
What Is It?:
Insomnia is when someone has trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep.
There are extreme cases of insomnia where people do not sleep at all, and these
are highly dangerous and require a medical professional. However, for small
bouts of insomnia where you’ve had trouble sleeping for only a few nights, you
can use natural home remedies to help cure it.
Natural Remedies:
Wild Lettuce- Wild lettuce is not meant to be eaten whole, but you can find it in
a healthy supplement form in most natural food stores. You need to follow the
directions on the bottle, but usually this supplement is only supposed to be taken
once a day.
Valerian- This is one of the more common natural remedies to help with
insomnia. Valerian also may help you fall asleep faster and get to a deeper and
more restful sleep than other natural remedies. You need to take Valerian in a
supplement form, and follow the directions on the bottle. However, usually this
is only taken once a day before bed.
Kava-Kava- This is a natural drinks that originates from Fiji. It’s very popular
in the South Seas. Kava-kava is known to help treat insomnia by relaxing the
body and helping you sleep. Kava-kava is a sedative herb. You’re supposed to
take one cup 2-3 times daily. It’s best to get it prepackaged, but if you don’t have
premade tea bags only put one or two drops of the tincture in a cup of water.

Chapter Twenty-three: Cold Sores
What It It?:
A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth. These can be seriously
painful. Cold sores are actually a type of herpes virus that can be caused by
specific environmental factors that vary person to person. Some of the ways you
can get cold sores are fevers, cold weather, and even sharing drinks. It is also
common to get them if you have physical contact with someone that is infected.
Natural Remedies:
Licorice- Licorice juice will stop the cold sore in its tracks. This oil or juice will
stop the virus from reproducing and start killing it. You can eat this by using a
licorice whip candy and chewing on it, but you have to make sure the candy is
made with real licorice and not anise. You can also find powdered licorice and
sprinkle it over the cold sore, or drop licorice extract on it twice a day until it
goes away.
Milk- Milk is great and inexpensive when dealing with a cold sore. However,
you don’t drink it to get rid of the sore. You have to dab a cotton ball into milk
and apply it to the affected area to get the cold sore to start going away. The milk
is best used when cold. Apply 2-3 times a day.
Honey- When you apply honey to the cold sore it’ll shorten its lifespan by
making the cells slow or even stop reproduction of the virus. This is a rather
sticky solution, but it’s said that it works quickly and painlessly. Apply honey 2-
3 times a day for both relief and a natural remedy for cold sores.

Chapter Twenty-four: Nail Fungus
What Is It?:
Nail fungus is a fungal infection in one or more of your nails. This can be
toenails or fingernails. This infection usually starts out as a small yellow spot
under the nail and then grows to take it over. Nail fungus can cause irritation and
pain. If not taken care of your nail can thicken and then crumble. Try using these
home remedies to get rid of nail fungus.
Natural Remedies:
Vinegar- Soaking in vinegar may sting a little, but it helps to kill the infection
and stop it from spreading. The best way to use this natural remedy is to soak
your feet or hands 2-3 times a day to get rid of the infection quickly. It helps if
you can only soak it once, but it may not get it to go away.
Tea Tree Oil- Tea tree oil is a tried and true remedy for nail fungus. To use this
you need to cut off as much of the infected nail as possible. Make sure to use a
cotton ball to dip into a solution of tea tree oil and water. Then apply to the
affected area. This will work if you do it 1-2 times a day, but for quick results try
to apply this solution 3-4 times a day.
Red Peppers- You can use this in powdered form, and then mix it with water to
make a paste. Apply the paste at least twice a day to the affected area to kill the
fungus. This may sting a little, but it is known to get rid of the fungus quickly
and lessen the pain after it’s been cleaned. Leave this paste on for 10-15 minutes
before washing it off.

Chapter Twenty-five: Allergies
What Is It?:
Allergies are the response your immune system gives when a substance like
pollen is in the air. Even though pollen is not completely harmful, your immune
system is reacting like it is. This can cause a runny nose, stuffed up nose,
coughing, sore throat and sometimes even swelling. Allergies are a very
uncomfortable ailment, and you may also get them from food, dust, and other
objects. If allergies cause swelling of the throat or trouble breathing, see a doctor
immediately. For mild allergies you can try these natural remedies.
Natural Remedies:
Peppermint- Peppermint oil or tea can help clear the nasal passages, sooth sore
throats, and help stop coughing which are all allergy symptoms. Peppermint tea
is best when trying to treat allergies, but make sure that you only use natural
sweetener such as honey. If you only have peppermint oil, you should soak a
cotton ball in a water and oil mixture, 2-3 drops oil to one cup of water, and then
chew on the cotton ball.
Wasabi- Eating wasabi on various foods or just a small spoonful on its own is
said to cure allergies naturally. It causes the tear ducts and nasal passages to start
to clear or water, so the airways will start to clear for allergy relief. Wasabi will
give you a runny nose when used as a natural remedy, but the relief it causes for
allergies makes it well worth it.
Eucalyptus- Eucalyptus is said to be helpful when dealing with allergies, but it’s
the oil that’s usually used. It is best to burn the oil and then inhale it to clear your
nasal passages. This will help you breath better and relieve allergy symptoms.

Chapter Twenty-six: High Blood Pressure
What Is It?:
Blood pressure is how quickly and with what force your heart is pushing the
blood through your arteries and veins. There can be various reasons why
someone can be suffering from high blood pressure. Natural remedies should
only be used for minor high blood pressure issues. Anything that is serious needs
to be seen by a doctor and treated.
Natural Remedies:
Basil- You can add basil into a variety of foods, and you don’t have to eat it raw
to help with high blood pressure. Though, if you want results faster you should
use basil extract in water and make a drink. Drink this daily, and if you have to
sweeten make sure that it is only sweetened with honey. This should make a
healthy drink that will help lower blood pressure quickly.
Hawthorn- Hawthorn has to be taken in pill form because you do not want to
take too much. You should be able to find these pills at a natural food store or
your local pharmacy. The Chinese have been using this remedy to help lower
blood pressure for centuries. Usually this pill is taken once a day, but you should
follow the directions on the bottle.
Celery Seed- Celery seeds are often used to flavor soup, so you’ll find them in
your herbs and spices section of the grocery store. Putting celery seeds into your
diet regularly is said to help lower blood pressure over time. It helps to actually
juice the seeds and celery as well and make a smoothie. This will not help
immediately, but the remedy should help lower blood pressure over time.

Chapter Twenty-seven: Burns
What Is It?:
There are various types of burns. You can get sunburns or burns from hot
surfaces such as the stove or a fire. No matter how you received your burn, you
need to take care of it. If your burn is too severe seek medical help. If you have a
minor burn from the sun or cooking, you can use natural remedies to heal it. You
do not want your skin to peel excessively or for your skin to blister too badly
from the burn.
Natural Remedies:
Black Tea- The tannic acid found in black tea can help burn symptoms as well
as help the skin to regrow quicker. This acid helps draw heat from the burn. To
apply this home remedy you need to use one tea bag to ever one cup of water.
Do not add sweetener because you do not drink it. Instead soak your burn with
the tea to draw out the heat and help with blistering.
Vinegar- This natural remedy can really sting, but it is known to really help
burns. Not only will vinegar draw out the heat of the burn, but it will also clean
the area so that the burn does not worsen by becoming infected. It is
recommended that you use a half a cup of vinegar to every half cup of water to
soak the burn in 2-3 times daily until healed.
Honey- Honey may be a very sticky treatment for burns, but it is a natural
remedy that works. It heals the burn as well as disinfecting the area. When you
apply honey to the wound it will draw out moisture such as puss or excess water
to help the burn heal quicker and cleaning the area. You should apply honey to
the affected area and wrap it with bandages, change this wrapping 3-4 times a
day until the burn has healed.

Chapter Twenty-eight: Constipation
What Is It?:
Constipation is where someone has difficulty emptying their bowels. It can
become painful and after a while even cause abdominal pain. Constipation
usually consists of hardened feces that is hard to pass. It can affect anyone
despite age, and it can be an embarrassing condition. Try these natural remedies
to help you if you’re constipated.
Natural Remedies:
Apple juice- Apples and apple juice are very good natural laxatives when
having trouble with constipation. It is best to drink an 8 oz. glass of apple juice
once or twice a day if you are having problems with your bowel movements.
However, it doesn’t hurt to actually just add an apple or two in a day on top of
the apple juice or instead of it. Though, apple juice will produce quicker results
than just adding apples into your diet.
Rhubarb- Rhubarb is a root, but it is also another great natural laxative. This
helps greatly with constipation. You cook the root after cleaning it, and then you
eat it sweetened with honey. It is only recommended to eat once a day. Another
way to eat rhubarb while still getting the laxative effect is to bake it into a pie.
Castor Oil- Castor oil can be used as a laxative when dealing with constipation.
This is a very quick way to get rid of constipation, so it is not meant to be taken
in large amounts at one time. One teaspoon a day of castor oil is enough to help
with the problem. It is better to take it straight, but it can be chilled and taken
with a sweetener because castor oil tastes so bad.

Chapter Twenty-nine: Dizziness
What Is It?:
Dizziness is a combination of lightheadedness and vertigo. These can cause you
to become disorientated and have trouble with your balance. Dizziness can lead
to extreme cases of nausea and headaches. It is best to take care of dizziness
using home remedies because they are more natural and don’t harm your liver.
However, if dizziness persists chronically you should see a doctor.
Natural Remedies:
Skullcap- Skullcap can be found in the supplement section of your pharmacy or
natural food store. This herb must be taken carefully and according to directions
because it is a sedative. It can help with dizziness and anxiety. Usually one pill is
taken upon the onset of dizziness.
Ginger- Ginger helps with circulation as well as an upset stomach, so ginger
root can calm dizziness. It can be chewed on raw when peeled. However, to
avoid vomiting it is often made into a tea or taken in pill form. If using the
supplement form of ginger, follow the directions on the bottle so that you do not
use too much.
Marjoram- This herb is great when taken on the onset of dizziness. The way to
use this herb is to buy a premade tea because you don’t want to take too much in
is powdered form. It is rare to be able to find a supplement version. Use one tea
bag to every cup of water, and sweeten it with honey accordingly.

Chapter Thirty: Earache
What Is It?:
An earache is a throbbing pain inside of your ear, but it can be caused by a
multitude of reasons. Infection is a common cause of earaches, but it can also be
caused by blockages in the ear, throat infections, a boil in your ear, or various
other reasons. Earaches can be very painful, and it is important you get rid of
them quickly so that they cannot progress. If you do not take care of an earache
quickly, it can get worse and turn into a fever and cause you to have trouble
Natural Remedies:
Onions- Onions are known to help draw out infections, and with an earache it is
no different. There are a variety of ways to use this remedy, but most people just
cut and peel and onion, making sure it is cut in half, and place it over the
affected ear for about thirty minutes. It is also common to boil the onion until
soft and to tuck it into the ear for about a half hour before changing it out. This
should reduce redness and soreness of the earache.
Garlic- You can soak garlic in olive oil and place a few drops in the ear to help
cure the infection and relieve pain. It is suggested that you use this remedy once
or twice daily until the ailment is healed. This will also help reduce swelling, but
be sure to rinse your ear out properly after 20 minutes.
Cinnamon- Cinnamon is used to cure earaches when it is in its oil form. You
add a few drops to water or olive oil before adding 2-3 drops of the solution into
the affected ear and holding it for about 20 minutes. You can remove the liquid
and wash out your ear carefully and thoroughly afterwards. Cinnamon oil helps
with both the pain and kills the infection.

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As a special bonus for purchasing this book, I am
including THREE green smoothie recipes that are
from my upcoming green smoothie book. For being
such a loyal customer, you will receive these three
completely free below!

2 ¼ T. fresh lime juice
2 ½ c. chopped collard greens or spinach with no stems
1 2/3 c. frozen organic mango (can substitute non-organic)
1 ½ c. green grapes
Combine ¾ c. water, fresh lime juice, collard greens or spinach, mango, and grapes into a blender and mix
until smooth, which takes about 1 minute, adding more water as time elapses to reach desired consistency.

1 1/2 c. organic apple juice
2 c. chopped spinach or kale with stems off
1 apple of any variety of choice—unpeeled, cored, and chopped
1/2 avocado, chopped into small pieces
Combine the spinach/kale, organic apple juice, avocado, and apple in a blender and puree until smooth,
about 1 minute, adding small amounts of water to reach desired consistency.

¾ c. coconut milk
2 1/4 c. stemmed and chopped kale or spinach
1 1/2 cups chopped organic pineapple (1/4 of a medium pineapple)
1 1/3 ripe organic banana, sliced into small bits
Combine 3/4 c. water, coconut milk, kale or spinach, pineapple, and banana in a blender and mix until
creamy and smooth, about 1 minute, adding more water periodically to reach desired consistency.

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