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Name/NIM : Alfanuari 19019002

Class : NK1-19

Subject : Paragraph Writing

Preventing Spread of COVID-19

Coronavirus or COVID-19 first occurred in Wuhan, China and now it has been found in
various countries, including our country, Indonesia. Coronavirus has attacked thousands of
people in various countries and claimed hundreds of lives. In order not to get infected by this
infectious disease, there are several ways you can do to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus.

The first is wash your hands properly. Washing your hands properly is the simplest but
effective way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Wash your hands with running water and
soap, for at least 20 seconds. Make sure all of the parts of your hand are washed thorougly,
including the back of your hand, wirst, between the fingers, and nails. After that, dry your hands
using some tissues, a clean towel, or a hand dryer.

The second is that you have to wear a mask when you out from house. Although not
entirely effective in preventing Coronavirus, the use of mask can still reduce the risk of spreading
infectious diseases, including Coronavirus infections. The use of mask is more recommended for
people who are sick to prevent the spread of viruses and germs, rather than healthy people.

And the last is stay at home. It is the most important thing to prevent the Coronavirus
transmission. The government has ordered people to stay at home, working at home, and studying
at home for the students. So if you are a good citizen, do what the government tells you to do.
Just stay at home and do not go anywhere except for very important things.

Those are several ways you can do to prevent transmission of the Coronavirus. Wash
your hands, wearing a mask, and staying at home are not too difficult to do. We all hope that this
bad situation ends as soon as possible. So let us do our best so that this bad situation ends as soon
as possible.

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