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Kayla Rupp

Professor Hughes

English 1201

10 March 2020

Literature Review

“How Can You Lose Weight” is a question often asked by many people. Losing weight is

a common form of dieting however does not always work the same for everyone. In the past

years options for losing weight were much more slim than they are now. We are blessed to have

such many ways that weight loss can be tried and achieved. Multiple people try different diets

and exercise when they are trying to lose weight.

The article written by Marianne Eg, How Family Interactions about Lifestyle Changes

Affect Adolescents’ Possibilities for Maintaining Weight Loss after a Weight-Loss Intervention.

There is a study being conducted that is focusing on how family interactions influence kids

potential for weight loss being maintained after participating in a weight loss program. She

believes that family support is very important and crucial if adolescents are trying to benefit from

intervention of weight loss. The whole family must be supportive if one is trying to go through

weight loss no matter what is going on and the issues that they are coming across. Overall from

this source I believe that family is a major source of success. But, on the other hand the article

written by Jayne Leonard, “16:8 Intermittent Fasting: Benefits, How-to, and Tips,” talks about

there being no limit to what you can eat. He says there is just a restriction in the time that you

can consume the food.

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Next, the article They All Work...When You Stick to Them” talks about support being a

major factor to success. Many people when trying to lose weight do not receive the support and

guidance needed. Having support makes you want to continue what you're doing and maybe

even work harder. Also, having motivation could lead to better progress. I agree with this article

that the support and guidance will make a huge difference in the end.

Furthermore, the study “10 Proven Strategies to Help Patients Maintain Weight Loss:

Patients’ Chances of Keeping off Weight Long-Term Improve with Evidence-Based

Interventions, Such as a Sound Diet, More Exercise, and Attention to More Thoughtful Eating

Habits.” Talks about multiple different strategies in how weight loss can be maintained. One

strategy is to encourage patients to eat at home and stay away from processed foods. This is

important because the article says, “Subjects in the ultra processed food group ate, on average,

500 kcal/d more and gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks.” This shows a difference between processed and

ultra processed foods in which you should stay away from processed foods. Another strategy is

to encourage patients to spend more time exercising. This is a helpful strategy because being able

to maintain a high level of activity is crucial. Finally, another strategy is working with patients to

ensure sound sleep hygiene. Studies say that getting 6 hours of sleep or less is more associated

with obesity, than being on a sleep schedule that is from 10pm to 6am. Overall following these

important tips will help maintain weight loss.

There are multiple misconceptions that come with weight loss. This includes having to go

out of your way to do something that you would like to achieve because it will not just come to

you 9/10 times. “Specifically designed to fit around your lifestyle and the food you like,” is

another big misconception because weight loss programs can not be around everyone's lifestyle.
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Most of the time it is better to eat small portions of the food that you are craving is better than

avoiding it so that the craving for the food goes away. Another misconception is the types of

foods that you should or should not eat or the diets that you should or should not go on.

In my opinion, dieting and exercising help improve one's weight loss. I would like to

further look into specific diets and which one helps the best. I would also like to look into how

many people are obese in our population and why it affects so many people. Also, I am curious

to know if family genetics play a role in one's weight loss. Finally, I would like to further

understand how many people achieve their short and long term goals and how they feel if they

do not achieve them.

In conclusion, doing the literature review allowed me to look at both sides of my

questions and understand it more. I was able to find similarities and differences between my

sources. I am looking forward to answering the questions I have yet to learn.

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Works Cited

Eg, Marianne, et al. “How Family Interactions about Lifestyle Changes Affect Adolescents’

Possibilities for Maintaining Weight Loss after a Weight-Loss Intervention: A

Longitudinal Qualitative Interview Study.” ​Journal of Advanced Nursing (John Wiley &

Sons, Inc.)​, vol. 73, no. 8, Aug. 2017, pp. 1924–1936. ​EBSCOhost​,

doi:10.1111/jan.13269. Accessed on March 17, 2020.

Hynes, Marijane. “10 Proven Strategies to Help Patients Maintain Weight Loss: Patients’

Chances of Keeping off Weight Long-Term Improve with Evidence-Based Interventions,

Such as a Sound Diet, More Exercise, and Attention to More Thoughtful Eating Habits.”

Journal of Family Practice​, vol. 69, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 20–25. ​EBSCOhost​,

Accessed on March 17, 2020.

Leonard, Jayne. “16:8 Intermittent Fasting: Benefits, How-to, and Tips.” ​Medical News Today​,

MediLexicon International, 2 Jan.

2020,​​. Accessed on March 9 2020

“The Weight-Loss Plan That’s TAILOR-MADE FOR YOU! You WILL Achieve Healthy and

Long-Lasting Weight Loss with the New MyWW Plan, Which Has Been Designed to

Suit the Way You Live Your Life and the Food You Love to Eat.” ​Mail on Sunday

(London, England)​, 2020. ​EBSCOhost.​ Accessed on March 17, 2020.

“They All Work...When You Stick to Them’: A Qualitative Investigation of Dieting, Weight

Loss, and Physical Exercise, in Obese Individuals.” ​Nutrition Journal,​ vol. 7, Jan. 2008,

pp. 34–40. ​EBSCOhost​, doi:10.1186/1475-2891-7-34. Accessed on March 17, 2020.

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